

在 substantial大量的產品中有10篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【奧林匹克式舉重動作不能捨棄的理由】 分享《The System: Soviet Periodization Adapted for the American Strength Coach》書中對奧林匹克式舉重的看法。該書的作者們並沒有否定專項訓練的重要性,但強調現階段(美國許多力量教練)用其他動...


substantial大量的 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-02-21 08:06:10

開學前兩天, 寒假作業做完了嗎?😂 如果做完了,趕快收看 “The Greatest Showman” 大娛樂家 慶祝一下🎉🎉🎉 ——————————————————————- 🏰 俐媽電影英文—大娛樂家篇Part 2: 🪄 apparently (adv.) 明顯地 🪄 mosey (v.) 徘...

substantial大量的 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-08-12 07:19:50

Sad news... 看著這幾年學生們自澳洲寄給俐媽的明信片, 再想起前幾年去澳洲拜訪的美好時光, 真心願大火快滅🙏🏼 . 燒了2個臺灣, 5億隻動物喪生, 財產、生態損失無以計數, Let’s #prayforaustralia ————————————————— 🔥 俐媽新聞英文—澳洲大火篇:...

  • substantial大量的 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-16 13:11:42
    有 267 人按讚


    分享《The System: Soviet Periodization Adapted for the American Strength Coach》書中對奧林匹克式舉重的看法。該書的作者們並沒有否定專項訓練的重要性,但強調現階段(美國許多力量教練)用其他動作「取代」奧林匹克式舉重是不智的作法,主要的理由是上膊和抓舉能訓練到「大範圍動作」與「全身性」的「爆發力」與「速度」。下面附上原文、我的譯文和懸垂式上膊的訓練側拍影片:














    In recent years with the increasing emphasis on safety in strength training and what is termed “sport specific” training, the Olympic lifts have fallen out of favor with many strength coaches. The argument is that if you are not competing in Olympic lifting, there are better options for training explosive strength that translate more readily to sports performance, without the risks and strain inherent in rapidly moving heavy weights.

    Variations of medicine ball throws or more creative exercises have taken the place of cleans, snatches, and jerks in the strength programming of many teams as coaches try to reduce those risks. In our opinion, the pendulum has swung too far away from using the movements that have consistently produced the strongest and most explosive athletes in the world.
    The main goal of the Olympic lifts is to generate maximal power and explosive strength in the entire body through large ranges of motion, particularly for the lower extremities.

    The differences you will most often find between the training regimen of an Olympic weightlifter and of athletes performing more “sport specific” training are that weightlifters consistently take the lower extremities through high-speed, large range-of-motion exercises. Many of the substituted movements and exercises used by a well-intentioned strength coach do not come close to demanding and developing the flexibility, coordination, and force output demanded by the weightlifting exercises.

    It is true that subjecting an athlete to a full snatch or jerk with a substantial amount of weight without the proper instruction or progression will often result in injury. However, that holds true for any exercise. It is not the fault of the exercise, but rather the coach’s fault for failing to prepare the athlete to succeed.

    Dynamic sports like football or basketball require suppleness and strength expressed through large ranges of motion; the Olympic lifts are more effective at facilitating those qualities than a medicine ball toss. If you assess an athlete to be physically capable of performing the movements safely and if the lifts are programmed and coached effectively and progressed in both weight and complexity, many concerns diminish.

    You will discover that when implemented effectively and appropriately, the benefits of the Olympic lifts far outweigh the drawbacks.

    A significantly high volume of Olympic lifting is best left to the athletes with at least a few years of training under their belts. For developing athletes such as these, the power and explosive qualities can be addressed through jumping or plyometric training as the Olympic lifts are coached and refined over time.
    After mastering technical efficiency and form, no matter what the movement, speed should always be the priority. Although strength and muscle hypertrophy are important in the world of sports, the rapid expression of that strength is what separates athletes on the field of play.

    In the sport of powerlifting, the speed of the movement is not critical. The goal is to lift the maximum weight, however long it takes. On the football field, the strongest linemen will rarely succeed if they cannot rapidly translate that strength to control an oncoming defender. A shot putter who can military press hundreds of pounds will not take home a medal without the ability to explosively accelerate the entire body to throw the shot.
    (extracted from page 101~102)

  • substantial大量的 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-02-20 22:50:59
    有 43 人按讚


    “The Greatest Showman” 大娛樂家
    🏰 俐媽電影英文—大娛樂家篇Part 2:
    🪄 apparently (adv.) 明顯地
    🪄 mosey (v.) 徘徊
    🪄 corral (v.) 包圍;(n.) 畜欄
    🪄 extraordinary (a.) 傑出的
    🪄 blueprint (n.) 藍圖
    🪄 pirate (n.) 海盜🏴‍☠️
    🪄 shore (n.) 海岸
    🪄 skeleton (n.) 骷髏💀
    🪄 treasure (n.) 寶藏
    🪄 recover (v.) 找回;康復
    🪄 ballet (n.) 芭蕾🩰
    🪄 financial crisis (n.) 財務危機
    🪄 venture (v.) 冒險;(n.) 投機事業
    🪄 propose (v.) 提案
    🪄 risky (a.) 有風險的
    🪄 bizarre (a.) 奇怪的
    🪄 fascinated (a.) 著迷的
    🪄 exotic (a.) 異國的
    🪄 macabre (a.) 恐怖的
    🪄 substantial (a.) 大量的
    🪄 collateral (n.) 抵押品
    🪄 stare at (v.) 盯著⋯看
    🪄 deed (n.) 行為
    🪄 title (n.) 頭銜
    🪄 entire (a.) 整個的
    🪄 flotilla (n.) 小型艦隊

    圖片是男主角Hugh Jackman在「博物館驚魂夜 3」中的客串演出,
    #EEC #WillingEnglish #EECmovie
    #俐媽英文教室 #俐媽英文教室大娛樂家篇
    #俐媽電影英文 #俐媽電影英文大娛樂家篇

  • substantial大量的 在 IEObserve 國際經濟觀察 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-05-21 11:50:03
    有 361 人按讚


    [ Zoom 漲了1500%? 你買到假的啦! 啥,買到假的居然更賺!? 投資人買錯股票的科學紀錄:一直都會]

    Zoom 在今年成為美國線上教學標配之一,大家看好股價的同時,衝進去買了Zoom。

    但很多人買到的是其實是 Zoom Technologies (現在改Ticker ZTNO),真的Zoom Ticker其實是ZM。

    當買到真的Zoom的投資人暗許自己的聰明時,隔壁買錯的人,股價報酬巔峰來到 1500% lol

    而買到真的ZM的人,股價報酬巔峰大概就100多% > <

    下次知道怎麼買了嗎? (誤



    知名避險基金經理人 Michael Rashes,他在哈佛念經濟學博士班時,博士論文其中一個章節就記載了這件事。

    當時有兩家公司,一家叫做MCI,一家叫做MCIC。當大家想買MCI Communication (很好的公司) 的時候,經常會買到MCI。



    他還發現,類似的還有 Tele‐Communications Inc 的Ticker 也不叫做 TCI,而是TCOMA,TCI是另外一家不相干公司Transcontinental Realty Investors Inc的Ticker。


    這篇論文後來在2002年發表於 Journal of Finance。他以這些不效率的交易結果,開發一系列利用投資人犯錯來修正市場的交易策略。畢業後也走向基金經理人的道路。


    所謂效率市場的"效率" 是個形容詞。霍華馬克思當年在Booth的投資學教授是最開始使用這個字的學者之一,在此之後大家才開始思考 效率、不效率、效率地不效率。

    但這樣的思考框架,常被誤認為 「因為效率市場,付出努力研究股票無法打敗大盤。」。

    其實不是這樣的。實際上並不會這樣去Frame這個問題。研究發現 (Gârleanu and Pedersen 2018):

    1. 許多共同基金經理人持續的擁有超額報酬,並且可預測的
    (Fama and French (2010); Kosowski, Timmermann, Wermers, White (2006))
    原話是 “we find that a sizable minority of managers pick stocks well enough to more than cover their costs. Moreover, the superior alphas of these managers persist”。

    2. 許多避險基金經理人的超額報酬表現無法被運氣所解釋
    (Fung, Hsieh, Naik, and Ramadorai (2008); Jagannathan, Malakhov,and Novikov (2010); Kosowski, Naik, and Teo (2007))
    原話是“top hedge fund performance cannot be explained by luck”

    3. 許多VC的優良投資表現有良好的持續性 (Kaplan and Schoar (2005))
    原話是“we document substantial persistence in LBO and VC fund performance”


    在資產管理產業也是。運氣總有,但一般而言,穩定報酬來源有三:承擔風險、額外資訊、以及流動性提供 (Pedersen 2019)。而獲得這些資訊,經常需要一些研究成本。而有這麼多好與壞的基金經理人,要選到對的,也需要研究的時間成本。



    假Zoom 漲了1500%,依然跌落神壇回到地面
    真Zoom 雖然只有漲150%,但目前依然持續成長

    市場從來不會自動變的效率,每一個所謂市場效率的背後,都被隨著大量的研究與執行 而解決Friction經常有著相對應的報酬。

    [1] Gârleanu, Nicolae, and Lasse Heje Pedersen. "Efficiently inefficient markets for assets and asset management." The Journal of Finance 73.4 (2018): 1663-1712.
    [2] Pedersen, Lasse Heje. Efficiently inefficient: how smart money invests and market prices are determined. Princeton University Press, 2019.
    [3] Rashes, Michael S. "Massively confused investors making conspicuously ignorant choices (mci–mcic)." The Journal of Finance 56.5 (2001): 1911-1927.

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