在 tengo變化產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過23萬的網紅認識西班牙 ~ 跟著官方導遊走!,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【導遊闢謠解惑 ~ 西班牙的素食】 西班牙也有素食。 西班牙的素食者大部分是動保人士,他們因為不願傷害生命而成為素食者,分成兩種,vegetariano 和 vegano,vegetariano 是吃青菜和雞蛋牛奶製的,vegano 是不吃任何動物來源的食物,連雞蛋牛奶製品都不吃。 因為...
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過12萬的網紅永安的心情二胡 YungAn's Erhu Fantasy,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#LuisFonsi #Despacito #二胡 Luis Fonsi-Despacito 二胡版 by 永安 Luis Fonsi-Despacito (Erhu Cover by YungAn) ■ Off Vocal by "Hit The Button Karaoke": https:/...
tengo變化 在 陳德政 Instagram 的最佳貼文
2021-09-03 16:06:26
這幾天無可抑制地在重播這個 現居斯德哥爾摩的鋼琴家Shida Shahabi的新作 Cloud No. 26 (Piano Sonata No 26, Les Adieux, Andante) - Beethoven Recomposed 是她對貝多芬的一次改編 Shida Shahabi有...
tengo變化 在 Wen的Hola西語教室 Instagram 的最佳解答
2021-05-14 09:29:25
大家好呀~~ 今天要跟大家分享的單字是 Expandir (tr.) 擴散 Expandir 是原型動詞哦,要用的話都要變化過~ 有人要在留言變化看看嗎?🤭🤭 另一個相似詞是 Propagar (tr.) 當然, 最近最常看到的用法就是病毒擴散啦...😔 例句如下👇🏻👇🏻 👉🏻 Siempre t...
tengo變化 在 永安的心情二胡 YungAn's Erhu Fantasy Youtube 的最佳解答
2017-12-01 16:24:02#LuisFonsi #Despacito #二胡
Luis Fonsi-Despacito 二胡版 by 永安
Luis Fonsi-Despacito (Erhu Cover by YungAn)
■ Off Vocal by "Hit The Button Karaoke": https://open.spotify.com/track/5MT5WpotzuXRKULJmHMWUH
路易斯·馮西(Luis Fonsi,全名:Luis Alfonso Rodríguez,1978年4月15日-)是一名波多黎各歌手,同時也擔任作曲。從1998年出道以來,馮西贏得了包括拉丁格萊美獎等諸多獎項,在世界流行音樂界有自己一席地位。
2017年,憑藉與Daddy Yankee和賈斯汀·比伯合作的《Despacito》獲得2017全美音樂獎年度最佳合作獎。
非英語歌曲連霸美國排行榜冠軍寶座非常少見,《Despacito》在Youtube的熱度更是驚人,上架10個月共創下44億的點閱率,成為Youtube史上點閱率最高的影片。MV在波多黎各街頭拍攝,可以看到當地人在玩骨牌、跳舞。影片中的女主角則是2006年環球小姐、波多黎各演員兼模特兒Zuleyka Rivera。主唱Luis Fonsi希望讓不熟悉拉美文化的人,知道拉美人是多麼愉快,音樂在他們日常生活中是多麼普遍。下面就讓我們先來欣賞這首MV:
Des~pa~cito~ 讓我們拿起二胡,放縱在濃濃的拉丁風情裡吧!
Luis Fonsi-Despacito 二胡版
原唱:Luis Fonsi/Daddy Yankee
詞曲:Luis Rodríguez/Erika Ender/Ramón Ayala
1=D BPM=89
Ay, Fonsi! DY!
3⤴⤵ 7⤴5⤵ 2⤴2⤵
Ohhh, oh, no, oh, no, oh~
21 11 1165 2
Hey, yeah! Dididiri Daddy, go!
12 11 11 11 1111
Sí, sabes que ya llevo un rato mirándote
6 367 121 765 411
Tengo que bailar contigo hoy
15 15 15 127 66
Vi que tu mirada ya estaba llamándome
6 367 121 765 4121
Muéstrame el camino que yo voy
15 15 15 127 6
Tú, tú eres el imán y yo soy el metal
6 6667 1717 176
Me voy acercando y voy armando el plan
6667 17171 25
Solo con pensarlo se acelera el pulso
5555 15151 227 66
Ya, ya me está gustando más de lo normal
6 6667 1717 176
Todos mis sentidos van pidiendo más
6667 17171 25
Esto hay que tomarlo sin ningún apuro
5555 17171 227
1 7 63
Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito
3333 36666 564
Deja que te diga cosas al oído
4444 46666 715
Para que te acuerdes si no estás conmigo
5555 51111 227
1 7 63
Quiero desnudarte a besos despacito
3333 36666 564
Firmo en las paredes de tu laberinto
4444 46666 715
Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito
5555 51111 227
Sube, sube, sube, sube, sube
545454 545⤴5⤵
Quiero ver bailar tu pelo quiero ser tu ritmo
32323 23 2323 441
Que le enseñes a mi boca
44444 543
Tus lugares favoritos, favoritos, favoritos baby
3333 3543 2 2222 2222 71
Déjame sobrepasar tus zonas de peligro
3232 323 2323 441
Hasta provocar tus gritos
44444 543
Y que olvides tu apellido
3333 3543 2
Si te pido un beso ven dámelo
111 1116 166
Yo sé que estás pensándolo
61116 166
Llevo tiempo intentándolo
67176 166
Mami, esto es dando y dándolo
61116 166
Sabes que tu corazón conmigo te hace bom, bom
2221 2222 2321 11
Sabes que esa beba está buscando de mi bom, bom
2221 2222 2321 11
Ven prueba de mi boca para ver cómo te sabe
51116 1111 1116 21
Quiero, quiero, quiero ver cuánto amor a ti te cabe
11 11 11 111 1116 21
Yo no tengo prisa, yo me quiero dar el viaje
1111 3333 5511 11
Empecemos lento, después salvaje
3333 222 2121
Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito
3111 66 1111 66
Nos vamos pegando poquito a poquito
1111 633 111 66
Cuando tú me besas con esa destreza
2221 21 2221 21
Veo que eres malicia con delicadeza
1111 777 776 16
Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito
3111 66 1111 66
Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito
1111 633 111 66
Y es que esa belleza es un rompecabezas
2221 21 2221 21
Pero pa montarlo aquí tengo la pieza
1111 777 776 176 66
1 7 63
Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito
3333 36666 564
Deja que te diga cosas al oído
4444 46666 715
Para que te acuerdes si no estás conmigo
5555 51111 227
1 7 63
Quiero desnudarte a besos despacito
3333 36666 564
Firmo en las paredes de tu laberinto
4444 46666 715
Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito
5555 51111 227
Sube, sube, sube, sube, sube
545454 545⤴5⤵
Quiero ver bailar tu pelo Quiero ser tu ritmo
32323 23 2323 441
Que le enseñes a mi boca
44444 543
Tus lugares favoritos, favoritos, favoritos baby
3333 3543 2 2222 2222 71
Déjame sobrepasar tus zonas de peligro
3232 323 2323 441
Hasta provocar tus gritos
44444 543
Y que olvides tu apellido
3333 3543 2
1 7 63
Vamos a hacerlo en una playa en Puerto Rico
3333 36666 564
Hasta que las olas griten "Ay, bendito!"
4444 46666 715
Para que mi sello se quede contigo
5555 51111 227
Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito
3117 66 1717 66
Nos vamos pegando poquito a poquito
1111 633 111 66
Que le enseñes a mi boca
4444 4544 3
Tus lugares favoritos, favoritos, favoritos
3333 3543 2 2222 222
Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito
3117 66 1717 66
Nos vamos pegando poquito a poquito
1111 633 111 66
Hasta provocar tus gritos
44444 543
Y que olvides tu apellido
3333 3543 2
1 7 76
tengo變化 在 認識西班牙 ~ 跟著官方導遊走! Facebook 的精選貼文
【導遊闢謠解惑 ~ 西班牙的素食】
西班牙的素食者大部分是動保人士,他們因為不願傷害生命而成為素食者,分成兩種,vegetariano 和 vegano,vegetariano 是吃青菜和雞蛋牛奶製的,vegano 是不吃任何動物來源的食物,連雞蛋牛奶製品都不吃。
因為西班牙餐廳不是很了解台灣佛教的素食,所以,在西班牙點菜時要記得跟餐廳說「對大蒜洋蔥過敏」,因為,根據我的經驗,餐廳對「過敏」特別重視,你說「不吃肉」,他會問「可不可以吃魚?」,你說「只吃青菜」,他會給「加了洋蔥的沙拉」,但是,如果你說「我是嚴格素食者,對大蒜洋蔥過敏 soy vegano y tengo alergia al ajo y a la cebolla」,他們一定會慎重處理,不會再問東問西啦😂😂😂
西班牙的餐廳可以做素食,但是,變化不多,這裡有幾道適合素食者的常見西班牙菜,但是,一定要先強調「我是嚴格素食者,對大蒜洋蔥過敏 soy vegano y tengo alergia al ajo y a la cebolla」:
🍽 Paella de verduras 蔬菜燉飯
🍽 Fideuá de verduras 蔬菜燉麵
🍽 Pasta con salsa de setas 麵條佐箘菇醬
🍽 Pasta con pisto y champiñones 麵條佐蔬菜
🍽 Espinacas con garbanzos 鷹嘴豆佐菠菜
🍽 Ensalada verde 蔬菜沙拉
🍽 Espárragos blancos 白蘆筍(通常佐美乃滋或焗烤)
🍽 Parrillada de verduras 烤蔬菜
🍽 Alcachofas al horno 或 Alcachofas a la brasa 烤朝鮮薊
🍽 Escalivada de pimientos y berenjenas 烤紅椒、青椒跟茄子
🍽 Salteados de verduras 炒蔬菜
🍽 Salteado de setas 炒箘菇
🍽 Espinacas a la catalana 加泰隆尼亞式菠菜
🍽 Espárragos a la plancha 香煎蘆筍
🍽 Champiñones a la planch 香煎蘑菇
🍽 Menestra de verduras 什錦蔬菜
🍽 Alcachofas confitadas 油封朝鮮薊
🍽 Crema de verduras 蔬菜濃湯
🍽 Crema de calabaza 南瓜濃湯
🍽 Crema de champiñones 蘑菇濃湯
🍽 Alcachofas fritas 香炸朝鮮薊
🍽 Pimientos de Padrón 香炸甜小青椒
🍽 Frituras de vegetales 香炸蔬菜
🍽 Berenjenas rellenas de verduras 焗烤茄子塞蔬菜(如果是蛋奶素)
🍽 Tortilla de patatas 西班牙蛋餅(如果是蛋奶素)
🍽 Croquetas de champiñones / boletus / queso洋菇/箘菇/奶酪 可樂餅
以上這些常見的西班牙菜,都屬於西班牙素食者可以吃的,不過,一定要記得強調不要蔥蒜(sin cebolla sin ajo)喔!
#西班牙 #素食 #美食
tengo變化 在 認識西班牙 ~ 跟著官方導遊走! Facebook 的最讚貼文
【導遊闢謠解惑 ~ 西班牙的素食】
西班牙的素食者大部分是動保人士,他們因為不願傷害生命而成為素食者,分成兩種,vegetariano 和 vegano,vegetariano 是吃青菜和雞蛋牛奶製的,vegano 是不吃任何動物來源的食物,連雞蛋牛奶製品都不吃。
因為西班牙餐廳不是很了解台灣佛教的素食,所以,在西班牙點菜時要記得跟餐廳說「對大蒜洋蔥過敏」,因為,根據我的經驗,餐廳對「過敏」特別重視,你說「不吃肉」,他會問「可不可以吃魚?」,你說「只吃青菜」,他會給「加了洋蔥的沙拉」,但是,如果你說「我是嚴格素食者,對大蒜洋蔥過敏 soy vegano y tengo alergia al ajo y a la cebolla」,他們一定會慎重處理,不會再問東問西啦😂😂😂
西班牙的餐廳可以做素食,但是,變化不多,這裡有幾道適合素食者的常見西班牙菜,但是,一定要先強調「我是嚴格素食者,對大蒜洋蔥過敏 soy vegano y tengo alergia al ajo y a la cebolla」:
🍽 Paella de verduras 蔬菜燉飯
🍽 Fideuá de verduras 蔬菜燉麵
🍽 Pasta con salsa de setas 麵條佐箘菇醬
🍽 Pasta con pisto y champiñones 麵條佐蔬菜
🍽 Espinacas con garbanzos 鷹嘴豆佐菠菜
🍽 Ensalada verde 蔬菜沙拉
🍽 Espárragos blancos 白蘆筍(通常佐美乃滋或焗烤)
🍽 Parrillada de verduras 烤蔬菜
🍽 Alcachofas al horno 或 Alcachofas a la brasa 烤朝鮮薊
🍽 Escalivada de pimientos y berenjenas 烤紅椒、青椒跟茄子
🍽 Salteados de verduras 炒蔬菜
🍽 Salteado de setas 炒箘菇
🍽 Espinacas a la catalana 加泰隆尼亞式菠菜
🍽 Espárragos a la plancha 香煎蘆筍
🍽 Champiñones a la planch 香煎蘑菇
🍽 Menestra de verduras 什錦蔬菜
🍽 Alcachofas confitadas 油封朝鮮薊
🍽 Crema de verduras 蔬菜濃湯
🍽 Crema de calabaza 南瓜濃湯
🍽 Crema de champiñones 蘑菇濃湯
🍽 Alcachofas fritas 香炸朝鮮薊
🍽 Pimientos de Padrón 香炸甜小青椒
🍽 Frituras de vegetales 香炸蔬菜
🍽 Berenjenas rellenas de verduras 焗烤茄子塞蔬菜(如果是蛋奶素)
🍽 Tortilla de patatas 西班牙蛋餅(如果是蛋奶素)
🍽 Croquetas de champiñones / boletus / queso洋菇/箘菇/奶酪 可樂餅
以上這些常見的西班牙菜,都屬於西班牙素食者可以吃的,不過,一定要記得強調不要蔥蒜(sin cebolla sin ajo)喔!
#西班牙 #素食 #美食
tengo變化 在 Musaubach Facebook 的最佳貼文
感謝參加的來賓,大家的參與讓“風夜狂想曲”此展覽上完美的經驗!謝謝!展覽將持續到11/25 ~歡迎大家蒞臨參觀!/Thanks everyone who came to the opening! You made it such a wonderful experience! I have absolutely no words to express what an awesome night it was! The exhibition runs through November 25th! /Gracias a todos los que pasaron por la apertura de la exhibición! Realmente hicieron de ella algo hermosísimo! No tengo palabras para describir lo fantástico que fue! La exhibición queda inaugurada hasta el día 25 de noviembre!
風夜狂想曲 Rhapsody on a Windy Night
Marina Burana solo exhibition 明蓮花個展
2018.11.03 - 2018.11.25
Opening 開幕茶會:11.03 (六) 17:00
Venue 展覽地點:新樂園藝術空間 SLY art space
Address 地址:台北市中山區中山北路二段11巷15-2號
No. 15-2, Lane 11, Section 2, Zhong Shan N. Rd., Zhongshan District, Taipei, Taiwan.
Music 樂手: Musa の大里 Trio / Ing Lan Chang (flute 長笛)
Photography 攝影師: 黃昱寧 Carol
Video 視頻: Martin Kuo
Catering 餐飲業: La Caja de Música 樂盒子
Souvenirs 紀念品: 饞工坊 Antojos De Estrella & Marina Burana 明蓮花
詩讀 Poem read by: Amber Ma
「風夜狂想曲」是T.S. Eliot的詩。這首詩是本系列畫作背後的靈感來源,所以我選它作為這次展覽的名稱。
把鞋脫在門口,睡吧,做好一輩子的準備。 ”
Rhapsody on a Windy Night-Introduction
“Rhapsody on a Windy Night” is the title of a poem by T.S. Eliot. I chose this title as the name of my exhibition because I was inspired by this piece to paint this series of paintings.
The poem talks about a person wandering through the night, lost in thought, a mere witness and also part of the world around him. It describes a struggle between the most transient of things, memory, and the physicality of existence, the material world. It feels like a dance (or, as I said, a struggle) between the flow of memory and the domesticity of life, which interrupts the wanderings of the narrator, creating, thus, a convergence of material and immaterial images that somehow haunts him.
Twelve o'clock.
Along the reaches of the street
Held in a lunar synthesis,
Whispering lunar incantations
Dissolve the floors of memory
And all its clear relations,
Its divisions and precisions,
Every street lamp that I pass
Beats like a fatalistic drum,
And through the spaces of the dark
Midnight shakes the memory
As a madman shakes a dead geranium. (...)
As I wandered through the poem, I felt the urge of redefining certain imagery, to translate it into my own personal world of memory and facts. My intimate ontology.
(…) The memory throws up high and dry
A crowd of twisted things;
A twisted branch upon the beach
Eaten smooth, and polished
As if the world gave up
The secret of its skeleton,
Stiff and white. (...)
One element that immediately came up in my mind as I read the poem was the sea. I have always been deeply connected to the sea. I spent most of my life looking at the immensity of the ocean or swimming in its waters. When we swim, once we are underwater, it's as if we were no longer connected to the outside world, with what happens on the surface. Suddenly, the sounds are muffled, distorted. What we see is not as clear as what we see on land. Our bodies feel lighter and everything somehow seems like a dream. Reality takes on new dimensions and then there's the looming need to go back to the surface to breath. Kind of like memory. Once we are underwater (“wanderers in our personal memories”) the surface (“the material world”) seems something that's in another plane of existence. Something to what we will go back sometime soon, but that can actually wait a little longer as we explore the vastness of the unknown, of that enigmatic cosmos that has the potential of killing us and also giving us joy.
The connection I find between memory and being underwater translated into these paintings, whose common thread is the flow of changing color, the intermingling of shapes and forms, just like memory, which throws up high and dry a crowd of twisted things.
Early on, I decided not to focus on the struggle between memory and the material world, their impossible cohabitation, as it is presented in the poem, and, instead, try to explore the complicated flow of images that memory brings, their movement and their resilience.
The struggle between the two topics mentioned above (memory and the material world) finds its resolution in a sort of frustration or defeat experienced by the wanderer at the very end of the poem, the unavoidable reality of his existence, that of being a blur in an endless cycle of dead images and a rapidly waning materiality:
(…) The lamp said,
"Four o'clock,
Here is the number on the door.
You have the key,
The little lamp spreads a ring on the stair,
The bed is open; the tooth-brush hangs on the wall,
Put your shoes at the door, sleep, prepare for life."
The last twist of the knife.
But at the same time it shows how inextricable the material and the immaterial worlds are: on the one hand, the tooth-brush, the shoes, “preparing for life”, that is, things of this finite world; and on the other, closing the eyes, entering into the most unfathomable state of mind: sleep, darkness, unconsciousness. It leaves the reader with a sense of hopelessness, somehow. It shows how the material world, at the end of the day, wins over the unsubstantial, over the fruitless paths the mind takes sometimes.
This inextricable relation was the one that prepared the ground for the struggle/dance that appeared in my paintings. But as I got lost in the process, this struggle became tangential and gave way to the exploration of another struggle: the intimate dance of color as a representation of memory.
I would say this exhibition is a celebration of the personal wanderings of the mind.