

在 supposedly用法產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [時事英文]「Not-a-doctor Trump 」再次針對疫情發言: 光與消毒劑 他到底在想什麼... ★★★★★★★★★★★★ 完整逐字稿與影片:https://bit.ly/2S63LGd “A question that probably some of you are ...


supposedly用法 在 Hakme 黑咪 Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-03 19:22:19

誰有痘痘煩惱?我明白,又紅又腫久久不散,化妝也難掩那個色差。 痘痘過後又會留下好朋友(痘痘印),素顏的時候覺得好心灰,那些好朋友的一個個影子,令膚色好不均勻。前幾天我重新整理鞋之收納,太多塵,弄好之後我鼻上長了一粒又紅又腫的東東(拜託下次可以找其他位置不要在我鼻上長,好嗎?)。 幸好,因為Mr Ho...

  • supposedly用法 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-04-25 14:15:06
    有 300 人按讚

    [時事英文]「Not-a-doctor Trump 」再次針對疫情發言: 光與消毒劑
    “A question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposedly we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it.”
    1. totally into... 完全迷戀上⋯⋯;很喜歡⋯⋯
    2. find to be 發現
    3. hit the body with 以⋯⋯擊中身體
    4. ultraviolet 紫外線
    “And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting, right? ”
    5. suppose 猜想;假設
    6. brought sth inside the body 將⋯⋯帶入體內
    7. in some way 某種方式
    “And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful.”
    8. disinfectant (尤指用於廁所、廚房表面消毒的)消毒劑;除菌劑
    9. knock sth out 毀壞;擊倒*
    10. injection 注射
    11. do a number on sb 傷害某人;打敗某人;使某人難堪
    12. a medical doctor 醫學醫生
    *knock something out:https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/knock+something+out
    “Again, I say maybe you can, maybe you can't. I'm not a doctor. But I'm a person that has a good...you know what. Deborah, have you ever heard of that? The heat and the light relative to certain viruses, yes, but relative to this virus? ”
    13. you know what 你懂的(用於代指對話中對方可意會之事)*
    14. relative to 與⋯⋯相關;有關;涉及
    *此處之「you know what」可能為「you know what I mean/am talking about」的省略用法。川普可能是想說common sense、intuition、instinct等單詞來稱讚自己,只是臨時想不到要用哪一個單詞。
    *(you) know what I mean:https://bit.ly/3eOeSgD
    you know:https://bit.ly/2YaKwiB
    You know what?:https://bit.ly/3aCFnC8
    Please do NOT take him seriously.
    圖片出處: https://bit.ly/3azr5T6
    如何使用「時事英文」: https://bit.ly/3a9rr38

  • supposedly用法 在 黑咪 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-10-04 11:06:00
    有 24 人按讚

    【完美KO痘痘 + 痘痘印Aquafolia Anti-Imperfection Gel啫喱 HK$640/30ml】

    誰有痘痘煩惱?我明白,又紅又腫久久不散,化妝也難掩那個色差。 痘痘過後又會留下好朋友(痘痘印),素顏的時候覺得好心灰,那些好朋友的一個個影子,令膚色好不均勻。前幾天我重新整理鞋之收納,太多塵,弄好之後我鼻上長了一粒又紅又腫的東東(拜託下次可以找其他位置不要在我鼻上長,好嗎?)。 幸好,因為Mr Honey經常長痘,所以家中必定有Aquafolia暗瘡啫喱(HK$640/30ml 黑咪店有售)。 搽了一晚,第二天大部分紅腫已退! 其實它就是一枝暗瘡膏,只不過它是啫喱狀,需要時就搽它在暗瘡位置,它不單可以令痘痘趕快跟你說永別(不要再見),它也可以令痘痘印快點退去。 就是在暗瘡暗瘡印位置一直搽,搽到兩者都不見了的時候就可以停。 而且它不會像一般暗瘡產品令暗瘡位置好乾飛皮。 非常見效又好用,而且用法超簡單啦! 這個是我家中必備,因為我真的不知道什麼時候這些損友會來探訪我! 如果你有同樣煩惱,來試試啊,那個質地你一定喜歡!要注意:產品有2%水楊酸,所以不建議孕婦或創傷性美容療程後第一個星期使用!

    🌟網購: http://bit.ly/2Q93cJa
    🌟黑咪店地址: https://www.hakmebeauty.com/store-locations/
    🌟黑咪店路線圖: http://bit.ly/2W3pUZr

    Who has acne problem? Yea I understand, that redness and swollen parts seem to last forever, sometimes, even makeup cannot do the tricks. And when they are gone, they kinda leave their friends (pigmentation) behind; you are frustrated when you look into the mirror with bare face because they distort your supposedly perfect even out skin tone. A few days ago, I was reorganising my shoes and you could imagine all the dust during the process. When I finished, there is this red swollen thing appearing on the tip of my nose (please next time, pick a more discreet place). Luckily, Mr Honey always gets pimples, so we have Aquafolia Anti-Imperfection Gel (HK$640/30ml available at @hakmebeauty) at home. I applied it at night and 90% of the redness and swelling is gone the next day! Think about this as your anti-pimple treatment in a gel texture, use it only on the pimple areas when needed. It doesn’t only help the pimples disappearing quicker, it also fades the pigmentation. Use it on the affected areas until they are fully recovered, then stop. It doesn’t dry out the areas too, so it’s a very brilliant, effective and convenient product! This is a must-have for me at home because I never know when the pimples are going to visit me! If you have the same issue, come and give this a try, I am sure you will like the texture! One thing to note: it contains 2% of Salicylic acid, so I wouldn’t recommend it to any pregnant ladies and within the first week of any beauty treatments.

    🌟想睇更多黑咪店既資訊?👉🏻 Follow埋黑咪店既Instagram啦 https://www.instagram.com/hakmebeauty/

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