

在 sweepstakes意思產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4,160的網紅Brian 布萊恩,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, ‼️‼️‼️05/05更新過‼️‼️‼️ 下禮拜六(05/11)晚上8:00前要完成所有程序 晚上9:00就會YouTube上直播我的抽獎活動囉~ ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ 一回來就看到Brian2Taiwan的YouTube頻道破百訂閱者,還在忙剪抽獎活動片....


sweepstakes意思 在 Joyce | Sommelier|侍酒師 ???? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-07-11 08:47:13

Dear friends, today is the last day of @sommation_live X @champagne_officiel #champagneweek celebration. Hope you all enjoy what we have put together ...

sweepstakes意思 在 Joyce | Sommelier|侍酒師 ???? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-07-11 08:47:13

I am so excited and can’t wait to share with you all that my team at @sommation_live has partnered with @champagne_officiel to launch a weeklong celeb...

  • sweepstakes意思 在 Brian 布萊恩 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-05-03 23:11:41
    有 52 人按讚




    一回來就看到Brian2Taiwan的YouTube頻道破百訂閱者,還在忙剪抽獎活動片. 稍後上傳~

    不過今天很開心看到 @annapl_official @zuzu.kim @afu_tv 還有很多FB現在差不多的主持人,來賓跟新住民~ (沒有tag到沒有其他意思就是還沒找到~ 可以DM我讓我比較好找到你們的IG或FB喔~)


    Since I saw that Brian2Taiwan on Youtube hit 100 subscribers as soon as I got home, and since I’m still editing my sweepstakes video (will upload shortly), I haven’t had time to upload the pictures from seeing all of these wonderful people today~

    Here’s one to hold you over until I have a little time.

    #八大電視台 #wto姐妹會 #台灣綜藝節目 #wtosistershow

  • sweepstakes意思 在 一頁華爾滋 Let Me Sing You A Waltz Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2018-01-26 20:00:00
    有 33 人按讚

    最近在讀的書在去年出版 20 週年時才新版新譯的《安琪拉的灰燼 Angela's Ashes》,1996 年首刷問世,1997 年獲得普立茲傳記文學,是愛爾蘭作家 Frank McCourt 一鳴驚人的真實回憶錄,以真摯的童言童語詳述悲慘殘酷卻苦中作樂的成長過程,感人至深,是愛爾蘭至今最暢銷的自傳之一,也於 1999 年改編成電影《天使的孩子》。
    每次讀 Colm Toibin 的小說、看《愛在他鄉》或 John Carney 的電影《曾經,愛是唯一》、《搖滾青春戀習曲》都感到特別迷人,愛爾蘭真是一個看似留不住年輕人卻又能夠持續帶來驚喜作品的國度。即便《安琪拉的灰燼》還沒讀完,但書中有一段話留下很深的印象,每次讀書讀到有意思的句子都想找出原文來看看作者的本意,畢竟有時候翻譯的文字無法精準傳達。
    He says, you have to study and learn so that you can make up your own mind about history and everything else but you can’t make up an empty mind. Stock your mind, stock your mind. It is your house of treasure and no one in the world can interfere with it. If you won the Irish Sweepstakes and bought a house that needed furniture would you fill it with bits and pieces of rubbish? Your mind is your house and if you fill it with rubbish from the cinemas it will rot in your head. You might be poor, your shoes might be broken, but your mind is a palace.
    然後,瞬間有種默默被普立茲得獎作者打臉的感覺,謝了。但有興趣的人還是可以讀一讀,Frank McCourt 不僅記錄了人生故事,也書寫了時代痕跡,身處最絕望的環境卻展現了人們與生俱來的樂觀和堅忍,真的非常動容。

  • sweepstakes意思 在 Yu-Ming Huang Illustration 黃昱銘 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2015-11-24 00:27:02
    有 2 人按讚

    Hey My Friends!

    Hope you are doing good! It's going to be the END of November! Just don't forget to share my fan page, so you can participate the SWEEPSTAKES in the end of November of my print work! I will ship it to you wherever you are! Cheers!

    哈嘍朋友們!!! 十一月快結束嘍!還沒分享我的粉專的同學趕快分享,就可以有機會拿到這張作品的精美印刷唷!無論你在哪裡只要11.31被我抽中我都寄唷!


    Let's Play A Game! 抽獎嘍!

    Hello my friends and people who liked my page! Thank you for your support!
    I think there might no one would be interested about it. However, I would like to do a giveaway for my Beautiful Animals piece if you are interested.
    The way to get it is to 「SHARE 」my page. I will put names who shared my page in to a box, and do lottery to pick up a person in the end of November. Then, I will send out the print to your address. Hope you will have interest about it! I will record the progress and share it! Please let me know after you share my page!
    Thank you!

    Best Regards,

    哈嘍各位朋友!小弟在此感謝各位的支持Like我的專頁。在此想做一個小活動,雖然有點不好意思,但是如果您對我的作品Beautiful Animals有興趣,並且想要獲得印刷品。方法很簡單!只要在臉書幫我「分享(Share)」我的專頁,我會在11月結束時,抽出一個名字並寄送給您,無論您在哪裡!抽獎時我會錄影以示公開喔!!有興趣的人可以分享喔! 懇請支持!拜託拜託!分享後記得私信讓我知道喔!

  • sweepstakes意思 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-10-01 13:19:08

  • sweepstakes意思 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-10-01 13:10:45

  • sweepstakes意思 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-10-01 13:09:56

