[爆卦]the more the more文法是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇the more the more文法鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在the more the more文法這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者sunny1991225 (桑妮)看板Eng-Class標題[文法] 比較級的問題時間Thu J...




像是:He has as much money as I do.

(which is the elliptical construction of "he has as much money as I have much


或者 He is taller than I am.

(which is the elliptical construction of "he is taller than I am tall.")

或者 He is a better leader than she is.

(which is the elliptical construction of "he is a better leader than she is a

good leader.")



像是:He has more money than sense.

(which is the elliptical construction of "he has more money than he has sense."


或者 You were happier than I was sad.

(there is no elliptical construction of this sentence.)

或者 You have more books than I have plates.

(there is no elliptical construction of this sentence.)

或者 He killed twice as many people as I saved.

(which is the elliptical construction of "he killed twice as many people as I

saved people."

或者 You hate me more than I love you.

(there is no elliptical construction of this sentence.)

或者 You are braver than I was scared.

(there is no elliptical construction of this sentence.)



是有,像是You were happier than I was sad中的平行結構似乎可以是成立在比較兩人


2."We have more water than we have wine."或者"He has more cats than he

has dogs."可以理解,但"He has more money than sense."這個句子雖然使用上大家都



"He has more money than guts." (有錢無膽)也是可行的?


但每一個晚上......我總在釘死那個混蛋前就醒了! By 刀鋒戰士

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1496880404.A.BE4.html
※ 編輯: sunny1991225 (, 06/08/2017 08:57:04
dunchee: 1. Yes. 平行結構是文法詞性/句子裡頭的角色上的平行(比 06/08 22:00
dunchee: 如 happier(adj, comp.) <-> sad(adj, comp.) 06/08 22:00
dunchee: 2. 同前. money(noun, obj. of 'has')<->sense(noun,obj. 06/08 22:00
dunchee: of 'has'). 這樣子就是合文法。 06/08 22:00
dunchee: sense")是fixed expression,有的字典已經有收錄。 06/08 22:00
dunchee: 你的句子(...guts)相較之下較不普遍,但還是有人在用。 06/08 22:01
dunchee: google可以找到英文母語的人(比如他們寫的書)有那樣子表 06/08 22:01
dunchee: 達 06/08 22:01
dunchee: ahdictionary.com/word/search.html?q=parallelism 06/08 22:04
dunchee: 3 ... 06/08 22:05
dunchee: 只要求"syntactic constructions",所以(比如)即使 money 06/08 22:05
dunchee: 和 sense 「字面意思上」無從比起,但是在那句子裡頭兩者 06/08 22:05
sunny1991225: 謝謝dunchee,算是解了一個大困惑 06/08 22:05
dunchee: 的文法結構上的角色仍是一樣 06/08 22:05
sunny1991225: 我還經常看到有一類比較級的表達方式是這樣: 06/08 22:06
sunny1991225: He killed twice as many people as I saved. 06/08 22:06
sunny1991225: 像這類比較級表達式,雖然動詞不一樣,但是因為 06/08 22:06
sunny1991225: 因為前後的比較對象還是有平行,所以於文法上依然是 06/08 22:07
sunny1991225: 合法的平行結構對嗎? 06/08 22:07
naushtogo: 這一句大概是你提出的所有句子裡面最 make sense 的。 06/08 22:51
naushtogo: 想提一點,在英文裡 grammatically correct 的句子並不 06/08 23:06
naushtogo: 一定是 daily vernacular 會用的句子。more money than 06/08 23:06
naushtogo: sense 是因為用的人多才變成大家都習慣的句子; 06/08 23:06
naushtogo: more money than guts 如果沒有上下文的話,人家會以為 06/08 23:16
naushtogo: 你在講火星文;google 這句,你會發現大多是在文章裡 p 06/08 23:16
naushtogo: lay on words 的味道。 06/08 23:16
naushtogo: He killed twice as many people as I saved. 大概是你 06/08 23:24
naushtogo: 提出裡面唯二不用上下文,不是 play on words, 一般會 06/08 23:24
naushtogo: 接受的句子。 06/08 23:24
sunny1991225: 感謝naushtogo 06/09 19:08
sunny1991225: 我也知道裡頭很多句子很怪異。只是就是因為句子很 06/09 19:09
sunny1991225: 怪異才會引起這種不確定感 06/09 19:09

