

在 support用法產品中有62篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 英模班終於來到了第五回! 俐媽在班上有解釋「主題週」的時機和題目安排方式, 而第五週的主題是什麼? 你們有從小單本中找到線索了嗎? 本回主題是⋯⋯⋯⋯ ❤️ charity/humanitarian organizations 慈善/人道團體 ❤️ human rights groups 人權團...

 同時也有36部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅NottinTV,也在其Youtube影片中提到,凸アイテム解放結晶の注意点!基本/入手方法/おすすめ使用法!⇒ https://youtu.be/b6XFPGUXkhw ヴァルゴ杯最強ウマ娘ランキング!おすすめデッキ⇒ https://youtu.be/7K4KbTw8l4s アプデ情報ぱかライブTVまとめ!⇒ https://youtu.be...

support用法 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-16 07:13:19

英模班終於來到了第五回! 俐媽在班上有解釋「主題週」的時機和題目安排方式, 而第五週的主題是什麼? 你們有從小單本中找到線索了嗎? 本回主題是⋯⋯⋯⋯ ❤️ charity/humanitarian organizations 慈善/人道團體 ❤️ human rights groups 人權團...

support用法 在 Kiwi Manuka 加維麥蘆卡??(HK) Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-05-27 10:40:25

麥盧卡為紐西蘭和澳洲南部獨有的灌木,植物學名 Leptospermum scoparium,氣味清甜,近年成為芳療師的新寵兒。皆因其功效全面,對抗細菌,真菌功效不容置疑;舒緩呼吸道感染徵狀,感冒,咳嗽效果佳;更能幫助暗瘡,濕疹患者改善皮膚問題。 #袪除腳氣 殺菌 消毒 除臭 麥盧卡精油2滴➕薰衣草...

support用法 在 Luffy Lam Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-02-08 22:58:29

我的Patreon終於終於也開了😭💓 照片全部都福利滿滿而且超美的🤤 2月的主題符合情人節也會甜甜和粉嫩粉嫩的🥰 戀柱會是今個月的Tier 1獎勵呀😍💓 Finally my patreon has opened😭💓 with full of attractive photos🤤 A Sweet ...

  • support用法 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-07 12:26:24
    有 109 人按讚



    ❤️ charity/humanitarian organizations 慈善/人道團體
    ❤️ human rights groups 人權團體
    ❤️ non-profits 非營利組織
    ❤️ NGO = Non-governmental Organization 非政府組織

    俐媽教了medical大餐、boundary相似字、好多natural disasters、字根voc/voc、還有bound的各種意思+用法,內容絕對豐富!

    今天來學charity 「慈善」搭配詞😊
    👥 俐媽英文教室—慈善篇:
    💝 charitable foundation 慈善基金會
    💝 charitable organization/institution 慈善組織
    💝 charitable activity 慈善活動
    💝 animal/conservation/education/cancer/homelessness charity 動物/保育/教育/癌症/遊民慈善團體
    💝 international/national/local charity 國際/全國/當地的慈善團體
    💝 charity hospital 慈善醫院
    💝 registered charity 已註冊的慈善機構
    💝 establish/set up/found a charity 建立慈善團體
    💝 support the charity 支持/捐助慈善團體
    💝 donate N to the charity 捐⋯給慈善團體
    💝 run a charity 經營運作慈善組織
    💝 live/depend on charity 仰賴慈善捐助
    💝 accept charity 接受慈善捐助
    💝 go to charity 作為慈善用途
    💝 charity auction 慈善拍賣會
    💝 charity event 慈善活動
    💝 charity relief 慈善物資捐助
    💝 charity donation 慈善捐款
    💝 charity worker 慈善工作者/志工
    💝 charity funds 慈善基金
    💝 charity ball/concert/show/sales 慈善舞會/音樂會/表演/拍賣
    💝 raise money/funds for charity 為慈善募款
    Charity begins at home. 善始於家。



  • support用法 在 劉傑中 Ethan Liu Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-03 21:23:27
    有 379 人按讚


    其實我們常掛在嘴邊的『加油』,英文非常難對等翻譯!牛津字典乾脆直接把『add oil』收錄進去,之前去上益智問答才被問到這題。


    We still have a lot of work to do. So add oil, everyone !



    1⃣️如果是 #事前(不限於運動,包括考試、面試、做報告等),要幫你朋友或同事加油打氣:

    You can do this! (你可以的啦!)
    You got this!(沒問題的!)
    Good luck!(一切順利喔!)


    2⃣️如果是 #比賽中,觀眾或隊友對球員喊的『加油』:

    Go! / Go!Go!Go!/ Go for it !/ Come on!



    3⃣️ #在場邊加油打氣的行為,可以說root或cheer(啦啦隊員就是cheerleader):

    I cheered until I was hoarse.

    I will be there rooting for you.


    4⃣️如果是比較 #正式、新聞的用法,可以說show support(聲援、展現支持)
    The singer gets backlash after showing support for Trump.


    5⃣️當然還有一種加油,是說給 #正處於低潮的人聽的。

    Hang in there ! (加油!撐下去!)
    I’m with you. (有我在)
    Keep you chin up! (下巴抬高=不要沮喪氣餒之意)


  • support用法 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-20 18:03:12
    有 107 人按讚








    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Get to know healthy high-fat foods
    Some women view fats as their archnemesis when they wish to shed some pounds. They would either avoid using oil in their cooking or request restaurants to remove additional fats when ordering take-outs. They thought this is a healthy dietary practice, but the lack of fats in the body is one of the main reasons they cannot get pregnant!

    In fact, cholesterol is the precursor of many hormones. The lack of fats in the body would affect the secretion of hormones, leading to infertility. We should learn more about healthy fats, consume them in an appropriate quantity, and avoid fats that are bad for us. There are many types of fats and oils in the market, and each of them has their own pros and cons. It is best to prepare 2 to 3 different types of oils and use them interchangeably in cooking from time to time.

    Saturated fatty acids: in white solid state at room temperature; can be found in lard, butter, animal fats, cheese, cream, coconut oil, and palm oil
    Pros: chemically stable, not easily oxidized
    Cons: excessive consumption can cause the hardening of the arteries (vascular sclerosis), stroke, and heart diseases
    Proper way of use: dishes to be cooked at high temperature and for a long period

    Monounsaturated fatty acids: liquid at room temperature; often seen in olive oil, camellia seed oil, peanut oil, nuts, and avocado
    Pros: contains Omega-9; can help increase the good cholesterols and reduce the bad cholesterol
    Cons: chemically unstable, oxidized easily when exposed to high temperature
    Proper way of use: cold dishes, and can be used for frying at low temperature

    Polyunsaturated fatty acids: liquid at room temperature, commonly found in corn oil, sesame oil, sunflower oil, linseed oil, rapeseed oil, soybean oil, walnut oil, salmon, and sardine
    Pros: contains Omega-3 and Omega-6, which humans could not produce; can help increase the good cholesterols and reduce the bad cholesterol
    Cons: chemically unstable, oxidized easily when exposed to high temperature
    Proper way of use: normal pan-fried dishes

    Trans-fatty acids: vegetable oils that have gone through hydrogenation; often seen in margarine and shortening
    Pros: none
    Cons: increase the bad cholesterol and reduce the good cholesterol in the blood; excessive consumption can cause the hardening of the arteries (vascular sclerosis), stroke, and heart diseases
    Common foods that contain trans-fatty acids: Egg tart, cookies, puff pastries, cakes, biscuits, coconut cream bun, fried chicken, pineapple bun, Chinese fried dough and creamer

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女