

在 steam離線下載產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 哇!終於在哈薩克的找到我們最愛、最想要居住的中亞城市❤️ 好吃、好玩、又先進舒適👍 可以從這邊直接搭夜巴進去烏魯木齊的前哈薩克首度— Almaty 阿拉木圖完全就是一個國際都市😍 不只交通便利、食物好吃而且夠水準、周圍又有許多戶外活動!真心讓人覺得可以在此耍費一個多禮拜😆 阿拉木圖也被稱為「蘋果...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅Dr_Minn,也在其Youtube影片中提到,GTA5 ➤ 1.28暗黑「DLC解鎖」教學 - 絲襪裝,解放者,死亡公爵,斧頭(回鍋獎勵/情人節/獨立日)(復原辦法見下) ㊣ 網路傳言:有人用此法被ban,其實因為用了其他東西「不敢說」,現在已經1.28,事實證明,我才是對的~you suck, Haters! ㊣ ▶回鍋存檔(不須復原):h...

steam離線下載 在 4Gamers編輯部 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-03-14 19:15:36

主打可以讓中國玩家遊玩國外伺服器時更為順暢的騰訊網遊加速器,在昨(7)天爆出加速器中內建的商城中,公然販賣盜版遊戲,遭到中國網友痛罵。⁣ ⁣ 在加速器頁面中的「道具商城」裡,販賣了所謂「離線版」的 Steam 遊戲,可以說是賣帳號的一種,使用者只要在 Steam 下載安裝遊戲,開啟離線模式就能玩。由...

  • steam離線下載 在 Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-02-06 14:46:47
    有 279 人按讚

    哇!終於在哈薩克的找到我們最愛、最想要居住的中亞城市❤️ 好吃、好玩、又先進舒適👍

    可以從這邊直接搭夜巴進去烏魯木齊的前哈薩克首度— Almaty 阿拉木圖完全就是一個國際都市😍 不只交通便利、食物好吃而且夠水準、周圍又有許多戶外活動!真心讓人覺得可以在此耍費一個多禮拜😆

    阿拉木圖也被稱為「蘋果之都」🍎 據說最初蘋果是從這裡出產的!而且在城市外圍也可以看到野生蘋果樹🌳 只不過我嘗試了一次感覺有點桑桑的,應該是季節不對吧😆

    在這裡我們嘗試了在電視曾看過的俄羅斯浴三溫暖 Banya ♨️ 當地人還真的拿著葉子互相拍打對方以及自己身體各處增加血液循環😆 York 也付錢體驗一下,而我則是給人用土耳其浴。在一個房間與其他女人裸體給人刷全身真的是蠻秒的🤣

    我們還帶了 York 去聽了他人生第一場歌劇💃 最好的位置一人才 USD$6!明明看海報好像很西方,結果表演開始才發現是穿傳統遊牧民族服裝。整個大傻眼...😅 早知道就花多點錢看芭蕾舞劇🥿

    食物的話有道馬肉的佳餚叫做 Beshbarmak🐴 在吉爾吉斯導遊說只有鄉下婚禮才吃得到,結果在哈薩克這裡一堆高檔點的餐廳都有😆 馬肉本身就比較貴,但是水煮方式實在是吃不出差別啊... 🤣

    除此之外,還在連鎖披薩店吃到我覺得夠水準的薄皮披薩🍕 這裡食物已經跟台灣差不多了,但由於水準夠,餐廳環境都很舒適,所以願意付這些錢😛

    阿拉木圖附近有許多戶外場所,只要一個多小時的公車加纜車,就可以到滑雪場 ⛸️ 難怪許多人都想要搬來這裡😆

    不過我覺得最神奇還是俄羅斯 APP www.2gis.ru ❤️ 可以下載離線地圖、完整的查離線公車路線以及時間表😲 不像 Google 離線就無法查大眾交通路線😕 這裡雖然有地鐵,但是公車方便到根本不需要搭別的交通工具 🚌 連我這個愛走路的人都經不起搭公車的誘惑😜


    記得跟蹤 IG 即時動態➡️ www.instagram.com/travelwithwinny

    #哈薩克 #阿拉木圖 #中亞旅行

    Finally found a Central Asia city we LOVE😍

    That is Kazakhstan's ex-capital "Almaty", also known as the "Apple City"🍎 Apparently apples are originated from here and even now in the out skirts of Almaty you can still find wild apple trees 🌳

    The moment we arrived in the city, we were surprised by the ease of www.2gis.ru APP 😲 It's a Russian App that's available offline with bus routes, etc🚌 I'd say it's better than Google Map as Google Map can't be used offline to find real-time public transports😕

    The buses come so often we didn't felt the need to use metro & walk 2km back to our hostel😬

    Then there's the food😍 OMG being in Almaty is like being in a Western country without paying the Western prices😋

    I actually had a good thin crusted pizza in a chained pizzeria 🍕 Tried all the traditional Kazak food that we had to try including several horse meat dishes & drinks 🐴

    Took York to his first opera as the front row ticket was only USD$6💃 However, turns out it was a Kazak version with traditional outfits 😬 The story like was 2 men fighting over one girl...🤦 While it was interesting but certainly wasn't entertaining 😅 Probably should've picked Nutcracker the ballet instead..🤣

    Another highlight of this trip was to experience the Russian Banya (Steam room)♨️ York got to experience the "banya besom" where a bath broom typically made with the branches and leaves of a tree or shrub which secretes aromatic oils is use to hit (massage) the circulation🧹

    I got my long wished hammam where I got scrubbed together with all these other naked women 🧖 In that -10℃ weather, the Arasan Baths built in 1980s with a modernistic Soviet style was a real treat😁

    People in Almaty are also blessed with being so close to nature! Visited the Medeo ski rink only 45 mins bus ride from the city🚌 Built in 1972, it was used to train figure skating and can hold up to 1000 skaters⛸️

    Further up is the Chimbulak Ski resort where it's only a cable line away from Medeo ski rink😌 It's cheaper to rent your ski gears in town and bring it with you up there😊

    On the day we left we also hiked up the Kok Tobe mountain just behind our hostel to see the panoramic view of Almaty🏃⛰️

    Obviously being in the city reminded us that our original plan was to go into China from here☹️ Don't know when will we ever complete the great silk road journey after this long getaway...🐫

    Overall we really enjoyed this city and can definitely stay here and do nothing for two weeks if our trip is indefinite 🤣

    Some travel info:
    • International mini bus from Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) direct to Almaty (Kazakhstan) is only 400 som & takes 4 hours.
    • The metro is 80 tenge (didn't use it)
    • The bus is 80 tenge with Onay card and 150 tenge with cash.
    • Every car can be a taxi, can just haul it down

    #Alamty #Kazakhstan #CentralAsia

  • steam離線下載 在 Dr_Minn Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2015-05-29 18:51:10

    GTA5 ➤ 1.28暗黑「DLC解鎖」教學 - 絲襪裝,解放者,死亡公爵,斧頭(回鍋獎勵/情人節/獨立日)(復原辦法見下)
    ㊣ 網路傳言:有人用此法被ban,其實因為用了其他東西「不敢說」,現在已經1.28,事實證明,我才是對的~you suck, Haters! ㊣
    ▶1.24版本(光碟版使用「GTA V downgrade (Rockstar retail).rar」,下載版使用「social club files.zip」):http://j.mp/1LQCfjQ
    ▶Tunable Editor(使用管理原身分開啟):http://j.mp/1LQCiwf
    ▶無法開啟Tunable Editor者請另外下載.net framework:http://j.mp/1LOT6UU

    1. 一開始的備份(1.26)取代回去(1.24)。
    2. 若忘記備份,刪除覆蓋的檔案 update.rpfgta5.exegtavlauncher.exe,讓遊戲重新下載。steam使用「檢查檔案完整性」。


    備份原始 update.rpdgta5.exe(1.26)
    1. 先更新為最新版本(1.26)
    2. 啟動GTA5,一見到啟動畫面立即 ctrl + alt + delete 結束 GTA5.exe 程序
    3. SocialClub啟動器會詢問是否以安全模式進行遊戲(勿點擊)
    4. 在不點擊任何按選項的情況下,替換 update.rpdgta5.exe
    5. 替換完成後點擊 Retry

    1. 備份 GTA5.exeupdate.rpf
    2. 使用啟動器進行更新
    3. 關閉啟動器
    4. 刪除遊戲安裝資料夾下 x64 資料夾中的 metadata.dat
    5. 打開啟動器
    6. 啟動器此時會重新下載 metadata.dat
    7. 下載完成後出現「Ready to play」,將啟動器最小化。
    7. 取代GTA5.exeupdate.rpf為1.24版
    8. 點擊啟動器的進行遊戲開始遊戲

    1. 備份 GTA5.exeupdate.rpf
    2.覆蓋回鍋存檔和GTA V downgrade (Rockstar retail).rar
    3.停用網路之後離線模式登入遊戲,確定已到1.24版後進行Tunable Editor解鎖






