

在 spacious中文產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅日文輕鬆記,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【広い】 [ひろい] [hiroi] [い形容詞] 🔸重音: 2 🔸中文翻譯: 寬的 🔸Translation: spacious; wide 「広」這個字中文唸作「ㄍㄨㄤˇ」 是「廣」的古字 看到「広」中間的厶 就想到氣勢恢宏的「宏」下面也有個「厶」 也可以當作一個記寫法的方...

spacious中文 在 歐老外 | 台北美食 Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-07 04:47:05

【台北美食】【雙連站】 💁🏼‍♂️圓環邊蚵仔煎 ⠀ ⠀ 📍台北市 / Taipei City 📌大同區/Datong Dist. ⠀ ⠀ 🇹🇼【中文】🇹🇼 位於寧夏夜市裡的蚵仔煎 擁有2018年米其林餐盤之稱 假日門口排隊人潮有如排隊口罩一樣😂 平日比較不會這麼多人(寧夏內行人宵夜) 店內桌椅寬敞光...

spacious中文 在 歐老外 | 台北美食 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-07 04:47:04

【新北美食】【板橋站】 💁🏼‍♂️卡拉拉 ⠀ ⠀ 📍新北市 / New Taipei City 📌板橋區/Banqiao Dist. ⠀ ⠀ 🇹🇼【中文】🇹🇼 板橋第一間五星級餐廳,結合了西班牙Tapas的理念與Semi-buffet 結合 並以東方食材加以創新變化。 ⠀ 寬敞明亮的空間,超級氣派的...

  • spacious中文 在 日文輕鬆記 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2018-07-08 22:58:00
    有 112 人按讚

    [ひろい] [hiroi] [い形容詞]
    🔸重音: 2
    🔸中文翻譯: 寬的
    🔸Translation: spacious; wide






    追蹤IG: https://www.instagram.com/japanese_memo/

  • spacious中文 在 Sandy Mandy 萌爆雙胞胎 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2018-06-18 14:40:40
    有 192 人按讚

    You can choose "Send a birthday card" or "Record birthday greeting video".
    Video :
    截止日:7月15日。 建議用自帶相機錄制,有條件的可以使用雲台等穩定設備。禁止一切帶水印的相機app拍攝,禁止開濾鏡,美顏允許開啓到不影響環境光線的程度

    2018 Baby's Birthday Blessing Video begins to prepare. In view of the unsatisfactory results of video recordings held in the past year, this year we have not unified our cards and we have focused on our own performance and dedicated your best to Sandy Mandy. If you want to perform more talents and practice, you must also bring your best wishes.
    The following shooting requirements:
    1. Self-introduction, free play, content contains blessings! Within 30 seconds!
    2. 8 to 18 o'clock (priority) with ample light, beautiful background, refreshing nature, refreshing outdoor environment, or bright and spacious indoor background.
    3. The light should not be backlit, about half a meter away from the video equipment, to avoid the entire picture only face.
    4. In addition to glasses (non-sunglasses) face can not have other cover.
    5. shooting equipment landscape, the screen fills the screen.
    6. the voice is clear and natural, use a foreign language, please add their own subtitles and then send it over.
    7. talent show time is about one minute (talent must also bring a blessing).
    Deadline: July 15. It is recommended that you use your own camera to record. If you have a condition, you can use a stable device such as PTZ. Do not shoot with a watermark camera app. Do not open the filter. Makeup is allowed to open to a level that does not affect ambient light.

    Card :
    謝謝你們 😚❤

    ❤Prepare Sandy&Mandy's birthday cards early!❤️
    ❤️Do you want to take a look at fans who have participated in activities organized by Atou ?
    register with Atou 👉🏻 https://www.facebook.com/100013901809423
    Don't receive gifts. Receive gifts and donate them to charity
    Overseas friends please send at least 2 weeks

    Sandy Mandy's official QQ group in the past, fans, friends, each person recorded a short birthday blessing and then assembled into a movie, giving birth to Sandy Mandy.

    Video can send to this email :"1229210025@qq.com"
    Or Atou 👉🏻 https://www.facebook.com/100013901809423
    We will give Sandy and Mandy .

  • spacious中文 在 葡萄牙自由行 Uma Volta em Portugal Facebook 的最佳解答

    2016-05-13 19:28:22
    有 13 人按讚

    【國家馬車博物館】@里斯本貝倫區 -- 展品附有中文解說
    【Museu Nacional dos Coches/ National Coach Museum】@ Belém district, Lisbon - explanations of exhibits in Chinese language

    上回談到, 里斯本的國家馬車博物館是全葡萄牙最受歡迎、入場人數最多的博物館之一。 雖然我仍然懷念, 那位在對面馬路的國家馬車博物館舊址 (那是貝倫皇宮 Belém Palace裡皇家騎術學校的一部分), 但新的國家馬車博物館確實是空間闊落。

    In my last post, I mentioned that Lisbon's National Coach Museum is one of the most popular museums all over Portugal. Although I still miss the old National Coach Museum which was located just across the road (it used to be located inside the Royal Riding School of the Belém Palace), the new National Coach Museum is really more spacious.

    新的國家馬車博物館, 其中一件令我驚喜的事, 是部分展品附有中文 (簡體字) 解說, 中文的威力可見, 哈!

    坦白講, 我不太懂看簡體字, 往往都是看完英文和葡萄牙文後, 再看看中文寫甚麼。 想說句老實話, 國家馬車博物館的中文解說寫得很專業。

    One of the things that has surprised me at the new National Coach Museum is the inclusion of Chinese language (simplified Chinese) in their explanations of the exhibits. The power of Chinese, ha!

    Frankly, I can read some simplified Chinese characters only. When I was visiting the Museum, I first read the English and Portuguese explanations, and then the ones in Chinese. I must admit that the Chinese explanations were professionally written.

    雖然國家馬車博物館展品極富歷史價值又是國內最著名的博物館之一, 又已經加入了中文解說, 但我在場所見, 四小時裡, 一個華人或亞洲樣貌的參觀者也沒有碰見過。看來, 國家馬車博物館要做多點推介宣傳。 :-)

    Even though the exhibits have high historical value; the Museum is one of the most famous ones in the country; plus Chinese explanations have been included, I didn't see a single Chinese or even Asian visitor. I guess the National Coach Museum would need to do more promotions to Asian visitors. :-)

