

在 triage英文產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5,361的網紅練健輝 Lian Kien Hui,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #PleaseShare #COVID19 #武漢肺炎防疫重點英文版 According to the WHO and Chinese officials, the incubation period of the novel corona virus between disease exposu...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅大麻煩翻譯組JackO,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#Skullgirls #Skullgirlsmobile #Lasthope Skullgirls是一款2D平面格鬥遊戲,故事圍繞在Skull Heart(骷髏之心)這項神奇的物品上,有許願的功能,但只要許願的人心不夠純潔,願望則會扭曲,遊戲中講述各角色自己,以及與Skullgirl所發生的故事 ...

  • triage英文 在 練健輝 Lian Kien Hui Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-03-14 22:19:18
    有 14 人按讚

    #PleaseShare #COVID19

    According to the WHO and Chinese officials, the incubation period of the novel corona virus between disease exposure to the onset of symptoms ranges from 2 to 12 days (7 days on average).

    However,based on the general view,the incubation period of COVID-19could be up to 14 days.

    Based on the current literature related toCOVID-19, the clinical expression ofCOVID-19caninclude fever, weakness, respiratory symptoms (mainly dry cough) and in some cases,breathing difficulties can follow.

    About 1 to 2 percent of the patients might develop severe pneumonia, adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), multiple organ failure or shock, leading to death.Most of the deceased patients had concurrent chronic disease such as diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease or cardiovascular disease.

    There is no vaccine to prevent corona virus infections. Daily preventative steps to take include avoiding affected regions, avoiding local hospitals or clinics unless necessary, avoiding eating uncooked meat or eggs,avoiding being in contact with animals and dead animals,and maintain good health habits.

    Steps to practice good health habits are as follows:

    Please keep your hands clean and wash your hands with soap frequently. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizers.

    However, soap and water should be used preferentially if hands are visibly dirty. You should wash your hands immediately after coughing or sneezing; after using the toilet; and if your hands touch any secretions from your respiratory tract, stool or body fluids such as urine. In addition, please refrain from touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands.

    Pay attention to respiratory tract hygiene and cough etiquette.

    a. If you have respiratory symptoms, please wear a medical-grade face mask and keep at least 1 meter away from others while talking to them.

    b. If your hands touch any secretions from your respiratory tract, please wash your hands with soap and water thoroughly.

    c. If you develop a cough or other respiratory symptoms, you should wear a medical face mask. When your mask is contaminated by secretions of nose or mouth, please fold it, throw it into the trash immediately, and wear a new one.

    d. You should cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or handkerchief when coughing or sneezing. If you don’t have a tissue or handkerchief, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve.

    *Use of masks
    a. Medical-grade face masks are mainly used for preventing the spread of disease and protect people around you. People are advised to wear medical masks when you go to see a doctor or accompany a patient; when you have symptoms of respiratory infections; and if you go out with people with weak immune systems or chronic disease. You should wash your hands frequently to protect yourself from catching illness in other situations.

    b. To wear a medical mask properly, you should ensure that the water-repellent side (usually green) faces outwards. You should not remove your mask when talking, coughing or sneezing to prevent the spread of disease. You should replace your face mask if it is visibly soiled.

    c. Steps to put on a medical face mask:
    i. Open the package and examine if the mask is damaged.

    ii. Put the elastic bands around both ears, fit the metallic strip over the nose bridge and extend the mask to cover your chin.

    iii. Press firmly down on the metallic strip so that it fits around your nose

    iv. Ensure that there are no gaps

    d. You don’t need a face mask in open spaces, including walking on the streets or doing outdoor exercises.

    *What to do while sick
    If you have flu-like symptoms, including fever, headache, runny nose, sore throat, cough, muscle aches, fatigue/tiredness, and sometimes diarrhea. After your symptoms develop, you should rest, take and record your temperature regularly, drink water and eating nourishing food, observe your condition and take symptom-relieving drugs such as pain relievers/fever reducers to observe if they work.

    You should rest at home for at least 24 hours after the symptoms improve.

    You should seek medical attention if your fever lasts longer than 24 hours or is accompanied by other symptoms, such as purulent nasal discharge and purulent sputum, severe vomiting or shortness of breath.

    You should inform the doctor of any history of travel, occupation, contact, and cluster (TOCC) when seeking medical attention.

    You should follow the triage arrangement at the hospital if you have a fever to ensure efficient medical care and the health of medical personnel.

    You should avoid going to school or work, attending gatherings and visiting crowded or poorly-ventilated public spaces while sick. You should avoid using public transportation to prevent the spread of disease if you need to go outside.

    While staying at home, you should stay in a specific room, keep good airflow in the house, and avoid close contact with other people in your home, such as eating at the same table, kissing, hugging or sexual contact.

    People living with the sick person should also pay attention to personal hygiene, wash hands frequently and refrain from touching eyes, nose and mouth with hands. Babies, children and the elderly or people with compromised immune system in the same household must keep at least 1 meter away from the sick person.

    If the living environment requires disinfection, you can apply 1:100 diluted bleach (500 ppm).

    That is, household chlorine bleach (a 5-6% sodium hypochlorite solution, providing 50,000–60,000ppm available chlorine) is diluted in water at 1:100 to clean object surfaces, such as doorknobs, desks and switches.

    You can use disposable teaspoons (one teaspoon is about 20 cc), small Yakult bottles (one bottle is about 100 cc) and large plastic bottles (one bottle is about 1,250 cc) and follow the instructions below to make diluted bleach: �

    a. Large amount: mix 100 cc of bleach (5 teaspoons or 1 small Yakult bottle) in 10 liters of water (8 large plastic bottles) and fully stir the solution before using.

    b. Small amount: pour 10 cc of bleach into 1 liter of water and fully stir the solution before using.

    For more information:

  • triage英文 在 Lily的澳洲獸醫日誌 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2018-05-20 18:25:52
    有 111 人按讚


    一個case是一隻捷克羅素梗一早從家裡跑出去馬路上被車撞,立刻帶來醫院,以急診的名義進來趕緊先做triage,幫他檢查確定生命跡象還算穩定,當下聽右側肺部覺得呼吸聲相對微弱怕是有氣胸(雖無呼吸困難的症狀),加上後腿骨盆處也是明顯有受傷,無法站立,輕輕觸診就能感覺骨頭咔咔咔的,於是立刻跟飼主溝通辦理住院要做X光檢查並留院觀察。當天從鎮靜、X光拍攝(胸腹腔加骨盆)、跟飼主解釋影像(胸腔正常、骨盆三處骨折,一邊SI luxate 一邊sacral fracture+pubic fracture,整個骨盆很不穩定) 以及最後電話聯絡轉診醫院辦理轉診手術的手續都是自己一個人處理, 雖然當下忙得焦頭爛額心裡OS: 我才開始工作第四個月這強度也太大(當天診全滿還要同時看其他診,中午完全沒時間吃飯),但當飼主滿懷著感恩來接他去referral center手術以及隔天從那間醫院收到手術順利的報告時,覺得自己好棒非常有成就感。

    另一個印象深刻的是一隻飼主懷疑耳朵感染的雪納瑞,慶幸我們醫院有耳道內視鏡,在診間檢查時鏡頭一下去就看到grass seed的尾部(簡單來說就是耳道進異物),於是立刻安排入院,麻醉後用內視鏡夾出異物,這也是我第一次自己用耳道內視鏡做異物夾除,最後竟然在小小耳道內夾出了三個grass seeds,飼主看到也頗驚嚇,說他以後不敢亂帶去小溪邊游泳了。



  • triage英文 在 大麻煩翻譯組JackO Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2018-06-22 00:50:00

    #Skullgirls #Skullgirlsmobile #Lasthope
    Skullgirls是一款2D平面格鬥遊戲,故事圍繞在Skull Heart(骷髏之心)這項神奇的物品上,有許願的功能,但只要許願的人心不夠純潔,願望則會扭曲,遊戲中講述各角色自己,以及與Skullgirl所發生的故事


    [ 剪輯與翻譯許可皆已通過原影片頻道同意 ]
    原影片網址: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtoi8EMraQU
    原頻道網址: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClpfW70NNVaYQno8-L4IiLw


    0:36 – get the greenlight 就是得到獲准的意思
    0:54 – 你可以看到Hallow說的Trick是大寫,這是有原因的,在我們的Valentine劇情最後,你可以看到Last Hope的成員代號都是由節日去命名,而之後的劇情你可以看到大量的節日雙關,都與當事人綽號的節日息息相關, 但在Last Hope之中,只有Valentine不是用"情人節"去開玩笑,大多時候她都是說醫學上的術語
    0:54 – Clinical trial 就是臨床實驗的意思
    1:06 – Valentine的生日就是聖誕節當天
    (資料來源: http://skullgirls.wikia.com/wiki/Valentine)
    2:32 – Easter說的Good Friday就是聖周五,耶穌被釘死的那一天,與復活節有關聯性,此處又是一個節日代號的雙關梗 這邊大概是”Oh My God”的意思
    (資料參考: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%81%96%E9%80%B1%E4%BA%94)
    2:55 – lil = little
    3:05 – 這邊Easter說的就是”別把雞蛋放在同一個籃子” 也就是要懂得去分攤風險的諺語,不過我想大概也參一點Easter(復活節)彩蛋與蛋有關係的雙關
    3:29 – Christmas說”Looking to add to your coal collection?” 就句子的意思去翻就是”妳想增加妳的煤炭收藏嗎?” 這邊也是有典故的,傳說聖誕老人會在壞小孩的襪子裡放黑碳而不是禮物,所以這邊Christmas就是用這種方式來雙關”妳又想搞什麼不安份的事?” 為了保留雙關的味道,我們在這邊翻譯成”妳又想上壞小孩名單了嗎?”
    3:39 – Scrub in to help triage也是比較醫療方面的梗,就是分流、分攤照護
    4:13 – 我們的Patricia出現了,有看過我們Peacock故事劇情翻譯的你應該就知道了,這位就是Peacock
    4:46 – 這位Carol又是誰呢? 從未來的劇情翻譯或是這邊Valentine說”符合要求”這幾點中你可以知道,這位就是Painwheel,在之後的實驗中,她被注入Skullgirl的血,被Valentine和Brain Drain改造成Anti-Skullgirl士兵
    4:58 – 不少粉絲很討厭Valentine的原因是,她就是害Painwheel從無辜的小女孩變成那種怪物的元凶,這邊我要幫她平反,其實Valentine當時也有幫Painwheel求情的,不過在那個飽受Skullgirl威脅的世界裡,尤其又是較為極端的Lab Zero, 我想她也別無選擇
    5:48 – Treat 萬聖節Trick or Treat”給糖或搗蛋”的雙關
    6:09 – Christmas這邊相當有領導風範的用手術刀與手術比喻”成功需要很多條件,各個崗位之間的合作很重要” 同時也有個小特點是,Christmas的擅長武器就是手術刀
    7:07 – Pattycakes就是小蛋糕,Patty直接用她自己的代號來雙關小蛋糕
    8:33 – Et tu 這邊相當有趣,這句點故其實是拉丁文的文學名言”Et tu, brute?” 直意就是”Brute,連你也有份嗎?” 後世認為是凱薩在被刺殺之前看到自己的養子也參與在這謀殺計畫當中,在文學中用於被至親之人背叛時所說
    (資料參考: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_tu,_Brute%3F)
    9:04 – Boo! 這就只是萬聖節常出現的嚇人聲,外加還是有Trick這個雙關
    9:23 – Theonite又出現了,可以從我們的Peacock劇情中得知,這是個存在於Skullgirl和寄生蟲兵器中的某種物質
    10:20 – ASG = Anti-Skullgirl = 對抗骷髏少女,前面也有出現過
    11:19 – 這邊的酢漿草也是節日雙關,與Patty相關的聖派翠克節常出現的物件之一
    11:48 – Hallow這邊說的收到牙刷是指,在萬聖節小孩去要糖果時,不喜歡給糖果的家庭故意給小孩牙刷或牙線去諷刺他們吃糖會蛀牙,所以此處也有節日雙關
    12:15 – Valentine在這邊是第一次嘗試說這些Hallow常講的雙關,在前面的劇情當中可以明顯看出,所有Last Hope成員當中,Valentine與Hallow感情最好
    13:05 – 我想Easter想表達的就是增生很快,不過還是用了兔子來跟復活節雙關
    13:17 – Wee lass = Little girl
    13:36 – 這邊也是一個很特別的梗,童話中彩虹的彼端有一桶金子,和守著金子的小矮人,Patty還把Rainbow(彩虹) 改成Painbow(斜音非常相近,但把彩虹加上了Pain痛這個字) 而此處也是節日雙關
    13:53 – Easter又提到蛋了 復活節雙關梗
    15:28 – Valentine老樣子帶有醫學感的句子
    15:38 – Marie會把她們比喻成”要被掃掉的灰塵”,我想除了藐視那些阻礙她的凡人以外,也加減跟Marie帶有女僕的形象有關
    16:16 – Say your prayers! 這句通常在要開槍打死或是砍頭那個人前一瞬間說,就是類似喊出”好好去地域懺悔吧!”然後殺掉那個人,這種情況,而此處Double會說出這話也加減跟她的修女形象有關


    關於我們翻譯組: https://home.gamer.com.tw/creationDetail.php?sn=4035888
    我們的Twitter: https://twitter.com/TransWeed


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