

在 temporary英文產品中有64篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過22萬的網紅外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan),也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 台灣將持續以民主良善力量,在後疫情時代扮演印太區域積極可靠的角色 「凱達格蘭論壇-2021亞太安全對話 」剛落幕,有16位政要與專家線上視訊討論 #台海局勢對印太區域的挑戰、#四方安全對話、#灰色地帶脅迫、#後疫情時代建立可信賴供應鏈 等議題。 來,小編幫大家整理重點: #蔡英文總統 蔡總統...

 同時也有7部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅Handline Fishing,也在其Youtube影片中提到,我完全沒有氣餒,一於再試 | 『香港釣魚 : 岸釣』灣仔臨時海濱花園 {粵語旁白+中英文字幕} Let's try again | [Hong Kong HK Fishing : Shore] Wan Chai Temporary Promenade {Voice Over + CC} Busin...

temporary英文 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-16 07:13:19

快開學了! 也領到網版講義了! 至少第一、二課要看完, 單字要搶先背蛤~ 今天俐媽帶大家來學常見字尾形容詞篇Part 1️⃣ —————————————————————— 🃏 俐媽英文教室—常見字尾形容詞篇Part 1: ♠️ able/ -ible:能力 ℹ️ valuable (三民B1L9...

temporary英文 在 Joe English|林軒英文 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-07-11 08:44:29

《99學測歷屆英文詞彙題-第1題》⁣ 1. Mr. Lin is a very ________ writer; he publishes at least five novels every year.⁣ (A) moderate (B) temporary (C) productive (D) ...

temporary英文 在 beinghongkong Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-05-10 05:15:14

走進「香港平面設計之父」的圖語世界。 自六十年代初落戶香港,石漢瑞(Henry Steiner)整整二十年都住在西營盤一所酒店裡(文末為Steiner親自撰寫的英文原文《Home away from home》)。像他這樣一個沒有「nesting DNA」的無根者,卻在近半世紀,用上各種符號語言建...

  • temporary英文 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-01 17:26:10
    有 2,565 人按讚


    「凱達格蘭論壇-2021亞太安全對話 」剛落幕,有16位政要與專家線上視訊討論 #台海局勢對印太區域的挑戰、#四方安全對話、#灰色地帶脅迫、#後疫情時代建立可信賴供應鏈 等議題。



    蔡總統說,威權體制在COVID-19疫情中竄起,民主國家在後疫情時代更堅定捍衛共享價值和體制;她也強調台灣在民主、再生能源及半導體都是美日印澳的「四方安全對話」及歐盟「歐亞連結策略」 #不可或缺的夥伴。台灣願意承擔確保區域穩定的責任,我國盼與 #鄰國 在和平、穩定及互惠的原則下共存,並堅持捍衛民主和生活方式。






    The Ketagalan Forum—2021 Asia-Pacific Security Dialogue drew to a successful close yesterday. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the forum was held online this year, addressing a range of topics including developments in the Taiwan Strait, how QUAD are meeting the challenges of the #IndoPacific, #GrayZoneCoercion in the East and South China Seas and the reconfiguration of global supply chains in the #PostPandemicEra.

    In her pre-recorded address, President Tsai Ing-wen warned that as we emerge from the pandemic, authoritarian regimes have a new confidence in their alternative model to the liberal democratic order. Taiwan, she said, which continues to thrive, can offer a solution to many democratic countries who are struggling to get their footing back amid a series of challenges, including #ClimateChange, emerging diseases, non-proliferation, terrorism, and secure supply chains. She added that Taiwan is well-positioned to serve as an indispensable partner in sectors such as biotechnology, renewable energy, and the semiconductor industry, with the revival of the QUAD and the EU's proposed EU-Asia Connectivity Strategy.

    Keynote speaker, former United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador Kelly Craft, with her Formosan bear in tow, stressed her personal relationship with Taiwan and called out China’s government-run media outlets for trying to take advantage of the situation in Afghanistan to undermine Taiwan’s trust in the United States as a security partner. She applauded the Biden administration for its continuing demonstration of the US commitment to Taiwan and underlined the importance of Taiwan to US security at home, saying “If Taiwan is lost, we lose too.” She also pointed to what she called systemic discrimination in the UN system against Taiwan and expressed her support for Taiwan becoming a QUAD+ member.

    MOFA Deputy Minister Tien Chung-kwang stressed Taiwan’s determination to defend herself and to be a reliable partner in the creation of regional and global supply chains, citing US Founding Father Benjamin Franklin’s famous words, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

    The dialogue hosted four panels, with 16 officials or former officials and academics from countries, including the #US, #Japan, #France, #Australia, #India, #Singapore, #SouthKorea, #Vietnam and the #Philippines.

  • temporary英文 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-15 22:31:42
    有 1 人按讚

    Online Schools Are Here to Stay, Even After the Pandemic

    Rory Levin, a sixth grader in Bloomington, Minnesota, used to hate going to school. He has a health condition that often makes him feel apprehensive ( ) around other students. Taking special-education classes did little to ease his anxiety.

    So when his district created a stand-alone ( ) digital-only program, Bloomington Online School, last year for the pandemic, Rory opted ( ) to try it. Now the 11-year-old is enjoying school for the first time, said his mother, Lisa Levin. He loves the live video classes and has made friends with other online students, she said.

    In December, Bloomington Public Schools decided to keep running the online school even after the pandemic subsides ( ). Lisa Levin plans to re-enroll Rory for this fall.

    “It is such a good fit ( ) for him,” she said. “We’re really hoping they can continue it for the rest of his school career.”

    A year after the coronavirus set off ( ) a seismic ( ) disruption ( ) in public education, some of the remote programs that districts intended to be temporary are poised ( ) to outlast ( ) the pandemic. Even as students flock ( ) back to classrooms, a subset ( ) of families who have come to prefer online learning are pushing to keep it going — and school systems are rushing to accommodate ( ) them.

    The districts are racing to set up full-fledged ( ) online schools even as concerns mount ( ) that remote learning has taken a substantial toll on ( ) many children’s academic progress and emotional health. Parents and lawmakers, alarmed by the situation, have urged ( ) schools to reopen.

    Even so, at least several hundred of the nation’s 13,000 school districts have established virtual schools this academic year, with an eye to ( ) operating them for years to come ( ), education researchers said. Unlike many makeshift ( ) pandemic school programs, these stand-alone virtual schools have their own teachers, who work only with remote students and use curricula ( ) designed for online learning.

    Yet a surge ( ) of online schools comes with risks. It could normalize remote learning approaches ( ) that have had poor results for many students, education researchers said. It could also further divide a fragile ( ) national education system, especially when many Asian, Black and Latino families have been wary ( ) of sending their children back to school this year.

    “My fear is that it will lead to further fracturing ( ) and fragmentation ( ),” said Jack Schneider, an assistant professor of education at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell.

    即便疫情過去 線上教學會繼續

    美國明尼蘇達州布魯明頓市的六年級學生Rory Levin曾經討厭上學,他有健康問題,常讓他和其他學生共處時感到焦慮,上特教課程對於紓解他的焦慮幫助不大。

    因此,當他的學區去年因疫情而設置獨立的全數位學程「布魯明頓線上學校」時,羅利決定試試。他的母親Lisa Levin說,現在這個11歲的男孩首度能夠享受上學了,她說,他喜愛直播影音課程,也和其他線上學生成了朋友。

    去年12月,布魯明頓公立學校決定,疫情趨緩後讓線上學校繼續營運。Lisa Levin計畫今年秋季再幫Rory註冊。






    「我擔心的是,這將導致(教育體系) 進一步的斷裂與破碎。」洛厄爾麻州大學教育系助理教授Jack Schneider說。

    #高雄人 #學習英文 請找 #多益達人林立英文
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    #多益家教班 #商用英文

  • temporary英文 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-24 20:31:21
    有 21 人按讚

    #吉娜單字教室 更新單字【temporary adj. 暫時的;臨時的】,超級實用單字,有五個生活實用例句。

    adj. 暫時的;臨時的

    1. The construction site put up a temporary fence. They'll remove it when the building is complete.

    4. I'm working at a convenience store, but it's only temporary. Once I get a full-time job, I'm leaving.

    2. She is a temporary worker. The woman she replaced is on maternity leave.

    3. His stay in New York is temporary. He plans to move back home after school.

    5. My sister lived with us temporarily while she was looking for a job. Once she found work, she moved out.

