金jīn( #gold), 木mù (wood), 土tû (earth ), I assume there are still 火hûo(fire) and 水shûi (water) hidden at somewhere we can’t see, which are the #fivepha...
金jīn( #gold), 木mù (wood), 土tû (earth ), I assume there are still 火hûo(fire) and 水shûi (water) hidden at somewhere we can’t see, which are the #fivephases (wû xíng) in the #Chinese #philosophy. 😌 honestly, this is simple yet so far the coolest and most #decent #chinesetattoo that I’ve seen. 😎🀄️ #cool #style #mode #chic #tattoo #geneva
Or, terre, bois, je crois que c’est vraiment le meilleur #tatouage #chinois j’ai vu jusqu’à présent. #cool #tiptop #geneve /
#五行 的概念套在白皙肌膚上,
這外國人很有 #sense,
是我看過最 #酷 的 #中文 #刺青 了!👍💯