[爆卦]those who省略是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇those who省略鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在those who省略這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者petitbeau (人生只有一次)看板TOEIC標題Re: [題目] 請各位幫忙分析這題-金色...

※ 引述《lesha (挑戰~~~)》之銘言:
: ---------為加速板友們提供解答,請仿照以下範例提供足夠題目資訊-----------------
: 標題請依 [題目] Longman 3/e Pxx(頁數) or [題目] OG Pxx(頁數) 的格式
: 書名:金色證書
: 版本:
: 頁數:p.135 139題
: 題目:

: 139. ______ wishing to apply for the opening in the IT Department should
: speak to MS. Pender to obtain the necessary forms.

: (A) Those
: (B) Who
: (C) These
: (D) They
: 疑問:為甚麼是A, 而不是D, 我覺的主詞是人的話 A,C,D


Those people [who wish to apply for the opening in the IT Department] should
speak to MS. Pender to obtain the necessary forms.

句中 who 到 should 是關係子句 形容 those people 的狀況

1. Those = Those people, people 省略

2. Who 省略,所以句中變成一個主詞對兩個動詞,強碰,故非主要句的動詞 wish 改成


(A) Those = Those people 老外愛用 Those 代表 "人" 是慣用語

(B) Who 是關係代名詞 前面一定要有個名詞當主詞 文法錯誤

ex. People who, Mary who, The dog which, etc.

(C) These 不直接加動名詞 通常後面會接名詞(主詞) 再加who,which 再接動詞

These pens which are blue are mine.

These dogs which know Aunti Annie are my cousin's.

Whose are these? 這些東西是誰的? These = These things

These girls who wear green shirts are from Taipei's first girl school.
= Those who wear green shirts are from Taipei's first .......
= Those wearing green shirts are from ....

these 跟 who.which 都還會放一個名詞 去說明"這個"是什麼

只能說 還是慣用法

(D) 關係子句(who, which)不會用 I, you, he, she, they, we 等字當主詞

因為上面代名詞 已經有限定是某某人的意思(通常都同個人講第二次以上了)


Ex. John is my classmate. He went swimming with Mary last week.

John = He (講這兩句大家都知道"約翰"就是"他")

John [he went swimming with Mary last week] is my classmate.

此時兩個主詞強碰 John是主要名詞 he是代名詞

所以 John 留下 he 用 who 代替

John [who went swimming with Mary last week] is my classmate.

關係代名詞 基本上就有代替原本"代名詞"的意味

關代前面的名詞都會是姓名(John, Mary等) Those pens、the student 等等

但同名字通常不只一個人(例如美國叫約翰的就一堆) 筆跟學生也有很多不同類型

所以必須用關代去代替原本的代名詞 去闡述哪個特定的對象

The student [who wears a black jeans] is Dr. Ho's child.

= The student is Dr. Ho's child. He wears a black jeans.

代名詞類只有一種狀況後面會有 who 就是當 HE 代表 God 時(尤其是聖經裡)

Ex. He who built up the world will watch over us.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: petitbeau 來自: (10/31 02:44)
Ivogore :很清楚 推 10/31 11:02
lesha :看懂了...真感謝 11/01 18:52
jyt2225 :專業解說 推 11/02 18:03

