

在 tiled中文產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [教育時評] Los Angeles Central Library (洛杉磯中央圖書館) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Nothing to do on Valentine’s Day? No worries! No matter whether you are single or not, go to ...

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    2020-02-14 14:30:59
    有 180 人按讚

    [教育時評] Los Angeles Central Library (洛杉磯中央圖書館)


    Nothing to do on Valentine’s Day? No worries! No matter whether you are single or not, go to the library and read some books. Maybe you will meet someone there!



    The historic Central Library Goodhue building was constructed in 1926 and is a Downtown Los Angeles landmark. It received the National Medal for Museum and Library Service, the nation's highest honor given to museums and libraries for service to the community.

    1. historic 歷史上著名(或重要)的,有歷史意義的
    2. historical 歷史的;有關歷史的
    3. a landmark 一個地標
    4. the highest honor (that is) given 被授予最高榮譽
    5. a service to the community 對社區的服務



    The Los Angeles Public Library was selected for its success in meeting the needs of Angelenos and providing a level of social, educational, and cultural services unmatched by any other public institution in the city. The award recognizes the library's programs that help people on their path to citizenship, earn their high school diploma, manage personal finances and access health and well-being services and resources.

    6. be selected for its success 因其成功而入選
    7. meet the needs 滿足需求
    8. social, educational, and cultural service 社會、教育和文化服務
    9. be unmatched by 無法比擬的
    10. public institution 公共機構
    11. path to citizenship 公民之路
    12. high school diploma 高中文憑
    13. manage personal finances 管理個人財務
    14. access well-being services and resources 獲得福祉服務與資源



    The original Los Angeles Central Library with designed with influences of ancient Egyptian and Mediterranean Revival architecture. The central tower is topped with a tiled mosaic pyramid with suns on the sides with a hand holding a torch representing the "Light of Learning" at the apex. Other elements include sphinxes, snakes, and celestial mosaics.

    15. ancient Egyptian and Mediterranean Revival architecture 古代埃及和地中海復興式建築
    16. central tower 中央高塔
    17. mosaic pyramid 鑲有馬賽克瓷磚的金字塔
    18. at the apex 在頂端
    19. sphinxes and snakes 獅身人面像與蛇



    The interior of the library is decorated with various figures, statues, chandeliers, and grilles, notably a four-part mural by illustrator Dean Cornwell depicting stages of the History of California which was completed around 1933.[18] The building is a designated Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument, and is on the National Register of Historic Places.

    20. be decorated with 以…裝飾
    21. figures, statues, chandeliers, and grilles 畫像,雕像,枝形吊燈與護欄
    22. a mural 壁畫
    23. depict 描繪
    24. be designated as 被指定為

    圖書館的內部以各種畫像,雕像,枝形吊燈與護欄裝飾,特別是畫家Dean Cornwell繪製的四組壁畫,這組1933年左右完成的壁畫描繪了加利福尼亞歷史的各個階段。該建築被指定為洛杉磯歷史文化古蹟,也是登錄國家歷史古蹟。

    Oodi Helsinki Central Library (赫爾辛基頌歌中央圖書館): http://bit.ly/2HjpN2g

    Vancouver Public Library (溫哥華公共圖書館): http://bit.ly/2tOiJYe



    教育時評: http://bit.ly/39ABON9

