

在 thermos保溫瓶容量產品中有33篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Sarah Chang 張學仁,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 超喜歡我的Mosh!保溫瓶天天搭配我的時裝!最後一天哦!別錯過! Loving these Mosh! thermos', been matching my outfits everyday! Last day to get yours too! (https://pse.is/3q9qjr) ...

thermos保溫瓶容量 在 Woody Mama |育兒生活·親子旅遊 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-03-30 16:35:20

👧🏻:「下次野餐可以帶我的角落小夥伴一起去嗎?」 👩‍👧吳比從小就是一個很喜歡各種可愛小物的女孩兒,而自從她見過角落小夥伴之後,就一直不斷的逼問媽媽:「這隻是什麼?他是熊嗎?那這隻呢?」 萌萌的角落小夥伴完全擄獲吳比的心❤️ 逼得媽媽還要google每隻角色😂,而且仔細研究之後,發現每隻角落小...

thermos保溫瓶容量 在 ?Miss miffy Nijntje( • x • )? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-03-04 07:37:22

🐰現貨 - miffy Thermos 保溫瓶 🍄歡迎online shop 24小時自助訂購, 唔駛等回覆,方便快捷😃link in Bio, 係profile 上面 https://missmiffyshoplifestylehk.boutir.com/ 🐰miffy保溫瓶, 樽身用上黃...

  • thermos保溫瓶容量 在 Sarah Chang 張學仁 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-29 22:48:44
    有 14 人按讚

    Loving these Mosh! thermos', been matching my outfits everyday! Last day to get yours too! (https://pse.is/3q9qjr)

    對的,我也加入了使用復古且新潮設計的保溫杯行列,因為它又美又好用,拿起來就是有種幸福感。我特別喜歡原色,它們很大方又百搭,跟服裝總能呼應或撞色,既實用又時尚的配件,媽媽最愛帶它到超商買咖啡,自備杯子既環保也能節省 3塊台幣!Why Not?

    家裡原有幾個保溫瓶,但總是沒辦法完全裝進超商賣的卡布奇諾。這個保溫瓶可以裝滿一整杯咖啡(大容量 450 毫升) 它採用雙層不銹鋼設計,可以保持冷熱飲品的溫度。它還有一個方便的小矽膠標籤,有助於防止飲料灑出,並可以毫不費力的掛在掛繩上。尤其是當媽媽的已經沒有手再拿東西的時候。

    如果你有覺得這個保溫瓶又潮又實用的話,點擊以下連結就可以購買囉! (https://pse.is/3q9qjr)

    Yup that’s right, I got on the bandwagon and joined the million+ people that fell in love with this vintage American milk bottle design. I love primary colors, they make a nice accessory to get to 7-11 grab a coffee and save 3NT.

    I have about 20 thermos’ at home that just can’t fit a cappuccino from 7-11. This thermos holds my full cup of coffee (full capacity of 450mL) It has a double-layer stainless steel design to insulate both hot and cold drinks. It’s also got a handy little silicon tab that helps to keep the drink from spilling and makes it easy to hang on a lanyard, especially when my hands are full.

    Click here if ya wanna jump on the bandwagon too! (https://pse.is/3q9qjr)

  • thermos保溫瓶容量 在 Bonnie House童裝 日本藥妝 迪士尼代購 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-28 19:04:48
    有 1 人按讚









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    客服回覆訊息時間 為平日一到五 11:30~18:00 其他時間一律不回覆

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  • thermos保溫瓶容量 在 Sarah Chang 張學仁 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-22 20:00:52
    有 56 人按讚


    有了Mosh! 保溫杯真是太棒了!即使我忙忘了咖啡的存在,幾個小時後,咖啡還是能夠熱騰騰的。 (https://pse.is/3q9qjr)

    對的,我也加入了使用復古且新潮設計的保溫杯行列,因為它又美又好用,拿起來就是有種幸福感。我特別喜歡原色,它們很大方又百搭,跟服裝總能呼應或撞色,既實用又時尚的配件,媽媽最愛帶它到超商買咖啡,自備杯子既環保也能節省 3塊台幣!Why Not?

    家裡原有幾個保溫瓶,但總是沒辦法完全裝進超商賣的卡布奇諾。這個保溫瓶可以裝滿一整杯咖啡(大容量 450 毫升) 它採用雙層不銹鋼設計,可以保持冷熱飲品的溫度。它還有一個方便的小矽膠標籤,有助於防止飲料灑出,並可以毫不費力的掛在掛繩上。尤其是當媽媽的已經沒有手再拿東西的時候。


    如果你有覺得這個保溫瓶又潮又實用的話,點擊以下連結就可以購買囉! (https://pse.is/3q9qjr)

    Get up, make a cup of coffee, then the phone rings, the baby cries, it’s time to change diapers, fix a toy, make a meal. Being a mother working from home, there’s not a lot of time to finish a task uninterrupted. But one thing that keeps me going is that hot coffee.

    It’s a good thing I got this Mosh! Thermos, it helps to keep my coffee nice and hot, even when it’s been forgotten for a few hours. (https://pse.is/3q9qjr)

    Yup that’s right, I got on the bandwagon and joined the million+ people that fell in love with this vintage American milk bottle design. I love primary colors, they make a nice accessory to get to 7-11 grab a coffee and save 3NT.

    I have about 20 thermos’ at home that just can’t fit a cappuccino from 7-11. This thermos holds my full cup of coffee (full capacity of 450mL) It has a double-layer stainless steel design to insulate both hot and cold drinks. It’s also got a handy little silicon tab that helps to keep the drink from spilling and makes it easy to hang on a lanyard, especially when my hands are full.

    While I love that we have amazing parks near our house, it’s always so hot outside. Now I can just put Kaka’s favorite cold shake in the thermos and give her a sip after she’s running around the park with that infectious smile. There’s 6 different colors, one for every person in the family!

    Click here if ya wanna jump on the bandwagon too! (https://pse.is/3q9qjr)