July 10, 2019
Phone Survives 31km Drop
Vivo sub-brand, Iqoo, staged an over-the-top drop test where they flew one of their phones to an a...
July 10, 2019
Phone Survives 31km Drop
Vivo sub-brand, Iqoo, staged an over-the-top drop test where they flew one of their phones to an altitude of 31,540m using a helium balloon and released it. Minor screen protector damage aside, the phone miraculously survived, but just how many Iqoo users will ever find themselves at that height and accidentally drop their phones back to Earth that they need to know such a test result?
Language Enhancement:
Over-the-top (adj.)(太過分的)
Top (n./adj.) 已是最頂端最極致,但如果仍要 over 超過它,那就未免做得過了頭,所有這形容帶有負面意思。它只限非正式場合使用,也可縮寫成大寫的 OTT,而視乎在句子內的位置,三字可分拆(動詞後)或以連號連接(名詞前)。
e.g. I went to a birthday party for a 9-year-old, and it was over-the-top. They had a magic show!
e.g. People can easily go over the top when eating at a buffet.
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