

在 submitted中文產品中有10篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6,015的網紅黃大煒 (Huang Dawei),也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 今天下午我和POLO已是第三次來到國稅局,包括信義區,大安區! 國稅局承辦人員們的態度非常良好,對中文不好的我和POLO特別有耐心,非常感謝! 因為今年有人蓄意編造謊言並公開爆料不實言論,甚至預謀並濫用同樣罹患胃癌的Vicky的同情同理心,浪費了我們拼命想盡辦法籌措對方癌末陳姓病妻赴日醫療費的真心誠...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過12萬的網紅創意世界 Creative World,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Bracelet - 彩虹編織器中文教學 Rainbow Loom Chinese Tutorial Congratulations to 何卓盈! Thank you to everyone that submitted a name suggestion! 1st Place: 何卓盈 -...

submitted中文 在 男神BB Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-09-07 18:36:19

最新消息 Please Follow:      BE@RBRICK MACAU 2020抽籤購買規則 本次推廣活動由科盈集團有限公司 (下稱“本公司”)主辦。 本次抽籤需以有效身份證名文件之姓名(只限中文或英文), 電子郵件及電話號碼作登記方可進行抽籤。 每款商品每人只限登記1件,每籤以每件商...

submitted中文 在 TeenyMunchies - Kids Meals 兒童餐 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-04-04 19:48:55

中文請往下▼ So I’ve officially submitted my return to work notice to my company and will be going back to work starting the new year 😱 I have mixed feeling...

  • submitted中文 在 黃大煒 (Huang Dawei) Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-11-13 21:36:49
    有 206 人按讚

    我們感謝Vicky 和專業會計師的嚴格把關。這麼多年來,不怕得罪人,不妥協地保護我和POLO的合法權益。

    This afternoon was the third time POLO and I went to the National Taxation Bureau of Taipei, including the Xinyi and Daan Branches. Thank you to the wonderful staff, for having a great attitude and being patient, especially since our Chinese is not very fluent. Because someone had deliberately publicized fabricated false information stating we plan to open and invest in a night club, along with leaking confidential information of our film project, we have submitted information, evidence, and details of all parties involves over the years and financial statements to cooperate with this investigation. Also, since POLO and I are American Citizens, all our investments must be reviewed by the “Investment Commission, MOEA”, and our investments must come from overseas and deposited into a legal company with the proper licenses.
    Thank you, Vicky and our professional accountants, for always guiding us through each step, and always doing your best to ensure our rights and interests are being protected.
    In addition, we are willing to disclose any evidence and bear legal responsibilities for our public statements.
    There is always an evidence trail to actions…
    After a busy afternoon, we are excited to finally continue recording and composing again!!
    Thank you all for your support!

    Vicky MeiMei Chao

  • submitted中文 在 Fernando Chiu-hung Cheung 張超雄 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-10-16 19:15:07
    有 47 人按讚

    ——民陣宣布 10 月 20 日舉辦大遊行

    Abolish anti-mask law, setup independent commission of inquiry, and rebuild Hong Kong police force——Civil Human Rights Front Calls for Rally on 20 October
    (Please scroll down for English translation)




    民陣決定在10 月 20 日於九龍區舉辦大遊行,並已向警方申請不反對通知書。民陣呼籲香港人,星期日齊上齊落,用人數和腳步向惡法說不!

    2019 年 10 月 14 日

    日期|10 月 20 日(星期日)
    時間|1.30PM 集合
    路線|九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利花園 至 高鐵西九龍站

    #緊急法 #禁蒙面法 #香港人反抗
    #五大訴求 #缺一不可


    Hong Kong people has been united to uphold the five demands and resist the authoritarian government since the anti extradition protest.

    However, the police force in this city has also been escalating their use of force, and continue mass arrest as well as abuses of their power. The Hong Kong government defends the shortcomings of police officers, and moreover, bypasses the constitutional role of the legislature to enact an anti-mask law by its emergency powers. The anti-mask law deprives freedom of expression among Hong Kong citizens, and threatens everyone’s personal safety while exercising their rights to freedom of assembly.

    People of Hong Kong will not compromise, against the fact that Carrie Lam abuses her power to spoil the police force and repress our rights. We demand abolishing the anti-mask law. We also urge the government to set up an independent commission of inquiry to investigate police brutality alongside its abuse of power by professional and impartial manner, and propose resolutions to rebuild our police force. Otherwise, hardly can our five demands be realised, and Hong Kong be restores to justice and fairness.

    We call for a rally in Kowloon on 20th October. We have submitted application for a letter of no objection from police commission. We urge everyone in Hong Kong to stand up again, and say NO to the anti-mask law by our size of rally and our feet!

    Civil Human Rights Front

    Details of the rally:
    Date: 20th October 2019
    Time: 1:30pm
    Route: Salisbury Garden, Tsim Sha Tsui to West Kowloon Station

    【民陣 TG】 t.me/CivilHumanRightsFront
    【民陣 Twitter】 https://twitter.com/chrf_hk

    民陣被捕法律支援熱線:6549 9452
    Whatsapp / SMS / Telegram


    1. 被捕地點
    2. 中文全名*
    3. 英文全名
    4. 身份證號碼
    5. 所在警署
    6. 性別
    7. 年齡
    8. 緊急聯絡人電話*
    9. 報料人電話*(如與 8. 有不同)
    10. 其他詳情

  • submitted中文 在 本土研究社 Liber Research Community Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-09-26 21:11:35
    有 29 人按讚



    💪Support Citizens Task Force "This is Our Land" campaign⏩





    意見書詳細內容請參考: https://goo.gl/a4Da8h

    Citizens Task Force on Land Resources (CTF) published its position paper submitted to the public consultation by the Government's Task Force on Land Supply.

    “There is no land shortage. What we need is a better, strategic land use planning. We don't need a new land reserve, we need to improve our planning process and fix our land supply pipe line. Government is ignoring obvious land supply options.”

    "Government and its taskforce focus is only on supply, without considering improvements to be made to implementation and distribution of land use."

    CTF reinstated its objections to development of Country Parks (a special asset to be safeguarded) and the East Lantau Metropolis (expensive and will divert resources from fixing the NT)

    For the detailed submission, please refer to: https://goo.gl/a4Da8h

  • submitted中文 在 創意世界 Creative World Youtube 的精選貼文

    2014-06-20 08:27:04

    Bracelet - 彩虹編織器中文教學 Rainbow Loom Chinese Tutorial

    Congratulations to 何卓盈! Thank you to everyone that submitted a name suggestion!

    1st Place: 何卓盈 - 彩虹夢幻梯手環
    2nd Place: Carmen Leung - 夢幻之舞
    3rd Place: 天蠍 - 彩虹棉花糖

    ♥訂閱創意世界頻道: https://www.youtube.com/user/CreativeWorldUSA
    ♥ Facebook 粉絲專頁: https://www.facebook.com/CreativeWorldUSA
    ♥ Twitter 粉絲專頁: https://twitter.com/CreativeWorldUS
    ♥ Instagram 粉絲專頁: http://instagram.com/creativeworldusa

    台灣購買材料 官方網站: http://www.rainbow-loom.com.tw
    香港購買材料 官方網站: email - fionatang@fiva.com.hk, (Web Site Coming soon)

    DIY 橡皮筋編織手環, 吊飾和人物
    其他橡皮筋編織設計: Rainbow Loom Chinese/Mandarin tutorials

    單手鍊 Single Bracelet
    魚尾手環(2針) Fishtail Bracelet
    玫瑰手環 Rose Garden Bracelet
    小雨滴手環 Raindrop Bracelet
    彩虹梯手環 Ladder Bracelet
    三聯單手鐲 Triple Single Bracelet
    永遠的愛手鍊 Infinity/Taffy Twist Bracelets
    蝴蝶結戒指 Bow Ring
    草莓 Strawberry Charms
    櫻桃 Cherry Charms
    可口可樂 Coca Cola Soda
    星形手環 Starburst Bracelet
    小熊貓 Panda Bear Charm
    鉛筆 Pencil Charms
    爆米花 Popcorn Charms
    剪刀 Scissor(Close End) Charms
    雞腿 Chicken Leg
    小企鵝 Penguin Charms
    立體小烏龜 3D Turtle Charm
    彩虹圈鑰匙圈 Rainbow Ring Keychain
    小老鼠 Hamster/Mouse Charms
    冰淇淋 Ice Cream Charms
    章魚Octopus Charms
    口紅Lipstick Charms
    魚竿Fishing Pole Charms
    鑽石手鍊 Diamond Bracelet
    瓢蟲手鍊 Ladybug Bracelet
    蜂窩手環 Honeycomb Bracelets
    小蜜蜂手鍊 Honey Bee Bracelets
    龍鱗手鐲(6針) Dragon Scale Cuff 6 Pin
    迷你凱蒂貓 Hello Kitty Charms
    貓頭鷹 Owl Charms
    可拆卸筆套或勾針套 Removable Pencil Grip
    小甜心手鍊 Sweetheart Bracelet
    心心相印手環 Rectangle Bracelet
    比比鏈/拉鍊手環Zippy Chain Bracelets
    小金鱼 Gold Fish Charms
    壽司卷 Sushi Roll Charms
    冰棒 Popsicle Charms
    彩虹編織花 Rainbow Bloom Charms
    小蝴蝶戒指Butteryfly Blossom Ring
    彩虹花手環 Flower Power Bracelet
    逆向魚尾手環 Inverted Fishtail Bracelet
    自由扭轉手鐲 Liberty Twist Bracelet
    鑽石圈手環 Diamond with Rings Bracelet
    剪刀 Scissor(Open End) Charms
    蝴蝶結 Bow/Ribbon Charms
    十字魚尾手鍊Cross Quadfish Bracelet
    立體小狗 3D Dog/Puppy Charms
    小狗 Dog Face Emoji Charm
    小雞在蛋殼 Chick in Eggshell Charms
    縱橫交叉手環 Confetti Criss-Cross Bracelet
    嶺尖鑽石手環 Diamond Ridge Bracelet
    鋸齒形手環 Zig Zag Bracelet
    米老鼠鉛筆帽 Mickey Mouse Pencil Topper
    蝴蝶花手環 Butterfly Blossoms Bracelet
    龍鱗手鐲(8針) Dragon Scale Cuff 8 Pin
    療癒系"綿綿兔" Fumo Charms
    奧林匹克手環 Olympic Them Bracelet
    菱形手環 Single Rhombus Bracelet
    輕鬆小熊 Rilakkuma Bear Charm
    彩虹雙圈手環 Upsy Daisy Twistzy Wistzy Bracelet
    圖騰柱手環 Totem Pole Bracelet
    西瓜 Watermelon Charm
    天堂鳥手環 Bird of Paradise Bracelet
    芙蓉花手環 Hibiscus Bracelet
    香蕉 Banana Charm
    紅蘿蔔 Carrot Charms
    炸薯條 French Fries Charm
    立體小貓咪 3D Cat/Kitty Charm
    迷你十字架 Mini Cross Charm
    立體小倉鼠/老鼠 3D Hamster/Mouse
    立體龍 3D Dragon
    維尼小熊Winnie the Pooh
    小野花手環 Daisy Bracelet
    幸運草 4 Leaf Clover Charm
    小雞 Chicks Charm
    和平標誌 Peace Sign
    高音譜號 Treble Clef

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    設計者: RainbowLoom.com
    翻譯者: 創意世界 Creative World
    版權所有請勿複製©2014 by 創意世界 Creative World

    All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission.

