

在 start加ing產品中有26篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過9萬的網紅DOREENA 多琳娜精品,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【生活小確幸 x 防疫微放鬆滿千折百】 ⚡START⚡ #買越多越划算 防疫微放鬆 時髦上網安心購 多琳娜陪妳一起變美美噠 購物車待買清單別再囤放啦 趁限時折價活動趕快通通入手吧 ▸https://www.doreena.com.tw/ 優惠規則 : 正價商品消費滿$1000現折$100 優惠...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual,也在其Youtube影片中提到,— 陪賓狗錄 podcast — 歡迎來訂閱我的節目《聽新聞學英文》 https://open.firstory.me/user/bingobilingual/platforms 賓狗的 IG @bingobilingual_bb https://www.instagram.com/bingobi...

start加ing 在 後站人Made in back station Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-04-21 14:08:17

..2019.12.15.. 【《冬.經.熱》第三站 台北🔥】 . 昨天的台北真的是激情到一個爆炸🔥真的是爽到一個不要不要的 . 這次真的超感謝🙏 @slowingoscillation 邀請我們一起來Revolver玩,只能說各位真的有機會一定要看過一次他們的Live演出!懂聽的人一定會潮到出水😳...

start加ing 在 後站人Made in back station Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-04-21 14:08:15

..2019.11.29.. 【《冬.經.熱》第二站 高雄🔥】 . 謝謝每位在高雄這麼冷又下雨的天氣一起來陪我們渡過這個暖暖的禮拜五,麻煩給來現場的自己一個掌聲👏 . 謝謝 @the_strangers_tw @the_strangers_tw 兩團高雄的捧油們的照顧,可以陪我們演第一場高雄! ....

start加ing 在 後站人Made in back station Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-04-21 14:08:15

..2019.11.29.. 【《冬.經.熱》第一站 台中🔥】 . 台中的你們真滴超棒的👍一起跳舞一起玩一起開開心心過完這個禮拜五! . 還要謝謝 @oldslutdistortion @easy_weeds 台中麻吉們的關照,下次來去台中,再來找揪麻吉們玩! . 後站人冬季列車繼續走,下一站要開到...

  • start加ing 在 DOREENA 多琳娜精品 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-21 14:53:50
    有 6 人按讚

    【生活小確幸 x 防疫微放鬆滿千折百】
    防疫微放鬆 時髦上網安心購
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    出清$199 ☞ https://bit.ly/34z4W4O
    一起加入【 多琳娜Line社群】掌握第一手優惠訊息↷ https://bit.ly/3fduz1j
    快快加入【 多寶福利社】搶先看新品↷ https://www.facebook.com/groups/DOREENA01/

  • start加ing 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-01-01 14:18:44
    有 2,563 人按讚

    【2021,台灣有你 #BetterTogether】


    難纏的 2020 終於走了 (慢走不送!!

    「過去一年,台灣做到了全世界所殷切盼望,卻不可企及的 #如常生活」

    2020 的台灣是很值得驕傲的呢 (快給自己拍拍手 👏🏻

    而是許多人靠著 #相信專業 #彼此信任 #社會團結
    共同成就和維護的非常狀態 (秋冬防疫可別鬆懈了!!

    「#民主自由 從來不是天上掉下來的」

    2020 更讓全球真切醒悟:
    這座 #堅韌之島 是否鞏固
    直接攸關 #印太區域 的穩定與繁榮
    讓台灣的民主更加強大 💪🏻


    台灣作為 #世界上一股良善的力量 ❤️
    將會繼續秉持 #TaiwanCanHelp 精神
    進一步和所有 #理念相近國家 共同合作
    和世界攜手綻放精采的 2021 💫


    #HappyNewYear everyone! President Tsai Ing-wen marked the start of 2021 with a special message for an international audience, thanking people around the world for their support for Taiwan, its democracy and its freedom-loving people, and stating her determination that Taiwan continue to be #AForceForGood in the international community. Read her New Year's message in English below:

    "I also want to say a few words for our international audience.
    Taiwan has been proud to have worked alongside the international community to confront the challenges posed by COVID-19. We have shown again and again that “Taiwan can help.”

    As a force for good in the world, we will continue to be an indispensable member of the international community, both now and into the future.

    We are also deeply grateful for the international community's continued support for Taiwan. Your willingness to stand together with us as we are faced with difficult regional and global challenges, is significant for the 23 million freedom-loving people of Taiwan. Our democracy is stronger because of your support.

    Thank you. We hope everyone around the world is able to enjoy a restful and safe new year."

  • start加ing 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-09-04 19:27:54
    有 358 人按讚

    🔔 單字筆記最快九月中就會開放販售,請留言的學員隨時留意置頂貼文哦!

    📰 今天我們來讀讀【華爾街日報】
    🖐🏽 五分鐘來關心國際時事— 台灣 🇹🇼

    📰 Taiwan to Ease Limits on American Pork and Beef, Smoothing Path for Trade Talks
    U.S. officials have long regarded the restrictions as the main barrier to closer trade links with Taiwan

    📌 這篇文章是關於台灣重要且富爭議的決定,它跟減輕 (ease) 進口美國豬肉和牛肉 (American pork and beef) 的限制 (limit/restriction) 有關,但它也牽涉到更重要的議題:貿易談判 (trade talks) 以及貿易聯繫 (trade link)。smooth the path (鋪路),在文章中有轉化修辭的作用,在新聞寫作很常見。

    HONG KONG—Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen said she would ease restrictions on imports of U.S. beef and pork, clearing the biggest obstacle to free-trade talks with Washington.
    At a televised news briefing Friday, Ms. Tsai said she had instructed her government to ease regulations to allow imports of American pork containing trace amounts of an animal-feed additive used by some U.S. farms, as well as U.S. beef products from cattle age 30 months and older.

    📌 文章第一段復述標題和副標題的主要内容。值得注意的是,副標題的barrier在這裡換成了obstacle,這也是常見的修辭方法。文章第二段提供更多的細節,trace amount 就是微量,animal-feed additive 是動物飼料添加劑。

    Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a tweet on Friday the U.S. welcomes Taiwan’s decision to lift restrictions on imports of American pork and beef. “This move opens the door for even deeper economic and trade cooperation,” he said.

    U.S. officials have long regarded these restrictions as the main barrier to closer trade links with Taiwan, which had resisted calls to ease such curbs citing concerns over food safety and opposition from the island’s own pig-farming industry. Ms. Tsai said her decision would be implemented in a way that addresses both issues.

    📌 這兩段是關於美國政府的回應。第一段引述國務卿 (Secretary of State) 的推特 (tweet)。台灣的決定 (decision) 為更深入的經濟和貿易合作 (deeper economic and trade cooperation) 打開大門 (open the door)。第二段解釋對豬肉和牛肉的限制跟貿易聯繫之關係。curb是restriction的同義詞。address issues (處理問題) ,是新聞寫作常見用語。

    The announcement came about two weeks after Ms. Tsai said she wanted to start talks on a free-trade agreement with the U.S., a key unofficial ally and a major trading partner for the island democracy. Her pursuit of closer trade links is part of an effort to strengthen ties with Washington and resist coercion from China, Taiwan’s largest trading partner and whose ruling Communist Party claims the island as its territory.

    Taiwanese officials “believe that opening up further to U.S. pork and beef imports at the present time is a decision in line with overall national interests and strategic-development goals for the future,” Ms. Tsai said.

    “This is also a decision that can promote Taiwan-U.S. relations.”

    📌 這三段提供這次決定的背景,從希望開展自由貿易協議 (free-trade agreement) 的談判到加強 (strengthen) 與華盛頓 (Washington,引申到美國政府) 的聯繫以抗衡中國的強迫 (coercion)。當中提到整體國家利益 (overall national interests) 和策略發展目的 (strategic-development goals)。

    Ms. Tsai said the timing of her decision was driven by a desire to secure Taiwan’s economic future by playing an influential role in the restructuring of global supply chains caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

    📌 這段補充說,決定的時機 (timing) 是源於穩固台灣的經濟未來 (secure Taiwan’s economic future),play an influential role (扮演有影響力的角色),restructuring (重組) 和 global supply chain (全球供應鏈) 都是關鍵詞。


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    Chun Han Wong
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    🎁 領獎期限: 09/06 20:00

