

在 talented意思產品中有33篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Hapa Eikaiwa,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, ================================= 「can」と「be able to」の簡単ルール ================================= 英語で「〜をすることができる」と表現しようとした際、“can”と“be able to”のどちらで表現したらよ...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅酒意思 SIP WITH JOYCE,也在其Youtube影片中提到,各位觀眾,酒意思Sip with Joyce 的餐酒搭配影片已經來到第12集囉! 不曉得大家有沒有聽過蒼蠅頭這道菜?很多人以為這道菜起源於四川,但它可是一道非常道地的台灣菜喔! 這集,我非常榮幸邀請到一位我十分欣賞的花藝師 Dani Chou,來為我們示範這道菜。Dani 說:「每次煮蒼蠅頭時,...

talented意思 在 Joyce | Sommelier|侍酒師 ???? Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-17 16:50:16

Ladies and gentlemen, here comes 酒意思Sip with Joyce’s the 12th food and wine pairing video!!! ​ 🙌🙌🙌 ​ ​ Have you ever heard of Flies’ Heads? ​ It’s a u...

talented意思 在 Joyce | Sommelier|侍酒師 ???? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-07-11 08:47:13

If you ask me, what do I love about Finger Lakes wines? My answers would be: ​ 1) After visiting FLX for the first time a few years back, I fell in lo...

  • talented意思 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-12-13 11:30:51
    有 86 人按讚

    「can」と「be able to」の簡単ルール
    英語で「〜をすることができる」と表現しようとした際、“can”と“be able to”のどちらで表現したらよいのか迷った経験がある方は多いのではないでしょうか。今日のコラムでは、現在・過去・未来の3つの状況に分けて、それぞれの用法をご紹介いたします。日常会話でもよく使われる表現なのでマスターしちゃいましょう!

    現在の能力を表す場合は「can」と「be able to」両方が使える
    Canとbe able toは現時点で何かが出来きる能力を表します。例えば、「自転車に乗れます」は「I can ride a bicycle.」と「I'm able to ride a bicycle.」両方使うことができます。しかし、ネイティブはcanを使う傾向があります。
    ✔言語を話す能力Speakと、楽器を演奏する能力Playについて話す場合は、canやbe able toを省いて言うことが多い。(例:I can speak English. → I speak English.)
    I can (am able to) make macaroons.
    He can (is able to) dance. He is actually a really talented dancer.
    I (can) play the guitar and the piano.

    過去の能力を表す場合は「could」と「was/were able to」両方が使える
    「昔〜することができた」と表す場合はcouldとwas/were able to両方とも間違いではありませんが、was/were able toを使う方が一般的です。例えば、「子供の時、英語を話すことが出来た」は「I could speak English when I was a kid.」より「I was able to speak English when I was a kid.」の方が自然な響きがあります。また、Couldは「以前からずっと〜することができた」といったニュアンスが含まれ、1度きりの出来事に対して使うことは出来ません。例えば、「先週、その料理教室に申し込めました」は「I was able to sign up to the cooking class.」になり、ここではcouldを使うことは出来ません。
    ✔一度きりの出来事でも、例外として、See、Hear、Taste、Smell、Feel、Understand、Remember、Guessの動詞を用いる場合はCouldを使うことが出来る。(was able toでもOK)。例えば、「I could (was able to) understand the speaker's English from the last episode.(前回のスピーカーの英語を理解することが出来ました)」となる。
    I could (was able to) dunk the basketball when I was a teenager.
    She was able to make an appointment at the popular nail salon.
    I could (was able to) see the Super Blood Moon last month.

    将来の能力を表す場合は「will be able to」
    現在は出来ないが(能力はないが)、将来的には出来るようになる(能力が身に付く)ことを表す場合はwill be able toを使いcanを使うことは出来ません。例えば、今は英語が上手に話せないが「3年後には英語が話せるようになる」と言いたい場合は「I will be able to speak English in three years.」と表現します。
    ✔将来の話でも決断の意思を示す場合はCanとWill be able to両方使える。例えば、「来週、セミナーに参加できます。」は「I can attend the seminar next week.」と「I will be able to attend the seminar next week.」のどちらでもOK。
    I think I'll be able to run a half marathon under 2 hours next year.
    You'll be able to write business emails in English at the end of this course.
    I can (will be able to) start work next Monday.

  • talented意思 在 黃大煒 (Huang Dawei) Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-11-15 00:46:15
    有 54 人按讚

    先祝福我們親愛的Angela Fujita& Jennifer Jao 生日快樂!
    今晚驚喜見到偶像楊貴媚 Yang Kuei Mei影后,恭喜名製作人陳慧玲【 #我的婆婆怎麼那麼可愛】收視率長紅破紀錄,恭喜傅薇和小路#LukeJinsuui 【 #阿無莫 】主題曲深入人心,好聽有意思很逗趣,郭彥甫Yen Fu有了小王子當了新爸爸!
    認識新朋友 #TiffanyLin

    I am soo happy to reunite with our friends!!
    Firstly, we wish Angela Fujita and Jennifer Jao an amazing birthday!! We are soo lucky that we can celebrate together!! It was a great surprise to see idol Yang Kuei-Mei! Huge congratulations to the talented producer, Ann Chen, for the record-breaking accomplishment of "U Motherbaker"!!
    Also, congrats to Fu Wei and Xiao Lu, for the fitting theme song!! Soo happy to finally see artist and new father, Kuo Yen Fu after the birth of his little prince!!
    We are a group of young children at heart!!
    It has been a very eventful year. Although we are happy that we have our health, we are happier to be able to work with like-minded friends, stay focused on our ideas (no matter how difficult it may be), and always keeping the purest intentions.
    Soo happy!!!❤️🤗🎉🎶🎂🎁🎵🎈😍

    #晴水音樂 #阿無莫
    台北市電影委員會 Taipei Film Commission
    Vicky MeiMei Chao

  • talented意思 在 作者 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-07-01 07:12:16
    有 1,517 人按讚

    1968年布拉格之春的主要主題曲,竟然是Beatles的《Hey Jude》,因歌手Marta Kubisova翻唱而響徹了整個國家。捷克版的改編不再圍繞父親在離婚後的叮嚀,歌詞變得更貼近那個時代的語境:

    //Hey Jude,甚麼弄哭了你?

    Hey Jude,他愛着你。

    Hey Jude,請相信他。


    Hey Jude,這是你的歌。

    Hey Jude,我得到
    Hey Jude,神才知道,為何你唱得更好,

    Hey Jude,你知道,


    另一個被捕原因,是這年他們發表了一張很特別的專輯《Ach To Státu Hanobení》,意思是「那個誹謗的國度」。當中有一首歌叫《100 Bodů》,用整整20分鐘反覆唱着同一範句諷刺蘇共當局,來鋪陳出最後那著名的一句:咁點解我哋要驚佢哋?

    They fear the old because of their memory
    They fear the young because of their innocence
    They even fear schoolchildren
    They fear the dead and their funerals
    They fear the graves and flowers which people put on those graves
    They fear the church, priests and nuns
    They fear the workers
    They fear the Party members
    They fear the non – party members
    They fear science
    They fear art
    They fear poems and books
    They fear theatre plays and movies
    They fear records and cassettes
    They fear writers and poets
    They fear journalists
    They fear actors and sculptors
    They fear painters and singers
    They fear radio stations
    They fear television satellites
    They fear the free flow of information
    They fear foreign literature and newspapers
    They fear the scientific progress
    They fear Xerox prints
    They fear typewriters
    They fear letters
    They fear telephones
    They fear letting people out (of the country)
    They fear letting people in
    They fear the left wing
    They fear the right wing
    They fear the departure of Soviet troops
    They fear the changes in Moscow
    They fear disarmament
    They fear the contracts they signed
    They fear their own signatures
    They fear their own police
    They fear the cops
    They fear because of the cops
    They fear chess players
    They fear tennis players
    They fear hockey players
    They fear gymnasts
    They fear saint Václav
    They fear Jan Hus
    They fear all the saints
    They fear the snacks/gifts from saint Mikuláš (he's like eastern Santa Claus)
    They fear the baby Jesus
    They fear statues with backpacks on their backs
    They fear archives
    They fear historians
    They fear economists
    They fear sociologists
    They fear philosophers
    They fear physicists
    They fear doctors
    They fear political prisoners
    They fear the families of political prisoners
    They fear todays evening
    They fear tomorrows morning
    They fear today and everyday
    They fear the future
    They fear the past
    They fear heart attacks and cirrhosis
    They even fear the slight trace of conscience which maybe remained in them
    They fear the streets
    They fear their own castle ghettos
    They fear their own families
    They fear their own relatives
    They fear their former friends and comrades
    They fear their current friends and comrades
    They fear each other
    They fear the things they said
    They fear the things they wrote
    They fear they will lose their status
    They fear both water and fire
    They fear both wet and dry
    They fear the snow
    They fear the wind
    They fear both freeze and heat
    They fear noise and silence
    They fear the light and the dark
    They fear both joy and sadness
    They fear jokes
    They fear fairness
    They fear honesty
    They fear the educated
    They fear the talented
    They fear Marx
    They fear Lenin
    They fear all of our dead presidents
    They fear the truth
    They fear the freedom
    They fear democracy
    They fear The declaration of human rights
    They fear socialism


    搖滾精神之死,全因歌手們已不再唱得出這種的歌,他們在錄音室對極權歌功頌德,因為他們害怕。SO WHY ARE WE AFRAID OF THEM? 以前的人比較有骨氣,還是現在的自由比以前還要少?



  • talented意思 在 酒意思 SIP WITH JOYCE Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-30 12:11:58

    各位觀眾,酒意思Sip with Joyce 的餐酒搭配影片已經來到第12集囉!


    這集,我非常榮幸邀請到一位我十分欣賞的花藝師 Dani Chou,來為我們示範這道菜。Dani 說:「每次煮蒼蠅頭時,都會讓她想起台灣,一個充滿愛及美好童年回憶的地方。」

    非常感謝 Dani 的熱情參,能跟 Dani 一起合作這個單元,真的是太棒了! 喜歡花藝的朋友們,一定要到 Dani 的 IG 及網站上看她的作品喔!

    Dani Chou:
    IG: @petalsbydani | https://www.instagram.com/petalsbydani/
    Website: https://www.petalsbydani.com/

    想要找更多、更精采有趣的餐酒搭配請至 酒意思 Sip with Joyce
    網站: https://www.sipwithjoyce.com/
    IG: @joyce_foodnwine | https://www.instagram.com/joyce_foodnwine/

    Ladies and gentlemen, here comes 酒意思Sip with Joyce’s 12th food and wine pairing video!!! 🙌🙌🙌

    Have you ever heard of Flies’ Heads? It’s a unique and authentic Taiwanese dish but oftentimes people mistakenly think it’s from Sichuan.

    In this video, I’m very excited to have my friend, Dani, a talented floral designer and the founder of Petals by Dani, show us how to make vegetarian version of Flies’ Heads. It’s a quick and easy fix for a weeknight meal and goes really well with rice.

    Watch the full video on my YouTube channel: 酒意思Sip with Joyce and find out my wine recommendation to pair with Flies’ Heads.

    Special thanks to Dani Chou, Laurent-Perrier Champagne, Teuwen Communications, and Bruce Kuo. Without your support, the video won’t be able to complete. 🙏❤️🙏

    Don't forget to check out Dani Chou's beautiful work on IG and website.
    IG: @petalsbydani | https://www.instagram.com/petalsbydani/
    Website: https://www.petalsbydani.com/

    Looking for more food and wine pairing ideas, please visit 酒意思(Joyisi) Sip with Joyce Website: https://www.sipwithjoyce.com/
    Instagram: @joyce_foodnwine | https://www.instagram.com/joyce_foodnwine/

  • talented意思 在 Jonathan Wong 王梓軒 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2016-06-20 00:02:12

    Excited to be playing alongside a super talented lineup for the WTFest on July 9th-10th at the AsiaWorld-Expo Arena! I felt I had to write a song to clarify the name of the festival though. So here it is!
    p.s: They say imitation is the best form of flattery. Kurt Schneider you know it's all love :)
    喺7月9-10號嘅 ‪#‎WTFest‬ 之前,我決定要寫首歌解釋一下WTF嘅意思, 哈哈!仲有兩個星期就係,快d買飛啦!
    Check out ticketing details here:

  • talented意思 在 SenzaACappella Youtube 的最佳解答

    2014-11-29 15:22:08

    Website: http://senzahk.com
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Senza.Acappella
    Instagram: http://instagram.com/senzahk

    Instagram of Hubert Wu: http://instagram.com/hubertwu
    YouTube Channel of Hubert Wu: http://www.youtube.com/user/hubertwumusicchannel


    編曲:Kiki YIU@SENZA A Cappella

    墳前沒有花 容我撥開沙土 用眼淚種些吧
    長埋是你嗎 何以未講一聲 就撇下我 回答吧
    上次匆匆一別還約了 結伴去共你遇上那道橋
    約定了 改不了 縱使 到此時你的心不再在跳
    共你快將相會了 重回那一秒

    如何回到當時 猶如情侶 熱戀的那時
    記憶可以 幻作一對蝴蝶飛舞 在時光深處
    荼薇紅過都變枯枝 血肉之軀會沒法保持
    唯獨春天可以給 記住

    樓台又架起 含笑洞悉生死 越過另有天地
    長眠沒有起 時間若推不翻 就化蝶去 遊故地
    六呎荒土之下還有你 約定了下世共我更傳奇
    最後那 一口氣 吐出 我當時未講的一句愛你
    頓覺 遍體 輕如會飛

    如何回到當時 猶如情侶 熱戀的那時
    記憶可以 幻作一對蝴蝶飛舞 在時光深處
    荼薇紅過都變枯枝 血肉之軀會沒法保持

    如何回到當時 拿回時間逆轉的鑰匙
    記憶可以 縱使此際神傷不已 亦曾經春至
    凡人無法聽見的詩 種在心中 萬劫不移 我知

    如何回到當時 猶如情侶 熱戀的那時
    記憶可以 幻作一對蝴蝶飛舞 在雲海深處
    荼薇紅過都變枯枝 血肉之軀已沒有意思
    靈魂也可 共處


    無伴奏合唱組合 -- SENZA A Cappella

    SENZA A Cappella 是香港浸會大學於二○○九年成立的無伴奏合唱組合。「Senza」一字本為意大利文,解作「沒有」,跟組合「沒有伴奏」的風格相符。

    以浸會大學為基地的 SENZA A Cappella 於2009年11月首次亮相,所有成員都是來自浸會大學的不同學系。組合在學園內外皆十分活躍,短短3年間已有多次演出經驗,並獲得好評。他們旨在以不同類型的樂曲(包括¬自創歌曲,古典樂,音樂劇,流行曲,爵士樂等)向社會推廣無伴奏合唱。

    組合曾在不同大師指導的大師班中演唱,如美國電視節目《The Sing-Off》音樂總監及製作人Deke Sharon、新加坡無伴奏合唱組織創辦人Angelina Choo和著名組合Key Elements成員Vaughan Tan先生等。他們更被喻為"a group of talented young singers!"。SENZA亦獲邀於澳門舉行的跨地域音樂會中演出。



    組合獲邀於2011年11月舉行的亞洲無伴奏音樂節2011中擔任演出嘉賓,更與C All Star同台合唱。SENZA在2012年1月首度踏上紅磡體育館舞台,於《謝安琪你們的幸福演唱會2012》中演出。SENZA更於2012國際無伴奏音樂節中的無伴奏合唱音樂會中演出。最近,SENZA榮幸地於2012年5月接受G.E.M.鄧紫棋與深圳衛視的訪問。拍攝當日,SENZA更有機會與G.E.M.合唱A.I.N.Y. 的無伴奏合唱版本。


