
為什麼這篇sociable意思鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在sociable意思這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者xup6m4fu6 (圻願)看板Eng-Class標題Re: [字辨] sociable 和 s...

sociable意思 在 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-04-29 00:06:44

今日,係我24歲既生日。係過往幾日我靜落黎諗過今年發生既所有事。23是係人生一個轉捩點。因為我終於離開校園,黎到真正賤酷既世界。我一直因爲離開comfort zone 感到十分擔心。呢一年,或者應該話呢24年,無論係咩area都發生過好多事。甜酸苦辣都經歷過。有d人覺得生日係無野值得慶祝。對我而言,...

※ 引述《lovealllive (檬檬果)》之銘言:
: 要問的字或詞:(中英皆可)
: social 和 sociable
: 讓我感到混淆的地方
: 這兩個單字看字典都有社交的意思
: sociable 意思大都是社交
: social 看起來比 sociable 的範圍還大一點
: 不太清楚如果單指社交的這件事哪個比較正確
: 一篇文章中我想表達sociable為單指社交
: 而social指還包含一些社會議題部分
: 不知道這樣用會不會有不妥

sociable→ 1. liking to be with and talk to other people
They are sociable people who enjoy having parties. Their daughter
is very sociable. [=friendly]
2. involving or allowing friendly and pleasant social relations
They had a very sociable evening.
social→ 1. relating to or involving activities in which people spend time
talking to each other or doing enjoyable things with each other;
liking to be with and talk to people : happy to be with people(這裡
2. of or relating to people or society in general
3. tending to form relationships and live together in groups : not
solitary (EX: Most humans are social beings.)
4. always used before a noun : of, relating to, or based on rank in a
particular society (EX:social order, classes, status and equals)


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◆ From:
screenwriter:推認真! 04/14 20:15
xup6m4fu6:謝謝screenwriter的讚美^^ 04/14 22:50

