

在 thrown中文產品中有11篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過53萬的網紅黃之鋒 Joshua Wong,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【Joshua Wong speaking to the Italian Senate】#意大利國會研討會演說 —— 呼籲世界在大學保衛戰一週年後與香港人站在同一陣線 中文、意大利文演說全文:https://www.patreon.com/posts/44167118 感謝開創未來基金會(Fon...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過38萬的網紅CH Music Channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,《SPARK-AGAIN》 Ash flame / 焰火餘燼 作詞 / Lyricist:aimerrhythm 作曲 / Composer:永澤和真 編曲 / Arranger:玉井健二、 百田留衣 歌 / Singer:Aimer 翻譯:澄野(CH Music Channel) 意譯:CH(CH...

  • thrown中文 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-11-22 11:31:35
    有 1,599 人按讚

    【Joshua Wong speaking to the Italian Senate】#意大利國會研討會演說 —— 呼籲世界在大學保衛戰一週年後與香港人站在同一陣線


    感謝開創未來基金會(Fondazione Farefuturo)邀請,讓我透過視像方式在意大利國會裡舉辦的研討會發言,呼籲世界繼續關注香港,與香港人站在同一陣線。



    【The Value of Freedom: Burning Questions for Hong Kongers】

    Good morning. I have the privilege today to share some of my thoughts and reflections about freedom, after taking part in social activism for eight years in Hong Kong. A movement calling for the withdrawal of the extradition law starting from last year had escalated into a demand for democracy and freedom. This city used to be prestigious for being the world’s most liberal economy, but now the infamous authoritarian government took away our freedom to election, freedom of assembly, freedom of expression and ideas.

    Sometimes, we cannot avoid questioning the cause we are fighting for, the value of freedom. Despite a rather bleak prospect, why do we have to continue in this struggle? Why do we have to cherish freedom? What can we do to safeguard freedom at home and stay alert to attacks on freedom? In answering these questions, I hope to walk through three episodes in the previous year.

    Turning to 2020, protests are not seen as frequently as they used to be on the media lens, partly because of the pandemic, but more importantly for the authoritarian rule. While the world is busy fighting the pandemic, our government took advantage of the virus to exert a tighter grip over our freedom. Putting the emergency laws in place, public assemblies in Hong Kong were banned. Most recently, a rally to support press freedom organized by journalists was also forbidden. While many people may ask if it is the end of street activism, ahead of us in the fight for freedom is another battleground: the court and the prison.

    Freedom Fighters in Courtrooms and in Jail

    Part of the huge cost incurred in the fight for freedom and democracy in Hong Kong is the increasing judicial casualties. As of today, more than 10 thousand people have been arrested since the movement broke out, more than a hundred of them are already locked up in prison. Among the 2,300 protestors who are prosecuted, 700 of them may be sentenced up to ten years for rioting charges.

    Putting these figures into context, I wish to tell you what life is like, as a youngster in today’s Hong Kong. I was humbled by a lot of younger protestors and students whose exceptional maturity are demonstrated in courtrooms and in prison. What is thought to be normal university life is completely out of the question because very likely the neighbour next door or the roommate who cooked you lunch today will be thrown to jail on the next.

    I do prison visits a few times a month to talk to activists who are facing criminal charges or serving sentences for their involvement in the movement. It is not just a routine of my political work, but it becomes my life as an activist. Since the movement, prison visits has also become the daily lives of many families.

    But it is always an unpleasant experience passing through the iron gates one after one to enter the visitors’ room, speaking to someone who is deprived of liberty, for a selflessly noble cause. As an activist serving three brief jail terms, I understand that the banality of the four walls is not the most difficult to endure in jail. What is more unbearable is the control of thought and ideas in every single part of our daily routine enforced by the prison system. It will diminish your ability to think critically and the worst of it will persuade you to give up on what you are fighting for, if you have not prepared it well. Three years ago when I wrote on the first page of prison letters, which later turned into a publication called the ‘Unfree Speech’, I was alarmed at the environment of the prison cell. Those letters were written in a state in which freedom was deprived of and in which censorship was obvious. It brings us to question ourselves: other than physical constraints like prison bars, what makes us continue in the fight for freedom and democracy?

    Mutual Support to activists behind-the-scene

    The support for this movement is undiminished over these 17 months. There are many beautiful parts in the movement that continue to revitalise the ways we contribute to this city, instead of making money on our own in the so-called global financial centre. In particular, it is the fraternity, the mutual assistance among protestors that I cherished the most.

    As more protestors are arrested, people offer help and assistance wholeheartedly -- we sit in court hearings even if we don’t know each other, and do frequent prison visits and write letters to protesters in detention. In major festivals and holidays, people gathered outside the prison to chant slogans so that they won’t feel alone and disconnected. This is the most touching part to me for I also experienced life in jail.

    The cohesion, the connection and bonding among protestors are the cornerstone to the movement. At the same time, these virtues gave so much empowerment to the mass public who might not be able to fight bravely in the escalating protests. These scenes are not able to be captured by cameras, but I’m sure it is some of the most important parts of Hong Kong’s movement that I hope the world will remember.

    I believe this mutual support transcends nationality or territory because the value of freedom does not alter in different places. More recently, Twelve Hongkong activists, all involved in the movement last year, were kidnapped by China’s coastal guard when fleeing to Taiwan for political refugee in late-August. All of them are now detained secretly in China, with the youngest aged only 16. We suspect they are under torture during detention and we call for help on the international level, putting up #SAVE12 campaign on twitter. In fact, how surprising it is to see people all over the world standing with the dozen detained protestors for the same cause. I’m moved by activists in Italy, who barely knew these Hong Kong activists, even took part in a hunger strike last month calling for immediate release of them. This form of interconnectivity keeps us in spirit and to continue our struggle to freedom and democracy.

    Understanding Value of freedom in the university battle
    A year ago on this day, Hong Kong was embroiled in burning clashes as the police besieged the Polytechnic University. It was a day we will not forget and this wound is still bleeding in the hearts of many Hong Kongers. A journalist stationed in the university at that time once told me that being at the scene could only remind him of the Tiananmen Square Massacre 31 years ago in Beijing. There was basically no exit except going for the dangerous sewage drains.

    That day, thousands of people, old or young, flocked to districts close to the university before dawn, trying to rescue protestors trapped inside the campus. The reinforcements faced grave danger too, for police raided every corner of the small streets and alleys, arresting a lot of them. Among the 800+ arrested on a single day, 213 people were charged with rioting. For sure these people know there will be repercussions. It is the conscience driving them to take to the streets regardless of the danger, the conscience that we should stand up to brutality and authoritarianism, and ultimately to fight for freedoms that are guaranteed in our constitution. As my dear friend, Brian Leung once said, ‘’Hong Kong Belongs to Everyone Who Shares Its Pain’’. I believe the value of freedom is exemplified through our compassion to whom we love, so much that we are willing to sacrifice the freedom of our own.

    Defending freedom behind the bars

    No doubt there is a terrible price to pay in standing up to the Beijing and Hong Kong government. But after serving a few brief jail sentences and facing the continuing threat of harassment, I learnt to cherish the freedom I have for now, and I shall devote every bit what I have to strive for the freedom of those who have been ruthlessly denied.

    The three episodes I shared with you today -- the courtroom, visiting prisoners and the battle of university continue to remind me of the fact that the fight for freedom has not ended yet. In the coming months, I will be facing a maximum of 5 years in jail for unauthorized assembly and up to one ridiculous year for wearing a mask in protest. But prison bars would never stop me from activism and thinking critically.

    I only wish that during my absence, you can continue to stand with the people of Hong Kong, by following closely to the development, no matter the ill-fated election, the large-scale arrest under National Security Law or the twelve activists in China. To defy the greatest human rights abusers is the essential way to restore democracy of our generation, and the generation following us.


  • thrown中文 在 Christopher Doyle 杜可風 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-06-08 17:28:42
    有 216 人按讚

    Flattening The Curve: Starting over








    For close to ten years I had traveled the world.

    I had been a “foreigner”, a “ farang”, a “gweilo” all through what are most people’s “formative years”.

    I had spoken so little of my native English for so long, I could barely form a sentence anymore. I spoke pidgin versions of many languages but I wanted to find a new voice.

    I wanted to grow in a new language as a child grows in its own.

    I already knew a little Spanish and Arabic, but I knew nothing of Chinese or China, so I would be really new born innocent, really learning from nothing.

    When I was three years old, my dad had thrown me into the sea ( he was a little drunk) to see how quickly I would learn to swim.

    This time round I am throwing myself into a sea of Chinese words and ways to see with new eyes, to learn to swim in a new way.

    #彌敦道 #香港 #霓虹燈
    #NathanRoad #HongKong #neonlight

  • thrown中文 在 おしゃれキリ教室 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-11-13 22:47:53
    有 159 人按讚




    對於中大校園昨日 (11月12日)發生的連串衝突、暴力及違法行為,大學深表遺憾,並予以強烈譴責。儘管校長及高層人員屢次嘗試作出調停及談判,最終都因雙方持續對峙而不果。在對峙及衝突過程中,在場人士持續投擲汽油彈及攻擊物品等,警方亦多次發射催淚彈及橡膠彈等,導致校內多名員生受傷,大學深表遺憾及歉意。



    Statement by The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) expresses deep regret and strong condemnation over the sequence of conflicts and violent, unlawful activities which took place on the CUHK campus yesterday (12 November). Despite multiple attempts to coordinate and negotiate with both parties made by the Vice-Chancellor and senior management, the negotiation ultimately failed due to sustained confrontation. Petrol bombs and injurious objects were continuously thrown by the crowd present during the confrontation, while the police fired volleys of tear gas and rubber bullets. The University is saddened to learn that a number of colleagues and students were injured in these incidents.

    CUHK has the responsibility to ensure the safety of all staff and students on campus. All forms of violence or acts that pose a danger to others are prohibited. If anyone should use the campus for any illegal or violent activities, the University is duty bound to invoke its established rules and regulations to safeguard the security of the campus and the safety of all CUHK members. The University sincerely appeals to all members of the University and different sectors of the community to give us time and space for a prompt restoration of order and function on campus, so that the University can carry on with our primary mission of teaching and learning to service the community by means of knowledge creation and dissemination.

    Upon learning of the arrest of CUHK students yesterday, Professor Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK, went to the police station to visit the arrested students. Three students were subsequently released on bail and provided medical and legal assistance. The University will continue to provide appropriate assistance to other injured members of the University.

  • thrown中文 在 CH Music Channel Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-09-10 06:18:35

    Ash flame / 焰火餘燼
    作詞 / Lyricist:aimerrhythm
    作曲 / Composer:永澤和真
    編曲 / Arranger:玉井健二、 百田留衣
    歌 / Singer:Aimer
    翻譯:澄野(CH Music Channel)
    意譯:CH(CH Music Channel)
    English Translation: CH(CH Music Channel)

    背景 / Background - Memory - tarbo:


    Copyright Info:
    Be aware this channel is for promotion purposes only without any illegal profit. All music's ownership belongs to the original creators.
    Please support the original creator.


    If you like my videos, please click like and subscribe! Thx :)

    Check my Facebook page for more information!

    中文翻譯 / Chinese Translation :

    日文歌詞 / Japanese Lyrics :
    うらぶれたシグナル 無暗に光らせ
    果てない迷路 進んだってどうせ
    a 9 days wonder 絡まった旋律
    解かぬままリピートしたら いつまでも 疼いて痛い

    変わりはしない? この世界
    心したいようにして 吠える勇気は 微塵もないくせに
    すがろうとしてるの? もういいって

    夜を撃つ サイレン 夢想への SOS
    全部 朽ち果てていいから
    透き通った一瞬を 呼び覚ましてよ
    ねえ ここから Ash flame 宿して抗え
    苦い笑みも ひび割れたくらいじゃ 壊れやしない

    ぐしゃぐしゃ 丸めて心を 捨てようとして
    的外れのまま 耐えるのには長すぎる滑走路
    託されたい 変えようとしてるよ どうしたって
    だからお願い あのフレイズを繋いでみせて

    ぼやけたシグナル 両手にあつめて
    急かすように 紡ぎだしたストーリー
    a 9 days wonder 真夜中の不文律
    ひとつも置いていかないよ いつまでも 抱いていよう

    夜を穿つ サイレン 瞬くは SOS
    どんなに 汚れ 削られても
    夢という怪物は 美しいんだよ
    何度でも Ash flame 宿して刃向かおう
    過ぎし日の cloud nine 宿命果たすまで 絶やさないよ

    中文歌詞 / Chinese Lyrics :






    英文歌詞 / English Lyrics :
    The falling shabby signal recklessly sparkles.
    There's no meaning keep walking in this endless maze.
    A 9 days' wonder with tangled rhythm.
    If you don't untie it and just let it repeatedly playing, you only receive more pain in the end.

    Not satisfied.
    "Still no changes in this world, huh?"
    As if keeping in mind, yet I don't possess any courage to yell it out loud.
    I want to be loved.
    "Still begging for help? It's enough."
    If I can release all those emotions precipitating like dregs in the deepwater...

    The siren that blasts through the night is the SOS sent from a dream.
    I don't mind if it has already died in obscurity.
    Call and wake me the moment when everything is clear.
    Hey, I'll resist like the ash flame existing in my body from now on.
    No matter how clumsy I may look like, I'll reach out my hand.
    Even if the result is a bitter laugh, it won't break just by some cracks.

    I have thrown this twisted, broken heart away.
    Yet I can't hit my aim, the runway that endures impact seems to be too long.
    I want to be reliable; I want to change no matter what. What's wrong with that?
    So please, help me connect with that phrase.

    The fuzzy signal I collected with my hand.
    It's obscure as if the story that fabricated abruptly.
    A 9 days' wonder with midnight's unwritten law.
    I won't leave anything behind; I'll hold them forever.

    The siren that pierces through the night is the instant SOS.
    I don't care how much it has been tainted or deprived.
    The monster called "dream" is fascinating.
    I'll move forward with the knife like the ash flame existing in my body, again and again.
    I don't care who tries to chase and stop me.
    I won't let the flame die until I fulfill my fate and regain those bygone days of cloud nine.

  • thrown中文 在 TheSaladShow Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-09-19 20:00:10

    Susan and Michelle are thrown in at the deep end when Susan’s mom decides to pay them a visit at their new house.

    Many thanks to WCT Land for being a part of this project. #RenaiJelutong
    Fully furnished units are now ready for viewing at Renai Jelutong. Get in touch to arrange a free showroom tour today.
    Contact: 016-2072400 / 03-33243255
    Waze: Renai Jelutong (https://waze.com/ul/hw281we9r1)

    Tiara Anchant: https://www.instagram.com/tiara_anchant
    Tata: https://www.instagram.com/tatatawanqian
    Joshua: https://www.instagram.com/joshmadj
    Jiven: http://instagram.com/jeevansekar
    Jerald: https://www.instagram.com/jeraldkang

    Business enquires contact us : saladshowproduction@gmail.com

    Follow us for constant updates @saladshow

  • thrown中文 在 ajin Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2014-06-08 05:30:49

    哈囉~我是阿津,歡迎來觀看我的遊戲實況直播影片( ´ω`)
    pc steam Murdered Soul Suspect 死案 靈魂緝凶 謀殺 靈魂疑犯 靈魂追兇懸疑劇情偵探女巫故事
    故事設定在麻州的賽勒姆 (Salem),賽勒姆這城市從以前就與超自然等靈異傳說有所淵源,其中最著名的莫過於在 1692 年所發生的賽勒姆審巫案,當時因為不知名怪病的關係使得人們指控無辜人民為女巫,最後導致數十人無辜慘死的冤案。
    ► 全部遊戲播放清單 http://goo.gl/DUs8Ar
    ► 各種生活動態都會貼在FB粉絲頁 http://www.facebook.com/tttd3
    ► twitch直播台 http://zh-tw.twitch.tv/kamiyu666
    ► 副頻道 http://www.youtube.com/user/kamiyu665
    ► 同系列影片清單在此 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEzqZq_wDhpcSTqBKUNMwKz8gHAM1h4_F


    In Salem, Massachusetts, Detective Ronan O'Connor is thrown out of a window while pursuing the brutal and relentless serial-killer, the Bell Killer, who finishes Ronan off by shooting him. Revived as a ghost, Ronan meets the spirit of his long-dead wife Julia, who informs him that he can not join her until he completes the unfinished business binding him to the living world. Ronan investigates his murder, and gains instruction into his new ghostly abilities from the ghost of Abigail, a young Puritan-era girl. The investigation leads to a local church to find a young girl, Joy, who witnessed Ronan's murder, and possesses the ability to see ghosts.

