

在 steep意思產品中有11篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 用字遣詞的敏感度 快來看Presentality的最新英語寫作分析~ 特別敏感的時刻,我們的用字遣詞也要特別小心。今天的「閱讀筆記」,我們來看前一陣子轟動矽谷的事件:知名軟體公司老闆在部落格的一篇 po 文,讓三分之一員工離職。他到底寫了什麼? 📌 總結幾個重點: 1. 在敏感時刻,用字跟語...

steep意思 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-03-30 07:21:42

【春天症狀】身體有濕更易感覺飽滯 ⭐主管消化的脾討厭潮濕 ⭐適量祛濕可紓緩症狀 #星期三CheckCheckMail 春天腸胃不聽話? 養好脾胃不怕濕滯 李小姐:「我媽最近常說春天到令人好濕滯,胃口不佳跟濕與滯有關嗎?」 CheckCheckCin:廣東話「濕滯」是指有麻煩事的意思,而從中醫...

steep意思 在 Wilson Sim 沈斯涵 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-11-19 02:40:35

The Fragrant Hills or xiangshan park is a public park and former imperial garden in the Qing dynasty. It highest peak is known as the Xianglu Feng (In...

steep意思 在 Joyce | Sommelier|侍酒師 ???? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-07-11 10:21:58

It was on a rainy day last week that I attended a webinar featuring TRENTODOC wine here in NY. ​ ​ You might ask, what is TRENTODOC and where is it?​ ...

  • steep意思 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-01 12:15:02
    有 190 人按讚



    特別敏感的時刻,我們的用字遣詞也要特別小心。今天的「閱讀筆記」,我們來看前一陣子轟動矽谷的事件:知名軟體公司老闆在部落格的一篇 po 文,讓三分之一員工離職。他到底寫了什麼?

    📌 總結幾個重點:

    1. 在敏感時刻,用字跟語氣,甚至可能比內容還要重要。

    2. 用簡短無修飾的句子,會顯得比較強硬,較長而且有修飾的句子,反而比較溫和。

    3. 主詞非常,非常重要。你用的是 I, us vs them,還是 "we" and "our"?



    📌 前一陣子,Basecamp 事件震驚美國科技/新創圈。

    Basecamp 是一家團隊協作軟體公司,創辦人 Jason Fried 跟 David Heinemeier Hansson 一直都很願意為自己的理想及理念說話。他們寫的 Rework 一書影響了非常多的人,我在台灣認識的好幾位創業家都曾經跟我分享這本書。

    但他們四月底在部落格上公告 Basecamp 一系列政策改變之後,引來非常大的反彈。

    我第一時間就有去他們的部落格看他們寫的文章,覺得文筆非常好,而且是用說道理的語氣,很 reasonable。但發布不久,公司超過30%的員工,決定離職,其中包括好幾位高階主管!

    What happened? 那篇文章,很顯然觸發了一個危機。我回去再把文章看了一次,發現天啊... 那篇文章的語氣,根本沒有我第一次看感覺的溫和。

    Changes at Basecamp: https://bit.ly/2SNN6Kr



    📌 主要的改變 = 工作時別討論政治或社會議題


    No more societal and political discussions on our company Basecamp account.

    在這個時空背景下,美國社會立場分歧這麼深,從左右派政治議題,到種族歧視問題,Basecamp 領導人大膽決定,禁止員工在公司內部的線上溝通頻道,討論社會及政治議題。



    📌 開頭還算溫和:說服大家把公司當產品看待

    一開頭,Fried 就寫:

    At Basecamp, we treat our company as a product. It's not a rigid thing that exists, it's a flexible, malleable idea that evolves. We aren't stuck with what we have, we can create what we want. Just as we improve products through iteration, we iterate on our company too.


    我們可以想像,Fried 肯定為了這篇文煩惱了一陣子。很多想法不斷的在他腦中盤旋,不同的開場,不同的句子...

    但這個開頭,是一個很不錯的 framing:因為 Basecamp 的員工肯定很多 product fanatics - 就是最在乎產品好不好的 "builders"。Product lovers 的一個共同點,就是了解產品是會不斷改變的東西。如果說公司也是,就可以理解,公司也會改變。
    然後,他非常小心的挑選最正面的說法。每一字每一句都是 product lovers 會認同的:

    •we can create what we want
    •improve products

    用了一連串正面的同義字,就是要塑造 change = positive 的氣氛。


    📌 連大改變,都用「改版」來形容


    Recently, we've made some internal company changes, which, taken in total, collectively feel like a full version change. It deserves an announcement.

    什麼是大的改變?就有點像「改版」的意思。而且注意到,他不是寫 "We're making a full version change" 喔,而是說:"changes... taken in total, collectively feel like a full version change."
    也就是說,在中間加了很多緩衝的字眼,淡化 "full version change"。


    The way you act sometimes, when people don't know you yet, can feel like you're a bit of an asshole. 或是 You're an asshole.



    In the product world, not all changes are enjoyed by all customers. Some changes are immediately appreciated. Some changes take time to steep, settle in, and get acquainted with. And to some, some changes never feel quite right — they may even be deal breakers.


    而且他用了三個意思差不多的字,鼓勵大家「耐心的習慣新的改變」:Some changes take time to steep, settle in, and get acquainted with。

    Again 他的用字很細心。"Get acquainted with" 就好像跟我們說,


    所以才有最後一句:"They may even be deal breakers"。
    They totally knew what was coming...


    📌 溫和就到這裡... 語氣開始轉變


    As Huxley offers in The Doors of Perception, "We live together, we act on, and react to, one another; but always and in all circumstances we are by ourselves. The martyrs go hand in hand into the arena; they are crucified alone. Embraced, the lovers desperately try to fuse their insulated ecstasies into a single self-transcendence; in vain. By its very nature every embodied spirit is doomed to suffer and enjoy in solitude."





    個人猜測:他上面好話已經寫完了。真正的意涵是:We're going forward, alone if necessary。

    而且,他們還把自己的決定,frame 成 navigating somewhere,同時把另一邊寫成 circling nowhere

    We all want different somethings. Some slightly different, some substantially. Companies, however, must settle the collective difference, pick a point, and navigate towards somewhere, lest they get stuck circling nowhere.


    📌 語氣變的很硬:No More


    如果把所有改變的第一句話看過去,會發現全部都是 "No more..." 開頭。這個硬到不行了。

    完整文章: https://bit.ly/3wT6x3z

    圖片出處: https://bit.ly/34wWkO5


    Presentality每天都在追蹤與分析跟英文溝通/寫作有關的文章,如果想要透過我們這些「閱讀筆記」一起學習,可在 FB 追蹤我們:https://www.facebook.com/presentality/

    📌 Presentality系列文章:

    1. 看貝佐斯致亞馬遜股東的最後一封信,學一些英文寫作小撇步

    2. 英文演講實用的結構與技巧

    3. 在演講中的四種敘述角度

    4. 詩人Amanda Gorman的英文演講技巧

    5. 從 Most Dangerous Place 文章,看經濟學人寫作邏輯

    6. 寫作的終極目標是「提供價值」

    7. 看 Bloomberg學資深記者如何寫文章

  • steep意思 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-03-24 18:01:23
    有 269 人按讚







    ✔️CheckCheckCin 美茶推介:濕重

    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Take care of the spleen and stomach and keep dampness at bay

    “My mum recently told me that dampness and stagnation often happen during spring, and this will cause appetite loss. Is there a relationship between dampness and stagnation?”

    CheckCheckCin: In Cantonese, the two words that represent dampness and stagnation are ‘sap zai’, which also means nuisance or hassle. From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, dampness and stagnation are indeed related.

    The body relies on the spleen and stomach to circulate fluid and dampness, so when these organs fail to function optimally, stagnation can occur. Symptoms such as bloating, indigestion, appetite loss, and abdominal gassiness would then emerge.

    Individual with these symptoms should eat more meals but in a smaller quantity, and avoid consuming heavily seasoned, fried, oily, and sticky foods, as well as those with high satiety. Alternatively, you can try drinking this tea to improve your appetite and soothe the circulation of the qi.

    Calamansi and dried citrus peel tea
    Effects: promotes qi and stimulates appetite. Relieves lack of appetite and vomiting.
    Ingredients: 3 calamansi, 1 dried citrus peel, 1 drop honey
    Preparation: Rinse the ingredients. Cut the calamansi into half. Slice the dried citrus peel. Place all ingredients into thermos and add in hot water and steep for 10 minutes until aroma develops. Add honey. This tea can be re-brewed until flavour weakens.

    ✔ CheckCheckCin Recommendation: Dampness
    Ingredients: Rice bean, black eyed bean, hyacinth bean coat
    Effects: Strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness. Relieves fatigue, tired even after adequate sleep, heaviness in limbs and edema.
    Welcome to order through our website: www.checkcheckcin.com

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我狀態OK #我胖了 #痰濕 #胃脹

  • steep意思 在 葉朗程 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-05-21 09:14:44
    有 1,645 人按讚


    Eric 心裏有點緊張,桃木色的枱面已經收拾得乾乾淨淨。

    今天將要跟老闆做年終 appraisal。


    準時開始,老闆跟他說:「Eric,you had a good year...... 好多 deal 你都有幫手......」

    Eric 心想,晚晚做到咁夜,做埋你啲嘢,點止 good 呀,老細。

    「我知道你一直想升職......」比想像中更快進入正題,Eric 面帶微笑,但已緊張得握着拳頭。

    老闆續說:「今次 promotion committee 傾起你嗰陣,都對你印象唔錯,all saying Eric is a nice guy,不過可惜又講唔出咩大case......」

    Eric 聽到心知不妙,並正想解釋他幫忙了那幾單大deal。

    老闆並沒有給他這個機會,便繼續說下去:「好似年頭嗰單 block trade 咁,雖然做得好,但主要係 Richard 負責 lead,所以Management覺得你要做多啲呢一類大 deal 先比較容易 make your case。」


    説的那次是一單五千萬美元的 block trade,他們為一位上市公司主席客戶於場外交易出貨套現。

    Eric 和 Richard 屬於同一 team,但由於 Richard 是一名ABC,普通話也不好,所以一見這次客戶是國內高層,自然樂得由 Eric 自己處理。

    除了要與買賣雙方方詳細解釋保密協議的內容外,Eric 還要向自己 office 交上無數報告,從而通過風險部及 compliance 的審批,亦要得到 IBD sector coverage 的支持。

    他要天天 con call 那位打算出貨的公司主席及其CFO,去分析及預計市場反應,也要預計股票的 discount 要到什麼 level 才吸引。當然還要跟買家(兩家對沖基金)作 selling,期望為客戶爭取一個less steep 的discount,盡量減低對股價的影響。


    大功告成,要慶祝的時候,Richard 竟發了一個電郵 cc 給全個 APAC management team 去報喜,說單單這個 deal 便幫公司賺了差不多七十萬美元的revenue。

    Richard 也避重就輕地沒有寫是自己做的,但整段的email看起上來就好像他有份 lead 一樣。係,即係好明顯佢已經係 hijack 咗個 deal。

    當天,Eric 有點不高興,但也不以為然,認為老闆都應該知道誰付出得最多。

    今天,解釋看來已無用,他說:「可唔可以幫我再 fight 吓?」


    老闆似乎已經要 close the case,說道:「Eric,the ship has sailed...... 嚟緊一年我哋會俾多啲機會你做 project,俾管理層留意你多啲......」

    老闆的聲音已經變得模糊,而 Eric 感覺到的不知道究竟是怒火還是羞辱。付出了那麼多,換來的最後只是一句 the ship has sailed。

    我們都不能避免每天有像 Richard 這樣的人嘗試 hijack 你的功勞,但卻可以努力避免像 Eric 那樣 eject 了自己的付出。

    當你有畀人 hijack 你個 deal 嘅經驗,你會明白受害者的感受,無論佢講幾粗嘅粗口,你都會原諒佢。


    坐在遠離他公司位置的 Lobster Bar,Eric 對我訴苦說:「師兄,係唔係因為我唔識擦鞋?但係我真係好憎人擦鞋吹水。」

    佢所謂嘅師兄,我,就係一個最鍾意擦鞋吹水嘅人,而聽 Eric 講完話佢最憎呢種人,我連少少慚愧都冇。擦鞋吹水並不是罪過,而是一種技能。

    吹水吹得唔討厭,擦鞋擦得唔出面,邀功邀得唔著跡,你估咁易?係,識人好過識字,但識人唔係淨係講個 quantity,都要講 quality。我意思係,要圖的不只是 the quantity of connections,更是 the quality of connections。

    要扶搖直上,it is not just about how many people you know,but it is also about how much people know about you。

    表現自己,宣傳自己,包裝自己,都是工作的一部份。著住對八千幾蚊嘅皮鞋絕對是一張花紙而已,但呢張花紙唔係要話畀人聽你好掂,而係要畀人知道 you know exactly what you need to nail it。

