

在 treasurer意思產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2,128的網紅睹物斯人,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 第一次作为新加坡五月诗社财政,接待以中国知名诗人北塔为首的诗人代表团,我第一次在各位前辈与诗人们朗读了自己的作品,感觉有些不好意思。Participated in a poetry recitation this evening with local and visiting renowned p...

  • treasurer意思 在 睹物斯人 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2016-12-13 20:15:10
    有 22 人按讚

    第一次作为新加坡五月诗社财政,接待以中国知名诗人北塔为首的诗人代表团,我第一次在各位前辈与诗人们朗读了自己的作品,感觉有些不好意思。Participated in a poetry recitation this evening with local and visiting renowned poets from China. This is the first time I have took part in a national poetry event as the hon. treasurer of Singapore May Poetry Society. 😅😅😅 #chinesepoetry #chinese #poetry

  • treasurer意思 在 尼泊爾達人Ruby Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2015-05-05 01:13:32
    有 374 人按讚

    在介紹這個組織之前,我想先介紹我的朋友、尼語老師──Hari Kumar Shrestha。跟他認識十幾年,當時他來台灣讀博士班,認識不久,只因有網友說想學尼泊爾文,他就很熱心地利用周末在台大學生餐廳教我們,完全不問學費,還是我覺得不好意思才一人收100,是的,才100,他不但要備課影印教材還要在學生餐廳消費,根本沒賺,但他不介意。


    Appeal of HEADS Nepal

    Nepal is considered as a disaster prone country. Therefore, floods, landslides, epidemics and fires cause considerable loss of life and property in every year. Earthquakes, on the other hands are not so frequent, but have the potential for causing the greatest damage due a seismic prone country. Therefore, the risk it faces from earthquakes is very high. Currently, an earthquake with the magnitude of 7.8 has stroke Nepal on April 25, 2015. The damaged around the country have claimed more than 4000 lives and impacted around 7,000 people with great financial and economic losses in 31 out of 75 districts in Nepal. The full extent of the disaster is slowly unfolding and going beyond imagination.

    The Government of Nepal has started to support the earthquake affected districts, however, their supports are enough to the remote and rural areas of Nepal. According to the Kathmandu Post Daily published on April 27, 2015, the Prime Minister Shusil Koirala has also admitted that rescue; relief and search operations have not been effective and urge all the political parties to work in this crisis.

    For providing some supports to the earthquake affected remote and rural areas, Health, Education, Agriculture and Development Society Nepal (HEADS Nepal) is planning to move its volunteers to Sindhupalchowk and Gorkha first, then other affected areas. Therefore, we are kindly requesting you all to help us by providing your financial, moral, material and/or volunteering supports. For the financial support, please use the following Bank Account.

    Bank Account
    A/C Name: HEADS Nepal
    A/C No.: 031400001524
    Bank: Bank of Kathmandu Ltd.
    Address: Samakhushi Branch, Kathmandu
    Contact person:
    Mr Pratap Raj Onta (9803663660)
    Shanker Raj Barsila (9851166703)

    (This fund will be transferred to a separate account of HEADS Disaster Relief and Rehabilitation Funds).

    Contacts for details:
    Chairperson: Pratap Raj Onta, HEADS Nepal (977-9803663660), and

    HEADS Disaster Relief and Rehabilitation Funds Committee

    1. Coordinator: Dr. Hari Kumar Shrestha (977-9843017893)
    2. Joint Coordinator: Er. Ishworchandra Baniya (977-9841254440)
    3. Secretary: Ishwor Prasad Dhakal (977-9803880748)
    4. Treasurer: Binod Raj Onta (977-9803494483)
    5. Member: Raj Kumar Shrestha (977-9851087626)
    6. Member: Er. Binod Shrestha (977-9841456706)
    7. Member: Tilak Prasad Luintel (977-9841410395)
    8. Member: Durga Manandhar (977-9841491570)
    9. Member: Babu Ram Dhankuti (977-9841779251)

    1. All the executives & members of HEADS Nepal are requested to provide their support through this Committee.
    2. All the income and expenditure of this committee will be shared through online regularly.

    HEADS Nepal
    Samakhushi, Kathmandu, Nepal

