作者Argos (Big doge is watching u)
標題[問題] 有推薦的派對遊戲嗎?
時間Mon Jun 26 01:16:21 2017
Nobody knows what the hell they are doing.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1498410986.A.4C1.html
推 a880512003: overcooked 06/26 01:17
推 smallwhiteya: 單機多人的話 overcooked不錯 06/26 01:17
推 bee12: keep talking and nobody explodes 要多人連線的樣子 06/26 01:19
推 cart76002: overcooked 笑瘋 06/26 01:20
推 a28689604: crawl/battleblock theater/brawlhalla/城堡破壞者 06/26 01:23
→ a28689604: broforce/move or die/screen cheat/helldivers/ 06/26 01:25
推 sonans: 地牢守護者。家用主機板的可以分割螢幕,不知道PC可不可以 06/26 01:52
→ kaisudo0520: Overcooked可惜再不能網路和朋友連... 06/26 01:57
推 jerry01: Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime/Rocket League 06/26 02:20
推 RickyLeeeee: speedrunner / move or die / lethal league 06/26 02:37
推 mhfo3035: 超級馬雞 06/26 03:23
→ tribula: 馬超雞級 06/26 03:33
推 k230432alex: 超馬雞級 06/26 04:39
推 RC8377: Genital Jousting 06/26 04:54
推 jones17188: 世紀帝國2 再戰10年 06/26 05:00
推 KiwiSoda01: 如果之前沒跟到,tricky towers 06/26 05:52
推 philae1112: Genital Jousting 06/26 07:18
推 warchero: keep talking 一台電腦就好 另一個拿紙本比較方便 06/26 07:34
推 karry0121: 推個gang beasts ! 06/26 07:55
推 ynin1220: Gang beasts/move or die/party panic/overcooked 06/26 08:22
推 KKANT: overcooked真的蠻好玩的 06/26 09:48
推 DOMOO: party hard (誤XD) 06/26 09:59
※ 編輯: Argos (, 06/26/2017 10:04:19
推 nickchu35: 這次有個bundle上面講到的幾乎都有 06/26 10:37
推 Derriclc: Miner Warfare 麥卡貝玩過 便宜又好笑 可惜只能單機 06/26 10:43
推 gotou802807: Move or Die 06/26 12:07
推 JamesHunt: 超級雞馬 06/26 14:10
→ kabkglomr: just dance 06/26 14:45
推 super1314159: 屍體派對 06/26 14:46
推 s58111158: 補沒人推的 tricky tower, garry's mod 06/26 18:32
→ s58111158: Tabletop simulator 06/26 18:33
推 staybeats008: ultimate chicken! floppy heroes 06/27 15:33