

在 soup中文產品中有123篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2,321的網紅凱蒂英文 Learn English with Catty,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #全英文Podcast介紹與推薦 Podcast超級多,到底可以聽什麼? 我想利用Podcast學英文,我適合什麼? 凱蒂整理了一些全英文的Podcast,讓你可以在通勤時聆聽,或是做事時當作背景音,幫你訓練英文耳朵 分類總共有初級、中級、中高級以上 中級裡面再分為故事類、新聞類、其他 每一類/...

 同時也有78部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過56萬的網紅kottaso cook【kottaso Recipe】,也在其Youtube影片中提到,English subtitles are available. Click the subtitle button on the screen. 有中文字幕。請按下畫面上的字幕按鈕選擇。 한국어 자막이 있습니다. 화면의 자막버튼에서 한국어를 선택해주세요. ◆こっタソ動物園チャンネル 新し...

soup中文 在 凱蒂英文 Learn English with Catty Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-17 17:08:31

#全英文Podcast介紹與推薦 Podcast超級多,到底可以聽什麼? 我想利用Podcast學英文,我適合什麼? 凱蒂整理了一些全英文的Podcast,讓你可以在通勤時聆聽,或是做事時當作背景音,幫你訓練英文耳朵 分類總共有初級、中級、中高級以上 中級裡面再分為故事類、新聞類、其他 每一類/...

soup中文 在 Foodie Taiwan | 台北美食 | 台灣美食 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-18 12:17:45

#EatatHome #在家吃美食 ❤️ 國賓粵菜廳 👉🏻 @ambassadorhotels ⠀ 🇹🇼(中文) 港點薈萃2.0 有港點、燒臘、還有煲湯,不但優惠還很好吃!今天最後一天了,每日限量30組!每組 $1680! 好久沒吃點心了, 上週吃港式點心覺得好開心喔~ 訂購專線:(02)2100...

soup中文 在 Foodie Taiwan | 台北美食 | 台灣美食 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-18 12:17:45

#EatatHome #在家吃美食 ❤️ MiraWan 👉🏻 @mirawan_taiwan ⠀ 🇹🇼(中文) 最近好想吃千層麵,發現Mirawan也有賣~ 在家也可以吃手工肉醬千層麵😍 起司味道蠻重的但也不會膩 另外也聽說他們的外招牌蘋果派很厲害 吃起來味道是甜又酸 ❤️ ✨最晚訂購:需於取餐...

  • soup中文 在 凱蒂英文 Learn English with Catty Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-22 19:29:59
    有 34 人按讚





    1. 有雙語故事、雙語兒童新聞
    2. 這次介紹中唯一有講中文的Podcast
    3. Sandy老師的兒子常會出現在節目中,聲音相當可愛

    🔹English Kids Story with Katrina
    1. 目前上面有伊索寓言、北歐神話,還有連載中的一個長篇故事
    2. 整體語速慢,適合對英文聽力比較害怕者
    3. 美國腔
    🔹By Kids, For Kids Story Time
    1. 有世界各地的童話、神話...等故事
    2. 有它配背景音效,可以想成有聲版的戲劇,蠻有趣的
    3. 腔調不一定,由世界各地不同的小孩來講故事

    🔹Short Stories for Kids: The Magic Factory of Story Telling
    1. 上面的故事都是這個Podcast團隊所寫的,所以內容不太一定,有些會是聽眾投稿的故事
    2. 講話很有情緒高低起伏,聽起來很吸引人
    3. 不過講者聲音稍微比較尖一點,可以自己評估聽的是否習慣
    4. 美國腔

    🔹Chicken Soup of the Soul with Amy Newmark
    1. 由心靈雞湯的總編輯來講故事
    2. 各種暖心小故事
    3. 美國腔
    🔹Up First
    1. 每天選3則新聞講給你聽
    2. 由NPR製作的新聞節目,NPR是美國國家公共廣播電台
    3. NPR也有網站,上面資源很多,之前也有介紹過哦
    4. 美國腔

    1. 雖然沒更新了,但是集數還是很多
    2. 這個Podcast有影片,所以如果搭配看的話像在看電視新聞XD
    3. 美國腔
    🔹6 Minutes English
    1. 很有名的英文學習廣播節目
    2. 由兩個講者對話,就像在聽廣播
    3. 一集有一個問題,讓聽眾去聽答案
    4. 英國腔

    🔹 Plain English
    1. 有各種主題的內容,論語言難度不會太難
    2. 語速慢,講話清楚,但我個人覺得講話有點太慢跟平淡
    3. 美國腔

    🔹 TED Talks Daily (HD video)
    1. 內容多元,其實就是TED Talks
    2. 有影片可以看,所以也可以當作TED Talks來看
    3. 腔調不一定

    🔹 Beautiful Stories From Anonymous People
    1. 一集會接聽一通匿名電話
    2. 主題各式各樣都有
    3. 美國腔

    🔹 Something You Should Know
    1. 各種冷知識討論與介紹
    2. 像是為什麼人們會臉紅、氣象預報怎麼預測的,都蠻好玩的
    3. 美國腔

    🔹 The Real Story
    1. 由BBC製作的節目,一集節目深度討論一個議題
    2. 會請不同領域的專家一起參與討論
    3. 英國腔

    #凱蒂英文 #podcast #podcast推薦 #podcast介紹 #英文podcast #聽力 #高中英文 #學測 #學測英文 #統測 #統測英文 #英檢 #多益 #托福 #雅思


  • soup中文 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-04-17 20:58:46
    有 10,208 人按讚



    20210417 live recipes

    材料: 桂花魚或其他魚,帶甜咸酸菜,大豆芽 ,泡椒 ,辣椒干,花椒 ,薑,蔥,紅辣椒,花椒
    醃魚肉味料: 鹽少許,一隻蛋白,胡椒粉少許
    做法: 1 燒熱鑊落油,猛火煎香魚骨,鹽少許,加滾水煮至湯濃白隔起魚骨
    2 魚肉加鹽拌勻至感覺有些膠質後加一隻蛋白,胡椒粉少許拌勻待用
    3 咸酸菜片薄切塊,白鑊炒至乾身
    4 落油將薑絲,蔥頭,泡椒,大豆芽,咸酸菜炒香
    5 開火煲熱魚湯落魚肉加鹽,菇粉各少許稍滾,魚肉鏟起放做法 4 面上,繼而淋上魚湯加一匙白醋
    6 燒熱鑊落油爆香辣椒干及花椒後倒入酸菜魚湯內,紅椒粒,蔥花飾面

    肥媽 Maria Cordero
    YouTube Live – April 17, 2021 Recipe English Version
    Hot and Sour Fish Soup with Pickled Mustard Greens
    (YouTube video starts at 1:33.)
    Fish - 1 large sea bass (or your choice of fish)
    (Separate the meat from the bones and head. Thinly slice the meat at 45-degree angle into bite size pieces. For larger pieces, make a slit in the center of each slice. Set aside.)

    Chinese pickled mustard green (“syun choi” or “hum choi”) - 1 package
    (Important to choose ones that are SWEET tasting instead of salty.)
    (Slice horizontally into half then slice vertically into pieces. Pat dry then pan fry them without oil until dry and fragrant. Transfer to a bowl. Set aside.)

    Chinese pickled green chili (“pao jiao”) - 1 jar
    Ginger shreds
    Garlic pieces
    Bean sprouts
    Salt - to taste
    Mushroom seasoning powder - to taste
    White vinegar - 1 tbsp

    Potato starch noodles or glass noodles “fensi” - optional to add into the soup

    Fish soup base ingredients:
    Fish bones
    Fish head
    Ginger slices - for frying the fish bones and head
    Ginger slices - for making the soup
    A dash of salt
    Very hot boiling water (to make the fish soup creamy white)

    Marinade fish meat ingredients:
    Salt - a dash
    Egg white - 1
    White pepper - a dash

    Garnish ingredient:
    Dried chili
    Sichuan peppercorns
    Green onion pieces
    Fresh red chili pieces
    Sichuan peppercorn oil

    1. In a bowl, add in all the fish meat, a dash of salt, and thoroughly mix until slightly sticky. Add in 1 egg white, a dash white pepper, and mix well. Set aside.

    2. Heat up a wok to very hot and add oil. Sprinkle in a dash of salt, add in ginger slices, and add in fish bones and head to make the soup base. Fry them until fragrant and golden brown on HIGH heat, and remove the ginger slices.

    3. Add in very hot boiling water, add ginger slices, and bring it to a boil and cook until creamy white. Turn off heat and remove all the fish bones and head and pour the soup through a strainer into a bowl.

    4. Return the soup back to the wok and add in marinated fish meat prepared in Step 1 and simmer until cooked. Add in salt and mushroom seasoning powder to taste. Set aside.

    5. Heat up a wok, add in oil. Add in ginger shreds, garlic pieces, Chinese pickled green chili, and stir fry until fragrant. Add in bean sprouts, Chinese pickled mustard greens, and mix well. Add in cooked fish meat and fish soup.

    6. Drizzle in 1 tbsp of white vinegar.

    7. Heat up a separate frying pan, and add oil. Add in dried chili, Sichuan peppercorns, and pour on top of the soup.

    8. Garnish with fresh red chili and green onion pieces.

    9. Drizzle Sichuan peppercorn oil on top.


    材料: 牛肉,青紅辣椒,咸菜
    香料: 薑一片,蒜一粒
    醃料: 糖少許,胡椒粉少許,鼔油,生粉適量
    做法: 1 牛肉先醃備用
    2 落油爆香薑,蒜,青紅辣椒,落牛肉炒,最後加咸菜炒勻即可
    備註: 咸菜有二隻,一帶甜,另一帶咸,今次是帶甜

    肥媽 Maria Cordero
    YouTube Live – April 17, 2021 Recipe English Version
    Stir Fried Beef with Pickled Mustard Greens
    (YouTube video starts at 26:56.)
    Beef steak slices
    (You can replace with beef tenderloin or pork.)

    Chinese pickled mustard green (“syun choi” or “hum choi”) - 1 package
    (Important to choose ones that are SWEET tasting instead of salty.)
    (If you are using the SALTY type, just add more sugar.)
    (Slice horizontally into half then slice vertically into pieces. Pat dry then pan fry them without oil until dry and fragrant. Transfer to a bowl. Set aside.)

    Red and green sweet bell peppers - sliced
    Minced ginger
    Minced garlic - 1 clove

    Marinade beef ingredients:
    Cooking oil
    Light soya sauce
    White pepper
    Corn starch / flour

    1. In a bowl, add in sliced beef steak, cooking oil, sugar, light soya sauce, white pepper, corn starch, and mix well. Set aside.

    2. Heat up a wok, add oil. Add in minced ginger, minced garlic, red and green sweet bell pepper slices, marinated beef slices, and briefly stir fry until fragrant. Transfer to a bowl. Set aside.

    3. Heat up the wok, add Chinese pickled mustard greens. Optional to add sugar now if you find it salty.

    4. Return the partially cooked beef back to the wok, and mix well. Transfer to serving plate. Serve.



    凍滾水 250 ml
    奶 250 ml
    魚膠粉 35 gr (可改用魚膠片5-6片)
    沙糖 100 gr (可依個人喜好加減)
    棷奶 1罐
    芒果 2-3個

    1. 凍滾水、奶 、魚膠粉、沙糖放入煲內,開中大火煮,邊煮邊輕輕攪拌至魚膠粉和糖完全溶解。
    2. 加入棷奶,攪拌至混合後關火,放涼備用。注意:加入棷奶後不要煮太久,以避免油水分解。
    3. 芒果去皮切粗條或粗粒,排放入糕盆內,倒入已放涼棷奶混合液,蓋好後放入雪櫃雪至硬身便可

    肥媽 Maria Cordero
    YouTube Live – April 17, 2021 Recipe English Version
    Mango Coconut Pudding
    (YouTube video starts at 35:35.)
    Drinking water - 250ml (do not use tap water)
    Milk - 250ml
    Gelatin powder - 35g (or replace with agar agar)
    Sugar - 100g or to taste
    Coconut milk - 1 can
    (Add in last to avoid the oil separating, which will result in two layers when pudding is set.)

    Fresh mangos - cut into your choice of designs. (Cubes or strips or floral.)
    (Cut into THICK pieces to avoid pieces from moving.)

    1. In a cooking pot, add in drinking water, milk, gelatin powder, sugar, and cook until sugar and gelatine have melted and little bubbles appear by continue stirring.

    2. Add in coconut milk and taste test for sweetness.

    3. Let it cool down to room temperature.

    4. In a mould, add in fresh mango pieces on the bottom layer then pour coconut milk mixture on top.

    5. Put in the refrigerator to set.

    6. Cut into cubes. Serve.

    To create mango layers:
    Optional to layer mango pieces on the bottom of the mould then refrigerate until they are a bit dehydrated and stick to the mould. This is to prevent them from moving or floating.

    Once the mango pieces are set on the bottom of the mould, pour half of the coconut milk mixture in and set in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

    After 30 minutes, or once the pudding is set, add the remaining mango pieces, coconut milk mixture, and refrigerate it until set and firm. You may create more than 2 layers.

    Once set, loosen the pudding from the mould and transfer to a serving plate with the bottom of the pudding facing upward displaying the mango pieces design. Slice and serve.

  • soup中文 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-17 10:48:26
    有 107 人按讚




    下水湯 Into the water

    控肉便當 Control meat and Lunch

    貢丸湯 Gong pills soup









    well 但總不免在外國人面前笑鬧一番,關於這神一般的翻譯方式






    雖然我是喜歡英文的,但我卻不喜歡目前「英文」在台灣 的狀況


    but you know

    you came to our country, at least try to speak our language

    for those who dont even think about trying or gave up half way

    well there's nth we can do

    and obviously that doesnt give you a hard time living in Taiwan






  • soup中文 在 kottaso cook【kottaso Recipe】 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-15 16:00:02

    English subtitles are available. Click the subtitle button on the screen.
    한국어 자막이 있습니다. 화면의 자막버튼에서 한국어를 선택해주세요.


    Thank you for watching
    I want to deliver delicious Japanese-food recipes to the world


    [Ingredients] (2~3 servings)
    ● Rice: 2 cups
    ● Chicken thighs: about 300g
    ● Shiso: As desired
    ● Leek: as desired
    ● Rice oil (regular oil is also fine)
    ● Minced garlic: 2 teaspoons to 1 tablespoon (fresh garlic is also fine)
    ● Fish stock: 1 tablespoon (4 times concentrated) (Noodle soup or white soup stock can be used)
    ● Butter: 10g
    ● Black pepper
    [Seasoning for the meat]
    ● Salt
    ● Black pepper
    ● Mirin : 1 teaspoon
    ● Soy sauce: 1 teaspoon
    ● Grated garlic: 1/2 teaspoon
    This time I made "Toasted-Garlic Butter Rice with Chicken and Leek".
    I want to eat it every day! This is Ko-chan's signature dish♪
    To be honest, it's really better than eating it at a restaurant!!!!!
    I'd rather have you all try it than tell you in words♪
    This is a great recipe that is easy to make but full of flavor.
    Please try making it.


    #こっタソの自由気ままに #JapaneseCooking #ガーリックライス #GarlicRice #최고의갈릭라이스 #蒜香炒飯 #JapaneseCuisine #Ramen #somen #やみつき無限そうめん #超やべぇやみつき大葉茄子 #AmazinglyYummy #JMT #油炸 #튀김 #다이어트 #減肥 #低糖質おつまみ #糖質制限レシピ #ヤセ筋 #低糖質レシピ #ヘルシー #ダイエットレシピ #激痩せ #ロカボレシピ #dietfood #lowcarbdiet #dietrecipe #晩ごはんレシピ #ご飯泥棒 #おかず #極上レシピ #ワンパンレシピ #時短レシピ #おうちごはん #至福の料理 #ご飯のお供 #太らないレシピ #やみつきレシピ #酒のつまみ #簡単つまみ #こっタソレシピ #男飯レシピ #mukbang #먹방 #男子ごはん #HomeCooking #StayHome #大食い #男ウケ料理 #晩酌 #自炊 #酒の肴 #簡単レシピ #弁当 #作り置き #Bento #recipesfordinner #マツコの知らない世界 #WithMe #Eazyrecipe #モッパン #から揚げ #唯一無二の絶品レシピ #こっタソ動物園

  • soup中文 在 kottaso cook【kottaso Recipe】 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-08-13 16:00:02

    English subtitles are available. Click the subtitle button on the screen.
    한국어 자막이 있습니다. 화면의 자막버튼에서 한국어를 선택해주세요.


    Thank you for watching
    I want to deliver delicious Japanese-food recipes to the world


    [Ingredients] (Preservation period: about 3 days refrigerated)
    ● Chive: 1 bunch
    ● Leek: 1
    ● Soy sauce: 4 tablespoons
    ● Black vinegar: 1 tablespoon (regular vinegar is also fine)
    ● Mirin: 1 tablespoon
    ● Sake: 4 tablespoons
    ● Fish stock: 1 teaspoon (4 times concentrated) (Noodle soup or white soup stock can also be used)
    ● Nam Pla: 1 tablespoon (the flavor will be outrageous!)
    ● Sesame oil: 2 tablespoons
    ● Garlic: 1 to 2 cloves (you can use the tube type)
    ● Ginger: Same amount as garlic (you can use the tube type)
    ● Dou ban jiang: 1 teaspoon
    ● Sugar: 2 teaspoons (you can use LACANTS to reduce the sugar content)
    ● Red hot pepper: As much as you like
    ● Sesame seeds: As much as you like
    ● Optional: chili pepper, chili oil
    ※If you don't like the spiciness, replace Dou ban jiang with miso.
    ※I recommend fresh garlic and ginger if possible.
    It's one of my mother's dishes that my father, a chef, especially loved💓
    I've made a devilishly delicious and addictive sauce called "Amazingly Yummy Devil's Leek & Chive".
    I've been told many times that I've never had such a delicious all-purpose sauce before, and I'm always asked for the recipe by those who have tried it!
    The deep flavor of Nam pla and Japanese fish stock combined with the rich acidity of the black vinegar is irresistible aftertaste, making it super addictive! 🤤🤤🤤
    Ramen, tofu, pork shabu, yakiniku, somen, gyoza, rice with egg, hot pot... the possibilities are endless!
    Seriously, it goes super well with everything!!
    All you have to do is to soak it in the special sauce♪
    Please try to match it with many different things.
    Once you try it, you'll want to keep it in your fridge all the time, it's so addictive😆
    Also, when you eat this, your skin and body will feel its best the next day♪


    #こっタソの自由気ままに #JapaneseCooking #超やべぇ悪魔の葱ニラ #無限ニラ #韭菜 #大蔥 #부추 #대파 #Chives #GreenOnion #JapaneseCuisine #Ramen #somen #やみつき無限そうめん #超やべぇやみつき大葉茄子 #AmazinglyYummy #JMT #油炸 #튀김 #다이어트 #減肥 #低糖質おつまみ #糖質制限レシピ #ヤセ筋 #低糖質レシピ #ヘルシー #ダイエットレシピ #激痩せ #ロカボレシピ #dietfood #lowcarbdiet #dietrecipe #晩ごはんレシピ #ご飯泥棒 #おかず #極上レシピ #ワンパンレシピ #時短レシピ #おうちごはん #至福の料理 #ご飯のお供 #太らないレシピ #やみつきレシピ #酒のつまみ #簡単つまみ #こっタソレシピ #男飯レシピ #mukbang #먹방 #男子ごはん #HomeCooking #StayHome #大食い #男ウケ料理 #晩酌 #自炊 #酒の肴 #簡単レシピ #弁当 #作り置き #Bento #recipesfordinner #マツコの知らない世界 #WithMe #Eazyrecipe #モッパン #から揚げ #唯一無二の絶品レシピ #こっタソ動物園

  • soup中文 在 kottaso cook【kottaso Recipe】 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-10 16:00:01

    English subtitles are available. Click the subtitle button on the screen.
    한국어 자막이 있습니다. 화면의 자막버튼에서 한국어를 선택해주세요.


    Thank you for watching
    I want to deliver delicious Japanese-food recipes to the world


    [Ingredients] (Preservation period: about 3 days refrigerated)
    ● Eggplants: 2
    ● Enoki mushrooms: 1/2 bunch
    ● Scallion: 1/2
    ● Soy sauce: 2 tablespoons
    ● Mirin: 1 tablespoon
    ● Noodle soup(3 to 4 times concentrated): 1 teaspoon
    ● Dou ban jiang: 1/2 to 1 teaspoon (gochujang is also okay)
    ● Tian men jiang: 1 teaspoon
    ● Sugar: 1 teaspoon
    ● Vinegar: 1 tablespoon
    ● Garlic: 1 clove (you can use the tube type)
    ● About the same amount of ginger as garlic (you can use the tube type)
    ● Sesame oil: 1 teaspoon
    ● Rice oil: 2 tablespoons (you can use sesame oil or olive oil)
    ● Roasted sesame seeds
    ● Nam Pla: 1 teaspoon (It's good enough without it)
    ● Scallions and Ra-yu, to taste
    ※If you don't like the spiciness, replace Dou ban jiang with miso.
    ※If you don't have Tian men jiange, add 1 teaspoon miso and 1 teaspoon sugar.
    This is a recipe that makes seasonal eggplant super tasty and easy to make without breaking a sweat, even on a hot day!
    I made "Amazingly Yummy Addictive Enoki & Eggplant".
    I'm sure you'll agree that the flavor, richness, and aroma of this dish is unbelievable.
    I can't believe I made this dish just by microwave it. I can eat as many as I want!
    The leftover sauce can be used for pork shabu, dumplings, or tofu.
    It's very convenient once you learn how to make it☺
    Please try to make it!


    #JapaneseCooking #超やべぇやみつきエノキ茄子 #こっタソの自由気ままに #やみつき無限そうめん #JapaneseCuisine #Ramen #超やべぇやみつき大葉茄子 #茄子 #가지 #Eggplant #金針菇 #팽이버섯 #EnokiMushroom #AmazinglyYummy #JMT #油炸 #튀김 #다이어트 #減肥 #低糖質おつまみ #糖質制限レシピ #ヤセ筋 #低糖質レシピ #ヘルシー #ダイエットレシピ #激痩せ #ロカボレシピ #dietfood #lowcarbdiet #dietrecipe #晩ごはんレシピ #ご飯泥棒 #おかず #極上レシピ #ワンパンレシピ #時短レシピ #おうちごはん #至福の料理 #ご飯のお供 #太らないレシピ #やみつきレシピ #酒のつまみ #簡単つまみ #こっタソレシピ #男飯レシピ #mukbang #먹방 #男子ごはん #HomeCooking #StayHome #大食い #男ウケ料理 #晩酌 #自炊 #酒の肴 #簡単レシピ #弁当 #作り置き #Bento #recipesfordinner #マツコの知らない世界 #WithMe #Eazyrecipe #モッパン #から揚げ #唯一無二の絶品レシピ #こっタソ動物園

