

在 transcribe軟體產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過9萬的網紅國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【所有課程5月17日起請採用遠距教學 (#5月14更新)】 All courses to be fully remote since May 17th (#UpdatedMay14) . 為因應COVID-19疫情的發展,本校所有課程 (含實驗/實習/實作課程),自5月17日 (週一) 起...


transcribe軟體 在 JobUs職場小旅行 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-04-23 15:25:05

「會議或課程紀錄,總讓你覺得落落長,每次都會丟三落四掉一些內容嗎🥲?」、「如果可以你希望在會議當下不僅有文字記錄檔,最好還能有語音檔,以便之後回顧時,能了解當下所討論的確切議題及內容嗎🥺?」  🌟有類似困擾的職客們有福了!今天為大家精選了八款會議記錄的超級神器,幫助你輕鬆且精準的將會議、課程、甚...

  • transcribe軟體 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-05-13 18:04:11
    有 830 人按讚

    【所有課程5月17日起請採用遠距教學 (#5月14更新)】
    All courses to be fully remote since May 17th (#UpdatedMay14)

    為因應COVID-19疫情的發展,本校所有課程 (含實驗/實習/實作課程),自5月17日 (週一) 起全面採用遠距教學,校屬5棟 (共同、普通、新生、博雅及綜合) 教學館教室僅提供原授課教師和助教錄製課程,學生請勿進入,以減少師生到校上課,降低群聚感染的風險,請所有師生包涵並配合辦理。實驗或實作課程若必須到校操作,請老師注意控制到現場的人數至多4人同時在埸操作,務必維持讓學生在操作時有適當的社交距離,也請老師盡量採用數位化方式進行。

    教師可善用學校新一代數位教學平台 NTU COOL,上傳課程影片進行非同步之遠距教學;除了錄製課程內容上傳 NTU COOL 外,教務處已提供授課教師U Meeting與U Webinar企業版帳號,俾益課程進行同步遠距討論、教學,教師應已收到由訊連科技寄出的帳號通知信,透過信中連結即可啟用帳號。教師亦可自行選用熟悉的通訊軟體或直播平台進行遠距教學。

    教師如有錄製課程影片之需求,可運用 EverCam、OBS 等軟體自行錄影,亦可申請使用具備自動錄播系統之綜合教學館教室進行課程錄製。

    另外,NTU COOL 已建有「課程數位化百寶箱」及「數位 TA 訓練課程」,提供老師與助教準備數位教學所需資訊:

    ■ 課程數位化百寶箱:

    ■ 數位TA訓練課程:

    ■ 錄播教室申請說明:

    ■ 課程數位化說明及問題諮詢:

    ■ U Meeting/ U Webinar 帳號諮詢:


    教務處 敬上


    Dear members of the NTU community,

    In case of a further wave of COVID-19, a comprehensive contingency plan will be unexceptionally applied to all courses (including experimental, practicum, and hands-on courses): all courses, regardless of enrollment number or course types, shall be switched to distance learning mode since May 17th. The five classroom buildings managed by the University: Gongtong, Putong, Xinsheng , Boya, and Zonghe Classroom Building are only accessible for instructors and teaching assistants to transcribe their courses. Students are prohibited from entering Classroom Buildings to maintain a reduced on-campus population.

    If it’s inevitable for students to run experiment in an in-person class such as hands-on or experimental courses, the upper limit of students in the same space or lab shall be 4, and appropriate physical distancing and good ventilation shall be maintained throughout the course. Of course, given the dynamic public health environment, the remote-only instruction is strongly recommended.

    Instructors can upload their lecture videos to NTU COOL for asynchronous online teaching. Besides, the Office of Academic Affairs has provided all instructors with U Webinar and U Meeting accounts for synchronous online discussion. To activate the account, please check the NTU mailbox for the activation link sent from CyberLink. Instructors may also use their preferred communication software or streaming media for online teaching.

    To record the lectures, instructors can use video recording software such as EverCam or OBS. Zonghe Classroom Building equipped with improvised lecture recording systems is open for instructors to make reservation, if there is availability.

    In addition, “Toolbox for Digitalizing Your Courses” and“Teaching Assistant Training for Digital Teaching” are available on NTU COOL:

    ■ Toolbox for Digitalizing Courses:

    ■ Online TA Training Package:

    ■ Lecture Recording Classroom Application:

    ■ Distance Learning Instructions & Info:

    ■ U Meeting/ U Webinar Info:

    Thank you very much for your understanding, cooperation and commitment to keep our shared community moving forward in the face of this unprecedented time.

    With very best wishes,

    Office of Academic Affairs

  • transcribe軟體 在 創業小聚 Meet Startup Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-18 14:11:22
    有 19 人按讚

    你的會議記錄小幫手上線啦🥳 美國軟體新創「Scribe」推出 Zoom 會議筆記自動化服務,可以回顧影音、編輯內容,並檢索談話記錄,這項產品也獲得 OpenAI CEO Sam Altman 投資。


  • transcribe軟體 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-10-01 13:19:08

  • transcribe軟體 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-10-01 13:10:45

  • transcribe軟體 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-10-01 13:09:56

