

在 strokes意思產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5,273的網紅Calligraphy & Illustration by Olimpia Wong,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 祝大家新的一年幸福滿滿 . #fauxcalligraphy #loosefloral . Faux Calligraphy, 意思是不用傳統的calligraphyェ具 (即calligraphy nibs) 而寫出書法字thick and thin strokes的效果. . 很多時, 如果寫字...

strokes意思 在 陳楷仁Chen Kai Ren|倒插人|artist Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-18 21:22:13

整理工作室總是會翻出一些有趣的老東西⋯老音樂雜誌篇。 小時候沒有什麼串流,想要瞭解搖滾樂都要靠這些「化外」的雜誌來補充資訊,這期T-mag記得是小時候的啟蒙雜誌之一,現在看來還是格外有意思。 這本誠品好讀記得是本來要被丟掉,我把它撿回家的,那個年代的台客大戰,主流電音台v.s地下搖滾台,眉飛色舞大...

strokes意思 在 Hui Hon Man Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-19 01:53:03

空明體_愛字有寬度有修腰、有中宮有撇捺,都很喜歡測試用,然後愛字跟不同字搭也是可以有點意思的,這是最常用20漢字,感覺圖案都可以推出一件 t-shirt 了吧! 到此,空明體的豎排錯落感我已經很滿意:不求明顯的錯落,而只是一種感受,一種跟其他明體完全不同的感受。 我需要每個漢字擁有屬於自己的靈動...

strokes意思 在 *墨樂* Since 2018 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-01 10:48:56

: 最難寫及多筆劃的漢字之ㄧ。 這個字由高多達108的筆劃組成。 在佛教中,bonnō是精神狀態,可能會使頭腦變得模糊,並可能表現為有害的行為。 在日本佛教徒認為有108個bonnō,因此它們以漢字108的筆劃數表示。在現代社會中,bonnō被寫為煩悩,它可以形容為“困擾心智的東西”。(由墨樂用毛筆...

  • strokes意思 在 Calligraphy & Illustration by Olimpia Wong Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-02-18 15:23:24
    有 31 人按讚

    Faux Calligraphy, 意思是不用傳統的calligraphyェ具 (即calligraphy nibs) 而寫出書法字thick and thin strokes的效果.
    很多時, 如果寫字的area很大, 不能用nibs寫, 都會用到faux calligraphy的方法
    faux calligraphy要寫得靚, 就耍對字母字型有更深入的認識, 例如那些bold strokes 的修飾位.
    Workshop News
    March 7 Sunday - Dip Pen Calligraphy for Beginners
    Time: 1:30pm to 4:30pm
    報名及詳情請inbox 查詢
    Link of event:

  • strokes意思 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-10-10 08:38:31
    有 203 人按讚

    Give Yourself A Chance To Shine



















    與其內心糾結直到頭腦打結,我永遠選擇踏出第一步試一下。Never try, never know.



    If the energies in the Universe can be categorised, they would come in the 5 forms of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth.

    All manifestations, be it things or events, in this world falls under these 5 elements, and each and every one of our Bazi is the combination of these 5 elements. The interaction between these elements in our Bazi and those in our circumstances will result in myriad of happenings, good fortunes or otherwise.

    My personal experience tells me that even though 2 person may have exactly the same Bazi, but their destinies may turn out different. Reasons being the discrepancy in their facial features, the meanings, tonality, character strokes and essence of their names.

    The crux of reading your own destiny lies in uncovering which of the 5 elements is or are mandatory for you. This calls for plenty of practical experience. It is not simply doing simple math of plus, minus, multiply and divide. If this first step is wrong, the whole deck of cards will surely collapse.

    After deciphering the correct element, the next step is do guide the client on how to use it to boost their energies in all aspects, from external clothing and living environment to what they eat so as to attract good tidings and ward off misfortunes. Frankly, if the client is uncooperative, the whole of point of Bazi analysis would have been lost.

    To know how your future will unfold but behave like a sitting duck? That’s just like buying a movie ticket to watch a preview of your life drama, isnt it?

    I had this thought after seeing so many clients: if one’s life is seemingly smooth sailing but one remains unhappy, such zombie-like existence is very painful.

    During a typical Bazi analysis session, I would always recommend the client certain colours favourable to him or her to boost the luck. Never underestimate the power of colours. Each colour has its own elemental nature. I have used this successfully several times to help clients succeed at their job interviews, even during this pandemic period.

    However as soon as I mentioned the red colour, reactions from my clients tended to be bigger than usual.

    Such a bright colour?
    My wife said she’s not used to me in this colour!
    That’s like Chinese New Year everyday!
    The previous master I consulted said so too, but I did not heed the advice.

    My answer: if you have been wearing your same old colours for the past many years and getting not much favours from Lady Luck, why not give my suggestion a try?

    There are many tones and shades of Red. Nobody is asking you to dress like a big red ang bao (red packet) everyday. Dressing black everyday doesn’t make you Justice Bao either.

    Attached are testimonies from Miss A and Mr B after they went red.

    Mr B. came to me in September for a follow-up consultation. When I saw him from afar, I was thinking why there wasn’t any sign of change in him. He even sported a sour face.

    He told me that after seeing me in March, he had just bought some clothes in colours that were unfavourable to him. He couldn’t bear to throw them away, and his wife didn’t really support him wearing red either. He said his colleagues were all wearing darker colours.

    I told him that those clothes he bought had already served him for several months and he could donate them away. That would not constitute wastage. His wife may have good intentions but your destiny is your own business and only you know your sufferings.

    We ought to treat our destiny with the spirit of a scientist. If you don’t experiment, you will never know if my methods work. This experiment is a simple one, ask your wife to support you this once.

    It’s only changing the colour of your clothes, not asking to change your wife. 😂

    Rather than getting oneself in knots, I will always choose to take the first step. Never try, never know.

    My life’s journey has been that of ups and downs. Frankly speaking, when the winds begin blowing in your sails, and lift your spirit, those emotions are exhilarating. Don’t believe me? Try it out yourself.

  • strokes意思 在 徐國峰 HSU KUO FENG Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-07-29 08:57:08
    有 190 人按讚

    【基礎力量 vs 專項力量,哪個重要?】






    Exercise selection has become a hot-button issue in recent years. Sport-specific training and exercises intended to carry over more specifically to a particular sport have grown in popularity.

    As an example, we know of a well-intentioned swim coach’s prescribed dry-land training that utilized about six exercises, all designed to mimic particular swimming strokes and all of them directed at the arms and shoulders. The program had no lower-body work and no total-body movements. After four of this coach’s underperforming athletes went through a six-week training cycle of whole-body barbell training, they all set personal records in their respective events and one became a state champion and Division I scholarship athlete.

    This is an extreme case, yet it is becoming more the norm than the exception for misguided coaches to try to simulate a sport in the weightroom with poor results in athletic performance.

    我認為作者的意思並不是認為專項力量不重要,而是基礎力量要先建立好,再來練專項力量才會有效果……作者在書中提到80%/20% 原則,它又稱為帕列托法則(Pareto’s Principle)。簡單說是20%的動作可以帶來80%的效果,所以在力量訓練初期,動作選擇不要太複雜,我在討論區裡有把作者所選的20%關鍵訓練動作整理翻譯出來,有興趣的人可以參考:https://www.runningquotient.com/group-forum/topic?tid=1221


    註:"System"這本書的全名是:"The System: Soviet Periodization Adapted for the American Strength Coach",它是由三位美國教練所寫的訓練書,我個人非常喜歡,比最早從蘇聯引進週期訓練的圖德.邦帕博士(Dr. Tudor Bompa)所寫的《運動員的週期化肌力訓練》(Periodization Training for Sports)更具實用性。簡單來講,《The System》的理論與訓練法之間的鏈結更強、更緊密,較容易落實到訓練現場。這本書的教練們去俄國學了多年的週期化訓練,並結合了數十年的執教經驗之後,整理成這本著作。

