

在 species電影產品中有39篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7,991的網紅孫怡琳,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 跟著怡琳看世界 32 Why sharks matter to ocean ecosystems: an expert explains 專家解釋:為什麼鯊魚對海洋生態系很重要 tactical 策略性/戰略性 astute 精明的 box office 票房 ecosystem 生態系統 p...

 同時也有20部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過29萬的網紅超級歪 SuperY,也在其Youtube影片中提到,立刻加入頻道會員,實際行動支持超級歪:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAM7yIYvZGYLJR6z6RqLlNw/join #超級歪電影院暨映後贈票加贈書活動 https://www.facebook.com/Mr.SuperY/posts/804486253...

species電影 在 ????????? Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-16 10:13:41

💖💖💖💖💖💖 #goodmorning ✨Listen up, Everypony! ✨ We are so excited to get a sneak peek of the brand new movie 🎥 ‘My Little Pony: A New Generation’ –...

species電影 在 月巴氏~ Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-03 10:59:00

【異形爸爸,安息吧。】(下) 到了《異形續集》(Aliens),占士.金馬倫(James Cameron)自行將佳格設計改造(異形頭頂的透明罩不見了,爆肚而出的Chestburster卻多了一對cute cute的手),更整了一隻Alien Queen出來——OK,望落依然是佳格味濃,但我本人實在接...

  • species電影 在 孫怡琳 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-20 16:13:22
    有 1,964 人按讚

    跟著怡琳看世界 32

    Why sharks matter to ocean ecosystems: an expert explains

    tactical 策略性/戰略性
    astute 精明的
    box office 票房
    ecosystem 生態系統
    phytoplankton 浮游植物
    ray 鰩魚
    excrete 排泄
    dwell 居住

    In 1975, the fictional beach town of Amity and cinema audiences the world over were terrorized by a tactically astute great white shark. While films like JAWS often do well at the box office, their legacy is to cast the planet's shark species as dangerous predators that prey on humans. This image is highly misleading , says Andy Cornish, leader of the World Wildlife Fund’s ‘Sharks: Restoring the Balance’ conservation programme.
    在1975年,虛構的濱海小鎮Amity和全世界的電影觀眾,都被謀略敏銳的大白鯊嚇壞了。雖然像《大白鯊》這樣的電影,票房通常都不錯,但它們要留給觀眾的印象,是將地球上的鯊魚塑造成捕食人類的危險掠食者。不過這樣的形象有高度誤導性,世界自然基金會全球鯊魚項目總策劃Andy Cornish說。

    Sharks evolved more than 400 million years ago and continue to thrive. These ancient creatures have outlived the dinosaurs and play a key role in maintaining marine ecosystems. Human activity poses a much greater danger to sharks than they do to us, and it is pushing more species towards the endangered list - or extinction.

    Around 507 species of sharks are recorded, and only 11 of those are known to have ever caused human fatalities – less than 2% of the total. Even when fatalities do happen, generally it’s a case of mistaken identity. Sharks very rarely eat their human prey, instead they typically swim away.

    “The ocean’s upper surface receives the most sunlight, which enables phytoplankton – the engines of marine ecosystems – to thrive, but these shallow waters are nutrient poor,” says Cornish. “When sharks, rays and marine mammals like whales dive to feed on animals in deeper waters, they return carrying essential nutrients, which they excrete and help make shallower waters more productive.” With 500 plus species, sharks don’t just dwell in the ocean, they help shape it.
    「海洋的上層表面接收到最多陽光,使得浮游植物-也就是海洋生態系統的引擎-能夠成長茁壯,但這些淺水區營養匱乏,」Andy Cornish說。 「當鯊魚、鰩魚和海洋哺乳類動物如鯨魚,潛入更深的水域捕食動物時,牠們會攜帶必要的營養物質返回,把營養物質排泄出來,幫助較淺的水域更有生產力。」鯊魚有500多種物種,牠們不僅生活在海洋中,還幫忙塑造海洋。


  • species電影 在 月巴氏 / Work Super Guy Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-27 00:17:44
    有 174 人按讚

    以下一篇,2014年5月寫,寫於H.R. Giger逝世後。

    從未試過咁神心睇晒影碟附設的special feature——而且是連續睇幾個。
    5月13日傍晚,知道了佳格(H.R. Giger)死訊,除了「突然」我諗唔到其他形容(其實塵世間有邊個的死訊不是突然?);午夜收工返到屋企涼都未沖,便把擺埋一邊的那個《異形》(Alien)四部曲blu-ray boxset和《普羅米修斯》(Prometheus)blu-ray摷番出來,想看的,不是套戲,而是製作特輯裡閃現的佳格珍貴訪問。
    由果溯因,先睇《普羅米修斯》。對於這齣《異形》前傳,有人收貨有人鬧爆(我本人是收貨的),列尼史葛(Ridley Scott)真正想拍的不只是「異形怎樣來?」,而是「人類怎樣來?」;他留意到自己拍的1979年元祖版,原來有一樣嘢,咁多年都冇人試圖解答:那具坐在類似觀星裝置物體上的骸骨Space Jockey。這具骸骨這座觀星裝置,正是佳格當年特登為《異形》設計的。
    列尼史葛找到了切入點。於是,努力把這具Space Jockey屍骸還原,還原成我們在《普羅米修斯》看見的疑似人類創造者Engineer。
    製作特輯其中一幕,列尼史葛專誠請來佳格到《普羅米修斯》的秘密工作室,逐一過目由其他concept artists繪製的草圖,俾意見——列尼史葛衷心希望其他人筆下的怪物,能夠沿著佳格當年思路發展。Yes,這是尊重。
    時間回到三十多年前。《異形》編劇Dan O'Bannon一直很想製作一齣真正恐怖的太空怪物片,早在1974年便聯同John Carpenter合作過一齣《Dark Star》,但連他本人也忍唔住寸自己:《Dark Star》裡頭那隻所謂怪物根本只是沙灘波乙個。所以當他認真構思《異形》時,最念茲在茲的還是作為主角的怪物。後來在一次巴黎的旅程中,認識了一名藝術家,藝術家帶他去看佳格作品展——他立即確定眼前洋溢著恐怖想像的畫作,就是他想要的。回到美國,Dan O'Bannon趕緊把佳格的畫作拿給列尼史葛,列尼史葛即起晒雞皮,並選中了《Necronom IV》——這是佳格1976年的作品,你可以看到日後異形那標誌性的、望落似陽具的超長頭顱。問題是電影公司高層嫌佳格作品太恐怖,驚嚇走觀眾,本來拒絕起用佳格。列尼史葛經過一番斡旋,才成功說服那班唔嚇得的高層。
    列尼史葛憶述,佳格原來超級懼怕搭飛機,他惟有親身飛到瑞士的佳格屋企,坐低研究,佳格本來打算由零開始重新設計,但列尼史葛話冇時間了base on《Necronom IV》再作改動啦。結果,佳格設計了異形之外(點解異形冇眼?他這樣解畫:你唔知隻嘢望邊,感覺更恐怖……),還設計了整個象徵人類精子穿越陰道的異形生成過程(至於Facehugger一嘢吸落人面繁殖行徑,則是Dan O'Bannon原始構思),再設計埋那隻望落似被咬咗一忽的芝士圈狀太空船,以及神神秘秘的Space Jockey。經典,誕生了。
    到了《異形續集》(Aliens),占士.金馬倫(James Cameron)自行將佳格設計改造(異形頭頂的透明罩不見了,爆肚而出的Chestburster卻多了一對cute cute的手),更整了一隻Alien Queen出來——OK,望落依然是佳格味濃,但我本人實在接受唔到皇后胸前多了一對cute cute的手。
    到了第三集,大衛芬查(David Fincher)再度改造異形,改成充滿野獸味,但他冇學金馬倫般擅自郁手,反而請來佳格本人出手。

  • species電影 在 黃心健 Hsin-Chien Huang Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-03-20 00:25:43
    有 101 人按讚

    🎉🎉🎉“Samsara Ep1.” Puts Taiwan On the Map! New Media Artist Hsin-Chien Huang Wins the Top Awards of SXSW🏆🏆🏆🥳

    The awards ceremony of the American international film festival, South by Southwest Film Festival (SXSW), will be held in the morning on March 20, 2021. The latest VR production created by artist Hsin-Chien Huang has taken the festival by storm and bring home the prestigious “Jury Awards” in the virtual cinema competition category. “Samsara Ep. 1” is the first VR production from Taiwan to receive such honor and has put the creativity of Taiwan on the map!

    In the acceptance speech, Huang mentioned that he would like to thank the jury of SXSW for the recognition and encouragement. It was absolutely his honor to win this award. He’d also like to thank the full support from the Ministry of Culture of Taiwan 文化部, the Taiwan Creative Content Agency 文化內容策進院 Taiwan Creative Content Agency , and Kaohsiung Film Archive 高雄市電影館 VR 體感劇院 VR FILM LAB to make it possible to complete the work. Finally, he thanked all the crew members of the production for letting the world see how amazing the VR production from Taiwan.

    The story background of “Samsara” is set as a timeline when humans completely destroyed the environment on earth and begin to go on a quest through space for hundreds of years. People try to immigrant to a new planet, so they redesign the DNA to adapt to a new environment and evolve into a new life form. However, after so many years, people gradually realize that it is never possible to find a new planet to settle. They merely keep returning to the original earth they have damaged in a different era, in a different life form, as an endless circle of reincarnation.

    The plot involves many different social issues, including ecology, technology, natural resource, and war, and calls on viewers to reflect themselves with a profound philosophical perspective. Moreover, several concepts of embodied cognition are used in the story to make viewers transform into different animals, including Taiwan’s indigenous species, such as Taiwan Blue Magpie and Formosan Black Bear, to interact with the scenes. “Samsara Ep.1” also features the latest somatosensory technology, including the 4Dviews shooting techniques by the Industrial Technology Research Institute and Taiwan Creative Content Agency, with 48 4DV-EX-Z cameras and a digital shooting system composed of a high-sensitivity 4 million-pixel full-color CCD sensor. “Samsara Ep.1” is able to be taken from an omnidirectional view without blind spots and be shot without any blind spots to create the ultimate immersive experience.

    The first SXSW was held in Austin, Texas in 1987. This long-standing international event is held around March every year ever since. The festival features various themes, such as films, music, VR/AR, art and games, etc. The SXSW is the world’s largest event for creative content. Many creators and brand owners in the fields will not miss out on the festival. Therefore, the festival has become a trial balloon, attracting hundreds of bands and film crews to participate, estimated over 400,000 people joining the event. This year, the festival has changed the event to an online form for the first time since the pandemic is raging as before. All screening events, industry matchmaking, seminars will be carried out via its own online platform, SXSW Online, without difficulty. It has made it possible for all the artists, creators, and professionals to break down the physical borders and participate in this magnificent annual event together.

    There are nine productions in total nominated in the Virtual Cinema Competition category this year, with teams from the US, Canada, the UK, France, Germany, Poland, Australia, South Korea, and so on. This is the first time that “Samsara Ep.1” has competed in the international film festival and has achieved a great result with much international recognition. This is also the first time for Taiwanese production to receive an award from the SXSW competition. The full version of “Samsara” is expected to start the global tour in the second half of the year. Huang said that “Samsara” would return to Taiwan for its Asian premiere and ask the fans in Taiwan to stay tuned!

    ✔️SXSW website: https://www.sxsw.com/festivals/film-awards/

    ✔️SXSW YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9G_7NZh_Oo&feature=emb_logo

    #黃心健 #HsinChienHuang #輪迴 #Samsara #Virtualcinemacompetition
    #VR #台灣VR #TaiwanVR
    #SXSWFilm #SXSW #2021SXSW #SXSWOnline

  • species電影 在 超級歪 SuperY Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2017-04-23 22:44:34


    參加抽獎活動時間為期一週:2017.4.23 - 2017.4.30
    👏感謝 CatchPlay 與 群學出版社 的熱情贈書
    第七集【攻殼機動隊系列】:攻殼機動隊動畫解析(上) :什麼是人? / 賽伯格與哈洛威
    EP7【Ghost In The Shell Series】:A Philosophical Analysis of Ghost in the Shell : What does it mean to be human? / Cyborg and Haraway

    本集關鍵字:押井守 / 攻殼機動隊1995 / ghost / 《銀翼殺手》 / 《西部世界》 / 《駭客任務》 / 《寄生獸》/ 《機械姬》Ex Machina / 笛卡兒 / 我思故我在 / 心物問題 / Gilbert Ryle / 拉岡Lacan / 自我意識 / 鏡子測試 / 中文屋論證 / Richard Dawkins / 自私的基因 / 二元對立 / koko / Hagen人 / Achuar人
    Carol P. MacCormack, Marilyn Strathern
    1980 Nature, Culture and Gender

    Donna Haraway
    1998 The Companion Species Manifesto
    2004 The Haraway Reader

    Gilbert Ryle
    1992 《心的概念》

    Jacques Lacan
    1949 The Mirror Stage as Formative of the Function of the I as Revealed in Psychoanalytic Experience

    Philippe Descola
    1998 The Spears of Twilight

    René Descartes
    2015 《沉思錄》

    Richard Dawkins
    2009 《自私的基因》

    Stanley Coren,
    2000 How To Speak Dog: Mastering the Art of Dog-Human Communication


  • species電影 在 影像補完計畫 Hong Kong Walker Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2015-12-04 22:20:36


  • species電影 在 蔡健雅 Tanya Chua Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2015-11-06 12:59:12

    蔡健雅X小寒 全詞曲創作

    十首精心提煉的風格之作 一張實驗破格的極致音樂


    遠赴法國拍攝 營造謎離冷冽異國氣息

    單曲《異類的同類》由德國Michael Pfirrmann與製作人安棟編曲,神秘詭譎的迷幻電音和著Tanya獨特的沉緩低音唱腔,以滂礡之姿開啟此張新作的全新格局。

    蔡健雅x小寒 全曲詞創作 德、英、美、日、中製作團隊

    為了展現新音樂格局與視野,Tanya改變以往單槍匹馬獨立製作的模式,首次邀請大陸知名音樂人安棟共同操盤製作。從詞曲創作、製作編曲,廣邀全球各地德、英、美、日、中等國際樂壇優秀音樂人齊心合作,奮力激盪出既前衛又有前瞻性的音樂風格。凡事親力親為的Tanya更前往英國進行母帶後期製作,與曾任 Lana Del Ray、Blur、Tiësto、Florence + the Machine的頂尖工程師John Davis合作。

    iTunes→ https://goo.gl/hfDyw7


    執行美術:Yilin Dung董怡伶
    剪接:林晨光 / 陳宏一
    ​特別感謝:Chloé、2020EYEhaus / LINDA FARROW​

    詞:小寒 曲:蔡健雅

    我的虛榮 我的詞窮 尷尬面孔
    委屈笑容 怎麼不同 唯有你懂

    異類的同類 眼淚 和汗水
    快樂或頹廢 只為 有你陪

    你我同屬 一種生物
    用肌膚 掩飾住 真面目
    你是誰不清楚 默契確認無誤
    好無助 好可惡 在何處
    I don’t know where to find you 唉
    I don’t know where to find you 唉
    I’ll find you find you
    I’ll find you find you

    城市牢籠 無所適從 寂寞慫恿
    總會相逢 與我相同 相同品種

    異類的同類 你會 是結尾
    快樂或頹廢 只為 這一回

    Producer:安棟, Tanya 蔡健雅
    Arranged : Michael Pfirrmann, 安棟
    Additional recording--
    Drums Percussion:Quinn
    Recorded at NRG Studio, North Hollywood, CA
    Engineered:Kyle Hoffmann
    Mixed by Richard Furch at the mixHaus studios, Los Angeles
    Assisted by Jorel Corpus

