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  • sonics 在 球衣狂熱 NBA Jersey Hot Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-11 15:53:47
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    🌀:雨人Shawn Kemp

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  • sonics 在 小人物上籃 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-16 11:30:03
    有 113 人按讚

    籃網逆轉17分的落後,114:108聽牌!KD打好打滿 48分鐘,49分17板10助攻大三元。

    公鹿從開賽第一秒就準備把籃網KO, 相對於還在適應季後賽強度的Harden.

    今天勉強帶傷上陣,取代腳踝嚴重扭傷的Kyrie, 很明顯還沒有進入季後賽狀況。在場上的移動速度明顯不足不說,和隊友的搭配也是在不同的頻率上。這對於進攻著重於球流動的籃網來說是個噩夢;Harden在開賽幾分鐘內就有球被抄走,傳到觀眾席,還有KD傳給他卻沒注意被對手反快攻等災難。第一節籃網就有4次失誤。

    相反的,公鹿從第一秒鐘就決心在攻守兩端都用超高強度的physicality去跟對手相搏。PJ Tucker 延續G4對上KD的防守肢體強度,讓他每一次要球出手都需要費盡最大的力量 (不過自己也賠上2犯去板凳休息)。Pat Connaughton / Middleton 全場貼身防守Harden不給他任何空間,而Holiday和Lopez一外一裡在協防壓迫持球者。這樣的防守嚴重干擾籃網的進攻,也迫使KD每次出手都是contested shots, 籃網第一節命中率悽慘無比 4/20, 2/13 3pt, 只得到15分。不過倒是讓Jeff Green得到許多空擋,10分鐘內就得了13分,包括3記外線。

    公鹿的進攻其實很簡單;Jrue Holiday或Middleton等人在外圍透過簡單高位pick 對到如Joe Harris等較弱的防守者 (because the Nets ALWAYS switch), 接著持球者決定要直接切入破壞防守,或是讓rollman (如 Giannis, Lopez) 低位直接mismatch單打,同時間外圍輪轉或適時空手切上籃。雖然每波進攻都很好預測,但是籃網受限於傷兵必須使用板凳先發還有Harden一起合作協防,很明顯溝通協防上永遠跟不上對手的移動。

    雙方攻防一來一往的落差,從開賽14-2開始,比賽就一直保持在15分左右的落差。隨著比賽時間經過,籃網的進攻也逐漸進入狀況;但是防守端仍舊無法有效地連續阻止失分,每次進攻端的得分都很快的在防守端送還給對手。第二節籃網進攻有起色失誤也只有一次,單節得到28分,但是進攻端還是送給對手30 分。

    半場公鹿 22/41 FG, 8/18 3pt, 相較於籃網 14/40, 6/22 3pt, 公鹿59-42籃網。

    第三節開始籃網擺出KD, Harden, Blake, Joe Harris 和 Jeff Green 的5 out 陣容。KD仍舊是只要一拿球就會被最接近的防守者包夾,他也持續利用機會製造外線空檔給Jeff Green 和 Harris 等人投三分…但是Harris今晚還是持續打鐵中。Harden在3Q 7:21終於投進了本場第一顆球,而替補射手Shamet也在3Q 4:53時候終於投進第一顆。

    但是更重要的是,籃網終於也提高自己在防守端的intensity. 雖然很好預測的 switch defense 模式還是給予公鹿非常多簡單的mismatch 還有跳投空檔,但是第三節公鹿的外線陷入小低潮,連續五球空檔都沒投進。同時,當公鹿球員決定切入時,籃網防守者也透過身體碰撞和deflections 等造成許多 loose ball, 搶球後反快攻三分。加上公鹿進攻趨向iso反而讓籃網不需要協防,幾波低品質的投籃失敗後,終於在第三節剩不到3分鐘時讓籃網打出17-5攻勢,把比分追到5分差。第三節末最後幾波進攻演變成Giannis和KD的PK, 雙方都把握一半的進攻機會得到分數;Giannis還投進一顆3分罰球2/3.


    第四節開始,籃網把從第一節5分鐘後就沒上場的先發全能球員Bruce Brown放上場搭配Shamet,讓Harris, Blake休息。Bruce Brown很明確的任務就是要幫KD set high screen, 把他從PJ Tucker 的干擾中解放出來,同時間他也扮演在中間cutter和ball distributer 的角色。這個策略收到絕佳效果,製造出KD的中距離空擋跳投,罰球,自己的籃下空檔,還有Shamet的Catch&Shoot. 加上幾波公鹿單打無效,籃網即時在9分鐘左右把比分追平。也逼出Bud叫暫停。

    此時氣勢很明顯是在籃網這邊。籃網以KD為中心搭配high screen擺脫PJ Tucker 後公鹿的防守變得處在被動只能看KD的選擇和隊友搭配反應。相對公鹿端幾乎都是以Holiday, Middleton 和 Giannis 輪流單打,都以contested shots 收場。原本籃網在PJ領到5犯後,把比數拉開到4分;Bud叫暫停並換成Middleton去守KD, 並明顯在進攻端針對Harden單打得手再把比數追平104, 比賽剩下1:27.

    下一波KD把時間拖完後出手沒進,但是在公鹿端,Jeff Green成功把Giannis手中的球撥掉,讓KD拿到球後,時間剩不到15秒迫使公鹿犯規,送KD上罰球線。KD兩罰中一,剩 11秒籃網領先 4分,Middleton 三分不進 Shamet 拿到籃板,大勢底定。終場籃網 114:108擊敗公鹿 3:2聽牌。

    KD打了整場 48分鐘一秒鐘都沒有休息,大三元,49分17板10助攻2抄截3火鍋,跟他同一年一起被選進 Sonics的 J. Green 27分三分球 7/8。Harden 投 1/10,但是傳出 8次助攻。B. Griffin 也貢獻 17分三分球 3/6。公鹿 Giannis 34分 12板,罰 4/7,Middleton 25分三分球 3/10,Jrue Holiday 19分三分球 3/7。下半場公鹿的進攻在籃網加強防守之下進攻當機,失誤、太容易被預測的單打,也沒有發揮他們在禁區有的體能優勢。Giannis因為罰球在 close game的劣勢在最後幾分鐘被放大,Giannis雖然有威脅可是卻沒有辦法用一般來說最有效率的罰球來追分,讓他們雖然還是能在最後幾個回合製造一些分數,但是跟 KD兩分換三分,甚至一分換兩分三分,在比數被超前之後很難再逆轉。

    下一場 Harden的狀況會如何呢?今天 Harden在場上的確有扮演組織攻勢的角色,但是防守的漏洞還是蠻大的。KD 下一場在公鹿主場能夠再打 48分鐘,得超過 40分嗎?還是 Joe Harris 終於能恢復正常投進超過一顆三分球?公鹿要怎麼利用 B. Lopez?該繼續讓他在場上護框但是一直被 KD投中距離?跟在外線拉開空間?還是應該佔據禁區打籃網的禁區?還是公鹿應該要試著跟籃網打小?


  • sonics 在 球衣狂熱 NBA Jersey Hot Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-11-25 16:34:00
    有 112 人按讚

    位於美國西岸的翡翠之城西雅圖,擁有美麗的湖光山色,更被譽為最宜居的城市,在40年的短暫歷史中也孕育出幾位超級球星,包含三分球王Ray Allen及以防守見長的手套Gary Payton。
    👱🏻‍♂️: @allen__ray
    📷: @photographer_huai
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  • sonics 在 pennyccw Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-12 00:37:59

    Allen Iverson would almost always rather drive to the basket than settle for a jumper.

    Seattle's porous defense gave him ample opportunity to dart down the lane for all the easy baskets he wanted.

    Iverson scored 41 points, John Salmons had 18 and Kyle Korver 17 to lead the Philadelphia 76ers over the SuperSonics 107-98 on Monday night.

    Although Iverson said he's still slightly bothered by his right ankle, which he sprained Dec. 27 at Denver, it hardly showed as he had one of his top shooting nights of the season.

    "It's getting a lot better with treatment and everything, and I'm able to push off it like I want to," Iverson said. "Once it gets loose, I'm able to move around like I want to. I try to get to the basket."

    Certainly returning home provided an immediate fix for the slumping Sixers. When they left for a 15-day, seven-game trip, they were in first place in the Atlantic Division; they returned four games back in the division race after a 2-5 mark.

    "If we closed games out better, we'd have a lot more wins," Iverson said. "I honesty feel like we gave away eight games this season, games we should have won."

    The Sonics have been just as bad, finishing 1-4 on a trip that saw them fire Bob Weiss and replace the coach with Bob Hill.

    Hill promised a quicker pace and improvement on defense as ways to turn around Seattle's disappointing season.

    Seattle's league-worst defense still needs work.

    Iverson scored 40-plus points for the eighth time this season as he chases Kobe Bryant for the league scoring title. Iverson wasn't the only one getting open looks -- the Sixers shot 53 percent from the field, seven points higher than their average.

    Chris Webber sat out with a lower back strain and was listed as day-to-day. Coach Maurice Cheeks was hopeful that rest would allow Webber to return for Wednesday's game against Utah.

    Salmons started in Webber's place and hardly missed a beat on 7-for-9 shooting. Andre Iguodala had 16 points and Samuel Dalembert 11 to put all five starters in double digits.

    "That's how you should play," Iverson said. "When you do share the ball, nine times out of 10, more positive results come of it."

    Ray Allen led the Sonics with 27 points and Vladimir Radmanovic had 15 points and 12 rebounds.

    The Sonics rallied from a 19-point deficit to pull within six late in the fourth quarter -- hardly surprising since only Seattle allows more points than the Sixers -- after 3-pointers by Allen and a couple of free throws from Rashard Lewis.

    Korver, though, sank his fifth 3-pointer and Salmons added a 3 to get the lead back to nine. Stuck on 39 points for a while, Iverson sank two free throws to push him over 40 and give the Sixers a 106-95 lead.

    "We took control of the game and shut them down," Dalembert said. "We controlled the tempo of the game and didn't really let them get back in."

    Iverson scored nine points during a 19-5 run in the third quarter that gave the Sixers a 79-60 lead. Iverson usually drove through a lane that offered little resistance and little reason for the All-Star to resort to his usual banging and crashing all over the court.

    Iverson went 6-for-8 in third for 18 points and the Sixers shot 68 percent in the quarter. Hill blamed fatigue from a long road trip for the Sonics going flat in the third.

    "We played pretty well in the first half, then I'm sure our legs got tired," Hill said. "We wouldn't move and we weren't guarding. Away games are tough, but they have to find a way to fight fatigue. That was a winnable game."

    With the easy looks, and a mid-range jumper that was on target, Iverson finished 15-for-25 from the floor and made 11 of 13 free throws.

    Game notes

    Korver hit a 3-pointer for the 26th straight game, the longest streak in the league. ... Sonics F Danny Fortson sat out with a sore left knee and C Vitaly Potapenko sat out with a lower back strain. ... Iverson was briefly shaken up when he was smacked in the face by Luke Ridnour while they went after a loose ball in the third quarter. ... Iverson has 67 career games with more than 40 points. ... The Sixers are 8-0 at home against the Western Conference.

  • sonics 在 THE BAWDIES Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-11-26 23:25:12

    2019.11.27 Release New Album
    「Section #11」(セクション ナンバーイレブン)
    ・初回限定盤(CD+DVD) VIZL-1665 ¥3,800+tax
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    01. DON’T SAY NO
    03. LET’S GO BACK
    04. I’M YOUR HOME
    05. EASY GIRL
    06. HIGHER
    07. BLUES GOD
    09. HAPPY RAYS
    11. THE BEAT
    12. STARS

    “THE BAWDIES A GO-GO!! -Mission #11 SPECIAL-”
    SPACE SHOWER TVでかつてレギュラー放送され人気を博していたエンターテイメントプログラム“THE BAWDIES A GO-GO!!”を復活収録!今回の特別企画には、番組初回から出演する""武井先生""こと武井壮が6年ぶりにGOGOに登場しメンバーを指導!「11」にちなんだミッションにTHE BAWDIESが挑む!エンディングでは、かつて番組で唯一出来なかった罰ゲームで、まさかの展開が!?

    ◆“Section #11”リリースサイト

    ◆DL / ストリーミング各サイト


  • sonics 在 THE BAWDIES Youtube 的最佳解答

    2019-11-11 11:00:02

    「Section #11」初回限定盤・特典DVDに収録“THE BAWDIES A GO-GO!! -Mission #11 SPECIAL-”トレーラー公開!!

    2019.11.27 Release New Album
    「Section #11」(セクション ナンバーイレブン)
    ・初回限定盤(CD+DVD) VIZL-1665 ¥3,800+tax
    ・通常盤(CD) VICL-65264 ¥2,900+tax
    ・アナログ盤 VIJL-60211 ¥3,200+tax

    01. DON’T SAY NO
    03. LET’S GO BACK
    04. I’M YOUR HOME
    05. EASY GIRL
    06. HIGHER
    07. BLUES GOD
    09. HAPPY RAYS
    11. THE BEAT
    12. STARS

    “THE BAWDIES A GO-GO!! -Mission #11 SPECIAL-”
    SPACE SHOWER TVでかつてレギュラー放送され人気を博していたエンターテイメントプログラム“THE BAWDIES A GO-GO!!”を復活収録!今回の特別企画には、番組初回から出演する""武井先生""こと武井壮が6年ぶりにGOGOに登場しメンバーを指導!「11」にちなんだミッションにTHE BAWDIESが挑む!エンディングでは、かつて番組で唯一出来なかった罰ゲームで、まさかの展開が!?

    ◆“Section #11”リリースサイト



