

在 supply英文產品中有130篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 早起念英文,今天來跟大家分享一篇英文文章,順便跟大家一起學英文。 這邊文章是探討家庭主婦要怎麼變成企業家,正好跟我倡導的女性經濟自主有關,給大家參考看看喔! 媽媽們一起來學英文吧! How Can a Housewife Become a Women Entrepreneur 家庭主婦如何變成女企...

 同時也有93部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過878的網紅時事英文 Podcast by ssyingwen,也在其Youtube影片中提到,英國爆發恐慌搶油潮,一些加油站燃料耗盡不得不關閉,還在營業的加油站外大排長龍。業者強調不是缺油,而是缺乏大型貨車司機導致運油供應鏈出問題,呼籲民眾拜託不要再囤積汽油了。英國政府週六宣佈將發放數千份緊急簽證給國外的卡車司機,但英國零售商協會表示已「太少、太晚」。 📝 講義 (只要 $88 /月)...

supply英文 在 瘋查某尬英文 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-05-30 08:12:04

🥲 這次的影片在最後加了一小段新聞擷取來讓大家練練聽力。👇🏻是中文翻譯喔! 「5月17日,國營台灣電力公司因突然急遽上升的耗電量而於晚間8點50分開始,在台灣特定區域實施停電措施。此次耗電量突增起因於在日益增加的國內新冠疫情案例下,大部分人選擇待在家中造成,而興達發電廠發電機的失靈更加劇了此次的...

  • supply英文 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-09 08:11:19
    有 436 人按讚


    How Can a Housewife Become a Women Entrepreneur

    This blogpost could help you to transform from a housewife into a successful women entrepreneur. If you are a woman staying at home filled with ambition to become financially independent then there is an opportunity.

    The world has changed and women have proven that they are no less than men in any field. You can see at workplace where women work shoulder to shoulder with their male counterpart.

    It is the right time for every housewife to have a career for herself.

    How Can Housewife Become an Entrepreneur?

    How are you going to do it?

    Well! As you know women could play an important role in helping the economy to grow.

    There are various sectors of our economy where there is a huge opportunity to explore new things.

    The demand is in the market however there is no supply; therefore women can play their role and fill this demand and supply gap.

    Especially, developing country like India where human resource is so untapped, women can play their role and emerge as an important player.

    This gives them an opportunity for a woman to start a small business and working their way forward to become a successful entrepreneur.

    What Women Need to Become Entrepreneur?
    Surely, woman can be an entrepreneur. But she needs to have certain quality in her. Some of them are:
    1. Ambition – The first thing that differentiates women with men is ambition. So women must have an ambition to succeed.
    2. Self Confidence – Yes you can do it.
    3. Area of Interest – She has to identify an area of interest. It means area or a field in which she is good at.
    4. Right Planning and Strategy – She must have a plan or roadmap laid out.
    5. Do not give up – Don’t give up because of some pressure.
    1. 企圖心——區分女性和男性的第一件事是企圖心。因此,女性必須有成功的企圖心。
    2. 自信——是的,你可以做到。
    3. 感興趣的領域——她必須確定一個感興趣的領域。這裡是指她擅長的領域
    4. 正確的規劃和戰略——她必須制定一個計劃或路線圖。
    5. 不要放棄——不要因為壓力而放棄。





  • supply英文 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-01 17:26:10
    有 2,565 人按讚


    「凱達格蘭論壇-2021亞太安全對話 」剛落幕,有16位政要與專家線上視訊討論 #台海局勢對印太區域的挑戰、#四方安全對話、#灰色地帶脅迫、#後疫情時代建立可信賴供應鏈 等議題。



    蔡總統說,威權體制在COVID-19疫情中竄起,民主國家在後疫情時代更堅定捍衛共享價值和體制;她也強調台灣在民主、再生能源及半導體都是美日印澳的「四方安全對話」及歐盟「歐亞連結策略」 #不可或缺的夥伴。台灣願意承擔確保區域穩定的責任,我國盼與 #鄰國 在和平、穩定及互惠的原則下共存,並堅持捍衛民主和生活方式。






    The Ketagalan Forum—2021 Asia-Pacific Security Dialogue drew to a successful close yesterday. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the forum was held online this year, addressing a range of topics including developments in the Taiwan Strait, how QUAD are meeting the challenges of the #IndoPacific, #GrayZoneCoercion in the East and South China Seas and the reconfiguration of global supply chains in the #PostPandemicEra.

    In her pre-recorded address, President Tsai Ing-wen warned that as we emerge from the pandemic, authoritarian regimes have a new confidence in their alternative model to the liberal democratic order. Taiwan, she said, which continues to thrive, can offer a solution to many democratic countries who are struggling to get their footing back amid a series of challenges, including #ClimateChange, emerging diseases, non-proliferation, terrorism, and secure supply chains. She added that Taiwan is well-positioned to serve as an indispensable partner in sectors such as biotechnology, renewable energy, and the semiconductor industry, with the revival of the QUAD and the EU's proposed EU-Asia Connectivity Strategy.

    Keynote speaker, former United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador Kelly Craft, with her Formosan bear in tow, stressed her personal relationship with Taiwan and called out China’s government-run media outlets for trying to take advantage of the situation in Afghanistan to undermine Taiwan’s trust in the United States as a security partner. She applauded the Biden administration for its continuing demonstration of the US commitment to Taiwan and underlined the importance of Taiwan to US security at home, saying “If Taiwan is lost, we lose too.” She also pointed to what she called systemic discrimination in the UN system against Taiwan and expressed her support for Taiwan becoming a QUAD+ member.

    MOFA Deputy Minister Tien Chung-kwang stressed Taiwan’s determination to defend herself and to be a reliable partner in the creation of regional and global supply chains, citing US Founding Father Benjamin Franklin’s famous words, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

    The dialogue hosted four panels, with 16 officials or former officials and academics from countries, including the #US, #Japan, #France, #Australia, #India, #Singapore, #SouthKorea, #Vietnam and the #Philippines.

  • supply英文 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-26 21:24:41
    有 139 人按讚

    半導體產業在 9 月即將迎來兩場精彩的技術講座,由 SEMI 國際半導體產業協會所舉辦,想掌握台灣半導體產業第一手動態的讀者快來看看!以下兩場論壇由於是面對全球半導體業界受眾,因此都會以全英文進行:

    【9/7-9/9 功率暨光電半導體週】

    最近你一定在股票新聞中聽過所謂的「第三代半導體材料」、GaN(氮化鎵)、SiC(碳化矽) 等等的專有名詞,這些新世代的化合物半導體的應用潛力龐大,其耐高溫、耐壓以及抗阻低的特性,預期將使電動車的高功率充電、5G 通訊射頻(RF)功率元件獲得跳躍式的改進,舉個更生活化的例子,手機 GaN 快充器已經相當普遍,這種快充設備相較傳統充電頭能大幅縮短充電時間並改善熱能表現。

    現在你不只是可以從新聞獲取資訊,這邊更給你第一手接觸業界資訊的管道:這次由 SEMI 主辦的「功率暨光電半導體」論壇將於 9 月 7 日至 9 月 8 日舉行,將邀請台積電、穩懋半導體、聯電、意法半導體、imec等知名公司,共同探討化合物半導體與光電元件在電動車與 5G 通訊領域的產業應用,讓你以從業人員的角度一窺最新的化合物半導體發展趨勢。

    除了兩天的精彩論壇內容,在 9 月 9 日還有一場由鴻海研究院與 SEMI 合辦的「NExT Forum」線上,將對寬能隙半導體進行趨勢剖析,主辦方邀請了諾貝爾物理學獎得主天野浩分享研究經驗及成果,還有來自工研院、陽明交通大學、穩懋半導體、英國 IQE、GaN Systems、鴻海的致詞及演講嘉賓,絕對是一場不可錯過的高含金量論壇。


    這場線上論壇結束後,9 月底緊接著又會有下一場精彩論壇:

    【9/23-9/24 高科技智慧製造論壇】

    今年晶片或是原物料缺貨都是眾多品牌廠苦惱的問題,當客戶需求變化得越來越快速,加上供應鏈原料供給與訂單變化難以捉摸,供應鏈也必須克服更複雜的要求與產品組合,如何迅速回應市場趨勢與更改生產設計更成為一大挑戰,打造「韌性供應鏈(Resilient Supply Chain」躍身為近期全球供應鏈吃緊下的熱門關鍵詞。

    「智慧製造」透過數位科技,結合 AI、5G、邊緣與混合雲建構高度自動化工廠,更利用數位分身 (Digital Twin) 模擬與監測生產數據,進而實現跨區、跨廠區的即時管理系統。SEMI 將於 9 月 23 日與 24 日邀請台積電、鴻海與眾多演講嘉賓分享應用智慧製造技術來提升生產效率與彈性、最新的高科技智慧工廠範例,以及企業如何適應供應鏈新常態的洞見。




