

在 swagger意思產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Halo 美國代購,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, ❤️Coach 年中折扣五折起 今年真的算是很夠意思👍 🤖不然Halo真的不會PO文>_< 每次光報價就報到昏頭了🙀 連平常不折扣的1941, Swagger系列都有折扣唷👏 ⚠️注意!! 這是正店款,就是百貨公司專賣店那種質感特別高級 價格特別貴,隨便一個包都是兩萬的那種😆 ✋️不...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅JAYRoll,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Tommy Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001565541194&v=wall Lyrics: old school shit 我不穿金戴銀 如果提到real hiphop我隨時待命 T.o.double.m.Y 特...

swagger意思 在 一天一Google / 知識型instagram Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-09 11:12:55

#agad268 #知識 #20180515 另外,在受到強風吹襲時🌬 可能會承受不住更大的張力而被拉斷 所以一開始就不能有過大張力 也就是說:一開始就要垂垂的 . 🗼東京鐵塔補充: 👉表情符號「🗼」就是 #東京鐵塔 👉紅白相間的塗漆 在空中容易辨別,可確保飛航安全🛩 👉東京鐵塔是電波塔(電視塔) ...

  • swagger意思 在 Halo 美國代購 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-05-28 10:34:00
    有 44 人按讚

    ❤️Coach 年中折扣五折起
    🤖不然Halo真的不會PO文>_< 每次光報價就報到昏頭了🙀
    連平常不折扣的1941, Swagger系列都有折扣唷👏

    ⚠️注意!! 這是正店款,就是百貨公司專賣店那種質感特別高級

    ✅女生連結>> https://goo.gl/A4Fb3q

    ✅男生連結>> https://goo.gl/GZVVCv


    代購費用計價方式: 美金價格紅字*1.15*31.5+運費450~900不等

    2️⃣尺寸換算>> 商品網頁右邊都會有"view detail" 下面有英吋尺寸乘上2.54後就會等於公分囉


    ✅請提供商品連結,或style no. & 照片


  • swagger意思 在 鳥窩우쭈쭈 ‧ 現正代購中 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-05-05 23:41:32
    有 28 人按讚

    🔥GOT7 日本"MEET ME" SC周邊 升火特輯🔥


    🐥GOT7 日本"MEET ME" showcase周邊代購
    🐥GOT7 "MY SWAGGER"日單
    🐥GOT7 衝日巡買站子周邊代購
    ▼預計開團▼ GOT7會員集運、代刷、代辦

    cr. @onyourMARK_0904,@seethelight0116,@got7jrnon ,@DaebakDaily,@BubblebamB,@stares_yj,@myy_jr, @got7__konatsu, @AppleofJeyes

  • swagger意思 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2014-07-28 04:25:39
    有 131 人按讚

    【玳瑚師父出差錄】 «傾家蕩產的人»
    The man who lost his fortune (English version below)







    Gambling is akin to a person walking from the shallow waters into the deep sea. Very few would turn back and return to shore in time.

    I got to know gambling when I was still a child. Black Jack, Ah Chap, mahjong and all. Fortunately, I did not qualify as a gambler, not a inveterate one and definitely not the God of Gamblers! A lot of people are mesmerized by gambling but be warned that those who became addicted will never need to have their fortunes read. Why? You are destined to lead a woeful life.

    Why a woeful life? Let me explain. When a person lost all his money, he would not take it lying down and would start borrowing from everyone in a bid to try his luck again and overcome his initial losses! Who knows, in a blink of an eye, he would become the big 'benefactor' of the casinos!

    A week plus ago, a middle aged man made a confession to me. He was originally in a very comfortable financial position after having sold his house. He then freely gambled away the profits, and subsequently getting into mountains of debts and now faced threats of divorce from his wife. He sought my advice to solve his problem. With total focus, I observed his facial features, aura and body physique and taught him a way to quickly get out of his troubles. I then patiently explained to him why gambling is always a losing preposition for 9 out of 10 people.

    This article is also meant for the secret gambler in you. I sincerely wish that you will not lose your family, your reputation and your wealth to your gambling addictions. Here are the reasons why 9 out of 10 will never walk out from the casinos with a swagger: First these big casinos, especially those in Asia, had their strategic geomancy placements set up firm and strong. Also, there are very powerful advisers who are key in controlling the entire proceedings. Lastly, there is a shroud of invisible beings guarding the casinos. Before you even step into the casino, they will have extinguish the 'fire' on your shoulders. How would you rate your winning chance then?

    Everyone has their dreams, but such worldly dreams easily lead to throwing good money after bad. With a stable job and income, one can honour our parents and support the family. One can stash aside some money periodically for rainy days, use it for the children's education or spend it on travels to widen one's horizons. One can even contribute to the society and accumulate more merits. You can have a happy and blissful life. Why would you want to be the one to lose your fortune to the casinos?

  • swagger意思 在 JAYRoll Youtube 的精選貼文

    2013-05-16 18:57:51

    Tommy Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001565541194&v=wall


    old school shit 我不穿金戴銀
    如果提到real hiphop我隨時待命
    T.o.double.m.Y 特別喜歡老品
    背起裝備準備出發 音樂播放都是2pac
    你想切入送你2blocks 想出頭 man,good luck

    shout out to K-two 那使命是我背負
    我到達終點 你卻還在用龜速
    因該隨波逐流 但是盲從變成病態
    我做風保持一派 油門都給他一拜
    我來自泰山 這裡沒有KKK

    never say never rolling the papper
    i'm represent my hometown forever
    用facebook 顧妹子 對號入座找位置
    我用押韻為你追思 要戰鬥我是隨時
    Fuckin posers 別怕我玩得太瘋
    oh my Jesus 我帶你飛到太空

    你用三腳貓的伎倆 試探我有多少能耐
    他們只覺得酷 我知道是條路
    這條路 那是我堅持了
    你菸才剛開始點我早就feet off the ground
    你說你來自underground 我已經從地下出發

    1994 我們來到這
    經歷過太多糗事 是否該道賀
    1994 那年我出生
    背負著太多使命 現在我出征
    1994 當到了2012
    我開始拿起筆 記錄所有美好時刻
    1994 路口充滿十字
    那些盲從的手勢 我看了不止十次 (x2)

    第一次上字幕 請見諒