

在 sounded中文產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [時事英文] It’s not an air purifier. 這不是空氣清淨機… 今天的時事新聞比較輕鬆一點 🙂 ★★★★★★★★★★★★ 《Taiwan News》 On Nov. 21, a Taiwanese Facebook user who lists himself as...

sounded中文 在 TeenyMunchies - Kids Meals 兒童餐 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-04-04 17:44:04

☆A’s Daily 小哲日常☆⁣ ▼中文請往下▼ ⁣ ⁣ #latergram A’s 11 month~ When eating broccoli still made him super happy⁣ ⁣ On top of the many roles a mom has, now I al...

sounded中文 在 布萊恩 Brian Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-09 01:14:01

布萊恩住台灣幾乎每天聽到的問題前三名 Brian’s Top 3 Questions I Get Asked Almost Daily Living in Taiwan 1. 你中文怎麼那麼好? *陪著很驚訝的表情* 就是因為我學中文15年了. 高中認識一位來自台灣的同學然後上課的時候開始問一些...

  • sounded中文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-12-01 13:02:34
    有 267 人按讚

    [時事英文] It’s not an air purifier.


    今天的時事新聞比較輕鬆一點 🙂


    《Taiwan News》

    On Nov. 21, a Taiwanese Facebook user who lists himself as Jin Wu, wrote that he had purchased a PS5 from a reseller the previous day. He said that after agreeing to pick up the device in person, he called the reseller's number, and a woman answered the phone.

    1. list (v.) 列於表上
    2. purchase…from… 從…購賣...
    3. reseller 轉售者
    4. device 裝置,器械
    5. in person 親自做某事



    Wu said that when he spoke to the woman about the console, she sounded like someone who does not frequently play video games. He also marveled at the remarkably low price tag for the new device, cheaper than any others he had seen.

    6. game console 遊戲機
    7. marvel at 驚嘆於
    8. the remarkably low price tag 超低價格*


    *price tag (n.):(掛在商品上的)價格標籤;價格


    Despite the price, the woman seemed quite eager to sell it. When he met the owner of the console in person, he was surprised to see a middle-aged man, whom he judged to be an avid gamer.

    9. eager to v. 渴望做某事
    10. judge (v.) 判斷
    11. an avid gamer 狂熱玩家



    When he began chatting with the man, Wu asked him where he had originally purchased it. The man responded that he had bought it on the e-commerce website PChome.

    12. an e-commerce website 電商網站



    Wu then complimented the man on his ability to find good bargains online and asked, "Did you buy two? Otherwise, why are you selling it?" The man was silent a moment before saying, "My wife wants to sell it."

    13. compliment (v.) 讚賞、恭維*
    14. find good bargains online 網購到物美價廉的好東西**


    15. compliment someone on something: https://bit.ly/3o9YEC9
    16. remain silent 保持沉默
    17. bargain (n.): 便宜貨,廉價品 ; 協議,交易*

    bargain (n./v.): https://bit.ly/3lu8hK9


    He wore a bitter expression on his face, and Wu was at a loss for words. It turns out that his wife can tell the difference between a PS5 and an air filter.

    18. wear a bitter expression 面露苦澀
    19. at a loss for words 無言以對
    20. turn out 結果是(尤指出乎意料的結果)
    21. tell the difference between… 可以分辨…之間的差異
    22. PS5 PlayStation 5(官方縮寫:PS5)是索尼互動娛樂於2020年11月12日上市的家用電子遊樂器。
    23. an air purifier 空氣清淨機*


    *Air purifiers and air cleaners? Both these terms are commonly used to refer to the same type of appliance (家電). An “air filter” (空氣過濾器) can be either a screen inside an air cleaner/purifier, or a standalone device.

    https://bityl.co/4euM (英文報導)
    https://fbook.cc/3J4x (中文原文)



    時事英文音檔: https://bit.ly/3emRtTt

  • sounded中文 在 Brian 布萊恩 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-07-21 12:05:18
    有 95 人按讚

    Brian’s Top 3 Questions I Get Asked Almost Daily Living in Taiwan

    1. 你中文怎麼那麼好? *陪著很驚訝的表情*

    就是因為我學中文15年了. 高中認識一位來自台灣的同學然後上課的時候開始問一些中文怎麼講... 後來就繼續自己學到我2009年搬來台灣當國立臺灣大學交換學生. 交換的一年結束後我搬回來台灣開始工作還有在這裡生活. 另外我從小就很愛語言~

    1. Why is your Chinese so good?*accompanied by a surprised look*

    That’s because I’ve been studying Chinese for 15 years. In high school, I met a classmate from Taiwan and would ask how to say some things in Chinese... after that I continued studying on my own until I moved to Taiwan in 2009 to be an exchange student at National Taiwan University. After my year there was finished, I moved back to Taiwan and started working and living in Taipei. Also, I’ve loved languages since I was little~

    2. 我是不是有在哪裡看過你?

    有可能~ 我2011年開始上WTO姐妹會. 一直跟他們合作到今年. 現在我也有跟2分之一強還有請問你是哪裡人合作. 另外今年7-Eleven 有找我拍一個店頭廣告所以4/5月可能有在收銀台後面的螢幕上看過我. 還有我最近也拍一部電影還有連續劇.

    2. Haven’t I seen you somewhere before?

    It’s possible~ In 2011, I started working with the TV show “WTO Sister Show” until earlier this year. Now I also work with “Half and Half” and “Where are you from?”. Also, earlier this year, 7-Eleven contacted me about starring in an advertisement. Between April and May you may have seen me on the screens behind the cash register there. Additionally, I’ve recently played small parts in a movie and a TV drama.

    3. 為什麼會想來台灣?
    從我高中認識那位朋友起我就很想搬來台灣生活. 為什麼呢? 就是因為我一直覺得台灣這個地方聽起來不錯,而且我認識的台灣人都會非常非常的熱情跟大方. 也是因為台灣迷人的音樂、美麗風景、好吃的美食、還有先進的概念,我就會很想來台灣把這個神奇的地方當作我自己的家. 雖然住台灣10年了,都是我還是每天都有找到新的東西讓自己每天有新的機會體驗從來沒有體驗過的. 因為這樣我就會想住這邊這麼久.

    3. Why did you want to come to Taiwan?
    Since I met that classmate in high school, I always wanted to move to Taiwan. Why? Because everything I’d heard about it sounded great, and every Taiwanese person I’d met was very friendly and very very welcoming. Even though I’ve lived here for 10 years, I still am able to find something entirely new to experience every day. Because of this, I’ve continued to want to live here for so long.

    #布萊恩 #taiwan #美國人 #台北 #台灣 #自己學 #中文 #演員 #模特兒 #綜藝節目 #電影 #戲劇 #廣告 #藝人 #wto姐妹會 #2分之一強 #二分之一強 #請問你是哪裡人 #american #taiwanesetv #actor #model #commercials #tvshows #movies #selftaught #chinese #bilingual #mandarin #hireme

  • sounded中文 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的精選貼文

    2015-07-11 01:43:01
    有 129 人按讚

    【玳瑚師父客人見證】 《我生命中的良師益友》
    A Good Teacher & A Valuable Friend in My Life (English version below)

    文 / 黃騰慶 Written by: Joseph Ng






    師父他处事态度认真,外表严肃,但背后影藏着一颗博爱的心和的一個對于善用自己的生命和玄学知識去利益別人的堅定精神。 他拥有非常饱满的佛學知識,更非常樂意地與人分享,勸人向善。 那時候的我對宗教和人生有著許多疑惑,師父也不辭辛勞地為我解答。



    I have had the privilege of engaging Master Dai Hu to do a name analysis for me way back in 2006. It was quite a surreal experience as what he told me, be it my personality traits, my childhood, my career and relationship, was stark accurate. I asked him to pen a new Chinese name for me. He came up with 3 name selections for me, and I was pleasantly surprised how eloquent they sounded. He painstakingly explained the essence of each name selection, and after much consideration, I chose one. I have been using my new name for the past several years, and have experienced positive changes in my career and relationships.

    It was also my good fortune to be able to engage Master Dai Hu for a Feng Shui audit of my new 4-room flat. Even though the place was a mere 92sqm, he spent nearly 3 hours going into the details. It was definitely value for money! He did not have a good appraisal of the house, explaining that layout of the flat would not provide the warmth and comfort of a home, and advised us to move as soon as the 5-year Minimum Occupancy Period is up. He said the best Feng Shui comes from having a good layout in the first place and not man-made remedies. At first I did not give much thought to his advice but the longer I stayed there, I realized what he was trying to tell me. I did not feel fully settled at home and this affected my focus at work and to a certain extent, my marriage. Master Dai Hu did advise certain steps to mitigate the negative effect, and I am glad that things did not go any worse.

    Now that I am not residing there any longer, the difference in my life is stark and telling. In the past, there were always missed opportunities. No matter how hard I worked, my finances were always in a rut. There were no benefactors in sight and things did not go my way at all. My life has improved tremendously in terms of my luck and career growth since I moved out. Master Dai Hu also did the Feng Shui audit of my current residence. I received unexpected assistance along the way and my career fared much better. There is no way I am going to stay in that house again for all the negative memories it has given me.

    Master constantly reminded me not to indulge in worldly pleasures but instead, use the time to accumulate merits through virtuous deeds. He said my wife and I had insufficient merits to begin with in this life and thus ended up with a lousy flat layout. If I had known Master Dai Hu earlier, I would have definitely gotten him to assist in my house selection.

    Behind his stern demeanor lies a very compassionate spirit with an insurmountable tenacity to make the best use of his life to help others through his vast experience in Chinese metaphysics. He also possesses a huge wealth of knowledge in Buddhism and is never afraid of sharing it. That was a great thing for me as I was, at that stage of my life, seeking more understanding into the religion and asking a lot of questions about life.

    To me, Master Dai Hu is not just your usual "fortune teller". He is a teacher and a mentor in life and Buddhism, and most importantly, a brave and tenacious human being who walks the talk!
