

在 suggest例句產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過13萬的網紅EN English,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 《中英對照讀新聞》 Flu risk cut by vigorous exercise 劇烈運動減少感冒風險 Doing at least two and a half hours of vigorous exercise each week cuts the chance of dev...

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2021-07-06 04:58:50

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  • suggest例句 在 EN English Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2014-05-23 19:42:39
    有 88 人按讚

    Flu risk cut by vigorous exercise

    Doing at least two and a half hours of vigorous exercise each week cuts the chance of developing flu, new data suggests.


    Around 4,800 people took part in this year’s online Flu Survey, run by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.


    Moderate exercise did not appear to have a protective effect, the researchers said.


    One of the questions people must answer when they register, as well as their age, if they are around children and if they have been vaccinated, is how many hours of "vigorous exercise" they do each week, such as running, fast cycling or competitive sports, ranging from none to more than five hours.


    They are then asked to log in each week and note how they are feeling, and whether or not they have any flu-like symptoms.


    The researchers say their findings suggest 100 cases of flu per 1,000 people could be prevented just by engaging in vigorous exercise.



    vigorous:形容詞,強有力的。例句:There has been vigorous opposition to the proposals for a new road.(新路提案遭到強力反對。)

    vaccinate:動詞,接種疫苗。例句:The children were vaccinated against the major childhood diseases.(孩子們接受接種預防重大童年期疾病。)

    range:動詞,(在一定範圍內)變動。例句:Prices range between $50 and $250.(價格從50美元到250美元之間。)

    Source:Liberty times

