

在 solved中文產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6,990的網紅InkSundae,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Taiwan pineapple is really delicious. Highly recommended!⁣ How about having afternoon tea made with Taiwan pineapple? :)⁣ ⁣ China suspended imports of...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過70萬的網紅艾爾文,也在其Youtube影片中提到,★支持新書:https://reurl.cc/ONA6R ▸訂閱@艾爾文 頻道:https://goo.gl/VsQgD2 ▸更多學習成長影片:https://goo.gl/Ce7e3T #CC字幕 #未來書單 #原文閱讀 ------------------------------------...

solved中文 在 InkSundae Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-03-05 01:04:11

Taiwan pineapple is really delicious. Highly recommended!⁣ How about having afternoon tea made with Taiwan pineapple? :)⁣ ⁣ China suspended imports of...

solved中文 在 懿絮 阿寶٩( ᐛ )و 丞毅 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-10 22:33:40

久違的電影影評及心得 7.3/10 去年聖誕節 我打了英文和中文兩個版本 電影大綱:又快到聖誕節,kate不喜歡自己的家庭,選擇不住在家,而每天想辦法去借住朋友家,kate依舊努力的試鏡期望自己的夢想和成真,不過試鏡碰壁 自己的自私導致已經沒有朋友能讓她住了,只好回去家裡住,家裡問題及在追求夢...

solved中文 在 ℕ???’? ??? ?????❦ 妍妍進食中 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-04-04 19:07:31

BLW Day 151​ ​ I decided to make a funny short video of Nora having the breakfast today. We even started a Chinese lesson on the table 😂​ And I also t...

  • solved中文 在 InkSundae Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-02-27 13:01:42
    有 30 人按讚

    Taiwan pineapple is really delicious. Highly recommended!⁣
    How about having afternoon tea made with Taiwan pineapple? :)⁣

    China suspended imports of Taiwan pineapples suddenly. (Please see Q&A below)⁣
    Please try Taiwan fruits!😀⁣


    Q&A: ⁣

    Q: Why did China suspend imports of Taiwan pineapple?⁣
    A: China said there were various types of mealy bugs found in several batches of fresh pineapples shipped from Taiwan in 2020.⁣

    Q: How many times did mealy bugs were found?⁣
    A: In 6200 badges last year, mealy bugs were found in 13 badges. The pass rate is 99.79%.⁣

    Q: How to solve the problem of bugs?⁣
    A: The standard international practice is to accept the batches after they've undergone fumigation. It is solved already in 2020.⁣

    Q: How much will be affected by the halt?⁣
    A: Total produce per year is around 430,000 tonne. Around 12% were exported, while 91% within went to China. From the data last year, it involved 41661 tonne, which had a value of NT$1.49 billion (US$53.39 million). In other words, the halt affects around 10% of Taiwan total produce.⁣

    Q: Other than pineapple, what kinds of fruit were mainly exported to China?⁣
    A: Betel nut, wax apple, custard apple, grapefruit and orange. Over 90% of export went to China.⁣

    Source: @cnanews_tw⁣
    “Local officials lament China's halt of Taiwan pineapple imports”, Focus Taiwan, 02/26/2021 21:52 ⁣


    P.S.: The illustration is very brief. Please see detailed recipe below:⁣

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  • solved中文 在 Zen大的時事點評 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-09-21 00:25:37
    有 32 人按讚








  • solved中文 在 夏韻芬的理財生活通 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-08-28 09:39:50
    有 541 人按讚

    8/28 (五) 預告

    主題 : 今天進行每月選書
    他是投資界神秘奇人,前半生是頂尖數學家,但四十歲轉戰投資界開啟量化投資的風潮。他旗下的大獎章基金1988年至2018年的平均年化報酬率高達66.1%;今天跟大家一起分享~ 洞悉市場的人:量化交易之父吉姆‧西蒙斯與文藝復興公司的故事 ~ 直播分享
    現場來賓 : 風傳媒財金主編 周岐原


  • solved中文 在 艾爾文 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-01-08 21:00:02

    ▸訂閱@艾爾文 頻道:https://goo.gl/VsQgD2

    #CC字幕 #未來書單 #原文閱讀



  • solved中文 在 Chachaxx TV Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2016-08-31 22:50:00

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    3個 不繼續玩Pokemon Go 的原因|3 reasons why I stop playing Pokemon Go

    最近很多人都问我为什么不玩Pokemon Go|宝可梦|神奇宝贝|口袋妖怪。

    所以就决定做这个影片跟大家分享我对Pokemon Go的一些个人看法。

    刚开始的几天,我也跟大家一样很喜欢玩pokemon go |神奇宝贝|宝可梦。


    再加上我其实只喜欢pikachu 皮卡丘 比卡丘,所以玩了两天就放弃了。

    做这个影片的目的不是让大家都不玩pokemon go|皮卡丘|比卡丘,可是想跟大家分享我的个人经验。

    对Pokemon Go|宝可梦|神奇宝贝 有什么看法的话可以留言告诉我哦!

    Hey guys, I am cha cha and welcome to my channel!

    Recently, many friends of mine have asked me why I stopped playing pokemon go.

    Therefore, I decided to make this video to clarify and share with people that want to know as well.

    When Pokemon Go was first released in Singapore, I was very excited like all of my friends. Of course, I did play it for a few days.

    However, I got tired of it when the problem of GPS Signal cannot be found cannot be solved, especially when you went out with friends just to catch Pokemon.

    Another problem is that I only like Pikachu. The moment that I caught it, it's like the end of mission.

    I don't mean to ask you guys to stop playing it after watching this video.

    This video is just to share with you my experience and opinions.

    Please feel free to share what think below. :)

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