[爆卦]to commence with錯是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇to commence with錯鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在to commence with錯這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者DJennings (建寧)站內MLB標題Re: [外電] 菜鳥Bauer傳出與Montero不...

Miguel Montero又出來爆Bauer的料了



It was common knowledge last season that Diamondbacks pitcher Trevor Bauer
did not do a great job of endearing himself to the rest of the team.

It would be unfair to classify him as having "feuded" with the likes of Kirk
Gibson and catcher Miguel Montero, but it's fair to speculate that his
personality rubbed folks the wrong way, which eventually led to the pitcher
being traded to Cleveland in the offseason.

很多人可能知道前響尾蛇隊的投手Trevor Bauer上個賽季和隊友及教練間有些許的摩擦

With the 2013 campaign set to begin, Montero, who caught for Bauer, admitted
it was not easy working with the young right-hander.

"It was tough," Montero told Arizona Sports 620's Burns and Gambo at FanFest
Saturday. "When you get a guy like that and he thinks he's got everything
figured out, it's just tough to commence and try to get on the same page with


Montero said the goal was to simplify things for the rookie, but the cerebral
Bauer wanted no part of that.

"He would make it even harder," Montero said.


Bauer struggled in four starts with the D-backs, compiling a 1-2 record to go
along with a 6.06 ERA. He walked 13 batters in 16.1 innings while striking
out 17.


It would have been easier for the organization to work through the player's
growing pains had he simply been easier to work with.

"Since day one in Spring Training I caught him and he killed me because he
threw about 100 pitches the first day," Montero said, adding he told Bauer he
should take it a bit slower and work on locating his fastball first before
working on his breaking pitches.


"And he said 'yes', and the next time he threw I saw him doing the same
thing," Montero said. "He never wanted to listen."


As one of the team leaders, Montero is a player who should probably be
listened to. One of the game's better catchers, Bauer's unwillingness to work
with him did not bode well for his future in the desert.


"He's got his ways, and it's tough to change it," Montero said. "Good luck to
(Indians catcher) Carlos Santana there."

"他有自己的調調,這很難去改變的,祝Carlos Santana好運吧!"

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
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star01: :怪 俺 囉 ? 02/13 09:33
fuan791013: :別 逼 我 ? 02/13 12:05
karta328: :瞪 沙 毀 ? 02/13 12:53
Funnnnnnnnny:his personality rubbed folks the wrong way 02/13 14:19
Funnnnnnnnny:可以請教上面這句怎翻嗎XD 02/13 14:19
LoveATJ:最後一句話XDDDD 02/13 16:13
chadtracy:Montero算是脾氣很好的,可以忍這麼久也不容易 02/13 16:47
Krislad:上面那句簡單翻譯就是 他的個性招惹到了隊上的成員 02/13 17:41
sweetste:看來有比應證投球理論更急須解決的事情 oops~ 02/13 18:43
Fallanakin:台灣教練:春訓100球?才練到一半阿! 02/13 19:15
abc12812:Montero也是管不住嘴巴的那型 之前就和前隊友大番薯吵架 02/14 00:15
abc12812:結果直接被大番薯回嗆 "我從來都不喜歡那隻菜鳥" 02/14 00:17
Funnnnnnnnny:感謝大大的指點! 02/14 12:20
sneak: 手是不會貼緊膩!? https://muxiv.com 11/02 08:19

