

在 something用法產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [英語慣用語] eat it up (eat something up) - to enjoy something completely 非常喜歡 這跟大家熟悉的"把某個東西吃光 eat up something"用法 不一樣喔! Eat it up 的比喻意義是非常喜歡一件事情,喜歡到想把它吃...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,320的網紅Today is my day,也在其Youtube影片中提到,訂閱《Today is my day》👉https://bit.ly/2Roz2qd #宇宙人外信 全收錄:https://bit.ly/3wO4KwA 來IG找我們玩吧:https://bit.ly/2PNGJ8J 「不好意思、對不起」英文有很多用法,如何分辨用哪一個?日本人對朋友跟對長官的道歉...

something用法 在 WUWOW 趣味英文┃走到哪學到哪 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-24 17:26:56

#職場英文wu就棒 #跟wow編一起學英文 👉我喜歡 除了「I like it.」還可以這樣說! 全英文面試,除了表達個人魅力,讓主管留下好印象之外 更重要的是 ✅善用換句話說,讓你的表達力更多元 不再只用同一招「I like...」闖天下! 今天 WOW編為大家整理出✨喜歡的 5 種不同用...

something用法 在 D.A. ??|beauty|makeup|美妝保養|抽獎中 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-16 09:33:07

- #文末抽獎 @tsaiotw has launched some new products! Skincare for today! Aloe Vera soothing jelly mask 100g Has a great scent and doesn’t feel cold on m...

  • something用法 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答

    2012-10-15 22:57:15
    有 50 人按讚


    eat it up (eat something up) - to enjoy something completely 非常喜歡

    這跟大家熟悉的"把某個東西吃光 eat up something"用法 不一樣喔! Eat it up 的比喻意義是非常喜歡一件事情,喜歡到想把它吃掉一樣。

    My parents will eat this gift up! = 我父母一定會超愛這份禮物的!

    The classic story of the Three Little Pigs may be boring to adults, but little kids just eat it up! = 三隻小豬的經典故事或許會令大人覺得無聊,可是小孩子一定會超愛的!

    eat up ( 字面意義)
    1. 吃光: Eat up your dinner before it gets cold!
    2. 耗費 (大量金錢、時間或資源): My mortgage and other bills eat up most of my income.

    eat it up (比喻意義)
    I sang for the children and and they just ate it up! They wanted to hear the song again and again!

    TOEFL graders will eat this insightful example up!

  • something用法 在 Today is my day Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-03 20:00:11

    訂閱《Today is my day》👉https://bit.ly/2Roz2qd
    #宇宙人外信 全收錄:https://bit.ly/3wO4KwA


    01:18 sorry 對不起
    01:22 I feel so sorry 我真的很對不起
    01:39 apologize 道歉
    01:52 apology 道歉
    02:09 My bad 我的錯
    02:15 I apologize 我道歉
    02:18 My apology 抱歉
    03:45 When I said sth... 當我說...
    03:50 ...I wasn't thinking ...我沒有想太多
    04:05 I'm sorry I hurt you 我很抱歉我傷害到你
    04:13 I'm sory I hurt your feelings 我很抱歉我傷了你的感覺
    06:37 What can I do for you to feel better 我可以做什麼讓你感覺好一點
    06:45 I would never say something like that again 我不會再說那種話了
    07:34 I notice... 我注意到...
    11:45 ごめん Gomen
    12:18 すみません Sumimasen
    12:44 ごめんなさい gomennasai
    13:18 申し訳ございません Moushiwakegozaimasen
    13:53 미안해 mianhae
    14:05 미안 mian
    14:23 죄송합니다 joesonghabnida
    16:30 pardon me 不好意思(沒聽清楚)
    16:51 excuse me 不好意思(借過一下)

    🌍英文主播:Ethan &國際編譯:Ryan/隔壁老王
    🗣 閒話家常學微知識

    《Apple Podcast》: http://apple.co/3eSztCS
    《Google Podcast》:https://bit.ly/3vUvBr1

  • something用法 在 瘋查某尬英文 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-02-03 19:00:17

    YJ 平常和好朋友之間都會 bitch 來 bitch 去 XD
    有 bish, bij 和 biatch 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 大家也是這樣嗎?


    00:48 最熟悉的 bitch
    01:21 Bitchy
    02:04 Bitch please!
    02:22 Something is a bitch!
    02:46 Bitch fit
    03:22 Bitching
    03:44 Bitch someone out
    03:57 Resting Bitch Face
    04:31 彩蛋

    🎈 類似主題影片:
    容易歪掉的英文單字 🔞 :https://youtu.be/pAUaZnNzYGc
    高潮的英文?全身上下嗨起來!👅 🔥:https://youtu.be/euuc8CwTqEY


  • something用法 在 Brian2Taiwan Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-05-14 19:54:11

    我這個外國人沒想過住台灣我也可以做一件事。。。 學英文!
    來看看你平常講英文會不會用到這些讓外國人對你”哈???“ 的英文單字!

    有經常在用嗎? 留言跟我說~
    可以想到別的嗎? 留言跟我說~
    覺得我講的不太對? 可以走開。。。 開玩笑啦! 留言跟我說~

    很歡迎任何一種反應! 謝謝!!!

    ***English closed captions on video to come***

    I never thought that coming to Taiwan I could do one thing... LEARN ENGLISH!

    Even though I've taught English for over 10 years, and spoken it for even longer, I only learned these 5 English vocabulary words after moving to Taiwan.

    Some of them I didn't know because they're not used in American English. Some of them I didn't know because we use them VERY rarely in the United States. Some of them may just be used in Taiwan.

    Come see if you use these English words that may make a foreigner look at you and go, "Huh???"

    Do you use these words often? Comment and tell me!
    Do you know any other words like these? Comment and tell me!
    Do you think I said something that's not quite correct? Go away... JUST KIDDING! Comment and tell me!

    All feedback and opinions are welcome~ Thanks!!!





    可以用Patreon來捐錢讓我比較好繼續做下去為大家做出這些地方的內容~ 收到的每一毛錢都跟大家說非常感謝~

    You can donate to help me keep creating content on all of these pages. Any donations are greatly appreciated!!!

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    #布萊恩 #英文 #錯誤