Because I wanted you to know.
Because I wanted you to know.
Because I wanted you to know.
Can I kiss you?
Yes, please.
We rip out so much of ourselves to be cured of things faster than we should that we go bankrupt by the age of thirty and have less to offer each time we start with someone new. But to feel nothing so as not to feel anything – what a waste! Then let me say one more thing. It’ll clear the air. I may have come close, but I never had what you two have. Something always held me back or stood in the way. How you live your life is your business, just remember, our hearts and our bodies are given to us only once. And before you know it, your heart is worn out, and, as for your body, there comes a point when no one looks at it, much less wants to come near it. Right now, there’s sorrow, pain. Don’t kill it and with it the joy you’ve felt.
I miss you.
I miss you too, very much. I have some news.
News? Oh, you're getting married, I suppose.
I might be getting married next spring, yeah.
默默面朝火爐,一個長鏡,淚水抹去又掉,火光倒在臉上,Call me by your name and I’ll call you by mine.
Call Me By Your Name, Luca Guadagnino, 2017.
something單數 在 英語島雜誌 English Island Facebook 的最佳貼文
動詞work out為發展的意思,something works out well for sb則是對方發展得很順利,意思就是過得很好。特別要留意everything是單數名詞。
I am glad everything has worked out so well for you.
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something單數 在 Kitty house Facebook 的精選貼文
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something單數 在 Claudia Mo/毛孟靜 Facebook 的最讚貼文
英文 English | 毛孟靜
//成語「玉石俱焚」,基本上等於香港抗爭潮中的一個潮 語:攬炒。
玉石俱焚有 mutual destruction 兩敗俱傷之意,當然不 可以直譯做 jade and stone burning together,用英文道 來,是指 something must be done whatever happens, 有為達目的不擇手段、不惜一切代價的意思:at any cost、at all costs、whatever the cost。
• He wanted her at any cost, even if it meant giving up everything he had. 即使要放棄他的所有,他也不惜一 切要得到她。
• Security during the president's visit must be maintained at all costs. 我們必須不惜一切手段嚴密保 護總統來訪。
• "We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be..." — Winston Churchill「不管任何代價,我們誓死 保護這個島嶼……」——邱吉爾。
要留意上述例句中,at ANY cost 係單數、 at ALL costs 多數會用眾數,而 whatever THE cost 又回到單數。
抗爭者用英文表達「攬炒」,絕大部分時間是一句:If we burn, you burn with us,若我們焚燒,你與我們一齊 焚燒。但套用上述例句,也可以是:• We fight on, at any cost. 我們不惜代價繼續抗爭。
• We soldier on, at all costs. 我們抗爭下去,不管代價 地。
· We stick it out, whatever the cost. 不管怎樣,大家「頂 硬上」。當然,這種攬炒、兩敗俱傷的講法,一般只屬委婉 euphemistic 的形容,就像詛咒人「死不足惜、唔死都冇 用」,不會真的預備將人置諸死地。
而類似不惜一切的心態,英文亦可以叫做 whatever-it- takes mentality:Anything, including measures which may be extreme or wrongful, that is required to achieve an objective. 會用任何手段,包括過激或錯誤 的,去達到目的。
例如 the mother will protect her baby, whatever it takes,「這個母親會不惜一切保護她的嬰兒」,這肯定 是句正面的話;但看另外這句:
• He is a whatever-it-takes guy.這句話的含義,就要視乎上文下理了,到底是說這個人 非常堅定勇往直前呢,還是形容他不擇手段橫衝直撞? Whatever it takes 的同義詞,有 no matter what:
• The protesters say they will persist, whatever it takes. 抗爭者說,不管發生什麼事,他們都會堅持下去。
• The young vow to persist, no matter what. 年輕人誓 言,無論如何都堅持抗爭。