

在 stubborn塞產品中有10篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1,760的網紅May 媄鏸,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Having issues of blackheads whiteheads, big pores, uneven skin tone, blockage etc problems? If you’re experiencing one of above, you must read this....

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過88的網紅May May Beby,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Having issues of blackheads whiteheads, big pores, uneven skin tone, blockage etc problems? If you’re experiencing one of above, you must read this.??...

stubborn塞 在 May侯媄鏸 | Senior S.Director?? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-11 06:00:56

Having issues of blackheads whiteheads, big pores, uneven skin tone, blockage etc problems? If you’re experiencing one of above, you must read this.👋🏻...

stubborn塞 在 May侯媄鏸 | Senior S.Director?? Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-12 16:06:35

Having issues of blackheads whiteheads, big pores, uneven skin tone, blockage etc problems? If you’re experiencing one of above, you must read this.👋🏻...

stubborn塞 在 May侯媄鏸 | Senior S.Director?? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-12 16:07:06

Having issues of blackheads whiteheads, big pores, uneven skin tone, blockage etc problems? If you’re experiencing one of above, you must read this.👋🏻...

  • stubborn塞 在 May 媄鏸 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-05-31 12:11:51
    有 0 人按讚

    Having issues of blackheads whiteheads, big pores, uneven skin tone, blockage etc problems?
    If you’re experiencing one of above, you must read this.👋🏻
    🍃Mary Kay 👑 Exfoliating Botanical Effect Mask 🍃 Grandeur yet price worthy🍃
    Once you use it, you’ll love it!
    ❌Layers of stubborn skin👋
    ❌Blackheads & whiteheads 👋
    ❌Blockage of pores👋
    ❌Big pores👋
    One mask solves all the problems above!
    Wanna see the difference, look at those photos 🆚
    * My love who finish yours already don’t forget to grab yours again with me❤️
    Wanna know which product suit you the most & get to know more bout your skin?
    You’re welcome to get my consultation, I’ll customise product that suits your skin & it’s for FREE👋🏻
    WECHAT☎️ : MayMayBeby
    🍃Mary Kay皇牌去角質面膜🍃高貴而不貴🍃
    想看效果 也可以看照片里的对比图哟🆚
    * 有宝贝要用完了的也请记得找我补货哟❤️
    想要了解自己的皮肤适合怎么样的产品? 欢迎来找我,替你分析不收费👋🏻
    WECHAT☎️ : MayMayBeby @ Ampang, Kuala Lumpur

  • stubborn塞 在 Mr.old 老派人生 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-10-28 12:05:22
    有 29 人按讚

    British Army Overall 會是初識品牌的識別作品,而在入秋之時Club Stubborn 推出新番迷彩面料,以叢林綠及大地色系相互交錯,歛暈深淺。其整體立基於英軍吊帶服氛圍之下,詳實考究各式機能作業口袋,業已經過水洗的輕量棉布令穿用無任一不適。穿用者只需挑件襯衫或T恤,把身體塞進裡頭,馬上帶來大人洒落感!


  • stubborn塞 在 May 媄鏸 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-10-05 13:05:12
    有 7 人按讚

    Having issues of blackheads whiteheads, big pores, uneven skin tone, blockage etc problems?
    If you’re experiencing one of above, you must read this.👋🏻
    🍃Mary Kay 👑 Exfoliating Botanical Effect Mask 🍃 Grandeur yet price worthy🍃
    Once you use it, you’ll love it!
    ❌Layers of stubborn skin👋
    ❌Blackheads & whiteheads 👋
    ❌Blockage of pores👋
    ❌Big pores👋
    One mask solves all the problems above!
    Wanna see the difference, look at those photos 🆚
    * My love who finish yours already don’t forget to grab yours again with me❤️
    Wanna know which product suit you the most & get to know more bout your skin?
    You’re welcome to get my consultation, I’ll customise product that suits your skin & it’s for FREE👋🏻
    WECHAT☎️ : MayMayBeby
    🍃Mary Kay皇牌去角質面膜🍃高貴而不貴🍃
    想看效果 也可以看照片里的对比图哟🆚
    * 有宝贝要用完了的也请记得找我补货哟❤️
    想要了解自己的皮肤适合怎么样的产品? 欢迎来找我,替你分析不收费👋🏻
    WECHAT☎️ : MayMayBeby @ Ampang, Kuala Lumpur

  • stubborn塞 在 May May Beby Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-10-05 12:03:32

    Having issues of blackheads whiteheads, big pores, uneven skin tone, blockage etc problems?
    If you’re experiencing one of above, you must read this.??
    ?Mary Kay ? Exfoliating Botanical Effect Mask ? Grandeur yet price worthy?
    Once you use it, you’ll love it!
    ❌Layers of stubborn skin?
    ❌Blackheads & whiteheads ?
    ❌Blockage of pores?
    ❌Big pores?
    One mask solves all the problems above!
    Wanna see the difference, look at those photos ?
    * My love who finish yours already don’t forget to grab yours again with me❤️
    Wanna know which product suit you the most & get to know more bout your skin?
    You’re welcome to get my consultation, I’ll customise product that suits your skin & it’s for FREE??
    WECHAT☎️ : MayMayBeby
    ?Mary Kay皇牌去角質面膜?高貴而不貴?
    想看效果 也可以看照片里的对比图哟?
    * 有宝贝要用完了的也请记得找我补货哟❤️
    想要了解自己的皮肤适合怎么样的产品? 欢迎来找我,替你分析不收费??
    WECHAT☎️ : MayMayBeby @ Ampang, Kuala Lumpur

  • stubborn塞 在 TAG Concept Youtube 的精選貼文

    2018-06-18 21:00:01


    ROOT SCIENCE BRIGHT Rejuvenating Botanical Eye Serum 免腫睛靈油 10ml

    世足期間,連夜觀賽下注,搏得銀両五千,本喜;然今早望鏡時,始覺眼周皮膚甚dry,大驚,恐眼紋群起一發不可收拾,慘變老殘中女被唾棄矣... 嗚哇!!!世界盃一開鑼睇咗幾晚波做埋賭聖之後,錢,我大把!但對眼家下比熊貓揞完咁黑,乾紋出晒嚟!眼肚腫到中咗天馬流星拳咁,點9樣呀究竟!我要一支堅•有效嘅眼精華吖~我要眼精華吖~

    隆重登場嘅美國天然有機品牌ROOT SCIENCE,喺全球各地搜羅既高營養,兼又pure又true零雜質嘅天然植物成分,以冷壓方式萃取出高效能有機植物精油,製成每款治療功效極高嘅產品!

    動地驚天睛靈過咁介紹返, ROOT SCIENCE BRIGHT免腫睛靈油足足雲集二十種高汁植物精油,包括黑莓籽油、摩洛哥堅果油、刺梨、藍艾菊、玫瑰果CO2萃取,以及山金車油等,一油呵成將豐富活性養分帶入肌底!透過純淨植物營養素及高效抗氧化成分,刺激肌膚微循環,更快速、更深入、更精確去修復幼紋、黑眼圈、眼袋等眼部衰老問題!深層滋潤頽到硬晒軑嘅肌膚,同時增加肌膚細胞緊實度,有效回復皮膚彈性!仲可以保護皮膚免受紫外線損害,膠原蛋白都茅咁易流失架呢~

    咁呢,以油嘅質地嚟講,ROOT SCIENCE BRIGHT係出奇地輕身嘅!Come on James,麻煩咪再成條stubborn撚咁覺得油係等於堵塞毛孔、等於起油脂粒啦!一款高汁精油,係唔會輕易出現上述情況,除非姑奶你亂加其他嘢搽就另計啦下~

    Any肥,八過八哥嘅你,相信一定有睇牙瘋最近喺IG story同facebook嘅堅揪些牙!有片有真相,牙瘋未勁到識喺video執走個眼袋,但君不見瘋個袋係明顯平滑咗收緊咗?呢件事真係令瘋非常非常滾動,事關牙瘋一世英明,就係衰喺個遺傳性眼袋度!

    本瘋配合按摩指法用咗ROOT SCIENCE BRIGHT三星期之後,覺得眼周皮膚真係冇咁dry,係有柔軟到嘅!植物性維A維E果然K.O.到唔少細紋!瘋呢段時間差不多日日瞓得5粒鐘,個黑眼圈竟然冇深過!最令牙瘋尖叫失控嘅,係我個袋明顯有收緊呀!真係要大嗌十聲:What the luck囉!


    Opuntia Ficus Indica (Prickly Pear) Seed Oil*, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Oil*, Rosa Canina (Rosehip) Seed Oil*, Argania Spinosa (Argan) Oil*, Rubus Idaeus (Raspberry) Seed Oil*, Adansonia Digitata (Baobab) Oil*, Rubus Fruticosus (Blackberry) Seed Oil*, Vaccinium Macrocarpon (Cranberry) Seed Oil*, Hippophae Rhamnoides (Sea Buckthorn) CO2 Extract*, Calophyllum Inophyllum (Tamanu) Oil*, Calendula Officinalis (Calendula) CO2 Extract*, Arnica Montana (Arnica) CO2 Extract, Tanacetum Annuum (Blue Tansy) Oil*, Proprietary Blend of Organic & Wild Harvested Essential Oils, Non-GMO Tocopherol (Vitamin E).

    *Certified Organic
    Cruelty Free and Vegan
    From the Earth, Not a Test Tube.

    TAG Concept
    13:30 - 22:30
    13:15 - 22:15


