#1用"speculate"造句 - 查查綫上辭典
People should spend their time speculating about him . 人們竟然會花費時間對他進行種種猜測。 Plato and aristotle speculated on memory and thought . 柏拉圖和亞 ...
#2speculate 造句/ 例句 - 趣词词典
speculate 造句 / 例句. 1. It is useless to speculate why he did it. 对他为什么这么做妄加猜测毫无用处。 《牛津词典》. 2. It's always hard to speculate about ...
#3用speculate造句子三年级 - 字典
He was speculating that this might be his last chance. 他推测这可能是他的最后一次机会了。 1. speculate的近义词. 1. She speculated about her friend's motives ...
#4speculate造句 - 搜狗搜索
[例句]. He didn't look as though he had the money to speculate in shares. 他看上去不像有钱做股票投机的。 [变形]. 过去分词:speculated. 现在分词:speculating.
#5speculate造句_destructive造句_spectacular造句 - 小荐百科网
speculate造句 最新消息,还有destructive造句,spectacular造句,unconscious造句等内容,□ assume 1:认为,以为在说I assume的时候,底气有些不足,但是自己倾向于相信; ...
#6speculate (【動詞】) 意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words
"speculate" 相關課程教材. Learn and practice some different ways to talk about special occasions, and language for speculating.
... that lack of exercise contributed to his obesity. speculateA spokesperson declined to speculate on the cause of the plane crash.
#8推測英文- 英文單字筆記:: Branbibi Blog
推測英文是speculate(聽發音),動詞用法,這個英文單字除了有推測的意思之外,還有"臆測、猜測"的意思, ... 推測英文造句練習.
#9英文有益思- 【#一次學三個TOEIC單字】 講到推斷 - Facebook
一次學三個TOEIC單字】 講到推斷、猜想,腦中立即浮現三個字: speculate (v.) We are speculating about whether it will rain tomorrow. 我們都在推測, ...
#10speculate怎么记 - 知识就是力量!
speculate 英['spekj?le?t] 美[?sp?kj??let] vt. 思索,猜测,推测vi. 投机;推测;思索第三人称单数:speculates过去分词:speculated现在进行 ...
#11meditate - 英语_读音_用法_例句 - 海词词典
Verb: reflect deeply on a subject;. "I mulled over the events of the afternoon" "philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years"
#12一生必學的英文單字3: 財務金融篇.生產製造篇(附MP3) - 誠品
實際使用在情境中(一定自己造句,對自己說出來)請記住:自己的聲音永遠是最 ... 語意與用法▽ speculate 原指猜測或是思索,而在商業用語上,則指在某項事業上投機。
#13Speculate完整相關資訊 - 小文青生活
#14用忖度怎么造句? - 学术猫成语网
忖度造句,用忖度怎么造句? 忖度的意思忖cun度du cǔnduó ◎忖度cǔnduó [conjecture;speculate]推测;估计他人有心,予忖度之。——《诗·小雅·巧言》 胸中 ...
[買空賣空]英文翻譯. buy on margin and sell short; speculate(in stocks,etc.) 買空賣空解釋,造句, ...
#16【我的分享】[br]Perish 腐烂 - 朗播
Speculate 推测. Prospective 预期的,未来的 anaerobic adj 厌氧的【造句】 The detective speculated that the man in black coat is the murder. 【楼上的】
#17炒買炒賣意思 - 三度漢語網
成語例子 沒有實體的支援,靠炒買炒賣是不長久的. 相似詞 倒買倒賣. 英語翻譯 speculate <quick buying and quick selling>. 相關漢字成語:炒 買 炒 賣
分類 腔調 客家辭義 華語辭義 英語辭義 61059329 財政金融 饒平 割豬肉 買豬肉 to buy pork 61059330 財政金融 饒平 單頭 單據 document 61059331 財政金融 饒平 撿錢 付錢或收錢 to pay or accept money
#19如何將閱讀寫作打通,寫出漂亮的句子,直取高分! - 每日頭條
造句 :It has been speculated that corporate China may scale up investment in the Mexican Gulf. 據推測,中國企業可能會在墨西哥灣加大投資。( ...
#20【炒地皮】的意思是什麼?【炒地皮】是什麼意思? - 成語故事
孫中山《民生主義》第二講:「許多人把土地當作賭具,做投機事業,俗語說是炒地皮。」 炒地皮的英語單詞1.speculate in real estate
#21英語造句 - 句子大全
本文為您介紹英語造句,英語造句,最常用5000英語單詞表,從零開始學英語的軟件,造句,英語造句。1 ... It's always hard to speculate about the future.
#22Principles of Deliberate Practice on the Job - 简书
•Critics of the project speculate about how many hospitals could be built ... 造句:His attitude has been speculated to be positive towards ...
#23投机取巧的意思- 拼音是什么_成语解释_造句_近义词 - 汉语大辞典
【举例造句】: 为了胜利,就可以损人利己,就可以投机取巧,难道我们的社会主义的祖国需要这样的人材吗 ... 【英文】: speculate and take advantage of opportunity.
#25一生必學的英文單字03:財務金融篇‧生產製造篇 - 聯經出版
自己造句會幫助你了解語意,同樣也要唸出聲來最有效! ETS 王星威總經理唯一推薦,真正適合自我進修,並且在各項英語檢定考試都能奪取高分的最佳工具書
#26幾個造句的練習- AskChi's Writing Right Workshop - 英語討論區-
I'll give it a try. 1. A few years ago, scientists speculated that the comet would collide with the earth (which) did not happen. 2. Chen Wei- ...
#27買空賣空的意思 - 國語辭典
英文to speculate, to play the market, (fig.) to sell hot air, to swindle people by posing as a ... 「買空賣空」更多造句. 1、 他做的是買空賣空的生意。
#28投機的意思與造句 - 成語頻道-
投機的意思與造句. 2021-10-06 由成語頻道 ... [speculate;seize every chance to gain advantage by trickey]∶利用時機謀取私利. 投機取巧 投機商 詳細解釋
#29中一高级华文第十课《多一些许哲多一分温暖》词语学习 - Quizlet
获颁(造句) ... 筹集(造句) ... Evolutionary personality theorists speculate the personality traits of conscientiousness and agreeableness may have played ...
这一系列中,新东方写作组的专家将为大家介绍其中之二,如何达到造句的高分。 ... reason/reflect/resolve/ruminate/speculate/.
#31关于如何背单词的笔记~ - 知乎
speculate v.推测adj.投机的spectacular n.景色adj.壮观的,很棒的. spectrum n. ... 寻找联系想象或造句. 例子:. brave v.面对. vital adj.致命的.
#32规格参数 商品介绍 编辑推荐 《英语单词分类大全(全2册 ...
1. speculate的spec与ate! …………………4 ... 又出现了,即使掌握了完美的造句法则并能够运用自如,但如果不知道该在造句过程中填入什么单词,也表达不出完整的英语句子。
#33分享託福閱讀部分近義詞比較 - 作文素材
託福閱讀部分近義詞比較. 181 unanimity congruity uniformity coincidence accord consensus. 182 imagine envision conceive. 183 assume speculate ...
#34猜测的近义词是什么-猜测词语基本意思及造句 - 品才网
(推测) guess; conjecture; surmise; speculate. 详细解释. ◎ 猜测cāicè. [guess;surmise;conjecture] 猜度揣测;凭某些线索推断猜度.
名詞快樂主義者,享樂主義者造句:He is a hedonist because he believe that pleasure is the most important thing in life.
#36投机的英文怎么说 - 沪江英语
投机经纪人,投机股票; Speculate in stocks ... 单词写法、惟独用英语怎么说、英文造句大全等外语学习资源,让大家学习外语更轻松,单词记忆更方便.
6 A spokesperson enumerated the strikers'demands. 7 A government spokesperson made a statement to the press. 8 A spokesperson declined to speculate on the cause ...
#38忖度的反義詞 - 字典
忖度的解釋 [conjecture;speculate] 推測;估計他人有心,予忖度之。&m... 忖奪的解釋 猶忖度。《紅樓夢》第四四回:“那酒越發湧上來了,﹝ 鳳姐﹞也並不忖奪,回身把.
#39英語/英語常用同義詞辨析English Synonyms T - 維基教科書
think, deliberate, meditate, muse, reason, reflect, speculate編輯. 這些動詞均有「思考、判斷、思索」之意。 think : 一般用詞,指開動腦筋形成看法或得出結論的 ...
#40a limited, legacy literacy: reconfiguring literary sinitic as
Duncan speculates that one motive in doing so was to “manifest and ... parts of speech, and a final section, “forming phrases” (chogu 造句), ...
Scrape your shoes on the door mat before you come in.进屋前先在门口擦鞋垫上擦一擦鞋子。 The software provides a virtual tour of the museum. The store offers ...
#42Parasaurolophus pronunciation
... and examples? parasaurolophus造句, parasaurolophus造句, 用parasaurolophus造句, ... which scientists speculate was used like a trumpet to blast sound for ...
... 企业是市场经济中具有一定数量的生产经营者 · 照片识别文字生成文档软件 · 中职学校教职工与学生比例 · speculate造句 · 新东方助教招聘官网兼职 ...
#45Mata wang - Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas
... CARICOM Single Market (CSM) ratified Diarkibkan 2008-06-22 di Wayback Machine. This article mentions a single currency but does not speculate on a name.
#46How do I know when a verb takes an object? I see some come ...
Next time, You can speculate the meaning of the verb in a phrase when you see it, like putting together jigsaw puzzles, because there are ...
#47it is speculated that - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"it is speculated that" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#48用audience造句 - 天狼问答网
用audience造句. by stairs后缀 at 2021-12-19 19:51:45. 银行EVA指标即银行使用的EVA管理。EVA管理,又称经济增加值,是美国思腾思特咨询公司于1982年提出并实施的一 ...
#49Essay动词名词同义词造句用法及结构写法教学 - workessay
#50Speculateabout - 亚博网页登陆
speculateabout什么意思speculateabout什么意思speculateabout造句speculateabout造句speculateabout什么意思speculateabout什么意思speculateabout造句speculateabout ...
忖度的意思[conjecture;speculate] 推测;估计. ... 思量。3 忖度是什么意思忖度的读音,近义词及造句_____ ... 【造句】我忖度对方是有诚意的,可以和他们签订合同.
speculate 推測、推斷、猜測. 近義詞:imply/infer/assume. She speculates on/about the strange guy's motivation. 她猜測那個奇怪男人 ...
#53學英文/從變種病毒variant學8個關鍵單字| English OK
(D) speculate. (A) tracking (B) to track (C) tracked (D) track. 解析:. 1. 正解(D)。語意為「通常條碼會在結帳區被掃瞄,商品的名稱和價格就_ 會 ...
#54pulling my leg-翻译为中文-例句英语
"Everybody has speculated about how Symphony could be a Bloomberg killer," Ullah says. "We didn't even know what it was. We were so decoupled from that ...
#55modal verb + have + past participle | Learn English
We are speculating about past events (guessing what we think happened). We then must use have followed by a past participle verb.
#56El Faro Updates & Communications - Maine Maritime Academy
We cannot speculate on what has been shared in the media, including social media. The El Faro, a 735-foot cargo ship with 33 crewmembers aboard, ...