

在 tired中文產品中有70篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過62萬的網紅The News Lens 關鍵評論網,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【中文常說「累得跟狗一樣」,英文也有類似的說法?】#實用英文 「dog-tired」這個字可以用很貼切的中文翻譯,就是累得跟狗一樣」(狗表示:?),累的程度和exhausted差不多,是指「筋疲力竭的」。 而跟狗有關的有趣片語還有不少,像是「work like a dog」,字面上是「跟狗一樣地...

 同時也有25部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過56萬的網紅kottaso cook【kottaso Recipe】,也在其Youtube影片中提到,English subtitles are available. Click the subtitle button on the screen. 有中文字幕。請按下畫面上的字幕按鈕選擇。 한국어 자막이 있습니다. 화면의 자막버튼에서 한국어를 선택해주세요. ◆こっタソ動物園チャンネル 新し...

tired中文 在 語言學|學語言 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-16 10:21:48

- 📚語言學|學語言📚 Four main types of questions can be found in Mandarin. They are question-word questions, disjunctive questions, yes/no questions, and A-n...

tired中文 在 VoiceTube看影片學英語官方 Instagram Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-03 15:03:33

無力、想睡、心好累😵‍💫 各種「累」的英文形容詞,一次整理給你👇 Tag 每天喊累的朋友們🙋‍♀️ 有發音喔!請右滑看中文和聽發音! ⚡補充⚡ 🥱 beat 疲憊 Beat 較常見的有「打敗,戰勝」的意思,但這裡的 beat 並非動詞,而是形容詞,用以形容「疲憊」。如 I'm beat. I'm...

  • tired中文 在 The News Lens 關鍵評論網 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-03 07:57:12
    有 6 人按讚



    而跟狗有關的有趣片語還有不少,像是「work like a dog」,字面上是「跟狗一樣地工作」,但這可不是批評用語喔…….

    #狗 #狗狗 #英文 #語言學習 HOPE English 希平方學英文

  • tired中文 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-05 11:00:04
    有 6,274 人按讚

    💕「愛台灣,我的選擇」系列第15發:臺虎董事長黃一葦(Peter Huang) 要讓臺虎精釀 Taihu Brewing成為台灣年輕人才發光發熱與實踐夢想的平台

    「儘管我有著東方面孔,但我不是台灣人,家族根源也不在台灣。一直到我念大學時 (美國麻薩諸塞州的威廉斯學院,非常棒的學校),我才透過普林斯頓北京中文培訓班的機會,真正到東亞來闖蕩。

    大學畢業之後,我埋首於數字和表格之間,精釀啤酒陪我撐過了這段辛苦的歲月。我的職涯始於紐約,但後來輾轉來到亞洲 (名義上是去新加坡,但主要是在印尼、緬甸和馬來西亞)。


    成立臺虎精釀的契機出現之後,我立刻想到台灣。之所以選擇這裡,不是因為台灣文化很吸引人 (雖然確實是),不是因為台灣有著厚實的文化傳統 (雖然確實有),更不是因為台灣的好山好水。


    臺虎精釀的商標 (由台灣傑出設計師Jess Lee設計) 由老虎、啤酒花和葫蘆三個元素組成,葫蘆是古代盛酒的容器。

    葫蘆就不需要多加解釋了,但啤酒花是當代精釀啤酒的基石,代表著創新創意的精神。事實上,我們使用的絕大多數啤酒花都來自美國,畢竟美國是精釀啤酒的中心 (過去20年一直都是)。美國的啤酒花產業 (還有麥芽產業) 可以說是世界之最,也難怪經典IPA啤酒中最受歡迎的啤酒花都來自美國。

    商標中的老虎是為了向早期台灣作為「亞洲四虎」(亞洲四小龍) 的年代致敬。當年台灣經濟快速起飛,產業朝氣蓬勃,民眾無不對未來充滿樂觀和期待。


    我們的目標是吸引並培育人才,最終目標希望能夠在台灣發展出欣欣向榮的創業生態圈。Sway是我們成立初期的成員,她一開始是在吧台工作,非常優秀。在小公司工作的好處就是,你可以盡你所能所想去做,Sway後來開始慢慢接觸進口通關業務,現在是我們全球物流的主管 (很不簡單)。

    也許有一天,她會開創自己的事業,進而將這份育才的信念在台灣新創圈繼續傳承下去。」— 臺虎董事長黃一葦 Peter Huang

    💕Why I chose Taiwan #15 – Taihu Brewing Founder Peter Huang leads Taihu to become a platform for Taiwan young talents to carry out their dreams and express themselves

    “Despite appearances, I’m neither Taiwanese nor have roots here. It took college (Williams College in Massachusetts – phenomenal place), to really bring me out to East Asia via Princeton’s immersion program in Beijing.

    Post-graduation, I paid my dues shuffling numbers around in a spreadsheet. Craft beer made it bearable-ish. Working life began in New York, but ultimately landed me in Asia (nominally Singapore, primarily Indonesia, Myanmar, Malaysia).

    Shuffling numbers was not the dream. So, as a responsibly stereotypical millennial, I had an urge to venture out on my own. Ideally, to try something at the intersection of opportunity and interest. Craft beer! The craft movement itself struck a chord - a yearning for what could be, rather than blind acceptance of what is. It is about building communities around delightful products and, critically, wonderful people.

    When the opportunity to start Taihu appeared, my mind immediately went to Taiwan. Not necessarily because the culture is fantastic (though it is), nor because it has a strong cultural heritage (though it does), and not even because the island itself is a magical composition of mountains meeting oceans.

    Ultimately, I chose Taiwan because of the people I met here. There’s a tired trope that you get two families in life, the one you’re born into and the one you choose. For me, that chosen family, well, it seemed like it could be in Taiwan.

    Taihu Brewing’s logo (designed by brilliant local artist, Jess Lee) is comprised of a tiger and hops within a hulu (traditional Chinese alcohol vessel).

    The hulu needs no explanation, but hops are the cornerstone of modern craft beer. They represent the innovation inherent in the space. In fact, the vast majority of the hops that we use are from the United States. Since the US is the epicenter of craft brewing (and has been over the last twenty years), the American hop industry (malt too, actually) is arguably the best in the world. It is for good reason that the most popular hops in category-defining IPAs are American.

    The tiger is a nod to an earlier era when Taiwan was one of the “Four Asian Tigers.” Taiwan’s meteoric economic rise was accompanied by deterministic optimism, vibrancy, and general excitement about the future.

    The tiger represents that energy. That sense of opportunity, positivity, and hope. Taihu’s 167 employees are almost entirely Taiwanese. Internally, we think of Taihu as more of a platform for young Taiwanese talent than as a brewery, a medium for that energy to express itself.

    Our goal to attract and develop talent with the ultimate goal of developing the burgeoning entrepreneurial ecosystem here in Taiwan. One of our earliest team members, Sway, came on board as a bartender -- a fantastic bartender. At a small company, you do what you can, where you can, and Sway ended up taking up some of the slack in our logistics. Now she runs all of Taihu’s international supply chain (no small feat).

    With luck, one day she’ll be running her own successful Taiwanese business, and, in doing so, perpetuate the cycle.” — Peter Huang, founder of Taihu Brewing

  • tired中文 在 讀書e誌 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-03 13:38:04
    有 339 人按讚

    ***閱讀電玩 3 之 3***


    “我名片上的職稱是社長,在我的腦子裡我是遊戲開發者,但在我內心深處我始終是個玩家” -- 岩田社長於2005 年GDS大會開場演講

    “On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer.” -- Satoru Iwata, 2005 GDS keynote speech


    岩田社長在任天堂的十多年期間,領導團隊的造了Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, 還有多款任天堂經典遊戲的推陳出新,在日本以及在電玩界都是一名傳奇的人物。書中有很多他分享自己的文章,也有採訪他的同事與夥伴的分享。從這些貼身的採訪和故事中,可以感覺到他是個親切又有熱情的人,也致力將這種尊重人,與提煉出每個人最好的那一面的用意,融入在任天堂的文化當中。電玩遊戲玩家,擔任天堂的幾個知名遊戲,似乎也傳達著這種孩子般盡情挑戰盡情玩樂的氛圍。

    每次他講到遊戲開發時,好像可以感覺受訪的他眼睛一亮,滔滔不絕再分享每個故事。我覺得很特別的一點,是他致力於將電玩遊戲變成全民運動。光是他堅持把任天堂遙控器,與日文的電視遙控器用一樣的稱呼,就可見一斑。他希望電玩不只是給小朋友或者是刻板印象中的阿宅他希望任天堂的遊戲,就像是任何一個人回到家自然可以把電視打開,舒緩緊張情緒的一個出口。所以書中有講到他如何廣義的延伸電玩,應用在教育訓練,還有體能健身 (還好有他這樣的觀念,才有疫情中大家可以用的Ring 😊)

    他對工作有許多有趣的觀察和比喻,例如講到遊戲應起的設計,他說 "設計硬體就像迴轉壽司,要有所取捨....一直等待找到最適合的才採用” 。每次設計碰到有點卡關,他們會去找設計團隊以外的人來試玩,觀察入門者的直覺反應,讓遊戲的進入門檻降到最低,而持續的樂趣提升到最高。其他幾位夥伴講到跟他的互動時,總是充滿歡笑的回憶,以及在努力工作之餘那種惺惺相惜的友誼。

    我覺得他是把 Flow (“心流” )發揮到非常極致的一個人,基本上可以看得出來工作和遊玩對他來說已經合為一體了。在幾篇中他也講到當人放在最能發揮自己天賦才幹的位置,並得到一定的鼓勵和挑戰,其實不需要他人催促也會盡力想要做到最好,不需要與他人比較。當中他雖然說到,閱讀書籍對他來說不是他擅長的,但採訪其他人和員工,卻有幾位說看見岩田社長大量閱讀,特別是關於行為經濟學,還會推薦好看的書給同事們看。或許真的是他太謙虛了,也真的像是有一句話說的 “只有萬分的努力,才能看上去毫不費力”

    One way of defining a genius is “a person who can endlessly continue doing things that other people might dislike or easily grow tired of and be unable to continue.” -- Satoru Iwata
    (所謂的“天才”可以這麼定義 :就是一個人可以不停的持續做一些他人不喜歡,容易倦怠,或是無法堅持的事情 -- 岩田社長 )

    *****關於“玩” 的延伸閱讀*****

    “Drive" by Daniel Pink
    中文版 “動機,單純的力量:把工作做得像投入嗜好一樣有最單純的動機,才有最棒的表現”

    “Lifelong Kindergarten"
    中文版 “學習就像終身幼兒園”

    兩本讀書心得在這裡 (以前真的寫很少 😅)


    #AskIwata #Nintendo #Iwata #Gaming #岩田聰如是說 #任天堂 #電玩 #遊戲產業

  • tired中文 在 kottaso cook【kottaso Recipe】 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-06 16:00:03

    English subtitles are available. Click the subtitle button on the screen.
    한국어 자막이 있습니다. 화면의 자막버튼에서 한국어를 선택해주세요.


    Thank you for watching
    I want to deliver delicious Japanese-food recipes to the world


    ● Somen noodles: 200g
    ● Mirin: 2 tablespoons
    ● Soy sauce: 2 tablespoons
    ● Chicken broth: 2 teaspoons
    ● SOMI shantung: 1 teaspoon (you can also use Weipa)
    ● Sugar: 1 teaspoon (you can use lakanto to reduce the sugar content)
    ● Dou ban jiang: 1 teaspoon (gochujang is also okay)
    ● Bonito powder: 1 to 2 teaspoons
    ● Chicken oil or sesame oil: as desired
    ● Water: About 350ml (hot and cold water combined)
    ● Black pepper, white pepper, small green onion, Ra-yu to taste
    ※Taste after adding 350ml and adjust the taste to your liking.
    ※If you don't like the spiciness, you can replace Dou ban jiang with miso.
    ※Chicken oil hardens at low temperatures, so if you refrigerate it, pour it over the soup just before eating. (It can be refrigerated for about a month)
    This is the best chilled ramen made with somen noodles!
    I made "Yamitsuki Mugen Soumen".
    It has a deep flavor and richness that you can't believe it was made in just 3 minutes, yet it's super light, healthy, and the most addictive soup that you can eat every day and never get tired of.
    This is a recipe that I am proud to recommend to everyone who has tried it, and I have been told many times that they have never had such a delicious somen dish♪
    It tastes great with just the soup and somen, and of course it tastes great with Chinese noodles too.
    It's too easy to make, so please give it a try.
    It's really as good as a ramen restaurant♪
    It's so amazingly good that it's almost like a drink lol
    And if you have time, definitely try making some chicken ham (salad chicken) and chicken oil too!


    #こっタソの自由気ままに #やみつき無限そうめん #JapaneseCuisine #Ramen #JapaneseCooking #ラーメン #サラダチキン #ヘルシー #鶏ハム #むね肉柔らかく #揖保乃糸 #油そうめん #拉麵 #라면 #龍鬚麵 #소면 #아부라소바 #減肥 #低糖質おつまみ #糖質制限レシピ #ヤセ筋 #低糖質レシピ #ヘルシー #ダイエットレシピ #激痩せ #ロカボレシピ #dietfood #lowcarbdiet #dietrecipe #晩ごはんレシピ #ご飯泥棒 #おかず #極上レシピ #ワンパンレシピ #時短レシピ #おうちごはん #至福の料理 #ご飯のお供 #太らないレシピ #やみつきレシピ #酒のつまみ #簡単つまみ #こっタソレシピ #男飯レシピ #mukbang #먹방 #男子ごはん #HomeCooking #StayHome #大食い #男ウケ料理 #晩酌 #自炊 #酒の肴 #簡単レシピ #弁当 #作り置き #Bento #recipesfordinner #マツコの知らない世界 #WithMe #Eazyrecipe #モッパン #から揚げ #唯一無二の絶品レシピ #こっタソ動物園

  • tired中文 在 itsAmanda! Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-04-19 16:52:51

    There’s no score available, this cover was done by ear.


    所有歌的key我都是照著原本的 沒有升高或降低
    因為我覺得人家歌手寫那個key一定有他的道理 所以我就是一定要照著他的key彈!

    他的歌我聽最多 所也才有辦法做接歌
    但那每首歌只需要彈15秒 所以很容易
    這次彈這個一鏡到底 連著六首
    我只能說 差點沒被我自己搞死🤣
    因爲一鏡到底 沒有修音的緣故

    Here is a mashup of six songs I’ve pieced together from Jay Chou! @周杰倫 Jay Chou
    I played all the songs with its original keys because I feel like there must be a reason the singer chose these keys for the songs.

    Jay Chou has been my favorite Taiwanese singer since I was young - you won’t get tired of his songs easily because the melodies, chords and lyrics are just so unique.

    I actually improvised Jay Chou’s songs on my Instagram before (you guys can still see it on my Instagram Highlight.) That was easy because I only had to play 15 seconds for each song:))
    But now, there are six songs in a row, with a duration of 11 minutes in total (all done in one take)...so you might hear some wrong notes:p
    Anyway, I hope you guys will love this cover the same as I do👾💞

    Microphone: https://bit.ly/3pJrEkB​​
    Interface: https://bit.ly/3bNyXTJ​

    🔎Find me on Instagram: itsamandalo
    📩Contact me: piano860623@gmail.com

  • tired中文 在 九粒Jolie 你的英文Bestie Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-12-09 22:04:29

    九粒Jolie 首支單曲!!! 親自作詞作曲饒舌到舌頭都打結的ABCD。
    想要把我們從小耳熟能詳的ABCD 歌改編成我們都能一起唱又勵志的饒舌歌。
    這首ABCD 希望讓九粉們能夠跟著我一起唱出來,
    以後出去就可以跟別人說:" 欸我英文很屌哦! 我會英文饒舌欸嘿嘿!”
    哈哈哈 沒有啦!開玩笑。

    這首歌也在Spotify & Apple Music 上架囉!


    連結點起來,優惠搶起來!👉🏻 https://bit.ly/3q4ZW39 

    此頻道驚喜連連 除了讓你開心偶英文以外 還會不定期的出一些讓你下巴掉下來的影片 還不趕快訂起來😏
    👉🏻  https://www.youtube.com/joliechi

    詞 Lyricist:九粒 Jolie 
    曲 Composer:九粒 Jolie 
    編曲 Arranger:MTC Beatz 
    錄音師 Recording Artist:林清智 Zachary Lin
    混音師 Mixing Engineers:Josh & Rob

    It’s Jolie b your TBT

    Who? What? Why? When? Where? 
    Do you really care? 
    Come and sit your ass down over here
    Open your mouth and ears 
    It won’t be your nightmare. You’ll get it I swear I swear 
    321 let go

    A is for Apple 
    B is for Ball
    C is for Candy 
    D is for Door
    Apple Ball Candy Door 
    Apple Ball Candy Door 
    Say it with me! Apple Ball Candy Door 

    Seriously Jolie? Are you for real? 
    I’m kidding.
    I know these vocabs be too easy.  You are never gonna use it. 
    Are you ready? Life’s a party. Let’s get crazy. 

    A is your Ass. want you to shake dat ass. 
    B is that Bitch you hate. That bitch your hot ex dates.
    C for Can D for Do 
    Yes you can do this too (I see you)
    E for Excuse. Excuse me, can I get some water, please? 

    Life’s a struggle 
    Don’t want to be a muggle 
    想出國 雅思托福要先通過
    出國後hustle 獨立自主要double 
    Life’s a puzzle 
    要努力拼湊 才能chuckle 
    Life’s a struggle 
    don’t want to be a muggle 

    Be humble. 以後的hustle gonna double 
    In this jungle, you’ll be in a lot of troubles
    Life’s a puzzle 要努力拼湊才能chuckle 

    I know English grammars so not fair 
    Their explanation be not clear 
    We spent so many years 
    had so many tears, been living in fear, I need this for my career 
    Come on, I don’t want to be like Britney Spears.

    Life’s a struggle 
    Don’t want to be a muggle 
    想出國 雅思托福要先通過
    出國後hustle 獨立自主要double 
    Life’s a puzzle 
    要努力拼湊 才能chuckle 

    I’m tired of it I’m done with it 
    Please tell me how to make a change 
    Fucking hate sounding so strange 
    Getting minimum wage 
    Spending life in a cage 
    For real it’s time to make a change 

    跌倒失敗又怎樣 we are still so fucking young 
    女大當自強想要狂 just sing this bomb ass song
    Life’s a struggle. Don’t want to be a muggle 
    想出國 雅思托福要先通過
    出國後hustle 獨立自主要double 
    Life’s a puzzle 努力拼湊才能chuckle 

    Life’s a struggle. Don’t want to be a muggle 
    Be humble. 以後的hustle gonna double 
    In this jungle, you’ll get in a lot of troubles
    Life’s a puzzle 要努力拼湊才能chuckle

    製作 Production:創造影像工作室
    導演 Director: 蔡佳穎 Charlie Tsai 
    製片 Producer:書華 Shu Hua
    導演助理 2nd AD: 王安宜 An Yi Wang
    製片助理 PA:Fish Hsu 許庭瑜
    攝影師 DP:Roux Chen 陳希如
    二機攝影師 B Cam DP:小光 Light
    攝影大助 1st AC: 鍾喬程 Calvin Chung 
    燈光師 Gaffer:Ben Lau 劉本淵
    燈光助理 Best Boy:施晴蓁 Helena Shih
    美術 Art Director:游蕎豫 Qiao Yu You
    美術助理 Assistants Art Director: 程凱揚 Kai Young Cheng, 、莊雁婷 Yan Ting Zhuang
    造型師Makeup & Hair Artists:Erica 詹于慧 、Sini Tong 湯湯
    服裝造型 Stylist:Jolie Chi 九粒
    剪接師 Editor:Charlie Tsai 蔡佳穎
    調光師 Colorist:Roux Chen 陳希如
    字幕師 Title Design: Jason Xiao 蕭董 


    特別感謝:我的神母親大人、Yayun Hsu、AJ Li 、 Joanne Lin、 米鹿、好運道具、吉利貨車出租、銘傳大學環管督導、李亮辰、林力誠、彭楷翔、李品萱、張詠琳、魏采綾、陳柏臻、酷炫阿唐、詹舒涵、辜郁綺、張朔豪、Amy Liu、Rachel、Grace

    #ABCD #英文國歌 #唱出你的心聲

