

在 trap線上看產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅無影無蹤,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 代表台灣挑戰明年奧斯卡獎最佳動畫短片的《基石》線上看。 基督徒慎入。 A satire animation about Fundamentalism. (English statement below) 去年三月完成的作品《基石》終於決定在今天發布 謝謝指導教授鐘世凱老師的建議與包容,...

 同時也有15部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過14萬的網紅李哈利Harry,也在其Youtube影片中提到,近期,比特幣價格一直飆漲並已經突破 4 萬 8 千美金,現在正朝著 5 萬美金邁進。 以太幣價格也是節節上升,截止 2021/08/21,現在已經是來到平均 3,263.33 美金一個。 難道說牛市已經回來了?🐂🤑 很多人說這是一個 bull-trap (誘多),你覺得呢? 或者你知道什麼是...

trap線上看 在 蛋頭 BG8LOCC? Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-17 10:41:49

❮ ᴅʀᴏᴘ ᴛʜᴇ 幣 演唱會搶先看🔥 |PIZZALI x AcRoss x 蛋頭 BG8LOCC ❯ 從來不怕你看,只怕你一看就把 Replay 點爛! 從小玩在一起的兄弟 AcRoss 與PIZZALI,有著如同佐助與鳴人一樣的好默契,AcRoss 精湛的快嘴功夫與流暢的 flow,搭配...

trap線上看 在 Ezza Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-02 18:42:55

Home Dumbbell 25min Full Body HIRT 居家燃脂25分鐘啞鈴HIRT全身訓練 🧍🏿‍♂️男女皆適用🧍🏿‍♀️ 1. RDL (EMOM 8-12下, 4 rounds) ✅ 髖關節打直後動作就完成了,不要過度拱腰 (Please limit excessive sp...

  • trap線上看 在 無影無蹤 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2018-11-12 18:31:33
    有 154 人按讚



    A satire animation about Fundamentalism. (English statement below)

    謝謝指導教授鐘世凱老師的建議與包容,和一起創作配樂的夥伴 林孝親 Szu-yu Lin,讓聲音和影像配合的天衣無縫, WinSound Studio 紋聲音樂 絕對是品質一流的代名詞,還有一路上幫助本片產出的所有朋友們,謝謝你們!





    [English] Translated by Shannon Yeung

    “On first glance, “Fundamental” might look like a blanket criticism of Christianity, making it incredibly easy to dismiss as offensive or even as atheistic propaganda. Yet if you look beyond the provocation, I
    hope you will realize that it only intends to criticize a very specific component of religion: dogmatic scripture.

    Religious upbringing plays a significant role in shaping the values of a child, values that can easily be upheld for life. This is especially detrimental for obedient children who have yet developed the rational capacity and courage to question their parents.

    When I was young, I genuinely believed that Pokemon were evil spirits, that Harry Potter was a devil in disguise, that listening to pop music would lead to degradation, that watching pornography would lead to eternal pain in Hell. Whenever I struggled to endorse contradictory teachings, I would be coerced into fearful acceptance rather than reasoned into genuine belief. Not only is such threat-based enforcement of religion unreasonable, but the resultant guilt also became an enormous burden that inevitably affected how I perceived others and how I handled my social interactions. The more I engaged with my religious community, the more I doubted the kindness I received. Teachings of faith, love, and compassion simply could not counteract the bleak, evil picture painted by original sin.

    During the production stages of the animation, I could not help but feel furious. I was furious at my young, foolish self and I am still angry at self-claimed justice warriors spreading falsehood in the name of religion.

    Over the years, I have engaged with followers of other religions as an effort to understand. Aside from obvious differences in teachings and rituals, I have found that most religious followers use personal experiences to justify their beliefs, but can never offer a compelling argument to explain contradictions in basic logic and science. Surely, if hearsay was all it took to convert someone, no one would care about the contradictions. Perhaps this applies to some, but the way I see it is that peer pressure and investment into faith tends to mellow out any initial suspicions. Once one conforms to the rituals and adopts the religious semantics by habit, even mere luck points to God. When everything becomes a positive reinforcement of God, one might fall into the trap of believing that their religion is exclusively better than the rest, sneer at other religions, and fail to see just how similarly foolish all Fundamentalism is.

    This film has screened at many major film festivals and the reception has been both positive and negative as you might imagine. I am not afraid of criticism because the plot was inspired by my own experiences and a sentiment shared among my friends. Since the film aired, a significant number of people from the Christian community have told me that my film resonated very closely with their experience too. Indeed, some religious people are stubborn, obnoxious and unreasonable, but there are also many who are incredibly tolerant, understanding and empathetic. I do respect everyone’s interpretation of religion, but for those who feel offended by this film, ask yourself: Do you wholeheartedly believe in your religion? How many contradictions have you deliberately shied away from? If you do identify as religious, are you choosing by your own will or are you pressured by friends and family? Or are you subscribing to religion solely for salvation?

    Please scrutinize your belief with utter honesty. If you are convinced by your religion, please respect other people’s right to believe in other religions too. There is a fine line between respectful proselytization and an aggressive imposition of religion. This should be a free and equal society where all races, sexes, genders, religions, sexual orientations are treated with basic respect.

    Or, if you realize that you have been an atheist at heart the entire time, feel free to cut off your ties with religion! Once you leave the ivory tower, try to examine the world from different perspectives, and I can assure you will find your own meaning of life. The truth will stand the test of time.”


    導演 Director:
    邱士杰 (ShihChieh Chiu)
    動畫 Animator:
    邱士杰 Shih-Chieh Chiu、張明潔 Ming-Chieh Chang
    配音 Voice Actor:
    林冠宇 Guan-Yu Lin、邱士杰 Shih-Chieh Chiu、廖容萱 Jung-Shan Liao、莊采融 Cai-Rong Zhuang、林鼎傑 Dan Lin、陳變法 Bian-Fa Chen
    指導教授 Supervisor:
    鐘世凱 Shih-Kai Chung
    音樂與音效製作Music & Sound Design Production:
    @紋聲音樂 WinSound Studio
    音樂與音效Music & Sound Design:
    林孝親 Hsiao-Chin Lin、林思妤 Szu-Yu Lin
    混音Scoring Mixer & Re-recording Mixer:
    林孝親 Hsiao-Chin Lin

    #11/24日 公投14、15請投同意,落實真平
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