

在 throw三態產品中有27篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【血管健康】發怒時面上青筋暴現💢 ⭐運動或勞動多冒青筋是正常的 ⭐如發現青筋突然鼓脹宜就醫處理 #星期六隻眼閉 面冒青筋病痛多? 中醫理論認為面色反映臟腑的健康狀況,除了面色,有些人面上會浮現青筋,例如嬰兒常見鼻樑冒青筋,老人家有「青筋攀鼻樑,無事喊三場」的說法,是否真有其事?所謂青筋其實是靜脈...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過55萬的網紅3cTim哥生活日常,也在其Youtube影片中提到,之前開箱The Premiere 超短焦雷射 4K 智慧電視的時候,粉絲們都推薦我一定要買抗光幕,真的會比投在牆壁上好非常多,於是我在網路上找到這家億立抗光幕,安裝的時候師傅也跟我分享了抗光幕跟一般投影布幕的差別,還有CP值很高的投影機奧圖碼P2,另外也分享了短焦投影、LED投影機跟燈泡式投影機的差...

throw三態 在 celine yeh Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-06-16 12:53:55

回顧一下跟 @janiehsu_ 拍 #旅攝 拍到瘋掉的日子 那是我們在宿霧的 @kandayaresort 拍攝 住兩個晚上要拍足三支片外加一大堆廣告的素材,足足的拍滿兩天兩夜 無人沙灘、無邊際泳池、獨木舟、海邊騎馬、海灘上的燭光晚餐 每一幕拍起來都很爽 但每一幕都是拍完需要的就立刻閃人 圖8是我...

throw三態 在 Lunlunspen倫筆_ 插畫| 人像| 植物| 婚禮 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-20 02:24:52

First time participate in inktober, (technically I’m using iPad, so it’s just digitally painting through October, using inktober 2020 prompt) And I fi...

  • throw三態 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-25 12:00:02
    有 120 人按讚




    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    What does having green facial veins mean?
    Chinese Medicine theories believe the condition of our face would reflect the health of our internal organs. Besides the complexion, some people may have green veins on their faces.

    For instance, a toddler might have green veins on his or her nose bridge, and according to urban legend, a toddler with this condition would tend to throw tantrums. Is it real?

    The green veins are vessels that transport blood from all body parts back to the heart. They become more apparent when the veins cannot perform their functions optimally. From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, this has to do with the stagnation of the qi and blood stasis, which can disrupt the circulation of the qi and the blood.

    Individuals with weak qi and blood do not have sufficient energy to support the circulation, and that is how green veins appear on the surface of the skin. The best way to treat this problem is to invigorate the blood and clear blood stasis according to the body constitution.

    Chinese Medicine believes that children’s spleen and stomach have yet to fully develop, and the green veins that appear on the nose bridge is associated with the weakness of these two internal organs. This also means they are prone to experience discomfort in the intestines and stomach.

    Since the children have not developed the ability to talk, the only way for them to express themselves is through excessive wailing. Parents should try to improve the functions of their children’s spleen and stomach by observing their diet, as proper diets could strengthen a person’s body constitution.

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我有壓力 #我狀態OK #氣滯 #血瘀

  • throw三態 在 群 Gun Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-05 15:20:34
    有 188 人按讚








    buăk-bŭi, "cast moon blocks", also called as "bwa bwei", it is a traditional Taoist divination method. The divination seeker throws or drops two little wooden pieces on the floor and gets the divine answer by the positions of the pieces whether the future course being contemplated is recommended or not. Besides seeking divination straight from the deity, the act of bwa bwei would also be preformed when requesting a fortune stick.

    The blocks come as a pair of two, each has two side. The flat side the front and the curved side is the back. When putting two blocks together to form a pair, the pair resemble the shape of the new moon.

    Usually, the divination seeker would get one out of these three answers: front/ front, front/ back, back/ back. Front/ front is the laughing draw, it means the divination is ambiguous in nature and the question asked is incorrect or should be worded differently, therefore no answer is given. Front/ back is the holy draw, it means the divination is positive and confirmed. The last is cover draw, which is the back/back, it means the whatever the seeker is seeking has been denied or would not work.

    In Taoist temples, the “bwei” is usually seen placed on the altar. Before the bwa bwei can be performed, the seeker has to take the pair of bwei to the top of the incense burner, and draw circle clockwise on top of the incense burner 3 time with the bwei. Once it’s done, the seeker would then kneel down in front of the altar, facing the deity. The seeker would need to report the basic personal information to the deity in silent, then ask the question. After asking the question, the seeker would then throw the bwei on the floor to get the answer from the deity. However the bwei laying on the floor would be the answer to the question.

    If the person is only looking to draw the fortune telling sticks, the same process of bwa bwei would still need to be followed to get authorized by the deity before he or she begin to draw the sticks. Once the person drew the stick from the holder, whatever written on the stick would need to be confirmed by the deity throw bwa bwei. If it’s not confirmed by it, the person would need to keeping going through the same process until the deity approves.


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  • throw三態 在 啤酒頭釀造 Taiwan Head Brewers Brewing Company Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-04-14 19:34:46
    有 62 人按讚

    🍻啤酒頭配拎指南 Part 12 – 穀雨烏龍茶啤酒🍻


    喝一口穀雨,獨特甘醇烏龍茶香擴延味蕾,讓舌尖先暖暖身,再來一口 AVENUE 經典漢堡,大口咬進層層美味,一起來享用春天裡最豪邁的配拎。

    🍴【AVENUE 特製漢堡】🍴

    6盎司漢堡排 自製芝麻麵包 切達起司 墨西哥辣椒 生菜葉 紫洋蔥 番茄 搭配酥炸薯條,優選食材層層推疊出美味的AVENUE特製漢堡。

    6 oz. Beef Patty On House Made Sesame Bun, with Spicy Chipotle Chili, Lettuce, Tomato Red Onion, Vermont Cheddar, Served with Fries.

    🍺穀雨 - 穀雨烏龍茶啤酒
    ABV 6%
    IBU 21

    📍 AVENUE
    AVENUE 座落於敦南安和商圈,是一個無拘無束、悠閒自在的空間,提倡“快速慢食FAST CASUAL”新形態的飲食概念, 追求工作與生活的平衡,即使在繁忙生活中的每一天也不能虧待自己。 AVENUE 堅持選用新鮮食材,現場精心烹調,重現最讓你舒心的經典美味,不論內用或外帶,只想給您一再回味的美食。

    在這可以自由挑選喜歡的座位,室內或是戶外,來杯冰啤酒或是現調雞尾酒,不管是獨自享用,還是三五好友輕鬆聊天。若是時間有限,外帶一杯熱咖啡或是手工現做披薩,雖然忙碌但還是不想妥協。 AVENUE就是您的秘密基地。

    AVENUE is a fast casual eatery serving up quick, quality food and drinks to satisfy your urban, up-tempo lifestyle. AVENUE’s chill, easy-going space is the perfect spot to enjoy crave-worthy meals prepared with quality ingredients. Our menu satisfies your itch for classic comfort foods, featuring throw –back dishes like corn dogs & sloppy joes &ice cream sundaes. From hearty pastas, simple sandwiches & burgers to vibrant salads, our food delivers simple comforts to fuel your busy life.

    Our relaxed, order-at-the-counter service style lets you set your own pace. Take out a quality cup of coffee or pizza. Grab a beer from the fridge or order a cocktail, pick a seat, and hang out with good company. Pop in for a laid back lunch, dinner or late night bite. Enjoy the sunshine in our outdoor seating area. Come alone or bring a group - everyone is welcome!

    #啤酒頭配拎指南 #餐酒搭配 #跟著節氣喝啤酒
    #啤酒頭 #啤酒頭釀造 #taiwanheadbrewers

    〈 請理性飲酒,喝酒不開車 〉