

在 toward發音產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [時事英文] 美國阿札爾部長的「Tsai總統」發音! Is this whole discussion really about diplomatic courtesy and English pronunciation, or is it just another ploy to attrac...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅玉チャンネルTAMA CHANN,也在其Youtube影片中提到,SUBSCRIBE TAMA CHANN HERE- https://goo.gl/2Ow1zA 動画を視聴してくれてありがとうございます~ 【SEE MORE...】CC for ENG SUB 日本的服務員到底説了什麽? 在禮貌上日本人會在服務時説了很多日文/日語 我們來看看到底有什麽 Ta...

toward發音 在 瘋查某尬英文 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-03-07 21:38:16

- 往右滑學 「噁心」的5種說法✨  #開聲音聽發音 #例句在內文 #記得收藏分享標記朋友❤️  「噁心、令人厭惡」肯定有比「I don’t like it 」更精準的表達方式 😑  今天來學5種實用的說法吧!  📌 Ugh! The smell of the can was ...

toward發音 在 張介聰 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-11 11:54:23

Read Aloud. 我說我會陪妳們一起努力,妳們要背默的我也會背,妳們要”Read Aloud”的我也會一起誦唸。學校的Read Aloud教材我會好好練好好讀──下星期三開始我會陪妳們一起動嘴皮子(有聲版)──我也羞於自己的英文我也想勉力追趕一下,妳們呢?有更多時間有更迫切需要的妳們呢?羞於啟...

  • toward發音 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-08-11 21:12:32
    有 530 人按讚

    [時事英文] 美國阿札爾部長的「Tsai總統」發音!

    Is this whole discussion really about diplomatic courtesy and English pronunciation, or is it just another ploy to attract media attention?


    Probably all three? A better way to improve public image might be to invest more in community service, connect with the constituency, and cultivate new talents.

    1. diplomatic courtesy 外交禮節
    2. ploy 計謀、策略、手段
    3. lift public image 提升形象
    4. community service 社區服務
    5. constituency 選區;選區的選民
    6. new talents 新秀

    也許以上皆是? 提升公眾形象更好的途徑可以是透過投入社區服務、增加與選民的互動以及培養有潛力的新秀。

    Focus on issues that count, not make petty arguments.


    HHS Secretary Alex Azar Statement on Meeting with President Tsai Ing-wen (As Prepared for Delivery)

    Thank you, President Tsai [ts-eye], for welcoming me to Taiwan today. It is a true honor to be here to convey a message of strong support and friendship from President Trump to Taiwan.

    I would like to congratulate President Tsai on beginning her second term earlier this year. As Secretary Pompeo said in marking her inauguration in May, President Tsai’s courage and vision in leading Taiwan’s vibrant democracy are an inspiration to the region and the world.

    7. convey a message of… 傳遞...的訊息
    8. Secretary 國務卿
    9. inauguration 就職
    10. a vibrant democracy 有活力的民主
    11. an inspiration to… 為…的表率




    I also want to offer my condolences to everyone in Taiwan on the loss of your former President Lee Teng-hui, the father of Taiwan’s democracy and one of the great leaders of the 20th century’s movement toward democracy.

    12. offer condolences 表達哀悼之情
    13. the father of Taiwan’s democracy 台灣民主之父
    14. movement 運動



    Under President Trump, the United States has expressed our admiration for Taiwan’s democratic success in tangible ways. President Trump has signed legislation to strengthen the partnership between Taiwan and the United States, and in 2018, we opened a new American Institute in Taiwan, a brick-and-mortar commitment to our treasured friendship.

    15. in a tangible way 切實地; 以確實的方式*
    16. sign (v.) legislation to 簽署法案
    17. partnership 夥伴關係
    18. a brick-to-mortar commitment 堅定的承諾 (brick and mortar 指實體房屋,這裡指如磚牆般堅固的承諾)


    *tangible: https://bit.ly/3fQPPZs


    The particular focus of both my discussion with President Tsai and of our trip is highlighting Taiwan’s success on health, in combating COVID-19, and cooperating with the United States to prevent, detect, and respond to health threats.

    19. the focus of... ...的焦點
    20. highlight one’s success on… 強調在…的成功(這裡指台灣的防疫的成就)
    21. cooperate with 與…的合作
    22. detect (v.) 發現、察覺
    23. health threats 健康的威脅(這裡指疫情)



    Taiwan’s response to COVID-19 has been among the most successful in the world, and that is a tribute to the open, transparent, democratic nature of Taiwan’s society and culture. Taiwan had tremendous success in detecting COVID-19, managing the outbreak, and sharing this valuable information with other nations. Taiwan’s success in health and industry has allowed it to extend a helping hand to others, sending needed supplies around the world, including to the United States and Pacific Island nations.

    24. be a tribute to sth/sb 是(優秀、強大或有效性)的明證
    25. transparent 透明的
    26. tremendous success 巨大的成功
    27. manage outbreak控制(疫情的)爆發
    28. extend a helping hand to others 向他人伸出援手



    Again, I am grateful to President Tsai for welcoming us to Taiwan and I look forward to using this visit to convey our admiration for Taiwan and to learn about how our shared democratic values have driven success in health.

    29. convey(v.) admiration 表達欽佩
    30. shared democratic values 共享民主價值
    31. have driven success in… 帶動…領域的成功



    AIT 中英文演講稿:
    https://bit.ly/3kzKCcg (英文)
    https://bit.ly/3gNAjPg (中文)

    圖片出處: https://bit.ly/3fHD8Ac

    完整影片: https://youtu.be/unB8N5d2Fm4





  • toward發音 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-06-23 20:57:20
    有 297 人按讚


    It appears that Ms. Kim will continue to hold South Korea __________.

    Close? Dear? 想知道答案的同學請留言。



    Since last week, North Korea’s state news media has depicted Kim Yo-jong as the orchestrator of a rapid-fire series of statements and moves that have raised tensions on the Korean Peninsula. On Tuesday, the North blew up the inter-Korean liaison office in the border city of Kaesong, and a day later, the North Korean military threatened to resume drills along the disputed western sea border with the South.

    1. state media 國家媒體
    2. depict someone as… 把把某人描述為…
    3. the orchestrator of… 的策劃者
    4. rapid-fire 連珠炮般的,一個接一個的,接二連三的
    5. a series of… 一系列的
    6. raise tensions 加劇緊張態勢
    7. the Korean peninsula 朝鮮半島
    8. blow up 炸掉了
    9. liaison office 聯絡辦公室
    10. resume 恢復
    11. military drills 軍事演習
    12. disputed 有爭議的



    The North’s sudden turn toward animosity with the South — and, by extension, the United States — may reflect a desire to unify the country in the face of an economy further hobbled by the coronavirus pandemic and of a deepening need to push for concessions on international sanctions, said Leif-Eric Easley, a professor of international studies at Ewha Womans University in Seoul.

    13. sudden turn toward 突然轉向
    14. animosity 仇恨;敵意;憎惡
    15. by extension 因此,因而*
    16. reflect a desire to… 反映出…的願望
    17. unify the country 團結全國
    18. be hobbled by 被...約束,限制; 被...絆倒
    19. the coronavirus pandemic 新冠疫情; pandemic 大流行病
    20. push for sth 反覆呼籲;努力爭取
    21. concession(常指為結束爭端而作出的)認可,讓步,妥協
    22. international sanctions 國際制裁
    23. international studies 國際研究

    朝鮮突然與韓國反目為仇——同時波及美國——可能反映了朝鮮在新冠疫情導致經濟更加艱難的情形下團結全國的願望,以及推動國際制裁讓步的深層需求。首爾梨花女子大學(Ewha Womans University)國際研究教授李雷夫(Leif Eric Easley)說。

    *extension: https://bit.ly/2YsbamF


    Whatever the motivation behind the growing tension, it has made one thing clear: Ms. Kim’s consolidation of her position as the true No. 2 in her brother’s government, said Lee Seong-hyon, an analyst at the Sejong Institute, a research center in South Korea.

    24. the motivation behind… …背後的動機
    25. make something clear 將某事講清楚
    26. consolidation of power 鞏固權力

    不論逐漸升溫的緊張態勢背後的動機如何,有一件事毋庸置疑:金與正鞏固了她在哥哥的政府中真正二號領導人的地位,韓國研究中心世宗研究所的分析員李成賢(Lee Seong-hyon)說。


    “As she leads the offense against South Korea like a general, it silences those old hard-liners in the Politburo who may think she cannot be the leader,” Mr. Lee said.

    27. lead the offense 領導進攻
    28. silence 使安靜;使沈默
    29. hard-liners 強硬路線者,強硬派
    30. the Politburo 中央政治局




    South Korean President Moon Jae-in (R) shakes hands with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's sister and special envoy Kim Yo-jong (L) during a meeting at the presidential office Cheong Wa Dae (Blue House) in Seoul, South Korea, 10 February 2018.




    五大線上英文字典: http://bit.ly/2WcDZTH

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  • toward發音 在 葉丙成 Benson Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2017-01-02 03:30:07
    有 435 人按讚





    「魂斗羅」三字的漢字日語發音是「コントラ」,也是它的英文名字 Contra 的日語發音。那 Contra 是什麼呢?

    Contras 是 1980 年代活躍於尼加拉瓜反桑定左翼政權的反革命游擊隊的稱呼。在冷戰時期,美國曾資助游擊隊對抗桑定政權。但當年在美國國會禁止美國政府資助 Contras 後,雷根政府曾非法軍售伊朗,並將收入持續資助 Contras,這成為雷根政府後來很大的醜聞。

    美國政府不僅資助 Contras 游擊隊,CIA 也派人去當地進行破壞活動。而魂斗羅主角正是以阿諾跟史特龍為造型的兩位米國人。魂斗羅過關時炸掉兩座橋,在伍華德所著的「Veil: The Secret Wars of the CIA, 1981-1987」一書中,也曾提過 1982 年 CIA 曾成功密謀炸毀尼加拉瓜的兩座橋。

    而在 1987 年美版的說明書裡提到:

    「You’re about to come face to face against Red Falcon, the cruelest life-form in the galaxy. He arrived on Earth thirty years ago (that is six months time in an alien’s life) to establish a foothold from which he will attempt to conquer our world and then use it as a stepping stone toward his ultimate fiendish goal: domination of the universe.」

    遊戲是 1980 年代發行,在那三十年前正是美蘇冷戰開始的 1950 年代。而 Red Falcon 的顏色也剛好就是紅色,而魂斗羅的場景剛好也是在叢林打游擊的景色。

    更關鍵的是,魂斗羅最後遊戲破關的音樂,曲名是 SANDINISTA(エンディング)正是「桑定」的名字!Konami 所出的遊戲音樂 CD 裡有註明取名如圖所示。


    更...居然只是尼游 Contras 名字的直接音譯!!


    註:1987 NES 美版說明書:



  • toward發音 在 玉チャンネルTAMA CHANN Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2017-02-26 20:00:05

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