相信大家作議論文或者說明文,都一定有機會形容某樣野係「顯然易見」,例如 “It is obvious that…”,但無理由下下都淨係用obvious架嘛!今日就教大家一啲常用嘅variations~
Evident 明顯的
e.g. The threat of inflatio...
相信大家作議論文或者說明文,都一定有機會形容某樣野係「顯然易見」,例如 “It is obvious that…”,但無理由下下都淨係用obvious架嘛!今日就教大家一啲常用嘅variations~
Evident 明顯的
e.g. The threat of inflation is already evident in bond prices.
Apparent 明顯的
e.g. Some people may succeed without an apparent reason, but you can never tell how much effort they have paid behind the scenes.
Prominent 顯著的/ 突出的
e.g. Loss of memory is one of the prominent symptoms of the disease.
Patent 十分明顯的
e.g. It is patent to all that this is a golden opportunity for career progression.
Manifest 十分明顯的
e.g. It is manifest to all that this is a golden opportunity for career progression.
Conspicuous 十分明顯的
e.g. It is conspicuous that smoking is harmful to health.
順帶一提,Melody推出左最新嘅《必背同義詞寶典精讀》,憑藉多年考試作文經驗,精心挑選出 50 組(約 400 個字詞)背誦性價比最高的同義詞,並且附上5小時精讀解說,完全針對坊間泛濫嘅同義詞筆記嘅弊病!同坊間筆記唔同,Melody 會更會憑藉深厚嘅英文功底,為同學列出字詞所強調嘅意味或情感,清楚列出在正面/ 反面/ formal/ informal 等情況下應該用邊啲字詞,並非同學一般查字典就可以做到。除左例句,Melody更加會提醒同學特別容易用錯嘅位,例如係特定嘅 preposition 或者及物/ 不及物動詞等,大大減少同學犯 grammatical mistakes 的機會。今日開始,用狀元思維系統性背誦字詞,正式告別低效率背字時代啦!
全港唯一雙料狀元線上補習平台 – 免費試讀!
1) 5**濃縮精華筆記:狀元Melody Tam親撰濃縮精華筆記,絕對不拖時間,真正去蕪存菁,適合想於短時間內升Grade的你
2) 30年操卷祕技傾囊相授:Melody Tam應考前曾多次操練各科30年的Past Paper,將心得精華、試題備註傾囊相授,伏位、失分位一應俱全
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早註冊 = 早享受
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threat動詞 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最讚貼文
台灣連續 31 天無本土案例
#作息破壞者 做的最棒的大概就是宅,寫分析文章
Global Health Security: A Call for Taiwan’s Inclusion
Taiwan’s minister of health makes the case for the country’s inclusion in the WHO.
make the case for 為某事請願
文章脈絡完整,全文較長,讀到中間會發現很多我們也不知道的政府努力,讀到最後覺得實在鏗鏘有力!大家多點耐心 #順時中
開頭從過去數十年的全球疫情談到當今疫情,一句作結:Taiwan has not been spared. 台灣未能倖免,代表台灣同樣受疫情嚴重衝擊,同理心訴求歐美讀者繼續閱讀
In the 17 years since it was hit hard by the SARS outbreak, Taiwan has been in a state of constant readiness regarding the threat of emerging infectious disease.
constant readiness 持續的預備狀態
接著描述全民一心的嚴密檢疫,到後來海軍敦睦艦的狀況,以及平息,小結:This has shown that Taiwan’s aggressive efforts to control the epidemic are working.
aggressive 積極的
epidemic 流行病
Disease knows no borders.
記得主詞是第三人稱單數所以動詞要加 s
A crisis anywhere readily becomes a problem everywhere.
一句話之內,用 readily become (立即變成)連結,從 anywhere 變成 everywhere
再來就是呼籲全球公衛缺一不可,讓台灣加入 WHO
1. 遵照 IHR 2005 國際衛生條例,向 WHO 回報確診數
Taiwan has fulfilled its responsibilities as a global citizen and abided by the International Health Regulations 2005 (IHR 2005) in notifying the WHO of confirmed COVID-19 cases.
fulfill responsibilities 負起責任,好用的搭配詞
abide by 遵循
notify 告知
2. 聯絡了超多國家的疾管單位(CDC)共享情報
Moreover, Taiwan has communicated with other countries such as Japan, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, the United States, Canada, Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany, the United Kingdom, Belgium, and the Netherlands, as well as the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, to share information on confirmed cases, travel and contact histories of patients, and border control measures.
border control 邊境管制
measures 措施
3. 上傳病毒基因序列到 GISAID 全球共享流感數據倡議組織
Taiwan has uploaded the genetic sequence of COVID-19 to the Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data (GISAID).
genetic 基因的
sequence 序列
If it is indeed the WHO’s mission to ensure the highest attainable standard of health for every human being, then the WHO needs Taiwan just as Taiwan needs the WHO. Yet Taiwan has long been excluded from the WHO due to political considerations.
如果 WHO 的宗旨真的是要確保全人類健康,那麼 WHO 跟台灣是互相需要彼此。然而台灣卻長期因政治考量被排拒於外
ensure 確保
exclude from 排擠
considerations 考量
Taiwan will continue to work with the rest of the world to ensure that all enjoy the fundamental human right to health as stipulated in the WHO Constitution. Echoing the mantra of the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, no one should be left behind.
台灣會持續協力確保全人類享有健康基本人權,如同 WHO 組織法所述。呼應聯合國 2030 永續發展目標的口號,沒人該落單
all 全人類
fundamental 基本的
right to 對於某事的權利
stipulate 規定
echo 呼應
mantra 口號
還有 Daily 語音導讀計畫
有興趣請留言 +1 送你優惠訊息與試聽
threat動詞 在 護台胖犬 劉仕傑 Facebook 的最讚貼文
【讀WSJ學英文 l 美國撤離駐中國外交官對中美關係之影響 】
面對Monday blue,最好的方法就是學點有趣的時事英文!
WSJ在 3/21有篇文章標題為:
U.S. Drawdown of China Diplomats Cripples Ties at Critical Moment
drawdown的意思就是抽回或減少,在本文的脈絡就是「把原本派駐在中國的外交官調回美國」,在此可以用withdrawal 代替。
cripples ties 就是傷害(雙方)關係, cripple在本句為主要動詞,跟「傷害」同義的還有damage, harm等字。
搭配:critical moment 關鍵時刻 (呼叫跟我完全沒有血緣關係的劉寶傑)
cripples ties at critical moment 唸起來有押韻的節奏感,感覺到了嗎?
critical 這個字很好用,它可以指重大的、關鍵的或批判的。
例如當一個人發生重大車禍或生病時, in a critical condition 意思就是「命在旦夕」。
The consulate general in the city of Wuhan, where the pandemic began, closed in late January. Missions and consulates in Shenyang, Shanghai, Chengdu and Guangzhou are at 20% to 30% of their staffing levels, according to people familiar with the matter. Most of those employees are local Chinese.
consulate 領事館
consulate general 總領事館
上述這兩個館館長,我們稱為head of mission。
在總領事館的總領事,英文就是Consul General。
新聞中常看到「知情人士指出」,「知情人士」就是people familiar with the matter。
The emptying out of American diplomatic outposts came as relations between the U.S. and China descended to levels of rancor not seen in decades, fed by a two-year trade war and, more recently, finger-pointing over responsibility for the severity and origin of the coronavirus threat.
diplomatic outpost 就是diplomatic mission,這是新聞英文常見的替換語詞。
empty out 跟標題的drawdown,意思接近,可以解釋為「使領館只留下少數人力,所以變得中空」。
relations between the U.S. and China descended to levels of rancor not seen in decades 這句寫得很文雅,考生直接背起來吧!
rancor (n.) 仇恨,憎恨,深仇
rancorous (a.) 深仇大恨的
rancor 比 hatred 的意思來得更強。
not seen in decades 前面省略了which have not been,完整寫法是 levels of rancor which have not been seen in decades。
fed by 這個子句,前面省略了which is/was/has been。
feed 原意是 餵養,在此的修辭方式是「因為XX原因導致XX」。
finger-pointing over responsibility 互相指著對方,叫對方負起責任。這也是很實用的用法。
Now's not the time for finger-pointing. 現在不是彼此指責的時候。
threat動詞 在 Claudia Mo/毛孟靜 Facebook 的最讚貼文
有人話 #Call林鄭嘅bluff,咩意思?
#明報 A20 | 英文 English | 毛孟靜
//林鄭月娥聲稱非常樂意與香港人對話,於是有人向立法會 民主派議員建議:Let's call her bluff 。這是什麼意思呢?
Call somebody's bluff, 直譯係「叫某人的自我吹噓」, 仍然不明其所以然,是吧?
Bluff 最直接的口語譯法,係「作大」,也即是書面語的 「虛張聲勢」。
To bluff is to try to deceive someone as to one's abilities or intentions,企圖欺騙別人自己有如此這般的能力或意圖, 有自吹自擂之意。用做動詞:
• He's been bluffing all along. 他一直不過在「拋浪頭」、嚇 唬人罷了。
• The purchase offer has been denounced as a bluff. 那個 收購建議被視為充大頭鬼的把戲。
有說 ,bluff 等於「充大頭鬼」,源自紙牌撲克 poker 遊 戲:明明沒有一手好牌,卻「二仔底死跟」,強行冒充底牌 是一張皇牌,bluffing your way through,去「大、嚇窒」 對手。
• He bluffed them into surrendering. 他成功嚇得他們投降。 於是倒過頭來,to call somebody's bluff 又可理解為「大返 佢」,去揭對方根本不堪一擊的底牌:
To make an opponent show his hand in order to reveal that its value is weaker than his heavy betting suggests,令 對手攤牌,揭露其「冇料扮四條」。
To challenge someone to carry out a stated intention, in the expectation of being able to expose it as a pretence,去 挑戰某人是否夠膽說到做到,預期由此暴露對方也不過是說 說、裝模作樣罷了。
於是,去 call 林鄭的 bluff,是指民主派議員不如將計就 計,大聲回應樂意與林鄭對話,看她肯不肯,但預期她不會 答應,由此暴露當中的虛偽。
• Carrie Lam says she's happy to dialogue with the people. Huh. Let's call her bluff. 林鄭月娥說她樂意與市民對話。 哈,我哋「大」返佢。
這一幕沒有發生,是因為絕大部分民主派中人都覺得,林 鄭的「底牌」已眾所周知,不必勞師動眾去揭露了。 另例:
• I am tempted to call his bluff as I can hardly believe he would carry out his threat. 我真想叫他「你就來吧」,因為 我絕不相信他的恫嚇。
話說回頭,要非常小心 bluff 這個字,並非淨係代表負 面意思,亦有 being direct, rudely frank, outspoken and unconventional ,率性直接、敢言、反傳統的表達。
• He's a bluff but he's a good teacher.