

在 tombstone中文產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅每日一冷,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #293#~本日冷知識~ 你知道嗎? 【墓碑符號】 翻開你手邊拿得到的任何一本雜誌,應該都能夠在一篇文章的最後最後找到一個符號,有時候是個單純的黑色方塊或圓點,有時則是該本雜誌的logo,究竟這是什麼東西呢? 這個不起眼的小圖案,原來在英文裡很單純地就叫做end mark或end sign,結束...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過38萬的網紅ajin,也在其Youtube影片中提到,哈囉~我是阿津,歡迎來觀看我的遊戲實況直播影片( ´ω`) pc origin 戰地風雲4 戰地風雲 四 單人戰役劇情 Battlefield 4 動作射擊戰爭多人連線 -----------------------------------------------------------------...

tombstone中文 在 學台語 O̍h Tâi-gí Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-18 21:41:49

#台語歌詞選讀 🔊 Tap to listen 作者 author @ardorhuang 昨日是壁壁頂掛著的相片 今日是車窗外後退的風景 明日是床頭邊未響的鬧鐘 後日是墓碑頂退色的名字 Tsa-li̍t sī piah-pik-tíng kuà-tio̍h--ê siòng-phìnn Ki...

  • tombstone中文 在 每日一冷 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2013-09-12 23:32:28
    有 29 人按讚

    你知道嗎? 【墓碑符號】


    這個不起眼的小圖案,原來在英文裡很單純地就叫做end mark或end sign,結束符號。可能是因為黑黑的就像塊墓碑一樣,又有「終點」的意味,才因此得到tombstone墓碑的稱呼。由於雜誌文章常常圖文、廣告頁夾雜而有跨越好幾頁印刷的情形,讀者可以由墓碑符號來得知一篇文章是真的結束了!

    相同的邏輯,墓碑符號在數學證明寫到結尾時也可以擔任收尾的角色,意思就像中文的「得證」或是拉丁文縮寫的Q. E. D. (quod erat demostrandum)。相信下次閱讀時這個小東西仍會默默陪伴你的!


    [Mr. Thursday] ∎

  • tombstone中文 在 ajin Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2013-10-31 03:00:13

    哈囉~我是阿津,歡迎來觀看我的遊戲實況直播影片( ´ω`)
    pc origin 戰地風雲4 戰地風雲 四 單人戰役劇情 Battlefield 4 動作射擊戰爭多人連線
    ● 定時收看最新影片,請按這裡訂閱頻道 http://goo.gl/K2pnd
    ● 各種生活動態都會貼在FB粉絲頁 http://www.facebook.com/tttd3
    ● twitch直播台 http://zh-tw.twitch.tv/kamiyu666
    ● 副頻道 http://www.youtube.com/user/kamiyu665
    ● 影片清單在此 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEzqZq_wDhpezQs-H7JMXa5OviidIX6v-



    Unlike the Campaign of its predecessor, Battlefield 4's Campaign primarily follows chronological order, and permanently casts the player as Recker. In the beginning, set in Baku, Azerbaijan, Tombstone Fire Team—consisting of Recker, Dunn, Irish, and Pac—escapes the city, with vital intelligence in hand and Russian special forces in hot pursuit.The squad winds up trapped in a civilian's car when it plunges into the sea. Dunn, trapped between the seats and critically wounded gives Recker his revolver and orders him to shoot out the windshield.Reluctantly, Recker shoots the window, and Dunn drowns as the others escape.As Tombstone swims to the surface, the player hears their commanding officer, Captain Garrison, talking over the phone about the intel: that Admiral Chang is planning a military coup d'état, and if he succeeds, he will gain full Russian support, confirming an earlier report from an asset in China.Tombstone returns to the USS Valkyrie, an amphibious assault carrier en route to China's eastern coast.[23] On board, Garrison informs them of the assassination of Chinese presidential candidate Jin Jié, and that Chang convinced the Chinese that the United States was responsible.

