在 suspended中文產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6,990的網紅InkSundae,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Taiwan pineapple is really delicious. Highly recommended! How about having afternoon tea made with Taiwan pineapple? :) China suspended imports of...
同時也有16部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3,370的網紅瘋查某尬英文,也在其Youtube影片中提到,YT Caption 更多的英文學習貼文:https://www.instagram.com/crazy_girl_english/ 這次的影片在最後加了一小段新聞擷取來讓大家練練聽力。👇🏻 是中文翻譯喔! 「5月17日,國營台灣電力公司因突然急遽上升的耗電量而於晚間8點50分開始,在台灣特定區...
- 關於suspended中文 在 瘋查某尬英文 Instagram 的精選貼文
- 關於suspended中文 在 InkSundae Instagram 的最讚貼文
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- 關於suspended中文 在 阿甘的美國大冒險 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於suspended中文 在 堅庭通識 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於suspended中文 在 瘋查某尬英文 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於suspended中文 在 翼 WingsThunder Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於suspended中文 在 翼 WingsThunder Youtube 的精選貼文
suspended中文 在 瘋查某尬英文 Instagram 的精選貼文
2021-05-30 08:12:04
🥲 這次的影片在最後加了一小段新聞擷取來讓大家練練聽力。👇🏻是中文翻譯喔! 「5月17日,國營台灣電力公司因突然急遽上升的耗電量而於晚間8點50分開始,在台灣特定區域實施停電措施。此次耗電量突增起因於在日益增加的國內新冠疫情案例下,大部分人選擇待在家中造成,而興達發電廠發電機的失靈更加劇了此次的...
suspended中文 在 InkSundae Instagram 的最讚貼文
2021-03-05 01:04:11
Taiwan pineapple is really delicious. Highly recommended! How about having afternoon tea made with Taiwan pineapple? :) China suspended imports of...
suspended中文 在 瘋查某尬英文 Youtube 的最佳解答
2021-05-28 21:00:30YT Caption
這次的影片在最後加了一小段新聞擷取來讓大家練練聽力。👇🏻 是中文翻譯喔!
「5月17日,國營台灣電力公司因突然急遽上升的耗電量而於晚間8點50分開始,在台灣特定區域實施停電措施。此次耗電量突增起因於在日益增加的國內新冠疫情案例下,大部分人選擇待在家中造成,而興達發電廠發電機的失靈更加劇了此次的停電狀況。緊急的電力配給措施被劃分為 C 區及 D區的範圍進行實施,而這場停電最終總計影響了66 萬戶家庭。此次停電最終於晚間9點40分結束,恢復正常供電。」
power outage /power failure / power cut / blackout
The power went out.
The power is off.
The power is back on.
The power supply is recovered.
water shortage
water outage / water cut / water failure
The water supply is suspended
The water got cut off.
The water supply is restored.
🎈 其他主題影片:
「我超忙的 / 這週忙翻了」的英文:https://youtu.be/TR4mGnnfXtw
- https://focustaiwan.tw/society/202105170027
- https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2021/05/18/2003757590
#瘋查某尬英文 -
suspended中文 在 翼 WingsThunder Youtube 的最佳貼文
2015-10-28 17:00:03各位勇者準備進入Hexxit的世界啦!
KZee: http://youtube.com/gpkzee
Wing: http://www.twitch.tv/gcxwing
翼的Google+: http://plus.google.com/+wingsthunder
翼的Facebook專頁: http://facebook.com/aywingsthunder
翼的Twitter: http://twitter.com/aywingsthunder
翼的Instagram: http://instagram.com/wingsthunder
Hexxit Revisited - On Technic (Temporary Suspended)
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com -
suspended中文 在 翼 WingsThunder Youtube 的精選貼文
2015-10-26 16:30:00各位勇者準備進入Hexxit的世界啦!
KZee: http://youtube.com/gpkzee
Wing: http://www.twitch.tv/gcxwing
翼的Google+: http://plus.google.com/+wingsthunder
翼的Facebook專頁: http://facebook.com/aywingsthunder
翼的Twitter: http://twitter.com/aywingsthunder
翼的Instagram: http://instagram.com/wingsthunder
Hexxit Revisited - On Technic (Temporary Suspended)
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com
suspended中文 在 InkSundae Facebook 的最讚貼文
Taiwan pineapple is really delicious. Highly recommended!
How about having afternoon tea made with Taiwan pineapple? :)
China suspended imports of Taiwan pineapples suddenly. (Please see Q&A below)
Please try Taiwan fruits!😀
Q: Why did China suspend imports of Taiwan pineapple?
A: China said there were various types of mealy bugs found in several batches of fresh pineapples shipped from Taiwan in 2020.
Q: How many times did mealy bugs were found?
A: In 6200 badges last year, mealy bugs were found in 13 badges. The pass rate is 99.79%.
Q: How to solve the problem of bugs?
A: The standard international practice is to accept the batches after they've undergone fumigation. It is solved already in 2020.
Q: How much will be affected by the halt?
A: Total produce per year is around 430,000 tonne. Around 12% were exported, while 91% within went to China. From the data last year, it involved 41661 tonne, which had a value of NT$1.49 billion (US$53.39 million). In other words, the halt affects around 10% of Taiwan total produce.
Q: Other than pineapple, what kinds of fruit were mainly exported to China?
A: Betel nut, wax apple, custard apple, grapefruit and orange. Over 90% of export went to China.
Source: @cnanews_tw
“Local officials lament China's halt of Taiwan pineapple imports”, Focus Taiwan, 02/26/2021 21:52
P.S.: The illustration is very brief. Please see detailed recipe below:
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suspended中文 在 阿甘的美國大冒險 Facebook 的最佳解答
加州有個數學教授請學生把越南名改成白人化的名字, 因為學生的越南名 Phuc Bui 讓他覺得很不雅, 念起來像....... 。名字父母給的, 哪有教授要求改就改的道理呢? 學生當然很不爽, 教授竟回說: 如果我住在越南, 我的名字聽起來像是「吃屌」, 為了避免尷尬, 我也會想改名吧? 女學生把教授的 email 放上網路, 馬上掀起軒然大波, 教授道歉也沒用, 被學校停職調查。
Phuc 好像是來自中文的「福」, 所以發音接近福, 而非 f 開頭的英文髒字。教授又不是第一天教書, 而且是在文化多元的加州, 卻如此白目, 實在不可原諒。
不過, 大部分的人看到她的名字, 或許真的會往不好的方向想? 即使一般人心地善良不會說甚麼, 想歪似乎無可避免。你覺得呢?
suspended中文 在 堅庭通識 Facebook 的最佳解答
(English version below)
致 香港市民和世界各地關心香港民主自由的同路人
香港人絕處逢生,在於去年 6 月 12 日,成千上萬的年輕人奮不顧身,擋住立法會如期二讀。政權暫緩惡法,但精神的創傷、肉身的摧殘和人命的代價,依然沉重。
6 月 9 日是香港人抵抗惡法的集體回憶,但它同時是我們共負一軛的開端。過去一年,我們面對警暴、黑幫、惡法、白色恐怖,仍然負隅頑抗;無論是前線手足,抑或後勤專業,皆前仆後繼,延續反送中運動的生命力和意志。
2020 年 6 月 9 日
Civil Human Rights Front
Statement to mark the first anniversary of the Anti-extradition Mass Protest
To: Hong Kong citizens and supporters of Hong Kong’s democracy and liberty all over the world
A year ago today, 1.03 million Hongkongers joined the anti-extradition mass protest organized by the Civil Human Rights Front on the Hong Kong Island. The huge turnout broke the record of all the mass rallies held after the handover, and symbolized a powerful resurgence of social movements from the doldrums after the Umbrella Movement. Once again, the fate of our city returns to international limelight.
Perhaps many citizens did not have high hopes on stopping the evil extradition bill when they joined the protest. Yet they wished to contribute their efforts, to protect the city, and to fulfill their duties in defending their basic human rights. On the night of the mass protest, Carrie Lam’s administration announced that the extradition bill would resume second reading in the Legislative Council as scheduled. This further fuelled the anger of the people, and destroyed any hope that remained.
Quite unexpectedly, thousands of youngsters valiantly blocked the resumption of the second reading on 12 June last year. The government finally yielded and suspended the bill. However, the psychological and physical injuries sustained by protesters have been and still are very heavy.
The mass protest on 9 June last year has been etched in the collective memory of Hongkongers. It also marks the beginning of our togetherness in defending our beloved city. In the past year, we have been steadfastly resisting police brutality, triads, evil laws and white terror. Both the front-liners and those providing logistics support are sparing no efforts in maintaining the vitality and willpower of the anti-extradition movement.
The National People’s Congress is imposing a Hong Kong version of the National Security Law on Hong Kong. Hongkongers and supporters of Hong Kong’s democracy and liberty around the world are deeply worried and frustrated about such a law. Yet, we have seen miracle after miracle coming out of our tireless efforts in the past year, including the concerted efforts of the valiant and the peaceful-rational in resisting the evil law, the creation of the Yellow Economic Circle to break the hegemony of PRC capital, the blooming of new labour unions, the landslide victories in District Council elections, and Hong Kong’s frontline role in the global fight of civil societies against autocracy.
The pandemic in 2020 reminds us how a totalitarian regime endangers global public health. The protests against racism and police brutality in different parts of the world tell us that we Hongkongers are not alone. Trust ourselves. Trust our fellow protesters (our “hands and feet”). Persevere in the dark, and we will see light!
Remember June is to remember the history of Hong Kong’s protests, a history of blood and tears. As in past years, Civil Human Rights Front will lodge an application for the July 1 mass rally. We call upon all Hongkongers to preserve our memory, to resist evil law, and to fight hard for Hong Kong and our future.
Five demands, Not one less
Resist evil law, Fight till the end
Civil Human Rights Front
9 June 2020
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