[爆卦]something shelley父母是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇something shelley父母鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在something shelley父母這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者chrisLee (小波:徵漫畫店工讀)看板the_L_word標題專訪 Rachel Shel...

An interview with Rachel Shelley
專訪 Rachel Shelley
by Jenny Stewart @ http://planetout.com
中文翻譯: 孟波

When British actress Rachel Shelley accepted the role of Helena Peabody
on the Showtime series "The L Word," little did she know she'd be
participating in a groundbreaking television first. The role would
require the straight actress to do explicit lesbian love scenes with a
pregnant character -- played by an actress who's pregnant in real life.
(Very pregnant!)

當英國女演員 Rachel Shelley 接下了 Helena Peabody 這個角色的時候,
她並不知道她其實會參與這種超前衛的電視演出: 一位異性戀的女演員將
直接挑戰女同性愛場景,而且! 是與一位懷孕的角色 --
而且是由真的正懷孕的演員擔綱! (是那種超大的肚子唷~)

Shelley plays Helena Peabody, a rich and powerful philanthropist who
sparks nightmare after nightmare for Bette Porter (Jennifer Beals) by
interfering with her career and stealing her girlfriend. Or, as Bette so
eloquently puts it: "Peggy Peabody's cunt daughter is making my life a
living hell!"

Shelley 飾演 Helena Peabody,一位有錢有勢的慈善家,而且是在 Bette Porter
(Jennifer Beals飾) 的惡夢中的超級惡夢! Helena 完全擾亂了 Bette 的事業,
還偷走了她的女朋友! 或是說.. 直接引用 Bette 言之鑿鑿的指証吧:「Peggy
Peabody 那陰險的女兒正把我推入活地獄阿!!」

While the power lesbian she plays adds some wonderful tension to season
two, the character couldn't be more unlike Shelley in real life. Before
"The L Word," the beautiful actress (who bears a striking resemblance to
Julia Ormond and Demi Moore) had mostly played sweet-girl roles in
British films and TV.

雖然飾演劇中是位帶給第二季許多緊張情節的超強女同志,但現實生活的 Shelly 其
實跟劇中角色完全不像;在 The L Word 之前,這位常常被拿來與 Julia Ormond
和 Demi Moore 做比較的美麗演員,最常在英國的電視電影中扮演的,還是甜姐兒

Shelley spoke with PlanetOut entertainment editor Jenny Stewart about the
delicate sex scenes, being Bette's nemesis and a whole new way of
thinking about sushi.


(It was really smart to bring in the Helena Peabody character. Because
it's Bette's biggest nightmare to have to compete for Tina with someone
who's more successful than she is, has more power, and also someone who
looks as good as she does. She's probably never had to deal with
something like that before.)

問: 我們覺得劇組創造 Helena Peabody 這個角色真的蠻聰明的。這角色就是 Bette
最大的惡夢 -- 用比 Bette 更成功、更強而有力的地位來爭奪 Tina ! 而且這人的
外貌也完全不輸 Bette! Bette 大概這輩子沒想過會遇到這樣的事吧~

Exactly. If you watch season one, Bette is always the one who's in
control -- she's the alpha female. She's the one everyone looks at and
goes, "Whoa -- look at the power!" And then I step in and I tend to
jostle her house a little bit. There's definitely a bit of argy-bargy
going on there with me and her.

答: 沒錯! 如果你看過第一季,就會知道 Bette 永遠是控制一切的那個人,她就是
那種一家之主的女強人。她就是那個大家注目的焦點: 「哇~ 看她!就是權力!」
所以我的角色和 Bette 之間呢,是絕對會有不少激烈爭執的~

(It's definitely difficult for fans of the show to watch what Bette is
going through this season, because they feel such an affinity for her
character. But let's face it -- Bette kind of had it coming.)

問: 影迷們一定會對 Bette 在第二季經歷的事感到非常難過,因為大家已經跟她
是如此熟悉又親密了.. 不過,我們還是要面對..其實 Bette 是自找的。

And we go at it! Sometimes after some of our scenes together, the cameras
will stop rolling and some people will go [makes catfight sound]. And I
always say, "Hey, she had the affair! I'm not the one who messed up!"
[Laughs.] But I do hope that people don't see me as this evil person with
Bette. I'm very similar to Bette, but in a little more manipulative way.

答: 沒錯~ 就是這樣! 有時候在 Bette 和我的對手戲拍完之後,工作人員還會到一
旁爭執、對 Helena 不爽呢! 不過這時我都會說:「喂~ 外遇的是她唷~
我可不是那個把一切搞砸的傢伙!」 (笑) 不過我還是希望大家別把我當成對 Bette
不好的壞人啦! 其實我的角色跟 Bette 很相似,不過.. Helena 比較有手腕一點囉 :)

(I know you're straight, and for some of the cast members and guest stars,
their love scenes on "The L Word" were their first ever. But what a
unique situation you've stumbled upon. Not only do you have lesbian love
scenes, but you have them with a pregnant woman who's also pregnant in
real life. How did you approach these scenes with Ilene Chaiken and
Laurel Holloman? Because it's actually pretty groundbreaking, and
certainly not something anyone has ever seen on television

問: 我知道你不是拉,同樣在 the L word 演員和客串演員中,很多人都是第一次接觸
而且是與一位真實生活中真的懷孕的懷孕角色對戲! 你與製作人 Ilene Chaiken 和
Laurel Holloman 之間是怎麼處理這件事的阿? 因為這真的非常地前衛耶,

Well, by the time I had the first scene with Laurel, I'd been in
Vancouver a month or so filming and had been spending time all my time
onset with her. We were very comfortable with each other, very relaxed,
and we talked a lot about what we were going to do. And actually, Laurel
really bared all; she was exposing herself at such a pregnant stage and
in a way that hadn't been done before, which is quite incredible.

答: 嗯.. 我與 Laurel 第一次拍攝性愛場景的時候,我已經到溫哥華拍了一個月
的戲,而且全部都是和 Tina 對戲.. 所以其實我們已經對彼此頗熟悉,也相處很
愉快、輕鬆了。我們在這場戲之前對此討論了很多,而實際上呢,Larual 才是承
受了全部的人: 她必須在那種懷孕階段下還做些裸露,而且這完全是首創先例的!

I have to say, the first time I took Laurel's clothes off, and the first
time Helena touches her, personally for me it was really hard, because I
was nervous about her response. So I kept saying to her, "If I do
anything that makes you uncomfortable, you can just push me away and I'll
be OK -- just please feel comfortable enough to be honest with me and
tell me the truth." The first time we did it, it wasn't great, but after
a few takes it just became very easy and it was very relaxed, very ...

我必須承認..第一次我把 Laurel 的衣服褪下來、第一次 Helena 撫摸她的時候,
其實對我個人而言是頗困難的,因為我實在非常擔心她的反應! 所以我一直跟她說:

(I think it seems natural to the viewer, which is interesting because it's
a lot to take in. Yes, it is groundbreaking in that you're watching a
real live pregnant woman having a lesbian love scene on television, but
it's not really shocking per se-- probably because the viewers are so
familiar with Tina's character.)

問: 其實我想對於這些有興趣又很投入的觀眾而言,應該會很自然啦! 沒錯,
不過其實在這裡並不會讓人覺得很震憾... 因為觀眾們早已對 Tina 這角色非常

And I have to say that I think it looks beautiful, and I think Laurel
just looks amazing in the scene. And when she's in the water, I think
that was such a great idea. A pregnant woman in water -- its exactly
where she's going to feel most natural and most comfortable. There's no
gravity, its nice and freeing. But there was one really funny story.

答: 而且我一定要說,我覺得那場景真的很美,而且我覺得 Laurel 在那場景中
真的是非常棒。當她在水中的時候,我就想這真的是很讚的主意! 讓一個懷孕的
女人在水中... 一定讓她覺得非常自然也是最舒服的吧! 因為在水中沒有重力阿,
所以就會蠻好的而且很自由! ... 不過這邊有一個很有趣的小故事唷!

What is it?
問: 什麼故事?

There is a scene with Laurel where I am sort of under her dress, between
her legs. And I was asking the director, Ernest Dickson, for some advice
on what my facial reaction should be while I was doing that. In the scene,
I'm lying down with my face up her dress, you see, and I'm supposed to
be really languidly enjoying this. So Ernest said to me "OK, Rachel, what
I do when I'm doing this with my wife, it's like I'm sucking on this big,
great, enormous, juicy piece of ... SUSHI." [Laughing.]

答: 有一幕呢,是我算是有點在 Laurel(Tina) 的連身裙底下,在她的雙腳間...
那我就問導演 Ernest Dickson 說,我的臉部表情該是如何的呢? 因為在這一幕中,
我是躺著面對著她的連身裙.. 你可以想像.. 這對 Helena 而言,應該是非常癱軟
無力般地享受的一刻.. 所以導演就跟我說: 「好! Rachel, 如果是我跟我老婆來
進行的話呢,我會像是在享用一個超大、超棒、超多汁的...握壽司!」 (笑)
(小波: 咚...昏倒)

I thought he was going to say, you know, mango or melon or strawberry. I
mean, sushi ... can you imagine?!

呃.. 握壽司耶?!! 你能想像嗎?!

([Laughing] Well that is one bizarre analogy, and certainly one I've never
heard before.

You're from England, and the show has aired over there already. What do
your parents and family think of you being on TV's first-ever lesbian

問: (笑) 嗯.. 這是我聽過最奇怪的比喻囉! 而且絕對是前無古人的比喻!


Actually my parents are very cool about it. But what's really funny is
that all the work I've done before in England has always been more sort
of the ... Mary Poppins type character. You know, sweeter than sweet.
There's one film in particular that is really a big family film there,
very popular. My nieces loved for me to visit them at school, because all
of their friends would go, "Oh! You are that woman from that movie!" I
bet my nieces' reaction to me doing an American role will be, "Oh, so you
kiss boys?" And I'll be, "No, I kiss girls." And they'll be "Oh, you kiss
girls?" [Laughs.]

答: 其實我父母完全可以接受啦,不過我覺得最妙的是,我之前在英國的演出,
所有的朋友都會說「哦哦~ 你就是那部電影裡面的女生!」我敢打賭現在我參加了
美國這影集的演出,我姪女的反應一定是: 「哦! 所以你在戲裡頭有跟男生親親囉?」
那我就會說:「不!我都親女生」然後她們的反應一定是「哦??? 你親女生阿? @@」(笑)

第一次翻譯,歡迎隨便指正.. 多謝啦~

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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