

在 they中文產品中有1155篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7,717的網紅奧斯卡報報 Oscar's Post,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #香港日常 奧斯卡展開小學生活一個月了。 看似日常的循環,適應的算是可以。托班主任的福,奧斯卡一樣的非常喜歡小學校園生活~ 🔍數學對他來說「easy」、自己放學後數學可以「自己」完成,我只需要檢查抓漏,他寫錯的一題,是把答案寫在格子裡,人家題目就說寫ABCD了!!算粗心嗎?算~不過想稱讚他數學...

 同時也有438部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過38萬的網紅CH Music Channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,《pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE》 凛として咲く花の如く / Rin to shite saku hana no gotoku / 宛如凜風中綻放的花 / Like a flower that blooms bravely 作詞 / Lyricist:あさき 作曲 / Compos...

they中文 在 ⭐️繪本帶我去旅行⭐️ Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-24 14:15:18

- 冷藏魔法書 - 👩:幫我把這三本書放在冰箱 👦:蛤? 這是一套魔法書籍,前提是你家要先有冰箱能存放。 - #Who’s there 用這本拿來開頭最好了。使用說明清清楚楚,而且不只一種玩法: 1.Who’s there 2.How many animals 3.What animals are ...

  • they中文 在 奧斯卡報報 Oscar's Post Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-27 23:28:09
    有 18 人按讚






    🔍英文家課還可以,學Phonics的好處讓他自行閱讀有一定的幫助,閱讀文章答題他竟然可以用「猜」的,找「關鍵字」很好!但小一英文He,She,It,They ,We他分得出來is,am,are~英文家教錢沒白花(想當初我們國中才學得的,我兒子小一就會了!!)


    🔍「默書」?還沒有 !可能Happy School!?(不過學校有預告下個月會英默的單字)奧斯卡唸得學校是我非常喜歡的,雖然地區排行(其實說穿了不過就家長排行)在中後~但我完全不用害怕「孩子學習倦怠」的隱憂,因為在我看來,對於每天早起身到學校適應得很好(他原是下午班幼稚園),對每一個展開的新日子仍是雀躍的感覺,對家長我來說才是最重要的!




    其實我只是想說 #教師節快樂

  • they中文 在 經濟部中小企業處 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-27 19:00:10
    有 37 人按讚

    【創業大冒險】🌸9/30 ST MAKE+台日國際新創醫療研習營🌸


    此次 ST MAKE+ 與日本專業協助新創發展的「for Startups」公司合作,「for Startups」將介紹如何協助新創進入日本市場及募資;

    並邀請到日本兩家非常優秀的醫療相關“新創企業”「Qantum Operation」及「Triple W」,介紹其創新創業的歷程及未來希望尋找的國際合作夥伴,同時也邀請近期積極與新創及加速器合作之「秀傳醫療體系」,希望創造日本「新創」與台灣「醫院」互動合作火花。

    📅 時間:2021年9月30日(四)13:30-15:30
    📍 地點:線上進行(會議前一天mail寄送線上會議連結)
    🌎 語言:全場英文演說(問答時間會有中日文翻譯陪同,亦可用中文提問)
    🏢 指導單位:經濟部中小企業處
    🏢 主辦單位:ST MAKE+、工業技術研究院
    🏢 協辦單位:for startups、台灣區電機電子工業同業公會、林口新創園
    💻 報名網址:https://pse.is/3nz96k
    📫 聯絡資訊:service@stmakeplus.com 📞TEL: 03-5914901
    💰 費用:免費

    ST MAKE+「台日國際新創醫療研習營」9/30與你在線上相聚!🎌

    #經濟部中小企業處 #STMAKE+ #林口新創園 #TEEMA #工研院服科中心 #新創 #醫療 #ForStartups #QantumOperation #TripleW #日本 #秀傳 #醫院 #加速器

    【Startup Adventure】ST MAKE+ Taiwan-Japan International Startups Medical Workshop

    Although the global epidemic is still severe, the " startups " of various countries are still vigorously striving to break through the deadlock, hoping to break the barriers of national borders and cooperate with the world through a new type of "online" connection method.

    This time ST MAKE+ is cooperating with Japan "for Startups" company, which specializes in assisting the development of startups. "for Startups" will introduce how to assist startups in entering the Japanese market and raising funds;

    In addition, two excellent medical-related“startups”,“Qantum Operation”and“Triple W”in Japan were invited to introduce their innovation and entrepreneurship history and the international partners they hope to find in the future. At the same time, they also invited to actively cooperate with startups in the near future. "Xiu Chuan Medical System" of accelerator cooperation,
    Hope to create a spark of interaction and cooperation between Japanese "new creations" and Taiwan "hospitals".

    💻Register link:https://pse.is/3nz96k

    📅 Time:2021/09/30(Thu) 13:30-15:30
    📍 Location:On-line(the meeting link will be sent the day before the meeting)
    🏢 Adviser:SMEA,MOEA
    🏢 Organizer:ST MAKE+、ITRI
    🏢 Co-organizer:for startups、TEEMA、Startup Terrace
    📫 Contact:service@stmakeplus.com 📞TEL: 03-5914901

    #SMEAMOEA #STMAKE #StartupTerrace #TEEMA
    #starup #Japan #hostipal #Accelerator

  • they中文 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-23 07:57:19
    有 59 人按讚





    這次ADBE在財報後下跌, 主要是兩個原因(如下). 不過個人覺得是瑕不掩瑜:
    1. 因為之前已經漲了不少(投資人期望太高)
    2. 因為Digital Marketing這部分的業務受到季節性的影響, 所以表現不是很突出(沒有比預期高出很多)
    a. net new Digital Media ARR (3% beat vs guide, vs 15% beat in 2Q21 vs 35% beat in 3Q20).
    b. 有分析師在問(“Maybe just -- can we double-click on the seasonality commentary in the quarter? Because if we look at the beat versus guidance on net new digital media ARR, it looks, at the same time you had the weakest beat, but then the strongest guide in the last three years, which kind of speaks to and confirm some of those seasonality comments that you made.)
    i. 高層對此的回答是, 主要是疫情後, 加上正值夏季, 大家的日子回復到正常&放假外出, 所以這部分的業務有受到影響(I think going into the quarter, we had expected that the consumer with a little bit more return to normalcy as what's happening in the environment.)
    ii. 高層又說了一些話, 不過重點就是他不認為這是甚麼大事”So, net-net, I would say that the growth prospects for that particular business and the growth drivers remain intact. But again, very much in line. And this is what we feel good about the insights that we're getting on the business.”
    iii. 也提到, Q4通常會是digital marketing業務的旺季(表現會不俗的意思)

    另外, 覺得這次令我印象深刻的是, 當高層與分析師提到這些事情:
    • 常在一些公司的電話會議中提到omnichannel這個字(疫情後, 更明顯了). 這次高層也有提到. ADBE可說是omnichannel概念股:
    o “I mean, a big part of that is more and more companies are thirdly doing the multi-channel omnichannel, whatever they want to call it. And I think that's only going to continue to be a driver of our Digital Experience Solutions. Because today that stable stakes and so we just look at it and say whether you're shopping in-store over they are shopping online. You need a solution that treats you like a customer that we know of.”
    • 網路上影片(video)的興起, 以及串流影音, 有提高了Adobe的營收天花板(用句分析師的術語, 就是TAM (total addressable market) expansion.
    • 當使用者製作了越來越多的內容, 內容管理(content management)的能力就越顯重要, 內容上的流程管理(workflow)也越顯重要. Adobe的產品能夠幫內容製作者解決這樣的問題.
    • 而Adobe各產品間的相容性, 標準化, 整合能力, 是它的競爭優勢之一:
    o And one of the things we did really well is what we called our named user deployment and how, you know, when we have these enterprise licensing agreements, we offer enterprises the ability to download and distribute within the companies. And the more we do training and evangelism of the products, that leads to adoption. So, I would say there's an element of standardization, there's an element of more content.

    而最近ADBE有個新聞, 引起了我的注意, 就是它即將在自己的平台上, 提供付款服務(payment service). 根據之前研究SHOP的經驗, 這有可能會對股價造成一定的漲幅:
    On Sept. 15, Adobe announced that it will add payment services to its e-commerce platform this year to help merchants accept credit cards and other ways of paying. The move will deepen Adobe's rivalry with e-commerce firm Shopify (SHOP).
    For the service, Adobe has partnered with PayPal (PYPL), which will process a variety of payment types, including credit and debit cards as well as PayPal's own payment and buy-now-pay-later offerings.

    接下來該怎麼辦? 對於基本面良好的公司如ADBE, 我能說的就是buy the dip(逢低買進)了. 供參.

    🌻The Facebook Files
    一個星期前, WSJ上面有個關於FB的大篇幅調查報導. 有興趣的可以看看.
    The Facebook Files

    這篇文章挺長, 也沒有看到華爾街中文版本的完整翻譯, 不過可以看看這篇:





    🌻我喜歡的Apple TV影集, "Ted Lasso", 是這次艾美獎的大贏家, 很多主要演員都得獎了.

    很高興這兩年, 因為有這部戲的陪伴, 讓我撐過了疫情, 家人離世, 以及一些烏煙瘴氣的事情.

    前幾天看演員的得獎影片, 一位娛樂記者問得獎的男配角(也是編劇之一)說, 你覺得這部片的核心思想是甚麼. 他說, be curious, not judgemental.

    就像得獎的女演員在劇中一開始是很鴨霸很壞心的球隊主人, 但這樣做是因為被前夫傷透了心, 所以想要弄垮離婚後分到的財產(也是前夫的最愛--球隊); 外表看起來永遠陽光燦爛做啦啦隊的男主角, 在青少年時父親自殺, 造成了他心裡永遠的痛&障礙(讓他在球賽時, 會有突發恐懼症).

    我們每個人其實都有很多面, 很多個故事. 尤其在社群, 大家都是萍水相逢, 對彼此的了解都是非常片面的; 而有時候在社群裡, 看到有人會因為只看到一個面向, 就去下斷語. 這其實是人之常情很難避免, 所以我們需要常用第二層思考去提醒自己. 社群裡需要更多的同理心.

    “Be curious, not judgmental” – Walt Whitman(惠特曼)(美國詩人)


  • they中文 在 CH Music Channel Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-09-20 16:08:42

    《pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE》
    凛として咲く花の如く / Rin to shite saku hana no gotoku / 宛如凜風中綻放的花 / Like a flower that blooms bravely
    作詞 / Lyricist:あさき
    作曲 / Composer:紅色リトマス(TOMOSUKE)
    編曲 / Arranger:紅色リトマス(TOMOSUKE)
    歌 / Singer:オカマチコ
    翻譯:CH(CH Music Channel)
    意譯:CH(CH Music Channel)
    English Translation: from the wiki

    背景 / Background - 灯篭 - カット:

    上傳你的字幕吧!/ Submit your subtitles here!


    Copyright Info:
    Be aware this channel is for promotion purposes only without any illegal profit. All music's ownership belongs to the original creators.
    Please support the original creator.


    If you like my videos, please click like and subscribe! Thx :)

    Check my Facebook page for more information!

    中文翻譯 / Chinese Translation :

    英文翻譯 / English Translation :

    日文歌詞 / Japanese Lyrics :
    春深く夢の輪郭を ぼかして 行き過ぎて 舞い戻る 
    花びらは仕草を追いかけ 薄明かりの下で 密やか

    星の間を飛び回る 口笛吹き

    飛沫 あがる わたし 掛ける
    追いかける星は まわる まわる ちいさなつぼみ

    さいて さいて 月にお願い おだやかな影に薄化粧
    しらず しらず えいや!と投げた つぼみは行方知れず のまま

    芽を出した線香花火 つぶらな夢

    飛沫 あがる 火花 翔る
    問いかけた星は かわる がわる 顔を変えた

    さいて さいて くるりとまわる 舞姫の如く たまゆらに
    思い思いに動く影と 背中を合わせて ああ 走る!

    弧を描き 影は延びる 陽炎の先に
    さいた あった! まあるい花が

    さいた さいた 星の欠片が 月の裏側で泣いていた
    気付かぬうちに 隠れていた兎も また弧 描く

    さいて さいて 月にお願い おだやかな影に薄化粧
    しらず しらず えいや!と投げた つぼみは 行方知れず

    さいて さいた 風に揺られて おだやかな坂は薄化粧
    下駄鳴らして口笛合わせ 凛として はんなりの こころ

    中文歌詞 / Chinese Lyrics :











    英文歌詞 / English Lyrics :
    The outline of spring's deep dream
    That had blurred way too much returns to me
    When the flower petals chased after my moves,
    Quiet under the dim twilight

    Balancing on tiptoe, moon rabbits dance,
    Whistling and flying through the stars

    In a splash of color,
    I begin chasing
    A star spinning round,
    Spinning round, a small flower bud

    "Bloom, bloom!" I begged of the moon,
    "And dress the gentle shadows in your light makeup."
    But I never knew, never knew, augh! I give up!
    I still don't know where this little flower bud will end up.

    Looking down through the shrinking clouds of smoke,
    A sparkler suddenly blossomed to life
    In a blinding dream.

    In a splash of color,
    Sparks begin
    And the strange stars
    One after another, changed their faces

    Bloom, bloom! Twirl right around
    Like a ballerina for a fleeting moment
    But I think, I think something's moving in the shadows
    From behind my back, ah, run away!

    The arc of shadow drawn
    On the moon extends beyond the heat haze
    And, it bloomed already! Into a round flower,

    It bloomed, it bloomed! Fragments of stars
    Cried on the other side of the moon and unnoticed to me,
    The hidden rabbits continued
    To draw an arc

    "Bloom, bloom!" I begged of the moon
    "And dress the gentle shadows in your light makeup."
    But I never knew, never knew, augh! I give up!
    I don't know these little flower buds,

    But they bloom, they bloomed!
    Blowing in the wind, dressing the gentle hill in light makeup
    Their footsteps ring, whistling to one another
    From their dignified, quietly beautiful hearts.

  • they中文 在 Teri Timeout Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-09-15 22:00:12

    本年度最陽剛又最性感的MV就是Lil Nas X了😆
    Hey all!
    Make sure to leave a comment to show love, and don’t forget to LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE to my channel and RING THE BELL so you don’t miss anything from me.
    -TERI xx

    【完整翻譯】Lil Nas X & Jack Harlow - Industry Baby

    Baby back, couple racksCouple Grammys on him, couple plaquesThat's a fact, throw it backThrow it back
    我回來了 帶著滿架子的獎牌
    葛萊美拿了好幾座 白金唱片得了一堆
    And this one is for the championsI ain't lost since I beganFunny how you said it was the endThen I went did it again
    踏上路以來 我從來就未曾迷失
    你不覺得好笑嗎? 酸民說我玩完了
    但我回來了 又大獲全勝

    I told you long ago on the roadI got what they waiting for
    I don't run from nothing, dogGet your soldiers, tell 'em I ain't layin' low
    早在那條老街上 我就說了吧
    所以告訴你的大軍 我沒有要低調引退的意思
    You was never really rooting for me anywayWhen I'm back up at the top, I wanna hear you sayHe don't run from nothin', dogGet your soldiers, tell 'em that the break is over
    當我重返榮耀 我要聽到你說
    所以集結你的大軍 告訴他們休息時間結束了

    Need to get this album doneNeed a couple number onеsNeed a plaque on every song
    Need mе like one with Nicki now
    Tell a rap nigga I don't see yaI'm a pop nigga like Bieber
    I don't fuck bitches, I'm queer
    But these niggas bitches like Madea
    告訴嘻哈饒舌仔 我眼裡根本沒有你
    我就像小賈斯汀一樣 流行到爆
    妹子?我沒興趣 我是酷兒

    let's do it
    I ain't fall off, I just ain't release my new shit
    I blew up, now everybody tryna sue me
    You call me Nas, but the hood call me Doobie
    我沒有跌落神壇 我只是新歌還沒發
    我一夕爆紅 現在每個人都想告我
    你們叫我Nas 但我家鄉的人叫我Doobie

    [Jack Harlow]
    My track record so clean, they couldn't wait to just bash meI must be gettin' too flashy, y'all shouldn't have let the world gas me
    我沒拿什麼獎 他們等不及就說我沒實力
    我肯定是太招搖了 你們不該讓全世界噴爆我
    It's too late 'cause I'm here to stay and these girls know that I'm nastyI sent her back to her boyfriend with my handprint on her ass cheek
    太遲了 因為老子我已經要在這裡待下

    City talkin', we takin' notesTell 'em all to keep makin' postsWish he could, but he can't get close
    OG so proud of me that he chokin' up while he makin' toasts
    I'm the type that you can't control, said I would, then I made it so
    謠言四起 我們做著筆記
    他只是羨慕 但他永遠趕不上我
    嘻哈大老們為我驕傲 他敬酒的時候還在哽咽
    我完全不受控 我就是說到做到

    I don't clear up rumors, where's y'all sense of humor?
    I'm done makin' jokes 'cause they got old like baby boomers
    Turned my haters to consumers, I make vets feel like they juniors
    Say your time is comin' soon, but just like Oklahoma
    我從來沒在闢謠的 你們難道都沒幽默感嗎
    我也不想在開玩笑了 不然怎麼講都是老梗
    把我的酸民變粉絲 讓老兵變年輕
    Mine is comin' sooner, I'm just a late bloomerI didn't peak in high school, I'm still out here gettin' cuter
    All these social networks and computersGot these pussies walkin' 'round like they ain't losers
    但我的時代來的更快 我是大器晚成
    我在高中不受歡迎 但現在我越來越討喜
    這些鍵盤戰士 總是故意說著妹子怎樣 顯得自己比較不魯

    Giva Divas:goo.gl/pVSAiC

    ☾ INQUIRIES 合作邀約:[email protected]

    ☾ This is not a sponsored video.

    0:00 歌曲背景
    3:59 歌詞解析
    11:34 Industry Plants爭議
    13:59 總結

  • they中文 在 真電玩宅速配 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-06 22:00:12

    由獨立團隊開發的《They Are Here: Alien Abduction Horror》是一款第一人稱恐怖遊戲,故事講述在格雷斯伍德農場發生了無法解釋的現象,農場主人謝爾曼一家人都看到了空中出現一群不明光點飛越麥田,農場主人彼得‧謝爾曼甚至在田野中看到一個長得不像一般人類的奇怪身影出沒,而農場中的動物也像發瘋似的,變得好鬥且有攻擊傾向。彼得將此事通知當地記者泰勒‧福克斯,希望他前來農場調查並為當地報紙做報導,玩家所扮演的角色,正是這名記者!

