

在 treble是什麼產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2,346的網紅河西羊的健聲房,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 在工作坊時,我會談到麥克風的調音對聽覺的影響,當Bass(低頻)增加時,合適於藝文類的演說;而當Treble(高頻)增加時,則對數理類的教學、演說比較有利。 而在語速上也是有異曲同工的效果,語速的快慢對於藝文類與數理類的理解助益是不同,那麼語速快或慢所受益的內容類別是什麼呢? 我的經驗是語速快對...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅TechTeller,也在其Youtube影片中提到,‼️ 影片未經授權,禁止轉載 ‼️ 採用Hybrid複合式降噪的TaoTronics SoundSurge 46 (TT-BH046)的降噪效果真的挺令人驚艷的。總共內外四個降噪晶片,大約可以消除環境噪音95%左右,以這個價位真的降噪效果不輸給Sony, Bose等大品牌,真的CP值非常高。 值...

treble是什麼 在 Boris Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-11 15:18:04

SAPHIREのサウンドは、まず第一印象として圧倒的にクリアで派手です。しかも情報量が多いので、音数の多さというか、音の津波に圧倒されてしまいます。 高音域はなんの妨げも無く爽快に伸びていきますし、低音は強烈なパンチと力強さを持っています。音のメリハリが強く、明らかにエキサイティングなサウンドなの...

treble是什麼 在 LIL?儷 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-09 14:49:51

_ 一台音響可以透露出一個人的音樂品味🎵 _ 🤘🏿現在家中擺了一台Fender The Monterey 經典中的經典🇺🇸 美國傳奇樂器品牌音樂界的夢幻逸品 Fender 藍牙喇叭 可說是內外兼具 💃🏿📣🕺🏿外型高質感皮革復古設計已先吸睛🤩內在音質低音渾厚❗️高音清澈❗️想聽節奏重一點的音樂BASS...

  • treble是什麼 在 河西羊的健聲房 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-22 06:47:27
    有 20 人按讚












    ※ 一對一視訊個人課,請私訊
    Line ID: joseyang9287

  • treble是什麼 在 TechTeller Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-05-21 14:31:15

    ‼️ 影片未經授權,禁止轉載 ‼️

    採用Hybrid複合式降噪的TaoTronics SoundSurge 46 (TT-BH046)的降噪效果真的挺令人驚艷的。總共內外四個降噪晶片,大約可以消除環境噪音95%左右,以這個價位真的降噪效果不輸給Sony, Bose等大品牌,真的CP值非常高。

    值得一提的是充電5分鐘,使用2小時的Rapid Charge & GO技術,對於商務人士來說可以省下很多充電等待的時間,也是一個很不錯的特色。

    音質部分的話在Sound Signature的調教bass, mids, treble較為平衡,細節度夠、動態表現佳
    適合較為全面的頻段 (ex. 人聲、弦樂器..等混響複雜的歌曲都能顆粒分明)

    1. 音質水準(96/100):
    聆聽了EDM , Acoustic , Rock , R&B , JAZZ, Blues等不同曲風之後,覺得這副耳機的Treble 跟Bass表現都很不錯。聆聽Eagles Hotel California、Queen Bohemia Rhapsody的時候,人聲很清楚,但背景的鼓聲的punch非常棒、Bass聲音、鼓聲的high head、整個Mids, High混響的時候不會糊在一起。這副耳機的sound signature是偏平衡的,但是每個頻段的清晰度都還是維持挺高的水準,detail也很足夠,所以這副耳機是滿雜食而且滿適合樂器多、人聲多,表現細節會更突出。

    2. 降噪能力(95/100):
    TaoTronics TT-BH046就是採用Hybrid複合式降噪,降噪的晶片採用的是AMS的類比降噪晶片,總共是2顆晶片。降噪效果Henry我實測聽兩個多禮拜下來,比TT-BH22有明顯提升,大概有95%的整體噪音消除效果,只要50%音量左右,基本上外面聲音都聽不到了。而且開啟降噪的時候,聲音並不會變差,還是維持很好的水準。

    3. 續航與充電(97/100):
    續航力實測大概80%音量,開啟ANC降噪,大約來到22小時。不開啟ANC的話應該才能達到30小時的標準。不過創新的Rapid Charge & GO技術,充電速度非常的快,只要充電5分鐘就能聽2小時音樂,而大概45分鐘,就能將耳機充滿電。這個技術在耳機居然也實現了,就像手機QC一樣,希望也能越來越普及。

    4. 佩戴舒適性(90/100):

    5. 通話效果(87/100):通話效果還OK,耳罩耳機本身就是強調音質與降噪性,聲音的還原性。較少人會拿耳罩耳機專門通話使用,所以我覺得這部分比較不算是評測的最重要重點~但也納入考量囉,畢竟科技說友們也希望我們做盡善盡美的完善評測~

    6. 連線穩定度(92/100):

    降噪耳機科普、原理、2019年推薦 (http://bit.ly/2nHTlQB)

    【Where to Buy】


    FB - https://www.facebook.com/techteller
    IG - https://www.instagram.com/techteller_3c/


    Product sponsored by #WitsPer智選家


  • treble是什麼 在 最後機會! JW送你《喜愛夜蒲3》電影門票 ,快睇 Feel The Bass MV [官方] [Official] Youtube 的評價

    2013-12-20 11:47:22


    活動日期: 2013年12月2日至12月20日
    送出小禮物: 《喜愛夜蒲3》電影門票兩張 ,名額20位


    遊戲玩法1 -- Share 《Feel The Bass》電影「喜愛夜蒲3」主題曲MV Post到你的Facebook及答問題
    1) Share JW Facebook Page MV Post: https://www.facebook.com/jwamusichk/posts/767647043248912
    2) Share 的同時,講出「點解啲人咁鍾意夜蒲嘅原因」,然後加上 @JW #JWFEELTHEBASS #喜愛夜蒲3
    3) 答得最有創意嘅朋友,即送你《喜愛夜蒲3》電影門票

    遊戲玩法2 -- Subscribe JW Official Channel 及答問題
    1) 按此subscribe: http://bit.ly/JWYouTube
    2) 喺呢個MV留言答問題: http://youtu.be/KSzYrKJeUbU
    問題: 講出「點解啲人咁鍾意夜蒲嘅原因」
    3) 答得最有創意嘅朋友,即送你《喜愛夜蒲3》電影門票


    →收聽及下載Feel The Bass:
    iTunes: http://bit.ly/JW_FeelTheBass_iTunes
    YouTube: http://youtu.be/YsbPFx4KoPA?list=PLKd...
    KKBOX: http://t.cn/8kUs7cm
    MOOV: http://t.cn/8kUszIA
    MusicOne: http://t.cn/8kUswkw

    Feel the bass
    Rap:Al Nutty
    作曲:Jonnic Lee Thompsett.Michael Moog
    作詞:周沂.Alzahn Shemo
    編曲:Jonnic Lee Thompsett.Michael Moog
    監製:Jonnic Lee Thompsett.Michael Moog

    The sound gets better when you feel the bass
    The sound gets better when you feel the bass
    You feel the bass, You feel the bass
    You feel the bass, You feel the bass
    (Feel that) (Feel that) (Feel that) (Feel that) Bass
    (Who scare) (Who scare) (Who scare) (Who scare) Bass
    (Who scare) (Who scare) (Who scare) (Who scare)

    其實我太嫵媚 你喜歡到死
    快HIGH得要飛 我開始有點喘氣
    迷霧裏太神奇 再不懂去飛
    你怎麼去 我總可以伏擊你
    The sound gets better when you feel the bass
    The sound gets better when you feel the bass
    You feel the bass, You feel the bass
    You feel the bass, You feel the bass
    (Feel that) (Feel that) (Feel that) (Feel that) Bass
    (Who scare) (Who scare) (Who scare) (Who scare) Bass
    (Who scare) (Who scare) (Who scare) (Who scare)

    其實我太嫵媚 你喜歡到死
    快HIGH 得要飛 我開始有點喘氣
    迷霧裏太神奇 再不懂去飛
    你怎麼去 我總可以伏擊你
    The sound gets better when you feel the bass
    The sound gets better when you feel the bass
    You feel the bass, You feel the bass
    You feel the bass, You feel the bass
    (Feel that) (Feel that) (Feel that) (Feel that)
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass

    Feel the sound of the bass
    I can see it from ya face
    Creepy crawling down ya waist
    Jumpin and hoppin all over the floor
    Screaming and shouting like you seen ghost
    Treble and bass is whats spooking the place but feel of the beat got you wanting some more
    Scary bass, pump it loud
    Scary bass, pump it loud
    Scary bass, killin crowds
    Scary bass, pump it loud
    Scary bass, pump it loud
    Scary bass, killin crowds
    (Sound gets better) Scary bass, pump it loud (Feel the sound of the bass)
    (Sound gets better when you feel the bass) Hahahahahahaaaaaaa
    (Sound gets better when you feel the bass) Scary bass, pump it loud
    (Feel the sound of the bass) (Sound gets better with you feel the bass)
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass

    JW Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jwamusichk
    JW Weibo: http://weibo.com/u/3169368277
    Amusic Official Website: http://www.amusic.hk/
    Amusic Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Paciwood.AMusic
    Amusic 微博: http://weibo.com/paciwoodamusic

  • treble是什麼 在 JW送你《喜愛夜蒲3》電影門票 ,快睇 Feel The Bass MV [官方] [Official] Youtube 的評價

    2013-12-18 13:19:22


    活動日期: 2013年12月2日至12月20日
    送出小禮物: 《喜愛夜蒲3》電影門票兩張 ,名額20位


    遊戲玩法1 -- Share 《Feel The Bass》電影「喜愛夜蒲3」主題曲MV Post到你的Facebook及答問題
    1) Share JW Facebook Page MV Post: https://www.facebook.com/jwamusichk/posts/767647043248912
    2) Share 的同時,講出「點解啲人咁鍾意夜蒲嘅原因」,然後加上 @JW #JWFEELTHEBASS #喜愛夜蒲3
    3) 答得最有創意嘅朋友,即送你《喜愛夜蒲3》電影門票

    遊戲玩法2 -- Subscribe JW Official Channel 及答問題
    1) 按此subscribe: http://bit.ly/JWYouTube
    2) 喺呢個MV留言答問題: http://youtu.be/KSzYrKJeUbU
    問題: 講出「點解啲人咁鍾意夜蒲嘅原因」
    3) 答得最有創意嘅朋友,即送你《喜愛夜蒲3》電影門票


    →收聽及下載Feel The Bass:
    iTunes: http://bit.ly/JW_FeelTheBass_iTunes
    YouTube: http://youtu.be/YsbPFx4KoPA?list=PLKd...
    KKBOX: http://t.cn/8kUs7cm
    MOOV: http://t.cn/8kUszIA
    MusicOne: http://t.cn/8kUswkw

    Feel the bass
    Rap:Al Nutty
    作曲:Jonnic Lee Thompsett.Michael Moog
    作詞:周沂.Alzahn Shemo
    編曲:Jonnic Lee Thompsett.Michael Moog
    監製:Jonnic Lee Thompsett.Michael Moog

    The sound gets better when you feel the bass
    The sound gets better when you feel the bass
    You feel the bass, You feel the bass
    You feel the bass, You feel the bass
    (Feel that) (Feel that) (Feel that) (Feel that) Bass
    (Who scare) (Who scare) (Who scare) (Who scare) Bass
    (Who scare) (Who scare) (Who scare) (Who scare)

    其實我太嫵媚 你喜歡到死
    快HIGH得要飛 我開始有點喘氣
    迷霧裏太神奇 再不懂去飛
    你怎麼去 我總可以伏擊你
    The sound gets better when you feel the bass
    The sound gets better when you feel the bass
    You feel the bass, You feel the bass
    You feel the bass, You feel the bass
    (Feel that) (Feel that) (Feel that) (Feel that) Bass
    (Who scare) (Who scare) (Who scare) (Who scare) Bass
    (Who scare) (Who scare) (Who scare) (Who scare)

    其實我太嫵媚 你喜歡到死
    快HIGH 得要飛 我開始有點喘氣
    迷霧裏太神奇 再不懂去飛
    你怎麼去 我總可以伏擊你
    The sound gets better when you feel the bass
    The sound gets better when you feel the bass
    You feel the bass, You feel the bass
    You feel the bass, You feel the bass
    (Feel that) (Feel that) (Feel that) (Feel that)
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass

    Feel the sound of the bass
    I can see it from ya face
    Creepy crawling down ya waist
    Jumpin and hoppin all over the floor
    Screaming and shouting like you seen ghost
    Treble and bass is whats spooking the place but feel of the beat got you wanting some more
    Scary bass, pump it loud
    Scary bass, pump it loud
    Scary bass, killin crowds
    Scary bass, pump it loud
    Scary bass, pump it loud
    Scary bass, killin crowds
    (Sound gets better) Scary bass, pump it loud (Feel the sound of the bass)
    (Sound gets better when you feel the bass) Hahahahahahaaaaaaa
    (Sound gets better when you feel the bass) Scary bass, pump it loud
    (Feel the sound of the bass) (Sound gets better with you feel the bass)
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass
    Feel the sound of the bass

    JW Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jwamusichk
    JW Weibo: http://weibo.com/u/3169368277
    Amusic Official Website: http://www.amusic.hk/
    Amusic Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Paciwood.AMusic
    Amusic 微博: http://weibo.com/paciwoodamusic

