

在 sock英文產品中有16篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過864的網紅語言選物,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Maudie 是一部題材與畫畫有關的電影 花了近兩小時,說了一對夫妻一輩子的故事 Ethan Hawke 演的是魚販 那副沙豬的模樣很討厭 但也是那副沙豬的模樣 顯得很像小孩,惹人憐愛 Sally Hawkins 演的是畫家 因為殘疾她不斷被拋棄 也許連她都拋棄自己 但唯獨畫畫她沒...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8,030的網紅Angela Charlotte Cheng,也在其Youtube影片中提到,社群網站 Say Hi: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/angelacharlottecheng/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/angelacharlottecheng/ YouTube: https://www....

sock英文 在 W Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-03 20:14:38

🎁 #藍姐送禮 🔚 厭世上班族之明天終於星期五了🎉 睡到到自然醒的早晨☀️被刺耳的鬧鐘聲劃破 公主病久病未癒👸🏻就得面臨舟車勞頓的窘況 疫情微解封所以辦公室也跟風微搬家🥺 每天微早起一個鐘頭卻微晚一小時返家 這厭世的通勤日常也把公主練成⚜️騎士精神 我熱愛登山👣但本身為超容易水腫的體質 早晨起...

sock英文 在 語言選物 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-02-03 19:06:50

Maudie 是一部題材與畫畫有關的電影 花了近兩小時,說了一對夫妻一輩子的故事 Ethan Hawke 演的是魚販 那副沙豬的模樣很討厭 但也是那副沙豬的模樣 顯得很像小孩,惹人憐愛 Sally Hawkins 演的是畫家 因為殘疾她不斷被拋棄 也許連她都拋棄自己 但唯獨畫畫她沒...

sock英文 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-02-03 14:22:55

為期兩個月的核心拳擊有氧社團課結束了, 除了和師丈養成相約運動的習慣, 也和有同好的同事一起相互打氣變健康! 每位performer各有教學特色, 我也在想怎麼把這些特色融在我的教學裡(職業病😂😂), 對沙包出拳時, 我都把沙包想成是%€#*¥$@*& 這樣出拳更有力💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 今天來學拳擊餐...

  • sock英文 在 語言選物 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-01-30 12:50:49
    有 8 人按讚

    Maudie 是一部題材與畫畫有關的電影
    Ethan Hawke 演的是魚販
    Sally Hawkins 演的是畫家
    Maud 踩在 Everett 的鞋尖上
    Maud: We’re like a pair of odd socks.
    Everett: And I’m the stretched-out, misshapen one...the one with lots of holes...crusty and gray.
    Maud: No...And I’m the plain, white cotton sock.
    Everett: No...You’d be royal blue, canary yellow.
    #語言選物 #Netflix推薦 #Netflix電影 #電影對白 #電影推薦 #學英文 #英文課 #伊森霍克 #莎莉霍金斯 #彩繪心天地

  • sock英文 在 叉叉日貨 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-05-09 12:00:01
    有 3 人按讚

    #5月9日 #遺失襪子紀念日

    發生遺失人類的襪子事件,需要緊急找尋White Sock!
    其中23代表英文字母中的第23個字母W,而19代表第19個字母S,就是White Sock的縮寫。



    蝦皮 https://bit.ly/36cte5L (5月份優惠 ok、萊爾富免運中)
    露天 https://bit.ly/37suIZT (滿1500宅配、7-11免運中)
    奇摩 https://bit.ly/2MKtGQO (5月份優惠 萊爾富免運中)

    臉書粉絲團 : 叉叉日貨
    instagram : xxjapanshop
    LINE官方: @wxc1865h
    #毛怪 #大眼仔 #阿布 #白襪子 #皮克斯
    #Disney #Pixar #sulley #mikewazowski #monstersinc #monstrossa

  • sock英文 在 C's English Corner Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-03-12 19:18:34
    有 430 人按讚

    Marriage Story(婚姻故事)Nicole 獨白的部分。
    因為已經看完電影,所以當再次很深度的看 Nicole 這段獨白時,

    分享 Nicole 的獨白中,我覺得滿值得學的地方

    單字的部分,當然就是對 undaunted 這個字很深層的體會,
    看完電影後,再把Charlie的個性、形象和 undaunted 連起來,很具體吧!
    Undaunted 頑強的,不屈不撓的
    - He never lets other people’s opinions or any setbacks keep him from what he wants to do.

    Charlie eats like he’s trying to get it over with.
    (Charlie 每次吃東西的時候都草草了事想要趕快吃完。)
    To get sth over with 可以先觀察這兩句
    I’m not looking forward to this stupid blind date. My mother told me to do it. I just want to get it over with.(我不期待這次的相親,我媽叫我要去的,我只是想要趕快去一去敷衍了事。)
    I know you don’t want to clean the house, but the sooner you get it over with, the sooner you can go back to your Switch.(我知道你不想要整家裡,但你越快把事情做一做,你就越快可以回去玩你的Switch。)

    Charlie takes all my moods steadily, he doesn’t give in to them or make me feel bad about them.(Charlie坦然接受我的各種情緒,不會跟著我失控,也不會讓我難為情。)
    這句英文要我來講我也許會講得亂七八糟什麼lose control/composure都出來,原來”give in to my moods”就好!

    He moved to New York from Indiana with no safety net, and now he’s more New Yorker than any New Yorker. (他毅然決然從印第安納州搬到紐約,現在成了道地的紐約客。)
    with no safety net這句一開始我以為是類似「在沒有任何人的幫助、在當地也不認識任何人的情況下」的這種「安全網」,不過翻譯翻得更好,就是不顧任何不方便還是毅然決然搬來。


    What I love about Charlie…
    Charlie is undaunted. He never lets other people’s opinions or any setbacks keep him from what he wants to do.
    Charlie eats like he’s trying to get it over with and like there won’t be enough food for everyone. A sandwich is to be strangled while devoured. But he’s incredibly neat, and I rely on him to keep things in order.
    He’s energy-conscious.
    He doesn’t look in the mirror too often.
    He cries easily in movies.
    He’s very self-sufficient, he can darn a sock, cook himself dinner, and iron a shirt.
    He rarely gets defeated, which…I feel like I always do.
    Charlie takes all my moods steadily, he doesn’t give in to them or make me feel bad about them.
    He’s a great dresser. He never looks embarrassing, which is hard for a man.
    He’s very competitive.
    He loves being a dad. He loves all the things he’s supposed to hate, like the tantrums, the waking up at night. It’s almost annoying how much he likes it, but…then, it’s mostly nice.
    He disappears into his own world. He and Henry are alike in that way.
    He can tell people when they have food in their teeth or on their face in a way that doesn’t make them feel bad.
    Charlie is self-made. His parents…I only met them once, but he told me there was a lot of alcohol and some violence in his childhood.
    He moved to New York from Indiana with no safety net, and now he’s more New Yorker than any New Yorker.
    He’s brilliant at creating a family out of whoever is around.
    With the theater company, he cast a spell that made everyone feel included. No one, not even an intern was unimportant.
    He can remember all the inside jokes.
    He’s extremely organized and thorough. He’s very clear about what he wants, unlike me, who can’t always tell.