

在 solely意思產品中有10篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8,093的網紅貓的成長美股異想世界,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🌻美國生活 今天去Walmart買菜後, 回到停車場正準備離開時, 看到了一台車, 有著特別的車牌---上面有著"Historic (or Historical)"這個字. 後來又看了一下那台車子, 覺得古拙可愛(可惜沒拍照.) 我一邊看它的車牌, 一邊看那台車, 又一邊把菜放回車上的同時, 也一...

solely意思 在 モデル ? 美姿勢 ✨ ウォーキング ? 笑顔美人☺️ Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-05-29 03:00:17

【恐れ👻~挑戦するあなたへ②~】 意思決定ができない 判断が鈍るのは 必要以上に リスクを回避しようとするから。 目先のリスク回避ばかり 焦点をあてている人は 恐怖に侵された人です。 挑戦にリスクはつきもの… 闇雲にリスクを恐れるな という話ではありません。 ”予測されるリスクを受け入れる”...

solely意思 在 娜姐 Foodelicious- 台北美食 & Bistro Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-02-02 23:31:01

題外話: 其實 ..... 台北冷起來比美國下雪還要冷. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 感謝 @vbest415 一路從板橋帶到餐廳給我鐵山肉桂捲, 讓我覺得很不好意思, 我都沒有送禮物給她. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 鐵山肉桂捲 ( @imcinnanonrolls ) 是一個肉桂捲工作室, 並沒有店...

  • solely意思 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-09-21 07:30:44
    有 95 人按讚


    今天去Walmart買菜後, 回到停車場正準備離開時, 看到了一台車, 有著特別的車牌---上面有著"Historic (or Historical)"這個字. 後來又看了一下那台車子, 覺得古拙可愛(可惜沒拍照.) 我一邊看它的車牌, 一邊看那台車, 又一邊把菜放回車上的同時, 也一直在想到底是為什麼那台車會有那麼一個特別的車牌.

    在這樣多工(multi-tasking)的情況下, 我也將菜往車上放好了. 而把購物車放回去, 回到車子那邊準備離開的時候, 腦子裡也還在想車牌的事. 結果一開車門正準備上車, 發現車子內部看起來好陌生--原來我打開的是別人的車😅

    這種事情已經不是第一次發生了, 不過也覺得很有意思: 難道美國人很常不鎖車門嗎?? (很好奇: 美國的讀者有沒有同樣的遭遇(常發現美國人不鎖車??))

    Anyways. 回家google了一下, 發現了一個關於那個車牌的故事. 分享一個關於本州的小fact:
    "Michigan has a long and proud history as the automotive center of the world. Many residents enjoy restoring and collecting vintage automobiles, trucks, and motorcycles. Since 1956, the state has issued historic and authentic license plates for antique vehicles used in parades, fairs, car shows, swap meets, and other events.

    Historical vehicles
    A historical vehicle must be:
    26 or more years old
    Owned solely as a collector's item
    Used only for events such as historical club activities, parades, and car shows"


    🌻Winding down.............
    附上本週發表財報的公司一覽表. 比較受到矚目的應該是Nike(NKE)還有Costco(COST). 可以看看Accenture的財報--從他們的earnings results, 可以看出企業在IT上的花費趨勢.

    昨天貼了一篇關於Adobe的文. 有興趣的讀者可以看看.

    財報結果已經整理好. 連結在此:

  • solely意思 在 Momo channel Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-11-13 09:24:51
    有 14 人按讚


    11月份的 OKU小福袋 也推出啦!只需RM30(包邮)~
    November 2019 Wonderful Bag launched !
    有興趣的朋友可聯繫: Gan Mun Wai



    顾名思义,OKU全称为马来文的“Orang Kurang Upaya”,意思为“残障人士”,而“OKU小福袋”内装着由仁仁企业以批发价供应的各种品牌的零食(定期更换),一个由残障人士制作的精美钢丝钥匙圈及一个实用的环保袋。

    仁仁企业将全权负责管理“OKU小福袋”项目,包括供应货源、包装、提供宣传素材及发货。有兴趣参与项目的残障人士(18岁以上)必须向仁仁企业出示OKU 证及拥有银行账户才能完成注册程序,在无需缴付任何费用的条件下正式成为“福袋使者”。

    “福袋使者”可跨越时间限制及环境障碍,在任何时间和任何地点透过网络销售“OKU 小福袋”,再由仁仁企业邮寄给购买者。每份小福袋的定价为RM 30,一旦售出,“福袋使者”们将可获得RM 5的利润。



    陈继仁的父亲陈文胜于1985年在霹雳美罗开设了“仁仁迷你市场”。中学毕业后,陈继仁曾前往雪兰莪州八打灵考取英国伦敦工商会(LCCI)会计课程证书。毕业后他返回家乡继承父业,并于2009年成立了一家饮料及杂货批发公司,名为“仁仁企业”。较后,陈继仁与多位伙伴合股成立三家Hundred Mart便利店,分别坐落于霹雳州的美罗及宋溪。


    At the beginning of 2019, the founder of Kee Yin Enterprise, Tan Kee Yin, who is always public-spirited came up with a new business model to help the disabled live interdependently. After countless months of research , OKU WONDERFUL
    BAG was born.
    As the name it suggests, OKU is the abbreviation of “Orang Kurang Upava” in Malay, which means “the disabled”. There are snacks of various brands supplied by Kee Yin Enterprise at wholesale price (change regularly), a delicate steel key ring made by the disabled, and a practical recycle bag inside OKU WONDERFUL BAG.

    Kee Yin Enterprise is solely company who responsible for OKU WONDERFUL BAG, including the goods supply, packaging, promotion materials and delivery. The disabled (18 years old above) who are interested in participating in this project must submit the OKU card to KeeYin Enterprise via Whatsapp and must have a bank account to complete the registration and become the " Blessing Messenger" without paying any fees.
    "Blessing Messenger" can overcome time and environmental barriers to sell OKU BLESSING BAG online at anytime and anywhere. Then, the OKU WONDERFUL BAG will be delivered to buyers by Kee Yin Enterprise. Each Blessing Bag is priced at RM 30, "Blessing Messenger" will get a profit of RM 5 after the OKU BLESSING BAG is sold.
    Kee Yin Enterprise also welcome businesses who are interested in sponsoring food supply to join the OKU WONDERFUL BAG project, and benefit the disabled together!

    Profile of Mr Tan Kee Yin
    In 1985, Tan Kee Yin’s father, Tan Boon Seng set up the “Renren mini market” in Bidor, Perak. After graduating from secondary school, Tan Kee Yin went to Petaling, Selangor in order to pursue the certificate of accounting from London Chamber of Commerce and lndustry (LCCI). After graduating from LCCI, he returned home to take over his father's business and set up a beverage and grocery wholesale company called Kee Yin Enterprise in 2009. Later, Tan set up three Hundred Mart convenience stores with partners, located in Bidor and Sungkai, Perak.

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  • solely意思 在 華人民主書院 New School for Democracy Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-10-12 00:14:17
    有 5 人按讚












    Macau's Legislative Assembly deputies get hundreds of thousands patacas a month?

    This is the "story" I most frequently heard of. Today, let's talk about a deputy's salary.

    According to the Estatuto dos Deputados, deputies get 25% of the Chief Executive's salary*. Right now, the Chief Executive's salary is $251,172 so a deputy's salary is $62,893. The Assembly also has a salary deduction mechanism. 1/15 of one's monthly salary ($4,186) is deducted every time one is absent from a plenary meeting without legitimate reason.

    Apart from the monthly salary, members of committees are entitled to attendance bonus for each meeting they attend, which is 2.5% of their monthly salary ($1,570). You don't get it if you are absent, of course. The number of meetings are different for different committees. For example, I attended 70 committee meetings in the past year and I am entitled to about an average of $9,157 every month.

    Deputies need to pay professional tax of about 4.15%. Using my average monthly income to calculate, I need to pay about $2,986 every month.

    On the other hand, in 2009 the Legislative Assembly passed an amendment to the Estatuto dos Deputados and established an allowance for the deputy's office, which is exactly 65% of our salary (about $40,816 for me). However, the allowance is not reimbursement but is transferred directly to the deputy. There is no consequence even if the money is misused.

    Since I am a full-time deputy nominated by the New Macau Association, I signed a Declaration of Promises of Candidate: All the income from the Legislative Assembly (monthly salary + attendence bonus + office allowance) is directly transferred the New Macau Association. The office allowance is solely used to run the deputy's office. 75% of the income is paid to me as living wage (about $53,963 per month), meaning the other 25% is given to the New Macau Association, about $17,988.

    For welfare, as many as of you may not know, deputies are not civil servant. The only civil servant welfare we get is free public healthcare. The 2009 amendment allows deputies to keep enjoying this welfare even after their term is finished. And, there is no double pay, bonus, housing subsidy, contract gratuity or pension. There is no "boss" to contribute to social security fund as well.

    *There is a wealth disparity among deputies. I am not talking about those running businesses. According to the Estatuto dos Deputados, the monthly salary of President is 80% of the Chief Executive, as many as $200,938 with an additional entertainment expenses of $60,281 at most (30% of salary). He is also entitled to other welfare such as official residence and vehicle. The Vice-President gets 60% of the salary of the Chief Executive, about $150,703 with official vehicle.

    For details, please refer to article 33, 40, 41, 43 of the Estatuto dos Deputados.

